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Everything posted by hemicar87

  1. change of place and clear cookies helped
  2. pop up window is constanly showing i cant do anything very anoying
  3. Hello all. Me and ailith tried to make a cake. As we started wrong words started the bug
  4. Initial bug is fixed. I got trough all the story but seems to made some bad choise and ended up without main answer. When i wanted to go again now there is no book on the shelf. Is it limited to one player at the time?
  5. just checking it seems it is fixed i am reading a book will let you know when finish ????
  6. Hi all i stumble on this bug. I found a book and when i want to read it ''choise 2'' the bug appears
  7. another mp4 made tea and enjoys peace of forest now!
  8. First day and we made some tea! Ty mp4 Steno and Advisor participants we will do this more each day. Thanks Lin and Jaku for support! We made it!!! Stay tuned for more!
  9. Hello all! I will host a quest for mp3 mp4 players of making aromatic tea and tour the Loreroot! Hope this will become permanent quest which queen Lintara will host in the future! 1. Find you way in to Loreroot (ask for help if need) 2. Take the tour ( take herb basket, find creatures ....) 3. Collect herbs need for tea (tea leaves, aromatic herbs...) 4. Find me and we will make some hot aromatic tea (multiple times during md birthday).
  10. Ok thank you for the reply. Game is changing and i probably havent noticed that ap use is fixed. (for attack, moving, posting status...). I was supprised when left with no AP in no man land lol so maybe a bit panicaly send msg to chew. Never the less some areas which i considered no man land have now its own viscosity so it decrease few ap. For example area around comunity garden betwin loreroot entrance and gazebo of equilibrium, establishing housing etc.
  11. Item 7 angien egg 12 plushies
  12. i just see i lost access to oak tower interior or that scenes are deleted? I have spend 1 wp for that so please fix this.
  13. http://prntscr.com/qmjvs7 this is before enabling flash pop up window keeps coming every few seconds and after flash enabled this is the screen http://prntscr.com/qmjwd4 and pop up stoped. Cheers hope i helped a bit with the info
  14. Hello all. I wanted to test escence extractor that requires sand and water. As it is announced in Ann. 3699 all sand should be fine sand but it is not working as you can see on the pictures below. Can this be corrected? Ty in advance
  15. Hello all. Since i moved to this house 3 years ago i started to grow all sorts of plants, vegetables, fruits, flowers (roses mostly) ... It started like a hoby but over the years i implemented system for watering etc. Since i have so many pictures i made a colage pictures and i hope you will enjoy it. As you will see i had a problem with the MD pest but managed to grow very very rare loreroot forest strawberry among other common stuff. ????
  16. Can i make a colage of pictures because i have it so many or i flood the forum topic?
  17. anytime now would be nice since all deadlines you gave yourself you broked ty in advance on your time
  18. Item 6: 12th anniversary creature. 33 plushies - @hemicar87 no tokens please
  19. Rustgold drachorn - 33 plushies
  20. Item 4: Wind dragon egg. Age: 2022. 33 plushies
  21. this evening or tommorow is good for me. i am signing in for adventure. Whats the reward?
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