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Passant the Weak

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Posts posted by Passant the Weak

  1. I voted yes.

    I used the TC to enter Loreroot; I want to precise that i was not given the idea by anyone but it came to my mind that this was achievable and then I asked confirmation to another player. This to say, that you don't need someone spoiling it to figure out.

    So why did I vote yes?

    Because entering Loreroot, while giving the satisfaction of achieving something, is kinda spoilish... And maybe not tha fun on the long run...

    That being said, while the possibility is here, I will certainly try and use it next time to visit Necrovion...

  2. I vote for team "The Strong" vs team "The Weak". And i plan on joining "The Strong".

    I'm very excited about all this. I still have to figure out the exact date (having a couple week off the net in April scares me abit...) but I look forward to discovering that new territory along with having fun with riddles.

    I vote for Bunny as President of team The Weak (best thing to do is to appoint very quickly 2 leaders whoever they are).

  3. Wow!

    wow wow!!!

    I told you in game that I love your avatar... Now I discover it has some brothers and sisters.

    That's trukky good work you put down here. As a newbye I've been rapidly attract by artwork in MD. It's so different from the rest of the world... And I feel that your work is fitting very well with the spirit of the game.

    To provide suggestion now, I believe you would make a big step further by trying new poses as someone suggested... but if you don't you still stay as a top class avy drawer in my mind. Grats!

  4. Hello!

    I am very new to teh game (1 week old or so), and I would like to post a few comments about what bothered me the most in my beginning.

    But first of all, i'd like to say that I was attracted to the game (following a link in a voting site) precisely because the Main page stated that it was [b]different[/b]. I seem to remember it mentioned it being an [b]experience[/b] for teh player or something like that. nd that's why i registered.

    That means, that the game play is something I won't complain about. I understand that i understand almost nothing about whats going on in my adventure... and yet I enjoy it.

    So my remarks will be very basic about what had a bad influence on me in the beginning.

    1. [b]Too much complex reading at the very beginning[/b]
    Don't get me wrong: teh story is very good and shouldn't be simplified... But for example the Principles that you encounter at the very beginning and that you have to chose... I know its written that if you don't understand them, just follow your instinct. But I would have [b]very[/b] appreciated asummary of each principle in 1 sentence (just like a slogan if you see what I mean)

    2. [b]Navigation through the map is sometimes confusing[/b]
    The navigation interface, through the word art describing the scene is great. But it's confusing when you are used to classical games. in those games, the west is at the left and the east at the right. So it's easy to navigate. Here we have a piece of artwork that is not necessarily oriented towards the North. And I got confused a lot at the beginning when i did not know the places. Going west while I was following an arrow to the right...
    My suggestion: put a compass indicating the North on each page

    3. [b]Information on AP needed to reach a place[/b]
    I don't know if the problem is on my side, but at some places, the arrows leading to the next secen don't provide information about that scene (name and number of AP required). For a newbye it's sometimes a trap: we follow an atrrow to realize it cost us all our remaining AP while we would have made an other choice if we knew it. Also in a place that requires more AP than your max, you would like to know how many you are missing, to build a strategy to go there. I had no problem going to ANgien shrine, just because I knew how many AP I was missing. However, exploring the tribunal, I faced a close door, and no idea of how many AP I am missing... hard to build a strategy then. If this is intentional, well, I don't get the fun of it. If it's just a missing information, then I think you would help newbyes by fixing it.

    Thats all for me! Not big deal, as you can see.

    For the rest, grats on building something... [b]different[/b]!

  5. OK, I'm a very newbye here, and I obviously don't understand MD world well enough to know where to search things. I sometimes don't even know what I am searching. So take what i say with a grain of salt...

    As a newbye, what intrigues me the most is Lands, alliance and their history. I would like to find a place wher I could see a word about past wars and dispute, or inter-Lands weddings and so on.
    From your last post Curiose, I understand that might be more dealing with archivists. But if someone would take some past facts and make buzz around them (you know like a documentary show on a TV channel, that explains how such war started and bla bla), then i think I would jump into it in order to better understand this world, even if it's a small piece of it.

    Again, forgive me if I'm off topic on this, but at least I tried. :)

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