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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Mainlands are based on single huge grid. N columns and N+1 rows, you say? Actually I'll have to counter argument that and point to you that Mainlands map is pointing north while Labyrinth is pointing west. Hence if you took a closer look you would notice that they actually have SAME grids. In both cases your "center" being half scene to the west. Seems to me we have exact same situation in maze and mainland.
  2. How do you explain that when your method/logic for finding the center of Labyrinth is applied to mainlands we get result that GoE isn't center of it, and is even less center of world. By your method, center of mainlands would be 1_-0.5x0_1
  3. People who need/want them usually don't have cash, while those that do have, have already filled their creature roster. I must notice that it sure sucks that you have to pay more for less quality one :p your and Rophs' bids are quite confusing in that matter :D
  4. According to the time rules, this should be over. Now give me my goodies!
  5. Exact same error when you try to open MD shop.
  6. Spell that, once casted on worshiper would shield him for X minutes (typically 8min) from other spells being casted on him. As in it would block movelock, attacklock, weaken and other spells to be casted on that worshiper by third parties for the duration of spell. Basically spell immunity.
  7. Another conflicting statement Chew. Aren't we supposed to ask around and check if bug is already reported or not? In order to avoid repeated reports of same thing? In bug reporting guidelines it says that, check if bug is already reported first. So by such policy is one is to ask LHO for example and LHO says: "Oh yes it's a bug, I myself reported it 2 months ago, but Chew says it's a secret bug that's why it's not listed on forum/redmine". Then you guess it, player who follows bug reporting routine won't re-report it. What happens then is that you don't get to know that which you claim you should know (quote: "I have not heard about this bug for a number of years now. And why didnt I fix it when I could? Because I had not heard of it for so long, it was not in my mind to do so."). This above wasn't the case in my situation with clicky bug, but I'm pointing out the flaw in your methods/policies regarding handling of this bugs.
  8. Now those last 3 posts are way more to my liking. :) thanks
  9. But why shouldn't we be able to view them? (any other reason besides preventing us to view scripts that openly contain spoilers which should have been purged in first place because they break rules)
  10. I'm skeptical how everybody is thinking about it towards combat. Many ideas above seem to require stats and protector to be big grinder. I thought that protector is more than just that. Yes it should have solid relation to combat, but it feels empty if it's just that. I guess I'm just delusional, it seems that we lack other features to which protectors could be tied to besides combat :( Maybe make worshipers carry copy of protector's statement. Only prot would be able to put content in it and it would be automatically shown on all of his worshipers? Beginning of religious propaganda! :ph34r:
  11. I was thinking a bit more about your reply.... Isn't that actually breaking of rules by person making the clicky in first place? [spoiler] [/spoiler] Basically you are saying that this fix was made because of not allowed content in some scripts. Any other reason beside hiding rule breaking (which is understandable, not a big deal, too much work to hunt it all down with not enough time, this is easier way to handle it I agree), beside it technically being bug (with nice number of bug-turned-feature around I don't think this is a valid argument) and beside "It was not intended to be used as it was" (which is same as first point, no? if not, care to elaborate?)?
  12. Thanks Rophs for reminder, I couldn't think of better title.... Okay... I guess another of those secretly reported bugs. Yes yes I understand it was too abusable to be listed on public bug list >_>
  13. As far as I know it won't trigger/reveal such scripts, it will only show you the list of "inactive ones" that don't require password or anything. The ones that would only get hidden because clicky maker didn't "refresh" it.
  14. http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3294 How come it's bug and how exactly can it be "abused"? How come it was known by all and passed on from player to player and nothing was done about it before or ever reported as such or ever before acknowledged as bug by devs? Extremely large chunk of community always saw it as undocumented feature. In fact how is one to think of it as bug when as new player people get told of it by kings and LHOs. I don't see what's bad about being able to see content of past clickies? Chew, please tell us, why shouldn't it be there? How does it go against the game, "MD ways" or how ever you call it? How is it harmful for the game? I see it as very neat and useful feature and would like to see it back. Side note: I highly dislike such behavior/politics from MD staff, one just can't make distinction between bugs, bugs-turned-feature and undocumented features. In the end somebody gets to "piss off" the devs like I apparently did because it was expected from me to know that it was bug while in reality distinction can't be made from player perspective.
  15. Thanks, I don't see why it wouldn't be.
  16. Seems highly abusable for grinding.
  17. I saw the need and I took the initiative. Since MP3s have the erolin device disabled and some wonder how much heat they have, so I made a clicky where you can check it. Hidden orb bushy at GoE has that script. You can check how much erolin heat you have in there. Edit by Chew: Edited out last part of post because of a bug publicly posted. Now im going to have to go waste time fixing it Edit by Ary: Clicky has been improved. In addition to heat checking you can also check CTC, ITC, active avatars of players and number of your visits in scenes as long as you know their coords.
  18. You missed the point, everybody is gathering for stats.
  19. For starters fix prot-heal and possibly buff up other prot spells. I think that protectors know the best what would be needed, so I would say listen to them. @kyphis: forced 0% isn't really a punishment, moreover that what you suggest would be turned into exactly opposite usage
  20. Seriously DD? If higher levels of those spells exists it doesn't automatically mean that they are obtainable through WP shop. I mean how hard it is to open WP shop and read it? Obviously harder than make a post such as above. :rolleyes: [spoiler] Plus locate and otherarmy spells which I fully bought, nothing increased in level/power [/spoiler] Exactly you're, not.
  21. As far as I can see there is ONLY one spell in WP shop that gets +1 level on purchase, it's Weaken.
  22. Don't you think that better solution (and hell easier to implement) would be to increase movelock time?
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