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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. I don't get it, how it was supposed to be? It looks pretty cool to me like this.
  2. "Nothing's what it seems to be, empty shell inside of me, I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me." playername: Justin Case id: 250000
  3. I have same thing with Death Guard tag. I have it twice, one of type1 and one of type2. As seen above points are accumulated separately as well.
  4. :blink: okay... that explains the bird at max heat, but text ain't making much sense :))
  5. Thanks, now that makes some sense. (assuming we got the word order right, it's circle afterall) Translated from Latin it would mean something like: erolin defeats man, man overcomes time Still what does word erolin mean? :))
  6. I noticed something in plain sight that each of us sees and dismisses it on daily basis. We all know our erolin device that is used for combat heat multiplication as well as spell casting heat, praying heat and item heat. However this isn't really a talk about the device, it's actually a talk little words in it. When you get to certain amount of heat in device, it starts to spin rings, which start to separate as you put more and more heat. Thing is, those rings have words inscribed on them. They are super hard to read and all separate rings have same words. There are 6 words. I managed to read 3 of them, 2 of those seem to be latin. They are homo and hominis. 3rd readable word is erolin. I didn't managed to read other 3 words, it's too messy, two of those 3 words seem to be same. Maybe somebody else gets better luck at reading it? Thing that troubles me is... why are 2 words on latin, while other words don't resemble anything latin (even as unreadable as they are)? What does "erolin" word really mean? What exactly is this hidden message in the erolin heat rings and what does it mean?
  7. All browser (should) have the option to enforce the font you want. Making stuff readable if font isn't available on your device. But you (should) know it....
  8. No, it's fake milk.
  9. :wacko: I wouldn't drink that.
  10. IF you was poked, it means that it's part of day of the coder quests, which means (as far as I know) not a single quest reward has been given out. (again, as far as I know) it was event initiated by you, so.....
  11. Normally yes. However this does give a clear advantage to people with certain consumables (heatstones, candies, cakes, tea) high brisk (maybe even mediocre briskness) with AP/interval items will do quick work on the jail. Also there are stuff in temporary boost shop that give heat :D 10k would be fair for people without such things, but to those that have it, it's easy ticket home. But that's realistic afterall, people with money always evade jail IRL.
  12. That doesn't affect No Homelands, they gain heat per step regardless of lands. However it's still influenced by viscosity.
  13. Those resources like many others have no practical use. Grasan ferment isn't obtained that way, you pick it in pub and get drunk. Name is misleading 5 sc for grasan is pointless. You only need to recruit grasan, get some wins and heat, wait 4 days and name them properly. If you buy them, you have to do the same, because at lvl1 they don't produce anything (if by some chance they do, then it's a bug and you will get spanked) Wiiya is mostly priceless :p you gain it by being awake at 4am st during randomly selected weekday (not weekend) by telling fairytales to rophs.
  14. Because if they did give heat, I could tell 5 of my friends to keep recruiting aramors and passing them to me with ctc, I would be gaining 20k loyalty a day without doing "anything".
  15. HA! Just recently you said that you want everything fully documented yet you shun away the very first entry. What does it matter? Creat gained with CTC won't give you heat when sacced.
  16. Why do you assume people are jealous only of rewards? At one point in game, only content left is chat and watching numbers go up. Once player hits that endgame they are crying for work, any kind of it.
  17. I consider inventory tabulated, not paginated. Pagination would be like you have pages of forum topic, meaning "scrolling" would be done with small buttons (previous page and next page). On brighter note, trigger box actually has automatic refresh every few seconds, inventory doesn't have that at all.
  18. http://magicduel.com/players/Johnny NOT http://magicduel.com/players/john%20smith He at least has one adept :))
  19. Top Techie Johnny :))
  20. The only thing that is missing about Night Mode as far as I know is the algorithm that triggers it.
  21. Or they don't agree with policy of withhelding the info from public in first place (I would estimate that 80% of md population are against it especially when it comes to mechanical things, research stuff are way less shared), then you also have small fraction of people who don't like sharing, but if they can profit from it, they'll instantly jump into it. I believe in freedom and openness of information, guess that counts me out automatically. Shame that I already do half of stuff described so I can rant about it in Combat Talk.
  22. This wouldn't happen in first place if there wasn't a strict spoiler policy in first place, you basically placed a ban on documenting stuff and now you are suffering the consequences. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15606-helping-md/#entry153259 In addition to post above, I'm quite into combat stuff and everything related to it. I could cover basically everything mech related. Currently I have some influx of free time, but don't think it will be the case in near future and onward. Hence taking onto something like this could end up with "that part of md dying with me".
  23. As far as I know there are few cells and hallway, you should be able to walk between those no? Hallway has big gates from which you escape, no? I've never been inside.
  24. Man! 400k is 100 steps for somebody with 4k briskness, to somebody with 0-50 briskness will take eternity to gather 5k.
  25. That is well known thing, don't need to test anything, I used heat while I myself was MP3. If I remember correctly from my PM talks with Chew year ago, it all works as it should.
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