I noticed something in plain sight that each of us sees and dismisses it on daily basis.
We all know our erolin device that is used for combat heat multiplication as well as spell casting heat, praying heat and item heat. However this isn't really a talk about the device, it's actually a talk little words in it.
When you get to certain amount of heat in device, it starts to spin rings, which start to separate as you put more and more heat. Thing is, those rings have words inscribed on them. They are super hard to read and all separate rings have same words.
There are 6 words. I managed to read 3 of them, 2 of those seem to be latin. They are homo and hominis. 3rd readable word is erolin.
I didn't managed to read other 3 words, it's too messy, two of those 3 words seem to be same. Maybe somebody else gets better luck at reading it?
Thing that troubles me is... why are 2 words on latin, while other words don't resemble anything latin (even as unreadable as they are)?
What does "erolin" word really mean?
What exactly is this hidden message in the erolin heat rings and what does it mean?