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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. I meant that you have to find it yourself and as such you give it to yourself. Not for it to be handed on a silver plate or imposed on you. If that happens there is highly likelihood that there won't be any driving passion behind it, it might even feel as stressful/unpleasurable job. There is just no point in having something and not knowing what you want to do with it. Nothing worth having is easy to acquire. I have no clue what you mean with last sentence.
  2. This is like asking for god to show you the meaning of your existence while in fact it's up to you to "find" it yourself. As for your last paragraph, you know it won't work mech-wise.
  3. You know what he meant, nad is the only one who submitted anything. Don't pick on people if they don't do perfect English.
  4. Tea has expiration date of 1 week if I remember correctly. After that Fire Starter can reheat it for you with his chawan, you need to provide 10 cups of cold tea to get 5 cups of warm tea, yes half is lost in process. Second question; doesn't exist :p
  5. Funny thing is.... I disagree with what people say on this matter, and I disagree by many miles, it's my opinion and it will probably sound quite shocking. I actually think that by doing things others told you so far, you will change personality of your character, you will be totally different DD. If I may say this is a bad thing for DD but good for you, thing is that I personally don't see difference between the two and that is what I think gives you problems. In my opinion you take things personally. In my opinion dst is your GENUINE RP enemy. I mean she will take any chance she gets to get at you because she doesn't like DD, she doesn't agree with him and she had hostile interactions with him for so long that it melded into personal level for both of you and that is the problem which kept spreading. I can clearly see you are on her enemy list both on "RP" level and personal one, but she is only on your personal one. If you considered her as RP enemy then you would have acted accordingly, but you never had offense or defense against her on game level, only on personal one. Just think of it, your relationships are genuinely hostile, but they spilled over into personal level, if they've not, then just imagine the kind of drama you could have caused ingame RP-wise instead of forum-wise. I dare to say that such thing would write it's own AL. I find it so funny when I hear people talking how they want wars and such, but when things like this happen it makes me wonder. It would all feel fake, those wars wouldn't have any reason or spark or passion because they would be done just because while the defenders would mainly cry because it's not fair, as if they want war but only when they are ready and they can control it. It's sad really, because obviously people can't even handle their personal RP enemies. Simply to put it, if somebody dislikes your actions or dislikes you because you are from X land, learn to handle it! Fight back! Don't drag it on to personal level! If you do, you are screwed. But unfortunately it seems for me that in MD only acceptable enemy is the fake one that is staged with careful planning with your close friend who acts as one. All that makes whole RP experience boring and unnatural. You (all of MD) need to realize something, Quests are extension of your character, if they are not then they are just "quests", contests. Fact is, you DD got enemies yet you don't do anything on that matter, first you need to realize that. Secondly you need to know them, anticipate their moves, what they might do. You need to be always step in front of them. Winner wins first then goes to battle, loser goes to battle first then seeks to win but encounters defeat. All those things that happened recently are as if MD is all cupcakes and sunshine. MD is RP-sandbox multiplayer game, not a fairy tale. There are people who like to play antagonist characters, you just can't complain if they set their eyes on you and try to ruin your quests, events or what ever you are working on, that's genuine RP. Your quest is a real one, extension of your character, at it's core it those traits and all quests should have such background in first place. But you need to understand that such things carry with it their antagonists who will work against you. Problem is you don't realize that or don't want that, but you got that. While they have every right to play evil because you are doing real quest, you aren't holding a community event like xmas event.
  6. I disagree. When comparing creats one must take into account their scaling with stats. Stats are important part of combat system and have to be considered hand in hand with creatures. If you only compare creatures alone, everything can look balanced, but then when stats are added things will be way out of hand because scaling wasn't considered.
  7. Awesome, thank you. I'm also fond of IV suggestion but I honestly understood it that it would be aura reworked into ability, hence making a bird more useful.
  8. Ary Endleg


    Would be interesting, however I think it would be more balanced if it would lower the duration of current effects by half and prevent new effects being applied for some duration.
  9. I think this is fine as it is, even if it can't make "meaningful" difference, this aura has it's value elsewhere. Mainly in heat dropping as well as controlling your balance. On the side note about tokens, I've noticed a few more tokens doing something "additional" than what they are described to do.
  10. It's a critic.
  11. You certainly forgot to mention that key detail.
  12. That sort of player behavior is to be expected since ritual list page is such a mess. There is no possibility of sorting the VIEW of list, you can't *favorite* your rituals, unless you name them in detail you have no idea what's in there, everything is in same window, while it would be much more nicer to have multiple tabs because def rituals always get in the way, there is no button that would let you unbind ALL rituals regardless if they are broken or not (this would need additional confirmation dialogue) and so on. You will also want to make a ton of defense rituals. Because of all that it's much simpler to keep piling new rituals at the bottom, chances are that many of your def rituals aren't broken but you don't care, you certainly won't be clicking 300 times unbind button. It's much easier just to create 100 of new ones in order to change your def or what not.
  13. Oh so this EE bug is the reason behind lag, good that we'll finally get rid of that lag.
  14. Removing water? :huh: Since enemies of Bob can come with axe and cut him down (1 lumber) wouldn't it make more sense if friends of Bob could water him so he regrows and blooms? What exactly would you be achieving with removing water (besides minor theft possibility) which is also... not so logical... because you just watered the plant meaning water is soaked in soil.... Oh let me guess! It's nice attempt to make water splittable from stack! Player A has 2k water stack and arranges trade for 25 water with player B and since your "removing of water" from bushie is so awesome, all it takes is that player A places 25 water and player B can instantly take it :p Nice try :p
  15. Clear browser cache and try again? It's hard to say, I can attack people normally, so this is either mp6/alliance issue or issue with your browser.
  16. I love idea.
  17. Who is "we"? You and who else?
  18. Priest martyrism ability applies positive power stat as negative. Both from personal stats and from tokens. Bellow is log with personal stats of lashtal, he has over 7k power. Same behavior is with tokens giving power as I noticed on Fire Starter and Change, but I won't be posting logs since it would be redundant. [log='Log']Loading Ary Endleg creatures Loading lashtal creatures COMBO: Adding 730 combo vitality bonus for this ritual Applying 0% of Ary Endleg's energetic influence Applying 100% of lashtal's energetic influence Influences for Ary Endleg ###### Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus Royal Sharpshooter: creatureboost Influences for lashtal ###### Frater Perdurabo: vampiricaura Applying Ary Endleg's Creature Tokens at 100% Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens [] Legolas's creature tokens [] Royal Sharpshooter's creature tokens [] Pimped Grasan II's creature tokens [claw1] [claw1] Pimped Grasan II gets 514 power based on Principles Aramor Warrior's creature tokens [] Exfoliating Grasan's creature tokens [] Applying lashtal's Creature Tokens at 0% Frater Perdurabo's creature tokens [] lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -6059 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from 5 to -6054; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "1" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:2 protect: defence=-6059|from 5 to -6054; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -6054 to -6279; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "2" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -220 to -6279; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -6279 to -6504; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "3" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -445 to -6504; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -6504 to -6729; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "4" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -670 to -6729; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -6729 to -6954; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "5" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -895 to -6954; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -6954 to -7179; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "6" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -1120 to -7179; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -7179 to -7404; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "7" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -1345 to -7404; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -7404 to -7629; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "8" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -1570 to -7629; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -7629 to -7854; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "9" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -1795 to -7854; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -7854 to -8079; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "10" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -2020 to -8079; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -8079 to -8304; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "11" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -2245 to -8304; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -8304 to -8529; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "12" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -2470 to -8529; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -8529 to -8754; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "13" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -2695 to -8754; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -8754 to -8979; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "14" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -2920 to -8979; ) lashtal's Frater Perdurabo does protect to dying creature(s) of Ary Endleg and: - Protection effect: -225 - Royal Sharpshooter is protected by Frater Perdurabo with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=-225|from -8979 to -9204; ) and remains with 1598 vitality Ary Endleg's Royal Sharpshooter does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 99 damage (97 piercing + 0.03% (tried 16%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 200.443, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7720 vitality Ary Endleg's Legolas does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives AIMED HIT with 124 damage (120 piercing + 0.05% (tried 21%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 162.217, enemy level resistance: 2.5 ) and remains with 7596 vitality Ary Endleg's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7595 vitality Ary Endleg's Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of lashtal and: - Frater Perdurabo receives 1 damage and remains with 7594 vitality Ary Endleg's Pimped Grasan II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Ary Endleg's Exfoliating Grasan cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "15" ###### Applying temporary effects for Ary Endleg, slot 6 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=-6059|from -3145 to -9204; ) ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... lashtal WINS! 0% vs -331.477272727% Creature Experience reward for Ary Endleg - Losing player Imperial Aramor Warrior gains -486 Xp Legolas gains -486 Xp Royal Sharpshooter gains -486 Xp Pimped Grasan II gains -486 Xp Aramor Warrior gains -486 Xp Exfoliating Grasan gains -486 Xp Creature Experience reward for lashtal - Winning player Frater Perdurabo recovers 34428.8 Vitality Frater Perdurabo gains 0 Xp and a won battle Winner does not get a won fight point Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! [/log] Teal color - shows that he applied stats and had no tokens; also shows that priest aura stole no VE, but he still won the fight due to healing with -331% Red color - in there you can see that priest did 6k "protection" to enemy but actually it weakened the enemy while at same time healing his priest (healing proof is blue) while in fact he should have boosted defense of enemy and lose VE Blue color - lash had 0 personal VE, had no tokens, aura didn't steal anything, his priest entered fight fully healed; yet on first hit from my creature it says he is left with 7720 VE (this is VERY interesting, because that's lash's power value :)) ) Yellow color - shows the recurring values in each round, because priest keeps healing himself up to the point of power value Purple color - inconsistency of applied effects Conclusion: When any amount of power stat is added to the priest he will be twisting his ability and will be aiming to equalize his VE with that power stat. Above lash had 7720 power and priest "reversed" what his ability should be doing in order to reach that amount, also take note that he hits that amount in single round. If no tokens and stats are used, priest works as it should with his own power stat.
  19. ... MD chat sound becomes your irreplaceable instrument in each and every youtube song.
  20. What if creature has 1 mil ve, does power go negative? Hope not, it's also unfair for power to go to zero, considering how with attack creature will always do at least 1 damage if it manages to "hit the target", but could be very interesting. ??? Bracket explanation totally threw me off. :S No negative power value wouldn't be dealing damage to opponent, negative stats are zeroed. Try using torment souls, you can effectively get yours or opponent's stats into negative, yet they would act as zero, same thing with slider applying negatives. Seems interesting but I'm not convinced, especially since it's just another shop creature, as if we don't have enough of those.
  21. Ally: Tainted Warriors Purpose: Not allowed to tell to outsiders by decree of King :))
  22. Posting on forum, of course :))
  23. There is a problem with idle mode, last hour of it, the idle sign disappears so player looks like he is active but in fact he will be logged out by system shortly.
  24. Considering that majority of alliances were poofed into existance "just because" or to be "main" alliances. Tell me what exactly you see as their "role"? If we really go down that road of logic then I can pretty much prove that not a single alliance has any purpose, not even SOTIS. By the looks of it Rophs is already on your boat to get rid of them all. I on the other hand don't think that if alliance isn't fulfilling it's "purpose" it should get thrashed. To hell with your imaginary purposes, alliances and citizenships have only ONE purpose in my eyes, to bond people together into certain groups and that purpose is doing very well.
  25. What about secret scenes and inaccessible scenes? I hope they don't count.
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