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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. There you have it black on white. [spoiler]Tormented Soul: skillvampire skillvampire boosts allied creatures by 45.5 attack;28.25 defence;16.5 initiative;16 regeneration;40.5 energeticimmun;18 tradesense;28.5 briskness;28 power;16.5 luck;1.5 herbalism;3 waterhandling;-28.5 volition; Tormented Soul: skillvampire skillvampire boosts allied creatures by 34.75 attack;21.75 defence;13.25 initiative;12.5 regeneration;31.5 energeticimmun;13.5 tradesense;22.5 briskness;21 power;13.5 luck;1.5 herbalism;3 waterhandling;-21 volition;[/spoiler]
  2. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BHF did nothing to stop the streams of fiery chicken shaped shade-demons, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps, holding a huge chained wrecking ball. It exploded and the cube refolded. Chewett died horribly - STOP KILLING PEOPLE! Or I shall kill you all with rainbows, fluffy kittens are adorable
  3. Why?
  4. Testing shows that auras go in order of creature with lowest ID. Same thing happens when two or more creatures have same initiative value, the creature with lower ID goes first.
  5. Now for different question. Since there are soo many things which council can and is doing. How about reverse? What things they don't do? List please.
  6. Thank you very much Princ.
  7. Aren't mainlands "main" only because they were first released and put on single realm map (Realm 1)? I also disagree about small letters. I don't understand why is Necrovion labeled as enemy to all and having aggressive nature yet you are the one speaking about wars in first place. Why you want wars? Or do you think that non of us peaceful citizens of NC actually belong in that land because we ain't hostile or aggressive? That we don't live the "supposed" ideology of our land? If you really want to use "it was meant to be this way" and "X land is about this and symbolizes that" then why don't you bring up the argument from storymode where Marind says that MB is meant to be welcoming to everybody and serve as sanctuary of sorts to all those in need (that's your "sanctity")? I believe Mur also said somewhere that MB and LR were meant to be open lands. Seems to me you only pick up arguments that fit your agenda or you don't like that description of sanctity? I think it would be easier if you just say "code those land weapons". Can you clarify further? And no please don't use stereotypical views of lands any further.
  8. Topic got split, still question stands for possible conclusion of this one.
  9. Yeah DD that's concept problem that won't go away or won't go away just like that at very least. My point was that game is designed to be "hostile" to such trades, hence it wouldn't be really trade encouragement. I somewhat like what dst said, but MD engine has only 1 wookie power :P besides as far as I know this kind of things is what is already being done through RP events, like Garden. PS Necro is epitome of peace. No aggression here :P if shades get wild it's because others took initiative and they are just reacting on it.
  10. I like initiative idea as well as that round-based idea. So if after X rounds due to antifreezes chances creature unfreezes itself, would the next round freeze chances make it possible for creature to get frozen again? As in freezes and antifreezes get applied by auras at start of combat but their effect would be volatile from round to round. Not exactly the freezes topic but since whole discussion drifted onto them does that mean that this topic purpose for further limitation of number of creatures is actually over? With agreement that doing such nerf would only lower the big numbers in logs without having any other significant effect on combat? It would also further "damage" economy by lowering trade values of such creature due to lower demand for them since player would need fewer of them.
  11. ??? Currently: First freeze against enemy with single creature is 1/3 chance because it selects one slot if creature is there it freezes it, if not then selects once more and it can still hit same empty spot, no? Against 6 creats rit, first freeze is a hit, second freeze can still hit already frozen creature. My point is we already have this decrease of chance for freeze. I don't see how this changes much. You are just making it more complex luck factor. I would pretty much prefer idea of freezes being reworked as abilities with a round or two effects.
  12. You need land treasuries first if you want trade at land level. It's quite difficult to differentiate between personal and land resources and having control of them on a person because you can't split them. It's a problem that discourages resource trades because people won't be willing to buy your whole stack of 2k water, but want maybe just 20, hence you can't trade with that person. Resource trades are possible only when people want to buy whole stack. I agree that there isn't mechanical difference between lands, but should there really be one?
  13. I've been wondering what's the purpose of some locations, mainly interiors of capitol interior. Such locations don't have artwork of it's own, rather they have dimmed capitol interior one on top of which is generic shop icon. They don't have chat or online list or anything that makes them real locations, they are just a useless excuse for additional scene that fulfills no purpose. Let me list it. Aramory interior, Oak Fort interior, all of generic interiors of capitol interior such as shop, alliance list, rebel count and citizen application. I don't understand why people have to enter inside those locations that don't even have MD feel to them, they lack their own artwork as well. Why not make it instead that when you click on Aramory you don't enter inside but rather creature recruitment page pops up? Same for capitol, interestingly enough, one of such things is already done that way in capitols. It's item pickup place, you don't enter into yet another interior, instead you get popup. I suggest that all those generic locations be removed and replaced by popups.
  14. As for custom request, anything wild that players come up and want to get but can't get in normal fashion. Nothing specific sky is the limit, it can be something very very simple and "worthless" or it can be something super complicated and valuable. Who does King elections? How to rebel? How to get any other X status or use X thing/feature which is still endorsed by game management and was supported by game interface but it got "hidden"? How to get power to award spell documents? I'll keep getting this ideas as I think of more and more things game has.
  15. Except you can stay at MP4 and train endlessly, so no you don't reach MP5 at all since you are having a blast down there. As for creature boosts and creature limits. Sharps have super good boost, their downside is that they don't have target all and no freezing. Currently how things stand if you want to nerf one of creature limits then you basically need to nerf all of them for every damagers by one. It would drop down the ridiculous numbers inside the log and lower the gap between strong and weak, but aside from that not much. Even with this said I'm still for it.
  16. I know that, thing is, I and community in general wasn't aware that Council can do the role of Crafter. Payment is normal thing that implies.
  17. Oh well... that's the issue then, guess that we need answer from Mur then.
  18. So I can successfully predict it but it won't happen. Okay thank you for answer.
  19. How you mean not currently fully implemented through letters but rather through other methods? Clicky isn't player coded because you can chose date from calendar and then letter pairs in all scenes change for YOU and only you and are shown how they would appear on that day you have chosen. As people said it's that Almanac book in Fictionist House. Announcement 2661.
  20. Ingame description of Energetic immunity includes the following: It's known that many spells aren't affected by any modifiers. There are few that are, such as weaken spell, which scales with power. So it would be logical that if there is spell that is affected by energetic immunity, it would be such spell. Test have shown that energetic immunity doesn't affect it. My question is, is there some special spell that actually is affected by energetic immunity that would justify that description or is that description old/incorrect? I'm merely seeking clarification.
  21. Maybe not all tokens were disabled but rather only those that are fueled with principles?
  22. Why would honor matter? This is not grind contest.
  23. Principle tokens apply at 0% not at 100%.
  24. As most of people know about, there's a clicky in East that does something related to it, that is prediction at specified dates. It has to do with ever changing letter pairs in scenes which are supposed to reveal time and location of night. As much as I know many tried over past and in group efforts yet nobody achieved any results. Questions! Is this "puzzle" just very-hard/next-to-impossible/takes-tons-effort/takes-dedication-time or it isn't fully implement and thus isn't possible to be solved? If it's solvable at current time, does that mean it's fully implemented or is a final trigger missing, as in night doesn't happen when it should by this puzzle? I guess only ones who can answer this are Mur/Chew. Question is simple, possible to solve or not? Everything else is just bonus information :p
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