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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Seems like we got to end of our discussion on those matters, unable to come to agreement on any of them.
  2. There's rule about that? Never heard of before. Are there any other similar rules in English language or linguistics in general?
  3. LOL man, what are you expecting, 1 creature with single antifreeze not being token but aura, normally means that it has to "hit", it will pick one of 6 slots, if it's creature, it gets unfrozen, if it's empty it picks again, if it's again empty, tough luck buddy! This behavior implies, just read Point III. Point two speaks of 6v6 fights with max antifreezes/freezes applied, called the ideal situation. Lets remove tokens out of play. Meaning you can have 15 antifreezes. All it takes is that one out of 15 unfreezes one of your 3 drachs :)) it will happen buddy. Add tokens. antifreeze token has 50% chance it will succeed and it is directly applied to creature. Add blooddrop2, you got principles? Awesome, automatic antifreeze, no worries there.
  4. In that case no, luck isn't bonus stat, since only luck fits your description. No other creatures give it except lifestealers at top levels and there is no other example in any other creature giving any other type of "bonus stat". Maybe Chew can enlighten us since he can know how it's coded. Ultimate ritual means that it has ultimate potential, meaning that creats aren't the only thing in there, but once fueled by high stats nothing can stand against it except same ritual with bigger stats. You are just giving example where such potential isn't fulfilled. You talked about high stats in last post and now you talk about in-existence of ultimate ritual, those two claims seem conflicting to me. If you say that once high stats are achieved tactics no longer matter, then yes that is sort of true. If one has 1 million attack he can obliterate noobs who don't have freezes with single aramor, but he can't use same creature against somebody who has half million attack stat and has freezes and drachs. Common sense. In fact, due to how freeze and antifreeze currently work, it's possible to make "counter ritual" that is based on you getting lucky that attacker gets frozen and you don't. But when you attack and opponent has this ultimate ritual in defense, it's totally different story, you won't manage to freeze him, because he will unfreeze himself and yet you will get frozen, so even if you have stats it pretty much doesn't matter. Moreover you can't give ultimate ritual to MP4, because mp4 can't have maxed drach :p And no, if you give ultimate ritual to newb, it certainly won't always fail, mainly due to freeze/antifreeze. You can try to exploit certain weakeness of that ritual in case the opponent has badly balanced stats and stealing the higher ones, either damage with soulweaver or ve with priest, but we are talking about perfect situation. For example darky has nicely balance stats, couple million of attack and several million of ve. If you try stealing any of it you will get small edge 5% of difference in comparison to him but you will succumb to freezes. In the end, fueled ultimate ritual will win the day any time on defense and in most cases on attack, unless defender gets lucky with freezes by using same ritual. powle understood it and nicely said it As for neg vp, I can keep arguing about it, but it seems to have no point. But I must say, jail is something totally different, you don't go to jail just because somebody was bored and wanted to see you suffer. Killing, well it would be a problem if noobs were getting killed. Maybe MP4s and fresh MP5 should know how to handle -10 mil of VP, but hey, most don't know how to lose heat intentionally when they come to MP5. I'm not talking about RPers, I'm talking about players who show higher interest in combat, yet they are that much inexperienced due lack of other players at their level. They got to play with like 1 person on mp3 and mp4, struggling to fulfill basic requirements to advance. You can't really learn much with so few and inexperienced people at your level. MP5 giving advices from above is just limited help, one needs to see stuff with his own eyes, try it and understand it, rather than listen blindly from above about tactics with creatures he doesn't have access to yet. Just put yourself in such shoes. You just came to MP5 yesterday, you have no idea what negative VP is, you are just trying to keep playing as you did till now. Suddenly you find yourself in bunch of negative VP. Soon you realize you can't buy that extra tree you planned to, your archer that is was glowing because you finally can upgrade it due to advancing to MP5, isn't glowing anymore. All you see is one big number of negative VP and wonder WTF, what, how, when, why. There is good chance that player might be also oblivious about what the mirror ritual is. It's easy for you, after 7 years of playing, seeing every announcement, every spell, knowing almost every mechanic to frown at newbie and say it's his own fault. He has 150000 unread forum posts and 3200 unread announcements, has no knowledge like you do, had very little chance to learn what you know. Lets get a bit more constructive. What would you No one do to avoid getting negative vp from mirror ritual if you have no idea it would hit you in first place. Oh you can't avoid getting? I guess it's not a big deal, you have the means to bring it back relatively quickly. Now lets take away your maxed lifestealers and your high ve friends and life just became much more difficult. Even better lets assume you are one of those players who don't like to socialize or who can't really speak comprehensible English. The only thing you see is -5 million VP, regen interval happens every 10 minutes, you get 240 VP on every interval tick. That's 145 days of waiting. Pretty much game over for such player, and if you think that such player doesn't belong into MD due to low socialization or poor English, you are wrong. Many people started out as such and worked it up. Eon, yes I see you are aiming at my situation combined with me speaking about neg VP. But really it isn't an issue for me. It is a bit inconvenient because due to it I have to take longer route to fix my honor. My ingame problem isn't about vp, it's about honor. Plus I delve deep into bad situations to test stuff and see them on my own, analyze them and learn more about them. I just have insight that there is technical possibility where neg VP gained in such way is harmful.
  5. Yes that is possible, freeze can fall onto another already frozen creature. I don't remember what happens then, second freeze just lands there and creature stays normally frozen (single antifreeze will unfreeze it) or does that second freeze count as miss and then it tries to freeze another creature (same behavior as with hitting empty slot). Ask Darky :D
  6. I would like you to define what exactly you mean by bonus stat. What is wrong with all to know how to use ultimate ritual? Nothing is wrong with that. What is wrong is that ultimate ritual exists. That's the problem. It removes tactics from combat and makes half of available creatures useless. Wasn't referring to MP3s for negative VP. Rather young MP5s or allied MP4s.
  7. antifreeze and freeze have chance to fail, exception to this is blooddrop2 token in which case if player fulfills requirements, it will be certain antifreeze for that creature it is applied on. Again exception to that is if you attack, hence freezes are applied after your blooddrop2. There are no certain freezes.
  8. Rhaegar, those are very bold words coming from a feathery species as yourself who end up as my breakfast :)) I like those books. Lash why haven't we stolen any from that collection? :))
  9. oh, sorry. you are right, it skilldamage starts at 1000 losses difference while at 1050 your losses stop counting.
  10. Why's it in offtopic then? :p
  11. Considering that one year passed since that image was taken... what do you think Sherlock? :p
  12. Yes, but I'm talking about lack of deviation of "lots of wins" compared to influx of deviation of "lots of losses". Just look at how it is now, allied players get balance frozen once they reach it and don't have to worry about MAINTAINING it at all. Unallied players have such problem of maintaining it, they lack the source of extra honor that allied players get from their allied fights, they don't have stable ratio, their honor varies. Yet even though unallied players pretty much with every fight have their win-loss ratio shifted one way or the other it is never ultimately shifted over onto "win side". Having more losses than wins is largely beneficial for unallied players because then they will always have source of honor from allied players since they are the ones with permanent balance. Stat damage for too many losses, well you know 1050 losses over wins is long haul, anything in between balance and 1050 losses over wins is safe and comfort zone for unallied players. It wasn't intended to be as such. When you say it was meant for them all to be balanced, that's close but still wrong. It was meant that they are struggle to maintain their balance, to remain as close to it as possible, it was meant to be challenge to hold it. If you read the very first couple hundred announcements you will see that alliance combat was supposed to be entirely separated from unallied, later it got joined and here is what you have, with that permanent balance feature. Anchors of comfort zones inbetween balance and stat damage provided by permanent balance, thus allied players have it easy because they don't have to care for balance once they get it while unallied people find it inconvenient and annoying to chase the balance eternally. You simply need some players with more wins than losses to make balance more attractive for unallied because once they become balance they don't have anybody giving them honor and they have plenty of targets that give them negative honor, yet if they attack only the ones who are balanced thus gaining 0 honor would still shift their balance ratio since unlike allied players their balance isn't frozen. Once their balance is broken again they are highly likely to lose even more honor. Unallied player can only try to keep their balance, they can't have it like allied players do. In short for balance to work you need constant dance between too many wins and too many losses.
  13. Nooo! You just told them we have their "missing" books. :ph34r:
  14. When one goes under -500 honor he stops gaining stats from combat, as well as no creature wins or creature heat. This is true only when attacking, if you defend and have under -500 honor then you won't be getting stats, but your creatures will gain heat and wins. My conclusion is that it shouldn't happen since it doesn't happen for attacks and since being under -500 honor is meant to enforce penalty and prevent you from advancing. Weird enough changes to personal heat are still present, you can still gain and lose personal heat even while under -500 honor, regardless of attacking or defending.
  15. Dead airplane jokes are dangerous in today's world :p
  16. I want same flash you're using!
  17. 'cause he's a jolly good Necro, 'cause he's a jolly good Necro.... That nobody can deny! :))
  18. NV? :o
  19. I was talking about creatures that don't have any stat rewards, such as priests and torments and toxicodendrites and angiens. I'm not so sure about luck being bonus stat and I see it very weird that it's not scaling because of some things that Chew mentioned on how those altars work. Luck being the only one not scaling is anomaly, but I personally see no reason for it not to scale. Unless you want to bring up how hard it is to get luck stat from combat reward because you need to get lucky among other thing. Then yes it would be reasonable that sacrificial reward for luck stays not scalable in order to prevent targeted grind of it from single source. But I'm unsure if that makes much sense. You just can't use something that was meant to be different than it is today for argument that today's situation is good. In other words you saying that target all is good because it was intended to be used only on ultimate creature while such creatures are pretty much common today. From drachs, rusty is a drach and it's quite common. But what about chaos archer and grasan? They have target all too yet everybody can get them. So target "all" obviously wasn't designed to be just for rare creatures if it is available on those creatures that every new player gets once he comes out of story mode. Now back to the real issue which is that target all is the ability that removes thinking from combat solely to the fact that target all has power to end fight in first action. Fights have what? 60 actions for allied players and I think it's 300, maybe more, I forgot, for unallied players. Target all means that following can happen. Round 0: A's Invincible does damage to all creature of B: all creatures die. A's Lucky Charm can't find any enemy creatures to target. Fight ends. A wins. Everybody is aiming to do that. Makes combat somewhat dull and pointless. What if that new player isn't accepting it but is being bullied? You call being bullied a decision? Interesting, do tell. I also present possibility where there are no ways for noob to avoid it. It's a legitimate problem. If you say it isn't then it's same as saying that disabling regen for losing heat on mp3 was bad move or disabling burned ve from angiens to count as gained heat thus capping newbs who only got 10 wins and two Aramors. Negative VP should by any means be removed from mirror ritual spell. Yes all this makes finding solution super hard, that's why I didn't yet offered any. Instead I focused on the fact that there are basically no players with win difference because Mur when making that concept thought that strong players would end up there and being strong is the reward for getting there. That's obviously not the case. If one would want to spice things up inside such mechanic then it needs to be tweeked. It's not my intention to do such separation of players by weak and strong, rather to disperse them on both balance sides in order to give that mechanic more meaning. Players are strong without having more wins, that's very clear nowdays, which removes the only reason that existed (or should I say, was designed or anticipated by Mur) for being in win-difference. In order to get some players to that side of balance, there needs to be new motivator for being there, new benefit. Currently there are only downsides to it. I'll be probably opening separate topics in "near future"™.
  20. So nobody else wants to join in? :(
  21. If they mirror in different location so you don't see it in chat? If you don't know about such malicious intention? If you are too young to be aware of negative VP possibility and it's bad side affects? If you are idle?
  22. You obviously don't understand that when you are attacked with mirror your def doesn't matter. If you are caught outside sanctuary with mirror, you are getting it regardless of what def you have.
  23. Oh no! That last one... uff <_< :blink: :))
  24. I must say, plan sounds awesome. Changing the intro to be more friendly while still retaining the research hints in separate loosely connected form is just perfect solution. I'm also liking the multiple starting points which allow for the meaningful customization of player's beginning inside the game.
  25. I'm wondering about official stances regarding this. Since story mode is being removed as introductory part of game, what exactly happens to things referenced inside of it? Such as carnival, cube, big shady thing that gave the cube and such. There are many things which community considers as cannon, so what is going to happen to that. For example Carnival is currently evident in scene for example and explained in R&D. Spiral and cross are displayed and written about in scene and feature a inner magic document. But what about certain things inside story that aren't pointed out elsewhere, such as cube and those tutorial shades that hint important thing about root concepts of MD and possibly supplement the Genesis? I'm wondering how will this change that A25 brings influence the research work since quite a lot of info can simply vanish by removing of story. I find story quite informative research-vise in between meeting Land Guardian and before waking up in wooden room with Marind (that's where it gets super weird). So what will the change bring?
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