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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. What's wrong with that? If you know how and why it failed first time it helps you to prevent same mistake again.
  2. Here you go Nimmy, just for you! If a player with 300 AD hears about hardcoded puzzle, gets surprised and asks where is it, is it really a spoiler to answer to that question? Above mentioned LHO claims it is spoiler, I would like to double check because I find it absurd.
  3. I'm a bit confused now, so Aeo wasn't a member of CoE before? If so what is the reason behind this revival if it won't be anything resembling the old ally. If you want your own ally wouldn't it be better to form a new one rather than use a carcass of dead one if it won't have it's identity? I'm confused :S please explain.
  4. and antifreeze tokens come after auras....
  5. Most of this is coming from http://magicduel.com/pages/help.info.php?p=creatureabilities so lets start. Sounds pretty useless to me unless you want to burn VE on purpose. Martyr ability plus the fact that power stat boosting defense stat can't compete with attack stat and weaken ability makes Defend totally useless. Why Defend doesn't work in exclusive hybrid mode (1)? With all the millions and millions of stats this kind of reduction would just level the playfield! Even better I would dare to make it instead of boosting defense to prevent percentage of incoming damage for next turn based on power stat which would have logarithmic scale(2). Why doesn't any higher tier creature (maxed) have Defend ability and why doesn't any creature at all have Defend Multiple? (1) Absolute or percentage boost depending which is higher; when I say absolute I mean on absolute minimum which would be defined by creature's stat without addition of other stats from player. See how some shop items in permanent boosters work. For contrast, inclusive hybrid mode is Aimed hit which sums both percentage and absolute. (2) Scaling of the percentage part would be done according to logarithmic value of related stat. Now this is a bit better but... why not make "overheal" ability which wouldn't be capped by creature max VE but rather cap would rise in correspondence to players personal VE? Effectively able to heal not only creature as outcome of fight but also player himself. This ability would also enable victory outcome way more easily than current Heal on it's own. Scroll down for another question regarding Heal. With stats in range of millions is it really smart to have Weaken work as it works now? To keep stacking debuff on enemy indefinitely? If person has negative stats, once combat starts it acts as having 0 stats, so why then in hell can defense stat go negative due to this ability? What is there to lower if you don't have any defence left to lose? Moreover wouldn't it be better to have Weaken work as exclusive hybrid ability (scroll up for explanation) in relation to current defense stat? Which would mean that each round target would lose let's say 30% of it's current defense based on attack stat of creature that performs Weaken, this would lower down the multiplicative damage stacking of Weaken delving into the negative(concept that doesn't exists anywhere else in MD and where it does it is nullified). First of all, where are those high level healers, we don't even have healer with target Multiple? I want Barren soul lvl 3, let's call him Foregone Soul :P Secondly, why each time you want to obliterate enemy, target All is so OP that it is autopicked? Why it doesn't have any downside to it to balance it out? If you really want to do some damage you won't be picking creatures that can't target All, ever! For those of you who are pointing out at freeze, "But you could totally freeze such creature." yes... [spoiler]Did I mention that the very same creature comes with antifreeze auras? Max antifreezes in ritual is 21 and max freezes are 9, on the bright side it's much easier to get this 21 than 9, so freezing isn't the counter to it and it definitely isn't a "skillful" counter.[/spoiler]
  6. Spain is too strong, they win again.
  8. *giggles* Oh yes laws are getting quoted already! :p just replace "reaction" with "forum criticism" :D
  9. Ah the beauty of semantics. If Aeo used "guidelines" or similar instead of "rules" none of this would happen. I must admit that I would have written "rules" too if it was me while not thinking on the enforcement part of it. That word is so common today that we use it so much and in place of other words that have partially shared meaning with it. Also when people get idea and are excited they just rush to show it in which process it is presented in shortest form possible. I mean who the hell would in his place with that many enthusiasm remember to write it as "oh also I will probably propose from interested parties to be mutually respectful of so far consensual training guidelines". Frustration does same thing which makes Nim's reply no better at all. Difference is that most of you backed her up because you could understand what she actually meant with that reply since you shared same opinion, but other party doesn't and hence perceives it wrong just like you perceived Aeo wrong. I don't see him as trying to reanimate dictatorial training ground from the past, but rather he tried to get people together and put some basic guidelines in place for organizational purpose of consensual training. If this dramas keep coming to forum I might be forced into canceling my cable subscription. Also seems like drama used to be a thing back in the day, will all the vets show up now due to scent of drama and solve population problem?
  10. Space is so yesterday, these days it's all about time travel. :p
  11. Somebody lacks appreciation for the popes? :p
  12. Actually the reason to that is because it is agreed threshold. When it comes to trade different agreement can be reached. But yeah I'm just being annoying :D
  13. Technically you have rounding down and rounding up. You rounded it up.
  14. Strange that such topic haven't been opened so far. Here it goes. The shortest way always requires more AP. Teamwork is essential, it gives you somebody to put a blame on. Player traces lead both ways, you will usually go the wrong way, into the viscosity. Locate spell doesn't work on person you need to find. The thing you need can't be obtained, when you don't need it's easily obtainable. No matter which way you are heading it's always into the viscosity. When you're feeling social, everybody is idle. For every atempt to do something there is an equal and opposite forum criticism. If enough data is collected Dst can prove anything. The tough part of being a leader is that people don't know what they want but they know what they don't want. Stealing information is called research. The perfect person for any job, usually public one, will show up day after possition was filled by somebody else. Every chat conversation, PM, anno and forum post which can be misunderstood, will be. The only people you can win against in combat are always in sanctuary. There is always a way to accomplish anything, it usually doesn't work. Success happens when outcome is unimportant, failure always occurs in life and death situations. Viscosity is not neutral. Shared items that are supposed to work together can't be carried that way. If you need council urgently, take a nap for a week or so. If matter is barely of any significane reply will come in 5 minutes. When you need help from LHO, your question will be assigned to an idle one. If you go to grab a shared item, somebody took it before you. Accurate regen timer, isn't. Friendly poke, isn't. Shared items, aren't. Lock spells, don't. Only players that give positive honor can't be attacked. When you feel like fighting, it's DOT. If you need to gather some resources and if you somehow got the tool to do it, they are already deplated. The good tokens won't work because you have picked one wrong principle. In MD something will always get bugged out of the blue. Usually when you least expect it and can't afford it. Exotic creature you always wanted is put on sale only after you have spend your coins on stuff you didn't wanted in first place. If you are winning in auction, somebody will outbid you by 1 silver in last moment or you will be 1 silver short to outbid the other person. If you mail council with super important and long mail, due to technical reasons mail won't ever reach them and your copy will be lost. The only time Dst is watching is when you do something bad and never when somebody does something bad to you. Effort and time needed to do and fix things are always inversly proportional to effort and time Chew can invest. MD will always critcally break when Mur and Chew aren't there to fix it. Game notifications always glitch into an endless loop of annoyance. Land weapons, aren't. You are always 1 AP short for moving to next scene. Free stuff, aren't. When it's about free credits you are always 1 cent short from buying the thing you really want in shop. If you are doing very well in a WP quest, somebody else is doing even better. If you think you're about to win the quest, you're mistaken. If other player has only one freeze it will always freeze your drach, your antifreezes will fail no matter what. If you have max number of freezes you will freeze everything except the creature that matters. Basically you are always short of something by 1, be it resource or stats. If you are selling it's always underpriced, if you are buying it's always overpriced. If you can misclick, you will. The first place you go to harvest resources is always deplated. Lifesteal is a contradiction, ele and daimon always die, drach always remains standing. Same goes with aimed hit. Each time you pray heat to your protector erolin device ends in 499 (or 249 for MP4s). About to cast a spell? Your heat is at 299. Each time you use your maxed combo ritual you are just asking for a disaster to happen. Need one more win to upgrade your creature? There is nobody you can win against and nobody wants to cooperate to help you. There is nobody left to fight. DOT is about to start. Finally you have everything ready to upgrade your creature? Just before you click upgrade your def will go random, that creature will be placed in random ritual and lose 1 mil heat. Spells wear off when you least expect them. If you cast a spell, eight minute spells last seven, if others cast them on you, they last nine. There is at least one achievement you won't ever be able to get. When you finally find training or RP partner, the next day that person goes inactive. Tea always gets cold right before you need it. Candies always melt right before you're to use them. All your issues will be resolved right when they no longer carry any importance. You will always burst right before your regen timer resets. People that you need regarding something are always in locations unreachable for you. When sacrificing useless creatures you will most likely misclick and say farwell to your windy or tainty. Target multiple never hits creatures that you want it to hit and always hit creats you prayed won't be hit, at least not that often or at least not in round 0. When you get some kind of reward, it's always what you don't need or not enough of what you do. You will always mess it up in last part of quest. There are the best kind of creatures for any fight, you won't ever have them. Irreproducable bugs will always happen to you and never to somebody else. When concerning kill and ressurct items, other person always has one more than you can handle. edit: New player, isn't. You're not invincible, grinders and Dst take note. You've been logging in every day for past 4 years since you started playing and you're about to appear on active vets list? Tough luck because some fossil just came back out of blue. If your name is Amber, then 5 fossils. If Everyone is blaming you then there is No one to blame. edit 2: If somebody has access to MB buckets, he will inevitably take MDA ones. You guessed it 1 minute before you arrive all will be gone. Not that it matters because water is by some magic already depleted for whole week. Guess where you won't find skull. Every attempt to implement new game feature will result in it being stopped and delayed indefinitely or it will just fail to work.
  15. This new type of tutorial that is replacing story makes me wonder. Aside from making new and better introduction into MD how are mechanics planned? How will be MP level transition handled? I guess after it's done the last page just says MP4 requirements and once on MP4, MP5 requirements are shown instantly, same for MP6? Story gave quite a bit of stats that made foundation for new player combat wise, even thought it was done in unbalanced way. How will new players get initial stats if any at all in this new system? Core 9 stats aren't that much of a issue as VE and VP increases in early days, most notably "I-want-grasan" kind of problem as well as possible VE-heat gain issues. They could result from MP3s starting with highly reduced starting VE (which at current time can range from 3k to 10k, rough estimate) which isn't necesarily bad thing but would lead to higher time spent on lower levels MP3 especially due to problem of low population on lower levels. Such phenomena can result in frustration from new player especially the one not verse or familiar in RP which could lead to discouragement due to lack of "tangible" action. Not saying that we don't already have similar situation but it would increase the effect. On the other side it could be viewed as a filter that would produce extremely patient or very social players since combat would be shadowed, mainly a result of current MP3 population. What about principles? Story was only place where you could chose them and you also initial bit of them. How will they be chosen now? Apparently there are some people with fully finished story yet for some reason they don't have 5/5 chosen principles, would they be able in this new system to chose principle if they missed it?
  16. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15446-ally-details-page-illegal-string-offset/ Where is the topic about combat log php errors....oh it wasn't moved to bug section. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15439-battle-log-shown-a-warning-message/ Although nobody else posted about it except Eagle Eye, this is happening to me too and probably to everybody else.
  17. I filled other papers with other content, sure I can squeeze it in one of other papers, but if player wants to read about ally he needs to click ally paper and it's there and not dig through all papers in search of something that might not be there. Sure there isn't that big difference from ally and land and one supplements the other, but citizens don't have access to ally paper. It's standardized and better organized this way. It also supports citizenship system which has bigger capacity and potential than ally one has. Although at current population it isn't evident of course. Slighhtly off topic. This also reminds me of topic for player details being redone, badge is so easily visible, while citizenship isn't, it passes long time before people notice you actually belong to a land.
  18. Ary Endleg

    New paper

    I want more papers! I'm so jelous of alliance members who get their shiny Alliance statement paper. Could one new paper be made and given out to citizens too? Name: Land proclamation Requirements: Citizenship of any land. Icon: Does it matter? Ally paper and achievements have same icon on player details in area to the right of the chat.
  19. RPCs introduction and reword leading to more quests and WPs becoming more accessible. Custom items more accessible. Either new crafter role independed of affiliation or council getting this added in job description. Item making process still costing a WP. More jobs will be available related to development of MD. Possible rewards for writting code on forum or something along those lines (was BFHs question). Moo spell postponed until after A25 and Mur's comeback. A25 possible to arrive in a month (not sure if it was a joke). Will feature tool/resource changes or something (forgot)? As well as story mode removal and introduction of quest like thing for newbies which is meant to replace current tutorial. Combat changes. Combat code cleanup. Possible reword of honor for alliance in case of removal of permanent balance. Ally attack cooldowns equalized to match non ally players in order to make combat more accessible for younger people since ally members make huge majority of MD's population as well as good amount of non ally people being unattackablle due to no creatures or 0 ve creatures. Cooldown change will probably be temporary until population is at satisfying level. Was there anything else?
  20. Something like WP rating? :p
  21. If each quest had avy medal.... you forsee problem right? :p Medals are easily recognizable, you can't have different for each quest, if you have same, so 2 quests = gold? or how many tiers are needed? like server supporter medal multiple tiers? I don't see it working nor being wanted, not in this few-quests environment
  22. If quests were like Nimmy describes them, I would be quest junkie. What do you mean by medal? Inventory medal/trophy or avy medal? If avy medal... then... how?
  23. It has zero sky visibilty yet it can happen that water rises to levels such as 2/1 or 3/1 probably during rain. Edit: it's Public bathroom where you get shared items, not the Marind's bathroom. Haven't checked that one, not even sure if it has water
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