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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Putting avatar inside vault makes it immune to inactivity purge?
  2. I just checked Brulant with Burns' script at MDP, according to it he has no avatar active. Meaning, if he was the last person with that avatar and if no other active player has it in their vault then avatar is somewhere in the shop.
  3. Don't forget to put infrared ink while you are at it! Not even currency bills have it yet, be the first!
  4. Ary Endleg

    Meet up

    2:30 AM ST
  5. Master thief doing charity? :D
  6. because this is MD, if something doesn't works good it will be fixed SOON! We should challenge every idea as best as we can and find solutions to those problems before it gets implemented, this will assure better quality of the feature. I like Mur's answer to this. So now it all looks fine to me.
  7. This is another thing that bugs me. You said it's permanent thing, yet you say this permanent title thing applies to roles such as king role. Now kings get replaced, now it would be very awkward if we get 10 kings of same land walking around with such title. Even more awkward if that ex king joins another land at some later point, then imagine how screwed situation would be if all those ex kings even keep a power over citizenship granting as Eara mentioned. You really need to elaborate fully what type of roles does this cover and what exactly the permament mean in this. So far whole thing changes how tag is granted and how it makes perfectly no sense to be kept permanently. Person can join and leave summon by tag group, person can join and leave Public Council, person can become king and resign or get kicked out, person can switch sides, person can get jailed and the most often example, person can change role. Even if you give title as trivial as Bartender to somebody, that person can say "Screw this I go do herbalisam from now on." People change as game affects them. It is only logical that if person stops doing something and starts doing something else he is no longer refered to by his old profession. Unless by permanent you mean that person can get mutliple title certificates in inventory that aren't transferable and that he can activate one of his earned titles manually himself, something like that Combat shield from WP shop that has few weeks cooldown between activating and deactivating, then I guess it could be fine as long as titles of power get some indicator like "Ex king". One could reactive his Bartender title if he wants to do that again, but you can't reactive your king title in same manner.
  8. How does this replaces current double tag system? I thought that kings already have the power to give tags so this now makes them require a second person to agree, is this the only change about it? Just changing the way it's given out? What about the 'permanent' part of it? Many people/characters change over time and so does their role. For example LR military leader yesterday, retired-exiled and vanished-imprisoned Commander tomorrow. The one good thing about this is that it will survive jail tag override. Please elaborate some more on this permanemt part and how it affects current (double) tags including jail, summonbytag and official tags like LHO inquisitor, public council, code guardian, master of forum, king and such.
  9. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9n2JehjQ7I[/media]
  10. nice man. Although I find it very very odd that every single unvalidated account on forum is visiting your profile.
  11. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=183_K4KfrP0[/media]
  12. Thank you. Just noticed that it has 9 thumbs up by now so this just might get noticed enough to get implemented. ^^
  13. No, those are the signs that Angiens prefer to be tainted.
  14. I strongly believe that such behavior is due to common conception from all the other games where you train on NPCs and you PVP for ranking. In MD there is no such thing training and intentionally damaging somebody (be it in order to inflict skilldamage or to wipe out vitality from new player who can't regen or be it to fullfil kill contract) is the in one and the same way, PVP. Mainly mindset of players is the problem and that's why they run away in low levels but only if they refuse to interact with others and learn. Honor system, balance and win-loss ratio is the problem for mindset and doesn't actually make sense. For new player it all is weird, first question that pops up is why win-loss ratio and honor have anything to do with training. Such stuff confuse new players. They don't see difference between training and competition, afterall there is thin line between it. I don't think that giving more npcs would be blissful idea, things as they are don't even allow beating same npc twice. As much as I see there was this idea before in MD and Empty Aramors and Tiny Men were made as MP2 npcs and I don't think reviving this concept would be good idea. Due to how whole combat is at the moment I still think there really should be 3 separate MP levels in which players would learn combat step by step, currently each of 3 mp levels give specific and different challenges and focuses. Problem is this demands population, MD doesn't have population to satisfy the needs for which this sort of system was built. The whole point of this all was to have decent amount of players at same level of knowledge and strength, something... which would demand 10 levels nowdays and playerbase of 500+ players. In my mind, what ever is currently done with combat is a big bite to chew on and it wouldn't solve much. I would leave it as it is and shift focus to something else like improving inventory, volition, allowing people to make items, make gathering more available, do that quest thingy that Mur is working on now. I just think that fixing or redesigning combat at this moment just isn't worth the time nor effort. I would enjoy the game much more if it would allow RP to be much more integrated with all the custom items and quests rather than have combat fixed. More integrated RP beats perfect combat system any day in my opinion.
  15. :) I even beat lash's score from last year. :D
  16. Marindian makes no sense to me, Marind-Bellian would be correct in my mind but I'm, just like everybody else is, very lazy, so I will type Bellian. :D
  17. So far I like it. I have 16 creatures only so for me page used to take up to 5 seconds, now it loads instantly. I don't see any problem with it yet and I can't wait to see finished version.
  18. As far as I understand, all that Tom is saying is that after somebody makes his drawing he can scale it down to that size in order to see if it will still look good after it is resized. He pointed out that size because it is the one he says is used by MD for creature images. If I was to draw 5 meter tall santa I would sure as hell want to know how it would look like when shrinked down to normal size used by MD. I wouldn't want my Santa to become thin and tall suddenly after resize.
  19. Friends list by default is sure win. *cheers*
  20. Turning Free Credits link at the top into red and make it say how many active links are still to be voted on, just like Announcement link when there are new announcements. This could remind people to vote more often and help turn non-voters into voters which would help MD get higher position on voting sites and bring more new people. After all nobody can resist to click red link.
  21. Turning some object that is in original scene artwork into clicky/pickable item which isn't clicky already. Lets say there is some rock in the scene that isn't clickable yet. Turning objects that are already in scene into clickable would lower the need for so many new artworks questmaker might need.
  22. Questmaker will be able to create new things in the scene with power to esentially transform whole scene into something almost totally different? As well as create items out of the blue that are pickable? Seems like artists will be very busy with drawing requests.
  23. Who won? Did this maybe became permanent quest? I am interested in this if it is still up.
  24. Ary Endleg


    only thing that bugs me is principle names being written in romanian at altars :D I don't speak romanian but now I know how to say all 10 principles in romanian :D
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