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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Reminds me of Gondor Tower Guard.
  2. When developers don't want to "fix what is/seems to be broken" then certain players will turn away while others will rejoice because they can exploit the broken system in fulness without being worried about developer going against their long term strategy. Truth to be told, with this low population and activity there isn't much depletion around, it depends how much tools are available, how much time person have to harvest and how many people are trying to harvest it at the moment. Basically herbs will be always depleted because tools are easily available to all and there is fair amount of them. Herbs are also quite valuable because you use it for cake and tea that's why there's big interest in them. Since they are already depleted it takes a single person around 3 hours a week to keep them at 0, land loyalty and big AP pool mean much. There is only one location with herbs that doesn't get depleted because it's far out of the way from the rest, sometimes they forget the other one too, if you are lucky. Memory stones aren't depleted because in order to get the tool you need to pay Golemians a fee (usually amount of stones you can harvest in one day), this kind of fee, Golemus monopoly over tool makes few people gather it at any given time, which means you won't really have competition so you don't deplete against yourself! Also sand is useful, so you will need a friend to take advantage of this byproduct. Water is another useful resource, due to not that easily available tools there will be usually few people gathering it, still there might be depletion wars from time to time. Another resource that is actually used is branches, this one is fairly available to satisfy rare needs of population so it's not depleted and tool is also Loreroot tied. Fenths! They solve all your problems if you have creats to sacrifice and if you can afford the fee to rent Reality Coagulator. The only thing which fenths can't replace are memory stones and water for bushies. Fenths don't generate periodically but rather are byproduct of sacrificing and they deteriorate completely on resource reset. They are obviously superior resource and more easily obtainable because you are always in civilization, you just need X amount of creature slots on regular basis and you can control the generation of fenths that you will gather yourself. Only problem is.... getting the tool. Other resources just have no real use.
  3. After 3 and half months he still haven't paid for the last auction? What kind of nonsense is this. I suggest that new rule should be implemented regarding not paying on time in which case the token would go to second highest bidder and not-payer be prevented from bidding on next few auctions. Rule #3 of auction, specifically red bracket statement should be taken more seriously.
  4. Oh well then it's usual rounding, sorry folks I was not aware of the table on Google docs and I rounded it all down because first post said it will be "rounded down" rather than just "rounded".
  5. Here you go Rophs I converted all of gc directly to sc by standard ratio of 1:15 Sunfire sold to AmberRune for 30 sc (25% goes to TK which means 7 sc), slave earned 23 sc Intrigue sold to Assira the Black for 21 sc (25% goes to TK which means 5 sc), slave earned 16 sc JadenDew sold to Azull for 25 sc (25% goes to TK which means 6 sc), slave earned 19 sc Nimrodel sold to Eon for 30 sc (50% goes to TK which means 15 sc), slave earned 15 sc Hiria sold to lashtal for 12 sc (50% goes to TK which means 6 sc), slave earned 6 sc Marvolo sold to Assira the Black for 20 sc (25% goes to TK which means 5 sc), slave earned 15 sc Eara Meraia sold to Tal for 68 sc (25% goes to TK which means 17 sc), slave earned 51 sc Draconas sold to Nimrodel for 25 sc (25% goes to TK which means 6 sc), slave earned 19 sc Syrian sold to AmberRune for 15 sc (25% goes to TK which means 3 sc), slave earned 12 sc Rikstar sold to Assira the Black for 15 sc (25% goes to TK which means 3 sc), slave earned 12 sc Kiley sold to Azull for 25 sc (25% goes to TK which means 6 sc), slave earned 19 sc Ary Endleg sold to Eara Meraia for 17 sc (25% goes to TK which means 4 sc), slave earned 13 sc Azkhael sold to lashtal for 25 sc (100% goes to TK which means 25 sc), slave earned 0 sc Send me the ITC :P Additional statistics (cool stuff) Total money spent on auction is 328 sc. TKs earned total of 106 sc, meaning almost 33% of total earnings, leaving 222 sc left as slave's profit. Assira the Black having bought 3 slaves is the biggest slave owner. Eara was most prized slave according to prices, costing 4 gc and 8 sc and she was the source of drama which result in kill contract ending up in Dark Demon getting killed, Eon richer by 4 gc and almost doubling Tal's auction expense. This drama event made Eon and Eara the decisive winners of auction because they are the only ones who spent money yet auction event made them earn even more. Eon spent 2 gc for his slave purchase while in this side job he earned 4 gc extra while Eara Meraia spent 17 sc and earned 51 sc. Even though some had multiple purchases, Tal is biggest spender of auction even with just one purchase which cost him 4 gc and 8 sc, which also resulted in some extra cost of 4gc to pay kill contract.
  6. I think his idea was only for volition... I'm unsure about putting a hardcap on stats, even though the majority of other games do it. Reaching a common agreement about stat cap would be very hard thing to do and would require rebalancing of whole system.
  7. In recent discussion about fairness of tokens, it was mentioned many times how unfair percentage stat boost from shop is due to it being exponential gain. There is another topic in this section that speaks about how easy or hard it is to obtain premium stuff without spending money. So far shop allows you to get around 50% in increase in attack and defence stat per reset. It is in no way balanced in relation to how long it takes to get those stats just by grinding, it scales exponentially the more you buy it the more it gives. When you have 2 million of attack it will give another million for just 20 credits. In matter of minute player got 1 million attack, just like that. How long it takes to gain 1 million attack without using premium shop at all? Does this seem fair? What if we were to put a cap on that stat boost, instead of it giving 2% increase it would give 2% or 10k which ever is lower. That way it would still be helpful to players in transition to reach bigger numbers and eventually catch up, while preventing the top players from slipping way too far. Exemplary cap of 10k means that once you reach 500k stats you have hit it, it's a long way to half million and once people would reach it they would no longer have exponential gain. Then max gain per shop reset would be 200k stats, which is fairer than it is now. What do you people think about this? Certain person give me this idea and asked me to post it instead, so here it is.
  8. Water already fills up on rainy time of the day.
  9. CPAD? Enforcing embargo goes only so far....
  10. Count me in!
  11. This is so true, one wrong decision and it all goes poof, you can't patch things as it seems fit, you need to analyze everything and do the right decision from first time. You can only patch up the broken game only so long, especially this type of game. I like Menhir's last suggestion very much, it allows everybody to play, so everybody can try it. If people like it and want to stay they would have to pay, which would fund the game or if they can't pay they would need to do certain quota of voting which helps the game get more players. If I was game owner I would totally employ such concept and remove pay to win stuff from shop entirely because I wouldn't depend on it at all. Well you got some things wrong :D First off turns out that antifreeze isn't OP as it seemed, read my latest post in that topic :p but yes some tokens give very significant bonuses for grinders inside combat. This is further linked to the way grinding is at it's highest, in short combo training isn't as juicy as you think. The way top grinders grind in GOE, yep that's the juicy. (I won't detail it :p but certain setups play important role in it and quite a few materials for maximizing it come from premium branch) I'm glad you mentioned permanent balance, I despise such thing highly (I believe I wrote about it in "Combat Talk"?), but this is not the place to talk about it. Actually SW could work sometimes.... well it's again matter for another talk :p anyway I like advertisement of my topic :)) As I said many times already, token change is good towards making system more fair, but it's a part of greater chain, you need to readjust everything related to it, everything must be taken into account if you tinker with just one part you won't achieve wanted effect and you will piss off many people in process. As far as I know MD lacks person who would deal with such things. Somebody who would be in charge of balancing the system "on paper", doing the quality work for such thing so that it can be implemented without pissing off the crowd.
  12. Other games who run this type of thing don't have unlimited cap like MD, in here you could raise your stats infinitely, they put in place cap which prevents you from going stronger at one point. Which leads us to second problem if you don't put such cap. If older payer invested 5000$ so far and he is at top, new player who is considering to donate would see that he needs to spend 5001$ to be better than him, but he feels like spending only 20$ now, which would mean it would put him at bottom of food chain and give him no advantage what so ever especially if weakest payer invested 500$, that means he needs to beat that donation to have any advantage of his spent money at all. This leads to lack of will of donating at all, as Burns mentioned. I hope you see the problem clearer now, your concept just can't be put into MD because MD isn't made for that sort of thing unlike other games which use such a thing as their building foundation.
  13. Not to mention that if you put all donors into one basket and remove all their shopping limits as you suggested, it's just a race of who has more cash and is actually willing to spend it :))
  14. Okay for those of you who don't get it yet, tokens help you get up the base values of your att and def stat for a decent base, this is step one. Step two is using the foundation made by tokens to buy percentage boosts from permanent branches, paying members will most likely empty token section once or twice and no more, all eyes are shifted then to perma boosters for every sequential shop reset. Additionally Rusty/Rein have biggest win-to-stat ratio, they are premium creatures to who get tokened. Token bonus is just a first part of problem. When you get 10, 20, 50k stats it's all percentage boost then, that's how you reach millions. All that matters then when is how many shop resets you have, you will start getting more and more and more stats for less and less and less money. As some of you like to point out that "grinders get big stats paying or not" that's... less important. If you RP all day long and never fight you pretty much don't care at all for this part of game, it's unfair to say that people who bitch about premium advantages are the ones who don't fight. I find it to be the case exactly opposite, grinders who grind and don't pay vs grinders who grind (and sometimes grind less) and pay. That's the main fight. Compare grinder who doesn't have juicy stuff and the one who does, stats are laughable when compared and it does not reflect the effort properly. Grinder pretty much has to invest all the free creds in that direction. It will take him 2 years to get materials for building that foundation if he doesn't pay. Another problem now which raised now is that some of paying players don't like this because people back then got more resets, better ratios, more people to fight and now it takes way more time to catch up the top grinders with millions of stats. If you keep nerfing values down, people will get demotivated too much. After all grinder wants to be the best! His motivation is to be the first beat the current top player, get more than he does. If old player got this far because he had better ratio, it's no hard math to figure out that in order to become top new grinder has to make big investments in money and 5 times bigger investment in time just to get even. So for new grinder to catch up Eon/Darky he needs to grind for 10 years now just to get to same level they are on NOW at this moment! Basically, this closed in the gap between first phase paying grinders and the rest of mortals, but greatly enlarged the gap between them and percentage boosters! New paying grinder now has weaker base, it takes 4 times longer to build the same decent base for percentage boost. @Nimmy, many trades are done outside the forum. People first ask their IM contacts if no deal is made then they go on forum if they are really desperate. I doubt you will find much in that dig. I agree too with Rhaegar's suggestion to a certain degree. But by doing such things you just aren't taking into account stat rewards from fights, they would make win grinding much more juicer than heat/combo fighting, probably resulting in another GGG because it's super simple way of doing it. You then not only need to increase base value of sacc ratios but also increase stat reward from fights at same time. Or in addition to this last change, also nerf down the percentage boosts too. But then what do you do with those "that had better deal before", if you touch their stat, it's unfair, if you leave it be it's unfair, if you reset everything it's unfair. Really I still fail to see how to make everything right, how to leave the sheep untouched and wolf satiated. But let's face it, so far it was unfair and game in state of such supremacy of premium goodies just can't go back on advertisement shelf, which devs plan to do when they finish enough features. New players don't like to join free to play game which in fact turns out to be pay to win game.
  15. Impossible, if paying player grinds for 2 hours, you have to grind for 20 hours each day just to catch him up (token-wise, before this change). But he's paying player so he also enjoys 2% boost from permanent boosters, how do you grind more when day only has so many hours?
  16. You have to do both then. If you only increase reward from no-token creat, then token bonus is applied it's still same :p anyway token bonus was indeed absurd, it went 10 times over the base value, now it's 75% less. However it does raises the issue of past people having "better deal".
  17. They do require EP. There is also age limit which prevents you from farming anything that way as well.
  18. Is a massive benefit needed? It's just one of those things that make sense, it's a right thing to receive heat for a creature in which effort has been invested.
  19. When you sacrifice creature which you recruited/bought yourself you gain erolin heat. When you sacrifice creature which you received by CTC you don't gain erolin heat. To my understanding Second rule was put in place in order to prevent mass loyalty farms from level 1 creatures. When you sacrifice upgraded creature which you received by CTC, you still don't gain erolin heat, which I believe wasn't intended since you actually have to put in effort to upgrade it, which makes it impossible for above abuse. Creatures obtained by CTC who got upgraded (their level is higher than level 1) should give erolin heat.
  20. Lies! She has no arrows or quiver, she's no archer, she just posses with the bow. :D I like it ^_^
  21. Yes, it's pretty much one luck in base value. I was referring to base value :) of course tokens can increase that. Also I got told bird's sacc stats don't scale either.
  22. Major update regarding antifreeze tokens. After wasting a couple of hours on the damage of Darky's employer :p we came with following results. Antifreeze and Blooddrop2 are not super OP tokens, it figures out, they are on other extreme side, of being effectively useless. All types of auras and tokens I consider now tested for this relation of "who goes first". All tokens go before auras. That means if you don't enter combat with frozen creature in advance, your tokens won't work at all. There are only 2 ways for such thing to happen, either you are mp3 or mp4 who upgraded his creature beyond MP cap limit or somebody casted prot-freeze on you (which really never happens). Now due to so many antifreeze auras and the fact that you will be hit with prot-freeze once in a thousand lifetimes, makes those 2 tokens totally useless for mp5s and every other mp3 or mp4 who doesn't waste WP for bringing the creat above the cap. Funny thing in this story is how those tokens are described both in shop and token descriptions. So the above descriptions are false, since it only removes pre-combat freezes and not during-combat freezes. Moreover Blooddrop2 also gives Initiative boost of 10%, trick is... it shouldn't boost init at all! It would be more useful, more interesting and would be making a whole lot of more sense if freeze tokens go at same time as freeze auras. Due to influx of antifreeze auras, that still seems a bit silly but I can remind you that you could in such a case create ritual with different creatures who don't have antifreeze aura at all. Those tokens have next to no use for this intended purpose of them for now. Currently they are only good for increasing sacrifice values and blooddrop2 still has the other principle combination use, but antifreeze purpose is effectively useless. Another thing that should be addressed is creature sacrificing. Why so many creatures don't have their sacrifice values configured? Why so many of those that give stats on sacrifice do it on same template? Meaning many creates would not only give same type of stats but their values would have same scaling. This doesn't take into account at all how hard it is to grow and train certain creatures in comparison to other creatures, which is bad concept. Why some of stats aren't actually scaling at all, particularly Luck stat, have anybody saw it being gained by more than 2 luck from sacrificing? Not that I know of!
  23. Actually I explained this badly. If you click anything in scene or if you try to move but you don't have AP for that movement, viscosity is lowered by 4 but in either case you don't get any volition, not even after acquiring enough AP for movement and then performing that movement. Volition is skill that is related to lowering of viscosity. So each time you lower viscosity you should get some of it. Problem is that currently clicking anything clickable in scene lowers the viscosity by 4, but doesn't give volition if you actually haven't successfully moved with that very same click (action). This is how the system checks it upon clicking anything: checks if player has lowered viscosity in that same scene in last 50 mins (or 60, can't remember); if not then no voliton is gained nor any viscosity is lowered and check ends here; if yes, viscosity gets lowered and it continues for another check checks if player has succeeded to move out from scene; if yes, volition is gained; if not volition isn't gained Since if you click clicky or fail to move due to lack of AP you will succeed to lower the viscosity but due to second check, you won't receive volition. When you get AP to move again and it's under the time frame of your last click which lowered viscosity, you will still not gain volition due to first check, since viscosity has been lowered recently by you. Basically first check is the viscosity check, while second one is the volition check. This is a bug because you are supposed to get volition each time you lower viscosity and you don't. That's why second (volition) check makes no sense because it should be simple one. Check if player succeeded in lowering viscosity; if yes, grant volition; if not don't give volition. Simple. Edit: which means this bug isn't resolved
  24. #5 they got explained why not to eat so curiosity element isn't exactly there #6 game only makes you think that you have a choice, regardless of your decision at that point, outcome is still the same. Which means you aren't offered anything, you are forced to have it (or quit MD as soon as you see that scary dude who just happens to look like Fire Starter :D same hoodie, same robe).
  25. Since I was digging a bit for some stuff in there, I noticed some interesting stuff. (I would love to have some filtering and sorting buttons in announcement popup, it would make life easier when looking for things which you have no idea how they are named.). I decided to partially quote some of the interesting announcements in here and comment them a bit. Starting from beginning, year 2007, like dozen interesting announcements out of 165 of them. I might do similar thing for other years if I'll feel like it. [spoiler] I never tried this, if it works, give me a creature that does Defend on enemy :D Hell yes! Wait... how long it was before? Anyway 15min looks so long time to wait T_T Now, isn't that cute :)) Oh the horror! I trust it was a dark day for grinders. Imagine if it gets reversed again so it does straight damage, based on Attack stat, with target All. Yes that's how it worked like and this is first change to it which was followed by many more nerfs to it. Still waiting :)) Yup :D most of them are. So that's when we got limited in that field, would be nicer if it was 20 :P You were saying? Good, good! The infamous Power-grind nerf as well as introduction of negative VP. Nice comparison to current situation. Don't you feel lucky? :P This was further changed in 2008. Try reaching that number of rounds! This whole mechanism has only 4-5 announcements yet it's the founding stone underneath the combat system. This is important thing because now we know that there are predefined number of combat actions as well as rounds, if either action limit or round limit is reached, fight ends even though both sides are still alive. Heads up, it always reaches action limit. Announcement 133 obviously didn't happen and there are no records of it being changed. If round limit is really put in place and unchanged since announcement 133, then it's probably bugged or limit is only imposed with actions and then it was badly calculated to give such numbers in announcement 133.[/spoiler] Edit: had to be picky since I can make only 15 quotes due to forum limitations :p
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