
Ary Endleg
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Everything posted by Ary Endleg
This is the bug of WYSIWYG editor :p so he needs to do reverse and go to HTML editor and write the code himself :p
Indeed since repeated actions in same scenes don't give increase to volition, however if you get into scene, you try to move but you don't have enough AP, viscosity will drop and the next time you are able to move, your volition stays the same.
Lets address some stats. I'll be talking about Volition, Tradesense, Energetic Immunity, Power, Regeneration, EP, Luck and VP. I'll mainly question their usage and softcaps. Volition This stat is part of something that is still waiting to be implemented, although not much is said except "The current plans are to allow this skill (that means also will power) to be gained in other activities as well and to use it later for mixing will and wish to turn ideas into matter (items)." My current question is, why is volition which seems like a rp/harvest stat applied to creatures in combat, which you can notice while using skillvamp aura. Tradesense, Luck and VP, EP Excuse me but I don't really get idea of "LUCK, you found 5 vp on the ground". Obviously VPs are used for recruiting and upgrading creats as well as buying stat boosting gear for that... other inventory. What exactly is the point of VPs nowdays and how does that concept of them matter today? Same question can go for EP, once you have seen scene, those EP are only for creats, not really explore-ish anymore. Tradesense, now this baby works quite weird in first place. It affects how much VP you spend on recruiting and buying gear, it does not actually lower the VP price but instead refunds VP upon purchase. 100 tradesense is softcap, meaning if you got more it's useless. Oh and this is something that can be viewed as useful in early stage of game, but once you get this to any effective level, lets say 30 or above, you just won't need it anymore. This stat is the first one in which you reach softcap since it is so low considering the stats in millions today. I don't see much use for tradesense, EP nor VP in game. In my opinion only good thing about VP mechanic is that it prevents fresh player from recruiting grasan, lol. The problem is that VP is heavily integrated into almost everything combat related. Energetic Immunity This one has one softcap that is same as tradesense, but this stat is way more useful than tradesense. With 100 EI you ignore land damage, which in my opinion according to today's standards of high stats is very low and should be readjusted. This baby also has another use in resistance to certain spells, which is very nice and this use has no softcap! Would be nice if more spells are affected by both this and Power stat, as well as intoxicate resistance. Besides if Attack has Defence as it's counter balance, would be fun to have EI as counter balance in combat for Power :P Power Ah the nightmare stat. This baby is useful for just about anything, some abilities have it capped like lifesteal, some spells are empowered by it and gives headache to angien users. In 2007 the Power-grind nerf was put in place and that's why Power is so hard to get nowdays, but back then power based abilities especially lifesteal were super strong and that's why such nerf was put in place as well as cap on Power use for lifesteal. Honestly the only reason why this nerf is still useful is because of angien's energyburn where you pretty much want to burn down the opponent in one go but problem is that too much Power can result in VE cap for energyburn to malfunction, because if you have so much Power but not enough VE to fuel it, your angien will kill himself in process and that's the only problem with grinding the power stat. Really that nerf should be removed and energyburn... readjusted? :P Would be nice if they only consume up to certain amount rather than to go kamikaze. Regeneration Nothing wrong with this one, except I wonder why it has no effect on regeneration intervals (regen timer ticks) and "healthy strolls" in your land?
I haven't said such thing anywhere. Do you know how whole combat round system underneath works? I bet you don't, but that's what I was talking about when I mentioned rounds and actions. They basically govern over the course of combat, how it flows and how long can fight actually lasts. Have you ever wondered why your alliance fight lasted only 3 rounds while it should have been 5 since neither side killed off the other? Answer is combat actions, the part of combat system that hasn't been changed since 2007! Which also means it didn't get readjusted as new things were added to combat, such as freezes. (I've been busy last night digging in announcements :D I'll be posting soon some more stuff that I think should be addressed)
and it never rains again... :)) One more month to go.... such a football-unfriendly environment around here >_>
I started talking about it from first post. I really feel like repeating myself over and over, as if nobody reads it all. But well this is all around combat talk. It's not as you said we have target multi. Why would it be a drawback if you could chose? Like maxed angien gives you the option? Why would upgrading the creature give you more powerful targeting mech or ability when instead it could give you more varied arsenal? Low level for example restricts you from using target random, next level adds you target multiple, max level unlocks all of it. They should be more special but not this special, see above :P Point is to make as many combinations viable for combat, target All restricts this. Oh to add a few things onto Rikky's reply, actually... intoxicate is bugged, there is report in bug section I believe. It only drains stats onto profile, creature stats in combat aren't affected! My toxico does intoxicate on your drach, you as player will be intoxicated in triggers, but your drachs stats in combat will stay the same, unaffected. If it worked, yes it would be how you describe, but... giving defense to one of your creatures is actually less than intoxicating enemy's attack stat of his single creature, because that creature can hit some other creature hence effect is "bypassed", all okay with that. But then we have target Multiple and All :p in those cases intoxicate would be superior to defend since defend shield one creatue, while intoxicate lowers stats of one enemy who could attack more than 1 of your guys.
Ofc I want freeze, but Burns why don't you think that target All is the real problem, it makes the number of creatures in ritual used as tactically unimportant, having only role of how personal stats are distributed. If there was no target All, you just wouldn't be able to kill everything with single creature in first round. On the matter of freeze I'll go even bolder than Rophs! Not only put W/S/D/R targeting options on freezes but also make them creature abilities instead of auras, let it work like Defend ability, putting freeze on target creature which lasts 1 round, or even 2 (don't think 2 is a smart idea :D depends on how many you enable and how many antifreezes and so on...). I think we need to address many problems in combat if we are to solve stuff, by getting rid of ORRTA and instead getting 2 supreme rits you just make it a game of flipping a coin. There is so big potential of what all we can do. Just look at how many creats that we have aren't actually used in real fight, simply because they are tactically useless. You mention everybody going for 6 creat ritual, so number of creatures in ritual is again another thing which could play big importance in tactics but it is simply squashed due to 6 creat rit being obviously the best way. Then we have another mechanics which is just there sitting and being completely unnoticed but it's a very foundation of combat system yet it has next to no tactical value (I proved that wrong on one occasion :P), I'm talking about combat actions which define the rounds! (yep I expect that 99% of you have no idea what that even is) Imagine if you could have more control over that. I just see so many possibilities of what can be done to make combat truly tactical experience where your choice actually matters, rather than it being just One Ritual to Rule Them All. For start, I would redo freeze system completely in one way or another, redo Weaken as explained in first post, nerf target All somehow. Once this is done reanalyze things over and do more changes. Imposing creat limits that Burns mentioned is good idea, boosts simply skyrocket which is not good, but by itself is no solution to grander problem. And as Powle noticed in above post, tweaks to those abilities are also needed, something which I talked about in first post. To me target All is the arch enemy here. If there is Damage ability with target All in ritual it has potential to mop the whole floor before you blink! I want such things gone! Especially since it hits ALL creatures at once with same strength as single target creature hits it's target. It's basically a sure win since it makes you care not of how many creatures the other player have, 1,2,3,4,5,6? doesn't matter, target All hits them all no matter what in same turn with same performance. 1 creature on opponent side and I have 100k attack? Okay my drach will hit that dude with 100k, 6 creats same stats? It's okay my drach still kills them all doing 100k to each. If you people don't see problem in target All then you are simply blind. Now if you try to solve that problem by dividing the damage according to how many targets it actually hits you still ain't nerfing it properly. You need to nerf it's reliability and convenience! That's the real problem. If I'm sure that Dmg All is going to work and hit everything no matter what, I no longer care about tactics, my only issue are stats, more and more of stats (and freezes... but that's a separate talk). We need to nerf target All so it's less reliable and less convenient, question is how? All possibilities in combat, all of it's mechanics should be meaningful, useful and able to make a difference. What is the point of having so wast combat system if there is one answer to everything? In that case you can just remove all creatures from game except drachs and it will all work fine just like it worked so far, nothing will change we will just get rid of stuff we normally don't use anyway. (ofc leave popes so people can drop heat from time to time)
Why are the stats problems? I don't see them as such. Change to creat boost auras I just don't see as solution to any of current problems. You are just replacing oneORRTA with another only twist is will lady luck smile at you with freeze or not, gamble is still very far away from tactics.
Okay lets call it ORRTA then :)) I don't think that lowering the creat limit of drachs and angiens would solve it, for angiens it could, but for drachs... I think that weaken needs to be redone as recommended in first post and some kind of downside imposed on target All. Target All is by it's very existence the lazy way out and speaks "I don't need to combine anything or think tactically since my drach will kill everything anyway".
Actually you just need to read while you vote, it tells you under the link before you click it that registering counts ten times more as well as when you open the link, besides BMMO is self explanatory by name, if you are voting you should know the name.
Your need to register on BMMORPG site and when you vote you get points, if you have enough points and if other voters didn't already grabbed all gifts from bmmo shop then you can get them.
Well there is a difference between fighting just for the sake of fighting and fighting for sake of land. Since last one doesn't happen like ever... all those military alliances are somewhat redundant especially since they aren't really much "combative" if I may say so. Aeo, so what? GG has two military alliances, why not have a military wing in your own alliance? Just properly define purpose and it's all fine.
You are right, that's why they are good as they are, after boosts.
Ok.... let me try to explain again why that isn't a good idea and why it won't achieve what you want it to achieve. Whole point in vampires(specifically skillvamp) is to get advantage over stronger opponent, in other words it's not made to be used against weaker opponent. Also keep in mind how much influence is used, if your "stronger" opponent uses 0% influence and you go 100% influence along with your skillvamp you just fell in your own hole. :p The reason why your idea won't work against stronger opponent and make battle more "fair" is because you just used 3 slots for skillvamp, meaning you have 3 more slots for boosts while enemy has 6 and he will use them which makes his stats again higher than yours and skillvamp becomes completely useless. Problem isn't in vampire auras, they are working fine, I just had a hunch that they might not work well due to tokens which as Chew said are "bolted" onto the combat. Tokens come before vampires so it's all fine. What is not fine is freeze/antifreeze system, especially antifreeze tokens! Current fight order is all fine, but freeze system needs to be redone, probably would be nice to make it be affected by initiative which could partially solve the issue, but super high number of antifreeze needs to be looked carefully in such case. I have no idea what can be done about antifreeze tokens, they target specifically creature which has the token making all freezes useless (as long as you don't use 100% influence and as long as you have principles or get lucky for token to proc). In case of auras it's a matter of a lot of luck if aura will select frozen creature in first place, also aura can fail, token takes all this away because it's targeted and certain unfreeze. I just don't see easy patch to freeze system, it will obviously require full revamp. I didn't intended this topic to go this way exactly, but okay. Although I'm more interested about other issues I brought up in first post. I specifically wanted to see reply from Chew about most of questions raised, especially "where is this high level healer" one.
Ary Endleg 249440 Max Absolutely no reason, expect strive for freedom, disobeyment on every occasion and stab in the back if you present it. None Min
I second that.
or maybe... Chew is from Northern Ireland :p
Now... you overlooked something. Just to remind you that is impossible (quoted parts in brackets), COE member can't fight another COE member (same badge) to help him gain or drop heat :D but nice idea anyhow.
Looks like we are getting some monks and nuns. :))
Omg so it really was all bad under the hood. I must add that you struggling to do the work in such development hostile environment is very admiring. I just don't know anybody who would even consider doing anything serious in such project situation.
CoE Resurrection - Still possible?
Ary Endleg replied to Aeoshattr's topic in Children of the Eclipse
@BFH, considering your #2 point. In the spirit of progress shouldn't we let the old vegetative alliances that don't contribute to community in any way to die out in favor of new ones that spark new things to happen? -
This makes me wonder how is development done behind the scene. I have to ask are there any written concepts, models, semantic maps, diagrams and so on? How is development organized, documented, performed, cooperated and communicated? It all seems so ad-hoc to me, no models means no ability to simulate tests, leading to live testing or just leaving stuff as they are until something breaks and quality of such outcome is not what it should be.
The thing is... (I made mistake in first post so here is the actual number) you can field 4 creatures with single Freeze and 2 creatures with Doublefreeze which makes a max of 8 freezes you can bring into combat (and not 9). Creats with Doublefreeze are also super rare, which means that best majority can do is 6 freezes. Antifreezes can be deployed 15 from creats (9 come from rare creat that has tripleantifreeze and other 6 come from doubleantifreeze), 6 from tokens that have 50% chance to unfreeze and another 6 from tokens that always work if you have specific principles. This means max number of antifreeze is 27 (not 21). Considering the above mentioned orders of battle (how it currently works), in short it means that if you have tokens you're pretty much safe from Freeze entirely no matter what especially if you have principle antifreeze token working. I must admit I haven't specifically tried to test it in practice since I never had means to do it (didn't had antifreeze tokens nor freeze aura) so I'm following common logic of what I know and how I observed the auras and tokens work in combat from logs that I can read, but I'm still highly certain that I'm not wrong. This means if you have tokens you are immune from Freeze entirely regardless of you being attacker or defender, OPness of premium feature eh? Lets consider you don't have tokens but lets deploy above max numbers without them, 15 antifreeze (with that you can also deploy 3 freezes) on one side and 8 freeze (with that you can also deploy 4 antifreezes) on other side. If you attack with those 15 antifreeze, they won't matter since enemy freeze comes after they are used which means... enemy can pretty much freeze all of your creatures and unfreeze all of his since his 4 antifreeze come after your 3 freezes, of course if luck says so. Reverse scenario is that you attack with 8 freeze setup, max potential outcome, it's highly possible that everything you freeze will be unfrozen by enemy and he can if he is lucky freeze 3 of your creats. For those of you who don't know... if freeze is applied to already frozen creature, which can happen, nothing happens, same goes for antifreeze, basically it's all luck it doesn't target only "viable" targets but any creature regardless of their frozen or not status. Now obviously this puts defender into favoring position, I don't see anything bad about that, after all defender doesn't get juicy combo applied, but this means antifreeze aura is useless in attack and freeze is too strong in defense if tokens aren't in play, so this system is working badly. However above doesn't really matter because antifreeze tokens will be in play and because they not only go last but also unlike auras aren't applied randomly but directly to the creature that has it, auras pick one of your creats to unfreeze and can unfreeze same unfrozen creature over again. Now you made me wonder Rophs, I'll be testing that... vampiricaura/ve-tokens, skillvamp/boost-auras&boost-tokens. But so far by following the above logic, #2 has problem due to tokens, #3 and #4 need to swap places, if you use SW stats will be slightly in your favor but you won't have boost auras, or if you do the enemy will have more of them and if that multiplicative boost happens after skillvampire, you just made SWs completely useless. That's why I would put #4 in front of #3, you just have to apply vampiric auras after boost auras and boost tokens, regardless if it's stat or ve boost, otherwise those vamp auras don't do their job. Now, somebody tell me if I'm wrong about something. EDIT: Just tested vampiricaura/ve-tokens, aura is applied after token bonus is calculated, which means it's all good, I think same goes for skillvamp, but freezes I'm highly skeptical.
Yeah... I can't believe it.
CoE Resurrection - Still possible?
Ary Endleg replied to Aeoshattr's topic in Children of the Eclipse
Such a pity, learning from mistakes of others is the most valuable lesson. Learning from your own mistake is just more obvious lesson.