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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Pretty much.
  2. If I get to have MD to manage with tons of money and devs, trust me it wouldn't be MD anymore, it would be unrecognizable. Better question is what would be left of it after my imaginary revamp, I'm pretty sure everything except artworks would get scrapped.
  3. There used to be a problem regarding that, but I tested it just now and no error popup appears anymore.
  4. Sounds awesome to me.
  5. Well we can argue that certain tools are a bit different because they require certain land loyalty to grab them in first place. I don't know if GG hidden tools require it. That is a concept I don't understand, I get it when it comes to passpapers, but not for tools, if it requires X land loyalty to grab it but 0 land loyalty to use I don't quite understand the point of it. It pretty much screams "rent me" yet it is shared item. In addition to what I said in my first post I'll also add I don't like idea of tools the way they are now, but again that is offtopic. I have never witnessed the actions you speak of Nimmy, but if they are true then personally I condemn them. Edit: indeed Rophs, I'll quote. After 3 years other lands still haven't got anything to balance this out like it was planned.
  6. I never heard of this before nor I ever saw selling of passpapers nor we have policy regarding it as far as I know. But anyhow we are both appearing to defensive and with that last sentence you are sort of "pointing finger" and claiming "we are better than you are", lets not do that, there's no moral high ground in here, be it 1sc for passpapers or 1gc for memory collector, sale of shared items is bad. I hope we can all agree on that one.
  7. Yes that's what's going on. GGers with access to this exclusive location exploit the opportunity of tools being spawned in there in order to profit from shared items, their perspective is that if certain people can earn tons of gold from selling spells, mainly teleportation spells they too should get a "slice of the cake", even though that still doesn't fare along with concept of SHARED tools. All lands (well mainlands :P) have their exclusive locations usually with only land leader having access to them. Lately there have been bigger demand for other citizens to be able to acquire access to such places. So far Golemus is the only land who's leader can do such a thing with his spell keyggdeep. I expect the other lands to follow soon with such feature where MB king for example would be able to unlock for his favorite citizen access to Champion's Challenge for example or Angien's shrine. LR leaders to unlock Path Keeper for instance, NC king to open Fields of Fear for example, and so on. However problem is when at such exclusive location you have itemdispatch or creaturerecruiting. In comparison you can look at Angien's shrine, only a few selected Bellians have access, but do they make tons of money from Angiens like Golemians do with their shared items? NO, instead they have couple of easy permanent quests that take some effort and time but even MP3 can do them and they nicely can learn beginner stuff about the game and in addition earn Angien creature. I even think they have upper tier research works in which you can participate as follow up on those quests for additional reward, possible another Angien. Then you have Berserker's Charge where you can get Tormented Souls. We Necrovians don't sell them but if you are nice you can get one for free. Besides you can also acquire access to that scene by spending a WP. However in case of Angien and TS, they don't have that high value in first place because when you get few of them you are set! Since they don't have sacc values you don't need continuous flow of them, while memory collector for example resets each week and has big monetary value to specific spell holders. It's hard for me to say how things would look exactly if Angien and TS were to give awesome stats on sacrifice and if Beserker's charge wasn't unlockable with WP. That's why I have highly mixed feelings about itemdispatch and creaturerecruiting in those exclusive area. Honestly for creatures in such scenes I would prefer if it was done in Drach style where land leader would supervise handling out of creatures based on merit rather than trade, things like quest rewards and contributions to land growth. As for itemdispatch, the best would be that if exclusive location has to have it, then tools present there should already be available in public location, exclusive location shouldn't have some sort of unique tool that isn't found anywhere else. (You guessed it, I'm not a big fan of land loyalty requirement for certain tools either, but that's offtopic)
  8. Don't forget about ve ratio.
  9. I would implement an item that would act as a tool for creation of other items, for example Smith's hammer that could create knives.
  10. In light of recent events, I think this rule is bad. I don't consider topics in Offtopic subforum to be "troll" topics. I consider Offtopic subforum a place where you can talk about non-MD things. I don't see point of it being allowed to start topic in there just so somebody could start talking about something that doesn't even have 0,000001% anything to do with topic or is related to it in any way and then be told that doing that is okay. If topic is about World Cup then how the heck can it turn to discussion about Sir Blut's signature picture and nobody doing anything about it?
  11. No paper folding? Okay nobody said anything about using pen and pencil :D
  12. Chew and BFH said because game isn't ready for it, as in, it's too broken.
  13. Exactly what I was saying, but point being that management (or should I say owner) doesn't think so or doesn't have resources to solve that problem at current moment. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptk93AyICH0[/media]
  14. ummm wrong person? wrong amount of coins? probably wrong auction :D
  15. MP4 has same problem as MP3 because it inherited it from MP3. I believe so, I think that Rhaegar's and Maebius' quests are always up, they just aren't obvious.
  16. No sir! MD isn't divided between roleplayers and grinders, in fact majority doesn't fall in either basket, people just want you to believe that's the case because they just want to divide people, there is no division. Every individual player has different perception of game and priorities and activities and so on. Yet we all play same game, we are all same community. If X person favors combat more than roleplay it doesn't make him grinder or even fighter for that matter, some are here to socialize and not roleplay something that has a thin line between those two that is barely visible. Some are here because of art, some because of politics, some because of philosophy, etc. DD point out the problem why new players are leaving, I point out the root of that being badly designed system, now it's up to designers to change that so that it really reflects what game is truly about and present it to new players in it's real light. As you said yourself additional problem is MP progress requirements, that's another challenge for designers when they will be redesigning it and who knows what they will come up with. But they will have to remember that new player needs a feeling of progression else he will quit. That's what is happening now, newbie comes and system tells him to fight, he can't fight anybody and doesn't see any other thing to do in which he could progress and since he can't fight he can't progress or do anything meaningful so he quits. Besides we only have Chew who already has too much things to do and tutorial reconstruction has been planned and talked about for very long time. I don't think it will happen anytime soon which obviously means that the management of game isn't really that concerned with lack of player even thought we players are, if they were concerned they would make it their top priority. Besides do we really have to worry? MD has been like this for couple of years now no? It's steady little game and it's hanging "fine".
  17. I have a better question, the whole problem of lack of other mp3s is there only because system "forces" new people to fight! Now why is that? Why does the system make people think it's all about combat, why combat is actually the only mandatory part of this game? When you look at it, majority of people that are still playing MD don't even involve themselves in combat, large number of them don't own creatures or have them fully killed, others have creatures just so people who do fight have some targets, and in the end very few actually fight and are interested in it. MD isn't about combat and you all know it very well, but still it's mandatory?!!? Lets face it system is poorly designed, it requires of people to do something and yet it fails to deliver opportunity to achieve same thing. You just can't make requirement from new players if you can't guarantee that they will have opportunity to accomplish it. It's like if MMOs were designed that you need to finish regular 20-man raid instance before you are able to exist tutorial area. That's bullshit! Designer (Mur) should have foresaw this problem earlier or at the time advertisement was stopped that tutorial is asking for something quite extraordinary and hard to achieve and proper changes should have been made. New player should be given some initial purpose or guideline for the game, but you can't that be a thing which depends on uncontrollable condition, which is lack of population.
  18. Give fair chance to each land at their economy, not like it's now, we all hate GG! :p I like Nimmy's idea of treasury and coin values :D although dear... that's not how it should work exactly :p let somebody who knows economics do the mechanics behind it. I like Ivorak's ideas but some are way beyond MD's current state, both technical and social. Necrovion stands united!
  19. I fully agree with everything above. But I'll also tell you that with alt thing there isn't much room left for improvement. People do have lower level alts, they don't have time to play them. When and if they notice new player in need of help those alts show up if those said players have time (rather than being idle all day). MD seems to be designed as a game that expected influx of new players constantly and now it had hit that problem in lack of new players.
  20. Last time I did it, it happened which was like...5 months ago?
  21. Aye! Finally a big step for MD. :))
  22. Marind is actually just a rip off from first Resident Evil movie. Red Queen.
  23. How do you mean Chew? if you looked more closely you would see that when he placed second bid he already got outbid by Eon on another one, therefore you have no base to cancel his bids!
  24. Rhaegar, what about summontags? They are the ones that usually end up in brackets.
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