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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. See EDIT3. Mods decide if this should be closed and moved or not.
  2. I found out that while you are at under -500 honor (I'll refer to it in rest of the post as "negative honor", also I'm at under -5k honor) interesting thing happens related to skilldamage. As you all know negative honor prevents you from getting wins, heat, stats. For those of you who didn't know negative honor prevents skilldamage too. There are 2 kinds of skilldamage. First kind is when you have 1000 or more balance losses than balance wins and is self imposed one. Second one is imposed by others if they have skilldamage stat, such as Eon. This second type works in a way that if player with skilldamage stat wins the fight against you and gains stats you lose same stats he gained. In both types of skilldamage negative honor prevents loss of stats. However I found out that it only prevents stat loss if you are the one attacking and losing fight, if you get attacked and lose, you will lose stats. [spoiler] Situation is this. You are in negative honor, you fight such player who has skilldamage, you lose, he should get stats according to heat gained and you shouldn't lose stats because of negative honor. Bug is that your negative honor prevents other player with skilldamage stat to gain stats himself! I know how to calculate stat gains with heat and I know how much and which stats Eon was supposed to get in my fights, yet in log it says he didn't got any and I also didn't lost any (which is normal for me). I tested this in all ways. I attacked Eon while only his skilldamage was applied, he didn't got stats, I didn't lose it. I attacked other people while having skilldamage from negative balance, they got stats, I didn't lose them. I attacked Eon while both his skilldamage was applied as well as the one from my negative balance, he didn't got stats and I didn't lose any. Here is the screenshot of important part of the log and just for reference I lost 3615 VE, Eon is balanced and has 3k honor himself. [spoiler][/spoiler] As you can see. System thinks Eon is the one with negative honor, hence he got no heat and no stats. [/spoiler] [hr] I'll also add up another observation that I also mentioned earlier, somewhere in [topic='15492']Combat Talk[/topic] topic, but which is now further supported with skilldamage behavior. It's about losing VP while having negative honor. Apparently it seems that losing VP is the only thing you can lose while in negative honor. Hence I suspect that code for it to be blocked was forgotten to be added. Rule that forbids losing VP with negative honor, it can be forgotten to be coded, while rule to forbid losing stats while in negative honor has to be coded specifically. From that I conclude that losing VP while in negative honor is also a bug. I speculate it was forgotten to be coded, just like case with [topic='15715']gaining wins on defense while in negative honor[/topic], which I also reported. [hr] EDIT: first part of post is fail XD apparently Eon is capped so that also stops him from gaining stats. I need uncapped player with skilldamage to retest all of it :( such failure. Still stuff about VP should stand. EDIT2: after some more testing it's concluded that there is no bug, Eon was capped. Once he was uncapped he kept gaining stats. Testing also showed that losing stats due to skilldamage happens only in defense, if you attack and lose you won't lose stats even though logs tell you otherwise. Bug: Log will tell you following: This note appears in all fights in which you have balance skilldamage. When you are attacking and losing the fight, regardless in which skilldamage you get involved, you won't lose stats. Skilldamage makes you lose stats only in defense. So this label is wrong when it appears while you are attacking. Moreover there is no label/warning in logs if skilldamage is from other player's stat, rather than balance. Pending tests: need to do control checks with positive honor to see if there are differences in behavior when those circumstances change. EDIT3: checked when in positive honor, same behavior. Basically there is no bug as initially described. Only bug is label in log and it's questionable if skilldamage is supposed to be applied or not when you attack and lose (currently it isn't applied).
  3. Fixed, works now, thanks.
  4. No man. It's sum of times, walking around in between doesn't count. However if you open puzzle but don't solve it, time keeps ticking.
  5. No. It's about having shortest total time for all puzzles combined. Time on puzzle #1 + time on puzzle #2 + .... = total time. However this makes little sense to me how did Syrian end up with 7 days and half of time :huh:
  6. Two days passed and this is still happening.
  7. I like the replies so far. Note for Burns: That would be normal approach to come with a proper exchange rate. Thing is the amount of credit investment into shop to gain those coins is actually POTENTIAL inflation rate only. You have no idea how people spend their credits, some might avoid silver branch at all and get gold from other branch for example. In shop you can get 40 silver and 5 gold but there is nothing that guarantees that each player will get all of those coins or at least equal ratio, hence if you don't know how much each person is "minting" then you can't calculate inflation rate, only potential inflation rate which won't help with anything. Second part of equation is actual amount of coins in circulation, we don't have stats about those and even if we did we would still need to separately count amount of coins on active players only, since inactive player's coin isn't in circulation since he doesn't participate in the market. With your idea I can only calculate "effort" (credit investment) needed to obtain either 15sc or 1 gc. If I find that one is superior, I can grab that one and hence "profit" because it took me lesser effort to "mint" it. Thing is you can't do this in mass amount because you are limited with credits and shop resets. But if this gets found out and everybody gets to know what is easier to grab from shop, since many people have limited credits they would go first for that option if their interest is wealth. Only leaving paying members to possibly empty up shop, but they would also probably start in same place. Once this would be done in masses you would witness high amount of inflation of one particular coin type. At some point it would become obvious and exchange rate would be forced to shift. I've come to fascinating observation regarding coins. There is no monetary system that enforces those rates. Market has freedom to alter exchange rates. Both gold and silver have only one use, as trading currency. Both gold and silver are equally accepted payment. From which I conclude following. Currently as thing stands, due to equal acceptance of coins and their sole purpose community was able to come up with consensual (rather than enforced) monetary system in which different currencies became treated as single currency having standardized exchange ratio. Since this system isn't enforced, in times of special trade events, exchange rates do deviate in order to supply newly arisen demand which appeared temporary due to unique use/acceptance of certain type of coin, while other one is denied for this certain trade. This new exchange rate deviates in reasonable amount due to the fact that this new exclusive use/acceptance is only temporary. After this use/acceptance expires rates go back to standard, because of this demand is aware that long term value is same, hence demand won't be willing to pay huge deviation in rate and that's why supply can't impose too high exchange price. In short: gold and silver are treated as same currency most of the time, this changes to two currencies when special auctions happen that ask specifically to accept only one type of coins, once this auction is over market again has single currency. I find this part of MD market fascinating, I can't think of such example in real world.
  8. Even if you put it that way, as smaller part of same currency rather than different currencies, question still stands, why 15 silver for 1 gold? I see it specifically as conspiracy because of current ratio. It's historically famous gold to silver ratio. You also have to take into account that in history there weren't currencies, rather there were valuables and since in differently sized markets as well as it's ever changing nature meant that they were valued differently all the time. That's why you can call them "currencies". Most games today employ such concept where silver is just part of gold piece, I don't really think it's the case in MD although it seems that way, it actually isn't because community has power to enforce the value and there are no official channels or anything solid to maintain that ratio other than community itself. Even with gold certificates, ratio can't be stable. So really which is it? Freedom of price or developer's firm support of price?
  9. I would like to know why is exchange ratio 15 silver for 1 gold? Is there some sort of stabilizing factor for that ratio? I personally don't see it, since both are used only for purpose of exchange. Is there some indicator of amount of each type of coins in circulation so that it would have ratio of 15:1? OR Is this just community's stubbornness or will to have solid exchange ratio backed up by nothing that would justify it's agreed value? After all there if it has firm unchangeable ratio of exchange, then both coins will have same buying power even though one type might be easier to come by than the other. This would result in specific people getting upper hand in buying power by working with coins that are "in favor" due to improper rate of exchange. Moreover circulation amount is interchangeable due to the way coins are "minted" from the shop, there are no guarantees that ratio of circulation will be stable ever, so why is the price stable? In simple words, if it's easier to obtain 1 gold rather 15 silver, then due to that exchange ratio one can profit in buying power because said person can always aim to obtain favored mintage over unfavored one. Hence taking lower effort/expense to obtain same gain. Once again I don't know IF or which coin type is/should-be favored, but current way of how market works alone makes no sense to me because I fail to see what exactly is stabilizing this exchange price. Somebody point it out for me. If there isn't such thing then my speculation above is correct.
  10. http://www.gamingsites100.com/in.aspx?i=22362 When clicking this in free credits, page opened saying "Access denied.", however I got my 1 cent for "voting". Their webpage is working, but link on free creds seems to give that error.
  11. This nerf would lower boosting, hence lower suicide cases. This is damage nerf. Of course there are freezes and targeting disadvantages that they suffer compared to drachs, but that's issue for other topics.
  12. Windy is hardest to obtain of all drachs yet his use is the lowest, that shouldn't be the case. I think that some sort of buff is needed, this one could work fine in my opinion.
  13. I think you mixed up II and III? Angiens indeed are deadly as such. They have antifreeze and creatboost, they boost each other, which isn't the case for drachs. Although they don't have target all, they are still very potent with their multi and single targeting. You also need to take into account that power based skills avoid defense stat, it has direct flat effect on opponent ve. If angien player has higher init and managed to work out freezes, he would wreck havoc indeed. Hence if others are getting reduced, Burns is right in my opinion that Angiens limit would have to go down too.
  14. It indeed falls down to ve and/or freezes that will help you win with skillvamps. Testing will probably be done, but no ETA as of yet. Nothing more to add for now. Things stand as you said them.
  15. Levelscare is pretty fine in my opinion.
  16. Do you really must have drawn map for this? Easy way to do it would be to use map editor from some game, randomly generate map, view it from bird's eye point of view, screenshot it, then you can do what ever you want in image editing software.
  17. I don't know the value of boost for TS aura. Secondly if you say different rituals I could have to do with creatureboosts.
  18. Take 2/3 TS and test. In fact I was rushing to conclusion up there, mainly based of DD's testimony where he says that he got 50% of Eon's stats with single TS. Your explanation makes more sense and should be true. That means with 2 TS you should get 75% of stats and with 3 it's 87,5%.
  19. I don't remember if we already proved it wrong or not, but just in case I'll say/repeat it. For all those of you who say/think that SW/TS can't lower your own stats if you use him, that's wrong. If you have more stats than opponent, due to difference it will lower your stats. Now something quite constructive question. Why does tree's regenaura work strangely, as in not boosting regen if creature has 0 regen while bird regen aura boosts regen of all creatures even itself even if bird has 0 regen? Basically tree regenaura (regardless of level) won't boost tree of origin nor any other creature with 0 regen. I'm not sure what causes this, as far as I know, when I was testing it, regenauras everywhere had flat boost, not percentage (speculation that it's because 0 regen times boost multiplicator(%) equals zero is false because it's flat addition). Regenauras on bird and tree are called the same way. Probably have same description (can't check bird). Probably this is similar situation like it is with TS/SW aura. Edit1: one of uncertainties confirmed after testing and post edited accordingly Edit2: final edit after all tests
  20. http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html/_/ip-board/ That! Register, follow their procedure by checking if it's already reported or if it's reported but they said it should work that way... bla bla bla. :D If it's not posted, post, detail it, argument it, so on. Don't forget to bug Chew for MD's forum version number!
  21. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=769529729772849 Link from his mood status ingame.
  22. Shouldn't this be reported to official IPB bugtracker?
  23. As far as I know, imps moraleaura isn't limited by creature level, while imps attackboost aura works on all creatures that are higher(?) level than imp. Hopefully I have that right... I'm not so sure about change on multiple, currently it hits 2-4.
  24. Basically SW does drain and does low boost, TS doesn't do drain at all, only boost and that boost is much higher than SW boost, also since stats aren't drained from enemy, every subsequent TS aura will boost by same amount of stats, meaning stacking is additive, where in SW case stacking is multiplicative. With 3 TS you can get ridiculous amount of stats and get advantage over enemy by like 50% more stats than him, while the enemy will still keep his original stats. With TS you actually can win.
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