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Ungod last won the day on January 3 2022

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    @thereal Ungod

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  1. It's not true having merchants in power is better than having soldiers ruling. Wars still happen. It's deceit that starts them and deceit that doesn't start them. How is this a 'better society'? It's not, it's simply different.

    1. Mallos


      I could interpret that to mean a lot of things I guess, but it makes me think anyways... Different isn't inherently bad, diversity you know. I heard it said recently something like "We change too slowly in a quickly changing world" it is leaving us behind, if we don't move forward. So a soldier might fight the war for the sake of war (honor/freedom?) but the merchant will likely fight for the wealth, "war is profit" as they say. Which of these two is more willing to change? I would bet on the soldier who is motivated by the people around them, perhaps misguidedly, rather than the merchant who is motivated by the things they may obtain.

    2. Mallos


      I've had someone tell me, rather foolishly I might add, "people never change"

    3. Ungod


      Different isnt bad, but i object to the idea of 'better'. It's not 'better', 'progressive' etc. So there are equally 'bad' alternatives to a world with merchants in power. Also, that slogan 'we change too slowly' is BS. Change is always apparent, not real

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