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  1. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Aelis in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  2. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Kiley in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Protectors and wanna be Protectors   
    An mp6's stability is a shifting process. While on Monday you may have 40 adepts, and may consider your position to be stable, inactivity due to the daily life of your adepts or other reasons may cause the number to fall to 32 two days later.

    30 is not a safe margin, if you fall just one below 30, your mp6 status goes away as well. If several people are trying to go mp6 for a day to upgrade creatures, at the same time taking 7 adepts or 5 adepts from each protector to keep them at a level of 30 could be more harmful than helpful.

    Currently Amoran has a number of 35 adepts that is rapidly falling due to inactivity or other reasons. I do not consider this a safe and stable number because of the fact that it is falling quickly, however were it to stay stable during the period o 3 days, and were I to gain one or two afterward, I would consider Amoran's position to be stable.

    Unfortunately, Amoran is not doing healing rounds at the moment due to Heads Contest (you can't cast spells during the heads contest), and activity in the realm in general tends to fall during each Heads Contest. I am uncertain of why, it has just always been that way.

    In my opinion, trying to gain adepts through bribery and other "shady" means during a Heads Contest is highly disrespectful toward the protectors who are struggling to keep their positions so that they can actually use their spells to help people in the game.

    I would highly like it if a reasonable solution was found to make this work, and while it's true that you do not need spells to help people- it is very nice to be able to heal people and give them attack and defense boosts to help them fight, especially if they struggle with fighting in general. Some of the protector spells cannot be purchased in the wish shop, and I think there is a good reason for that. (Spells such as 'curse' should never ever be used carelessly.)

    But some.. like prot_attack and prot_def I find to be strange.. in that they are not in the wish shop. Perhaps they should be?

    Aside from providing the spells in the shop to be earned via wishpoint, I think that if there were a set number of people who were available to help- or (though I don't like this suggestion, it is a suggestion) if there were one alt per person who was adepted to a protector dedicated to help people upgrade their creatures in a timely manner, that might help as well.

    There is, as well, the more difficult suggestion of creating a different system for the mp6 who are dedicated to serving younger players, and giving the current mp6 system to people who want to upgrade their creatures. Though that may be unfair, as it would require coding and time that many of the game coders/creators do not have.

    All in all this is a difficult situation, and your suggestion may work lashtal.. but there are also many unpredictable circumstances that could lead a protector to dropping as well.

    For those who wish to know:

    I look at mp6 as a sort of "job" that Amoran should do (like a responsibility). I've been in the game for a very long time, and I feel that my age and experiences in the game - as well as the character I play - can help others enjoy the game more. The new system is hard, and it feels very much like a chore to be able to be a good protector in the sense that I must work extra hard to keep adepts and worshipers, even if that means going through the game 4 times a day to heal people and sending out messages to adepts to see how they are progressing.

    There is also an issue that may be raised, that Amoran is not accurately using her spells to protect people- given the comments during the needle testing with Eon. My response will always be the same in regards to that situation: If I can use the spells that I've earned through helping people, to help something in game or to make the game more interesting for others- I certainly don't mind doing it, so long as the person at the other end of the screen is enjoying himself or herself too.

    [size=2][edit: edited to add more suggestions][/size]
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Azull in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325506420' post='99369']

    But it is also expect that she will not bring in someone into the land that is a know hostile
    I have stated repeatedly, in public and to you Yrth and Grido in private, that I personally have no hostile intentions towards Golemus what so ever.

    Also you yrth told me you requested the council to unban me (unless I misunderstood your pm to me)
    Grido told me he would unban me on new years day if I was still in jail by then. As of this moment I am still jailed.
    Now we know the council takes it's time with what they do that's fine. But Grido didn't even reply to my question why he didn't make good on his word.
    Aside from any issues about use or misuse of power. Is this diplomacy? Is this the integrity of a Golemus land leader?
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Udgard in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325514197' post='99383']
    history tells of who is land leader.
    come on people the golemus civil war?

    so that in turn make ALL alliance leaders land leaders.
    simple. the only difference is the GG alliance where there are 3 members in charge.
    so from that i am sure you can all figure it out.

    Yes kiley has been nothing but polite and that is great.
    Huh? I thought there was a triumvirate or something? Just 3 person?
    So is the land leaders actually all alliance leaders? Including the person who invited someone who got jailed for accepting that alliance invitation?
  6. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Peace in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  7. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    history tells of who is land leader.
    come on people the golemus civil war?

    so that in turn make ALL alliance leaders land leaders.
    simple. the only difference is the GG alliance where there are 3 members in charge.
    so from that i am sure you can all figure it out.

    Yes kiley has been nothing but polite and that is great.
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kiley in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I would agree yrth that there was indeed a breakdown in communication, and for this I take full responsibility. I would go on record to note that at the first chance I had, I did in fact reach out to one of the land leaders (what was done with this information is unknown to me). Ultimately as you will see from my first post, my main goal was protecting both GG and the guild, I simply choose to utilize a unorthodox "plan of attack". I will always respect the course of action taken by the leaders of the land, it does not however mean that I have to agree with them.

    You speak of this being diplomatic in nature, and I would totally agree as well. I can't help but question that you/leaders think jailing a prime figure in NV is an appropriate and diplomatic approach in handling this issue. Viewed from a different angle it could have, and in my mind should have been, a prime moment in history where the stars were aligned (so to speak:P) for NV and GG to come together for a common goal.
  9. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Kiley' timestamp='1325465447' post='99324']
    Upon accepting the position as guild leader I was given full power over how the guild should be run and have acted accordingly. I do not have to go to the "land leaders" in regard to the decisions I make. I would also point out that at no time did any "land leaders" approach me about my choice to bring Azull into the guild. I woke to find him jailed and not even a pm in my box. The truly sad part behind all of this lies in the fact that Azull and I have worked many months to develop a level of trust and cooperation between lands traditionally divided. Months of work that has been washed down the drain by a rash act that lacked diplomacy and tact. I am more than disappointed in how this has been handled and would have hoped that yrth would have spoken with ME personally before jailing Azull.

    First Kiley as a GG leader you of all players should know the land rules and know that a necrovian citizen is NOT allowed in Golemus.
    as a land leader you are also expected to know better and should have know your action had a much bigger issue that you say.
    It is very disappointing you decided by your self you know better how a land should accept a player into a land.

    The same could have been said that you should have contacted me or the other land leaders before letting a necrovian into Golemus
    you say land leader did not approach you and same in reverse.

    [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1325479029' post='99338']
    Going slightly offtopic: I agree with Paracelcus. Beyond the retired king thingy, there is a very strange behaviour of Golemus as a land: they jail someone, because he was invited in a GG guild.... That attitude, puts a negative light to GG in my eyes. If they had an issue with him joining that guild.... well, couldn't they have him off the guild?

    He was told by a citizen of Golemus that he may get jailed. ALL it take is to read the land rules to know that he was not acceptable as a citizen of Golemus
    So far only 1 player has been jailed that is not accepted as a citizen so your argument of the strange behaviour is mute as this is a single case of this happening.

    [quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1325503329' post='99366']
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    1 - who they are;
    2 - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    3 - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.

    First how little you know before asking such questions tut tut tut
    it again is kiley is just as guilty for lack of diplomacy as you say.
    As a land leader you have the right to run your alliance as you wish but when it come to matter of the LAND you don't have the right to decided by yourself.
    it is that simple.

    answer to the above
    1. read the forums and you would know who the leader are it has been mentioned many times by me and the others. stop being lazy
    2. LOL again lazyness has failed you here too. read of the past and you will have your answers.
    3. wow really you should actually read the forums. your lack of information is what blinds you to the happening of a land.

    the same as the lack of diplomacy from the Fusioneers leader.

    Look it is like this.

    Keily has the right to bring in members she feel FIT with the alliance.
    But it is also expect that she will not bring in someone into the land that is a know hostile
    it is also expect as a land leader and leader of the Guild that she will abide by the rules of the land (in this she has broken them)
    My action that i took was not as a king but as a player with the power and requested to do so.

    Yes there was a big breakdown in communication and from my point of view and from what i seen
    action was needed to be taken quickly. The jailing is just part of what the tool does.
    This is more an issue between Necrovian and Golemus from a diplomatic point of view.
    The issue of king.ex king is also mute. as per murs response.

    You know this whole issue would never have happened if one player had read and abide by the land rules.
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325506420' post='99369']
    answer to the above
    1. read the forums and you would know who the leader are it has been mentioned many times by me and the others. stop being lazy
    2. LOL again lazyness has failed you here too. read of the past and you will have your answers.
    3. wow really you should actually read the forums. your lack of information is what blinds you to the happening of a land.

    I am unsure as to who exactly these land leaders are, From knowing GG leadership being friends with you all, im guessing Grido, Yrth, Akasha, SS, Burns, MB "Might" be involved, but as for a definitive list i dont know. I checked on the forum using searching ect and cannot find any specific post naming these land leaders.

    And i dont think you could accuse me of not reading the forums

    So perhaps, to aid us, one specific post could be made naming them, and what they do? For all of us.
  11. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  12. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Chewett in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Jubaris in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  15. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Pipstickz in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    - who they are;
    - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.
  16. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Protectors and wanna be Protectors   
    Good morning everybody,

    currently we have 4 "stable" MP6: *Burns*, Amoran K Kol, *Shemhazaj* and Azull (correct me if I'm missing someone). Both Shemhazaj and Azull would need more adepts/worshippers (or at least not to lose too many) to let them stay on MP6.
    Besides, we have 3 people willing to be "MP6 for a day" to upgrade creatures and so on (Manda, Lone Wolf, Pipstickz).

    The question is: is there a way to allow the "stable" Protectors to continue to be so, giving also the possibility to those who are willing to upgrade creatures to do it?

    I think one way can be found, but I need both your feedback and an estimation on how many active adepts/worshippers can be found in the realms. An indicative number could be found simply counting how many adepts each of the above Protectors currently have. That would represent our community potential.

    Assuming the sum of all the adepts reaches at least 150, we could allow 1 temporary MP6 at a time (also limiting the risk for the stable ones to fall), just by scheduling the advancements.

    Let's say, for example: Manda has to be pushed to MP6 (since I think he was the first one to ask it), hence he needs 30 adepts. *Burns* realizes he has 40 adepts, while he need only 30. He can contact 10 of them (I would suggest the most active ones) and ask them to shift to Manda. Amoran, Shem and Azull could do the same, until Manda reaches the required amount of adepts.
    Once Manda has done with his business, he can contact his adepts and make them shift to the new one (Pip? Lone Wolf?), so that gradually everybody who needs to be a temporary MP6 can deal with it.

    A calendar can be kept, simply stating who's the next to help (also considering how much the wanna-be-MP6 is close to MP5 cap).

    Also, a (5?) safety margin can be introduced, if *Burns* thinks he is not sure enough having just 30 adepts he can keep 35, and tell other 5 to shift to the temporary one.

    This is just my idea to manage it, let me know what you think about it.

  17. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from awiiya in Protectors and wanna be Protectors   
    Good morning everybody,

    currently we have 4 "stable" MP6: *Burns*, Amoran K Kol, *Shemhazaj* and Azull (correct me if I'm missing someone). Both Shemhazaj and Azull would need more adepts/worshippers (or at least not to lose too many) to let them stay on MP6.
    Besides, we have 3 people willing to be "MP6 for a day" to upgrade creatures and so on (Manda, Lone Wolf, Pipstickz).

    The question is: is there a way to allow the "stable" Protectors to continue to be so, giving also the possibility to those who are willing to upgrade creatures to do it?

    I think one way can be found, but I need both your feedback and an estimation on how many active adepts/worshippers can be found in the realms. An indicative number could be found simply counting how many adepts each of the above Protectors currently have. That would represent our community potential.

    Assuming the sum of all the adepts reaches at least 150, we could allow 1 temporary MP6 at a time (also limiting the risk for the stable ones to fall), just by scheduling the advancements.

    Let's say, for example: Manda has to be pushed to MP6 (since I think he was the first one to ask it), hence he needs 30 adepts. *Burns* realizes he has 40 adepts, while he need only 30. He can contact 10 of them (I would suggest the most active ones) and ask them to shift to Manda. Amoran, Shem and Azull could do the same, until Manda reaches the required amount of adepts.
    Once Manda has done with his business, he can contact his adepts and make them shift to the new one (Pip? Lone Wolf?), so that gradually everybody who needs to be a temporary MP6 can deal with it.

    A calendar can be kept, simply stating who's the next to help (also considering how much the wanna-be-MP6 is close to MP5 cap).

    Also, a (5?) safety margin can be introduced, if *Burns* thinks he is not sure enough having just 30 adepts he can keep 35, and tell other 5 to shift to the temporary one.

    This is just my idea to manage it, let me know what you think about it.

  18. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from duxie in Protectors and wanna be Protectors   
    Good morning everybody,

    currently we have 4 "stable" MP6: *Burns*, Amoran K Kol, *Shemhazaj* and Azull (correct me if I'm missing someone). Both Shemhazaj and Azull would need more adepts/worshippers (or at least not to lose too many) to let them stay on MP6.
    Besides, we have 3 people willing to be "MP6 for a day" to upgrade creatures and so on (Manda, Lone Wolf, Pipstickz).

    The question is: is there a way to allow the "stable" Protectors to continue to be so, giving also the possibility to those who are willing to upgrade creatures to do it?

    I think one way can be found, but I need both your feedback and an estimation on how many active adepts/worshippers can be found in the realms. An indicative number could be found simply counting how many adepts each of the above Protectors currently have. That would represent our community potential.

    Assuming the sum of all the adepts reaches at least 150, we could allow 1 temporary MP6 at a time (also limiting the risk for the stable ones to fall), just by scheduling the advancements.

    Let's say, for example: Manda has to be pushed to MP6 (since I think he was the first one to ask it), hence he needs 30 adepts. *Burns* realizes he has 40 adepts, while he need only 30. He can contact 10 of them (I would suggest the most active ones) and ask them to shift to Manda. Amoran, Shem and Azull could do the same, until Manda reaches the required amount of adepts.
    Once Manda has done with his business, he can contact his adepts and make them shift to the new one (Pip? Lone Wolf?), so that gradually everybody who needs to be a temporary MP6 can deal with it.

    A calendar can be kept, simply stating who's the next to help (also considering how much the wanna-be-MP6 is close to MP5 cap).

    Also, a (5?) safety margin can be introduced, if *Burns* thinks he is not sure enough having just 30 adepts he can keep 35, and tell other 5 to shift to the temporary one.

    This is just my idea to manage it, let me know what you think about it.

  19. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Manda in Protectors and wanna be Protectors   
    Good morning everybody,

    currently we have 4 "stable" MP6: *Burns*, Amoran K Kol, *Shemhazaj* and Azull (correct me if I'm missing someone). Both Shemhazaj and Azull would need more adepts/worshippers (or at least not to lose too many) to let them stay on MP6.
    Besides, we have 3 people willing to be "MP6 for a day" to upgrade creatures and so on (Manda, Lone Wolf, Pipstickz).

    The question is: is there a way to allow the "stable" Protectors to continue to be so, giving also the possibility to those who are willing to upgrade creatures to do it?

    I think one way can be found, but I need both your feedback and an estimation on how many active adepts/worshippers can be found in the realms. An indicative number could be found simply counting how many adepts each of the above Protectors currently have. That would represent our community potential.

    Assuming the sum of all the adepts reaches at least 150, we could allow 1 temporary MP6 at a time (also limiting the risk for the stable ones to fall), just by scheduling the advancements.

    Let's say, for example: Manda has to be pushed to MP6 (since I think he was the first one to ask it), hence he needs 30 adepts. *Burns* realizes he has 40 adepts, while he need only 30. He can contact 10 of them (I would suggest the most active ones) and ask them to shift to Manda. Amoran, Shem and Azull could do the same, until Manda reaches the required amount of adepts.
    Once Manda has done with his business, he can contact his adepts and make them shift to the new one (Pip? Lone Wolf?), so that gradually everybody who needs to be a temporary MP6 can deal with it.

    A calendar can be kept, simply stating who's the next to help (also considering how much the wanna-be-MP6 is close to MP5 cap).

    Also, a (5?) safety margin can be introduced, if *Burns* thinks he is not sure enough having just 30 adepts he can keep 35, and tell other 5 to shift to the temporary one.

    This is just my idea to manage it, let me know what you think about it.

  20. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Research!   
    Skeleton is the supporting structure of most of the living beings and can be divided into 2 main branches: endoskeleton (for vertebrates) and esoskeleton (for invertebrates).
    Endoskeleton is an internal support structure, it's made of bones (which are living tissues, constantly evolving trabecular structures that adapt to the weight and forces applied to them), and supported by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage.
    Bones are constituted by 3 different kind of cells, one being responsible of bone birth and maturation, the second being responsible of their conservation, the last one being responsible for their consumption and replacement. Cyclicity obviously appear in this mechanism, as in the greatest part of the biological systems and functioning.
    Exoskeleton (sometimes called "carapace") is an external support structure, providing protection and enclosing of the soft tissues and organs.

    After death, the skeleton is the most enduring part of the human body and thus became somehow to represent Death itself.
    Skeleton images has been used throughout history to remind people of the transience of life and material luxury. In many cultures their images and representations is intended to avoid the viewer to live a frivolous life, as death is always potentially around the corner (Memento Mori).
    Mostly during the fifteenth century, the "memento mori" meditations transposed into art and architecture, producing several depicts of decayed corpses and deceased, together with shaped cadaver tombs and so on. One of the most, still nowadays, influential concept and image regarding this topic is the "danse macabre", a danse led by Death itself (depicted as a hooded Skeleton, holding a scythe and sometimes an hourglass) and carrying off rich and poor alike.

    When looking at skeletons as undead creatures, which means dead creatures "resurrected" or "reanimated" thru magic, one would notice an interesting aspects: since they've finished rotting, since they should have no more muscles or tendons, they should require more magic power to be animated since it also have to hold the bones together.
    Depending on settings, and on his magical powers, the typical newbie necromancer's questions, while trying to animate and raise an undead skeleton, would be: will I need to assemble the skeleton before I re-animate it (with all the orthopedics style bone-reductions and alignments), or will the bones simply fly and bind together to each other from a pile? Will each hit scramble the bones of my creature, or will the magic bindings provide the necessary strength to keep the bones united?

    [img]http://blueraytshirts.co.uk/images/Scary Skeleton.jpg[/img]
  21. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from xrieg in Return to Papercabin   
    To me the "jump to PC" link would be good only on tranquillity days, not if it's permanent.
    Jump to a dedicated location within the land the player belong would be good as well.

  22. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Ivorak in Return to Papercabin   
    To me the "jump to PC" link would be good only on tranquillity days, not if it's permanent.
    Jump to a dedicated location within the land the player belong would be good as well.

  23. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Return to Papercabin   
    To me the "jump to PC" link would be good only on tranquillity days, not if it's permanent.
    Jump to a dedicated location within the land the player belong would be good as well.

  24. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Brulant in Research!   
    Ups sorry, I didn't realize of possible copyright problems, and I intended the "look on the forum for the subject and write a research of 500 words in max one hour" as: "be online, grab all you can find and post it, the quickest wins".
  25. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Ivorak in Research!   
    Ups sorry, I didn't realize of possible copyright problems, and I intended the "look on the forum for the subject and write a research of 500 words in max one hour" as: "be online, grab all you can find and post it, the quickest wins".
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