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Everything posted by Steno

  1. Congratulations winners! Aia, how long will this quest be open for?
  2. Edit-Heck yeah! Page 4 Aia!
  3. Clarification: YOU WILL NEED A FORUM ACCOUNT FOR THIS QUEST. If not, you'll need to use the forum and will have to PM me in game! I'm sorry, but this is how I stop alts from completing (it wouldn't be fair for MP5 main to compete, then make their MP3 alt win that tier) So hurry! Make your forum account and go, go GO! The forum actions are a requirement to get participation rewards. If you have a forum under your name of your main, but want an alt to get rewards, then simply explain so in the forum message.
  4. Any insinuation that it is will result in you being disqualified. There I said it!
  5. Clues sent out! Remember, if you don't think you'll be able to participate, you need to let me know!
  6. "A recent tour of the Sage's Keep has discovered a new room! While walking around, Chewett2 discovered a new room within the building. How could a new room in a building that has been occupied for 15 years just now been found, you ask? Especially when this building is so big on the outside, yet so small on the inside! Who knows, the obviously original wookiee (chewett2) must have found a hidden gem! Your quest is to describe this new room. Contestants should find ways to describe its layout, its content, its appearance, and even where it is with the route to get there. Players should focus on quality in this contest, not the speed with which they submit their efforts. Artwork is suggested, it is not required, but it will add points to your score. Artwork will not be graded on talent, but if you draw 4 lines and a stickfigure, it will be graded on effort (to the best of the judges' abilities). This quest has the potential to shape or mold the world around it, thus its rewards have the potential to shape the world of its winner. Remember the context of the sage's keep: who calls this building home? What function has it served? What could be hidden for 15 years? These are all questions that you could strive to answer in your description (they are not necessary to answer, however, nor will answering them impact judging in any way). Good luck! Rewards:WP for best one. Unique item for first as well. Anni for first, second, third if (2, 4, and 6+ players attempt it). Plushies for all. Players shall have 2 week to send, via forum PM their submissions to me. They will be submitted to judges in a single-blind fashion. Starts on 4/17- ends on 5/5." If you are looking for some inspiration, check out a similar quest. However, the judges have reviewed all of these entries and will there discard your entry if it can arguably be considered a copy of one of these. I will post submissions here when judging is completed.
  7. I love how this quest is now becoming an almost live-stream of the rest of the anniversary events/quests. XD
  8. To celebrate the presumed winner of Ailith's riddle contest (I swear he must have known the questions beforehand he typed so fast-he even said he'd trained for the day all of his life)
  9. Quest will begin tomorrow, 4/18 at 21:00 SERVER TIME That will be when the clickie wording becomes active! if you are unable to login at that time, pm me please.
  10. Aia said that I could submit another one. I drew this one for Tyche because I was really inspired by her role-playing. Hopefully she likes it. Also, for something that took 10 minutes, it looks about 300 times better than the one I spent over an hour on. (Also it feels more like MD style-though I still can't get toes down, that's why this was easier, no part was human except the toes) XP To Tyche-I'm sorry if you don't like the parts I included, I thought the umbrella and the thing speaking from your pocket were on-theme. The dice were because I wanted to make an allusion to the another of your name-the Greek goddess. If you don't like it and want me to take it down, then PM me and I'll do so.
  11. Comment: In no way am I flaming the East. After all, we are one now. I'm actually really excited for Ailith's quests in the east-personal disclaimer
  12. Can't draw. Also I just finished watching Tokyo Ghoul so I think it came out looking too anime-style style for my liking. (For once I feel like I got hands decent, can't get anything else decent though). Also, even though this looks super NC-like, I'm still a member of Ma'Beast! Oh well, first draft:
  13. Bump: but also to let you know I'm interested in this quest.
  14. Come and get me @MaGoHi and @Demonic God
  15. Or substitute lashtal for Aia speak.
  16. Since apparently now there might be a tag on the line, I must try my hardest! Also, NC is just so easy to make memes about. Sorry if it feels repetitious.
  17. This one had such potential. Apparently my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. That one was weak so I'm adding this one:
  18. Thanks Aia for that info! edit- it’s a joke. This is too much fun. also I’m too lazy to crop.
  19. For you youngin's who never had to deal with the council
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