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Hello, I have been thinking about this for awhile. Mainly because I came back to the game with the avatar feature already being unlocked. I remember it being the FIRST thing that I really wanted to get, because it individuated my account. In those days, your avatar did not get sent back to the vault after inactivity (otherwise I'd have a really cool avatar, I don't remember it, but it must have been really cool). Something I realized while playing on my alt is that it is hard to get to the avatar option (unless he's been buying in the wrong category...). He has spent probably 11 credits with the sole purpose of moving through unique features to get to the avatar option. He still isn't there. Granted he has hasn't spent any money yet. This is important because choosing an avatar is one of the greatest ways to increase fidelity of a player to a game. To make that player invested in the game. I literally helped a friend write his Master's thesis on this. In his experiment he had taken a basic MMORPG game (with the help of some coder friends). He had (I think his n for each group was like 30) 30 people play the game without selecting an avatar, and 30 play with selecting an avatar. I can't find his published thesis. But I do remember that he got statistically significant results that the people who selected an avatar answered the survey saying that they were interested in playing longer. Now I think his alpha was .05, so it was a typically lenient study. However I think that says a lot. Now, since I couldn't find his study, and I don't have free access to psychology journals anymore, this is the only study I could find. https://cyberpsychology.eu/article/view/4340/3412. It supports the same hypothesis from my friend's master's thesis. Though we can draw multiple other conclusions from the results of this study, such as perhaps letting players choose their border (such as Chewett unveiling the old "dark border" might actually be worth an investment, ie letting player's pay in shop for changing color schemes might actually be something people would want <I really think they would want this, if for no other reason than their screenshots look different from everyone else's>) Now all of this to say is that I think that when players unlock that 5 credit bonus on GI, that an avatar should be one of the first things they should get. No, I don't think they should unlock it within that 5 credits. But I think having it be one of the things they can SEE at the bottom of the page and it plainly says "Avatar" on it (I don't know because I still have yet to unlock it) might give them something to strive for. Then they might either use free credits (which helps the game even if they quit), pay (same outcome but better), or do both and keep playing (obviously the better outcome). Putting the avatar option in sight might be a good choice. TLDR: Move Avatar option up in shop so new players can see it, not buy it at first. Click the hyperlink, scroll down to the conclusion section of the paper and see why. Answer the poll as well to see what MD community thinks. If you select other, please explain in your post why. Better yet, explain in a post about your choice regardless, give voice and more depth to your answers.
I have been thinking about this too, as for newer players, the slower Vitality regen was a concern, as was the Winertia. For newer players, we could increase the number of free regeneration rituals in the shop by 2, which would make vitality less of a concern. Still drawing a blank when it comes to Winertia, though that too could have a booster in the shop for newer players. Obviously this has the drawback that new players think that the shop holds all the solutions for them. I've only proposed patches, not solutions. Mainly because putting stuff in the shop shouldn't be the solution for hardly anything, but it is the only one way I can think of that wouldn't create further issues with tinkering with game mechanics. As changing game mechanics always has unforeseen consequences. Also, even new players can get to negative Winertia, particularly if they recruited a creature and then got hexed as they went through MDP. With negative luck it becomes catestrophic.
HOLD MY BEER! Oh wait. Dhyone beats me... And weirdly enough Chew, it says that I joined BEFORE you when you hover over names. It says you started in June and I started in April. Which can't be right.
I would have to say inception is one of my favorites because it makes you think. Also any movie that makes people argue about what it means is good in my book. I also enjoy the Imitation Game. i also really like watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs and tangled (that’s what happens when you got kiddos).
Thank you! I don’t know how to close topic or anything like that. But thank you to you both.
Btw what is the conversion of silver to gold? 1 to 10, 1 to 25?
I was thinking of doing an April fools quest and needed logs for it. Figured I’d take the opportunity to make a market post and possibly learn how to use them. Since I can’t make one yet. It’s all about learning!
Hello, i have never created a market entry and had trouble finding a reference for price. I had seen one go for one gold. Am offering 5 silver for one. I am willing to pay more, but I just wanted to kind of understand what a good starting price is. Please comment if you’re willing to sell and for what price. i might even need 2 for a quest so any help would be appreciated Thank you
In addition, anything that requires static selection access (clicking and holding) such as sliders or drag and drops for combiners do not work on mobile. Is there anyway we could have players input values next to valid ingredients or type in a value for erolin devices? Particularly as both fights and combiners are on GI, I would hate for a new player to think that something doesn’t work at all (not knowing it is exclusive to mobile) and therefore give up. Since chewett has made another forum topic about all papers being buggered, though inelegant, could pop ups instead be smaller size and say something like info will open up in new tab? Or would this turn people off more than text boxes not resizing properly? I’m sure making these changes would require of a lot of coding as well as some some loss of aesthetics, however it might be helpful.
To be truly offensive we would have to have a giant game of tag in MD. The person that was ‘it’ had some sort of plague, with a countdown on them where they had to pass it to someone else otherwise they die. The last person who has it when the event is over gets to die for a week or something. (Followed by a community event where we all bring flowers to resurrect that player) Now that, I would consider very fun, but also very offensive. Meh, just a thought that occurred to me. ailith, did you mean Big Roll Challenge, or Bog Roll
I was about to run a quest about that! Sent PM with my idea what to do with it. And also, not disrespectful it you did it a really cool role-play thing where you had to have X amount of toilet paper, then go through a ritual and gather a resources. Then become a mummy, incapable of dying. This would stay on-theme
I experienced the same thing. However One of the newer MP3s was telling me that when they click on it is just a blank box.
I suggested this topic, but didn't even have my answer ready! I think one of my all-time favorite characters would have to be Matrim Cauthon from the Wheel of Time series. One of the things that I liked about this book series and character was that it took YEARS of my life to learn enough about the world and the character. I felt like when I was done that it was a part of who I was, it wasn't just an enjoyable book. It had become part of my perception of the world around me. In essence, like MD, it changed my perspective on the world.
Also, what if Chewett's doggo creature had a basic attack, haotic attack pattern, but then at its final level, it had a Mark ability. This ability, for 1minute, was the same as reveal the players location. Basically, it is a hellhound that, at max level, tells you where that player goes for the next minute on your map, so especially during heads competition or the like, you can chase your prey, with your doggo sniffing the way forward for you, just a thought on crit abilities that are thematic. Also, there might already be a creature like this in existence. But what if there was a creature mimic? Like a super-rare creature that only Mur could give out. When you got it, it is an item, when you go to use it, you select a creature within your inventory. It becomes a copy of that creature's basic form, but for many creatures, this would still be invaluable. It would have to have some restrictions, like couldn't copy Drachorns or anniversary creatures... something like that.
Could we have another kind of creature that we assemble, not recruit? But is only able to be assembled in the Lands of the East? As far as I know, there aren't any creatures to be had there. There is a reason behind it, I'm sure. But it would be cool to have another rare type of creature only be able to be obtained from Lands of the East. I'm not sure what it would do, perhaps it could improve defense of one of your creatures randomly, then level 2 it targets adying creature, level 3 targets a column, then level 4 targets a all of your creatures. Level 5 creates a token every 100 days, when fed diamonds, or some secondary resource. Basically a creature that hardens the skin of your creatures, then as it gets older, does this more efficiently, and finally, can do this for your own creatures, even out of battle.
Ah, I see your point. We could turn any section of tile on madman's game into a clicky, make any section of the bridge away from madman's game into a clickie, add another book clickie, make something else at oak fort, besides just alliances (even the broken bridge itself could become clickable-if only for the message that it is out on this side as well). Literally put a stone on the path anywhere closer to the main entrance, and BOOM, clickie! I don't know. My main goal with this post was to make my plight known. In the hopes that perhaps one more could be added by someone with A25 tools. As I said, please excuse my ignorance. I was having trouble finding a lot of assistance when I was in-game so I wanted to ask here how to go about it. I also am not trying to say that there is anything wrong with LR, quite the contrary. I just remember there being more to do.
No, I didn't want make a quest just inside LR. I wanted to make a quest that took players all throughout the different lands. I just thought it was hard to take players into LR without requiring them to make resources->yes making resources is cool, but it is also kind of restrictive if that is balancing somehow to make players go there. If I (or any player) want to make a quest that doesn't require resource gathering (like text-based quests, with some artworks), then LR isn't a very viable option atm. (Please keep in mind that this is probably irrelevant with the introduction of A25-- as MDSCript and A25 appear to be 2 different things).
Hello, It's been awhile since I played besides these last two months. However, when in Loreroot, I felt like the land was very empty in terms of interaction. ( I don't know if madman's game was broken and therefore got removed or what, but I liked that puzzle) I like the reemergence of the LoreRoot guards, I think that is important for new players to have a boundary. However, in my attempt to generate a quest of my own, I realized that there are only TWO clickies (that I could find) that are RPC-usable. one in the library (which I couldn't edit), and the arch. This distinct lack of ability to integrate player-generated quests that involve LR may have a deleterious effect on the number of players that regularly visit Loreroot in general. *and the chest in the defense tower* Just some thoughts. Are there other RPC clickies that I missed? There are several (particularly on trees) that do nothing when clicked. And a few objects that were obviously clickies at one point (or I recall them being clickies) but are not now. Some guidance in this matter would be appreciated.
Is the device outside the Hollow Den still functional?
Steno replied to Tissy's topic in Questions and Answers
Thanks for corona warning Chewett. -
Is the device outside the Hollow Den still functional?
Steno replied to Tissy's topic in Questions and Answers
But I wanted ALL the flowers! Mwahhahaha -
Thank you all for your submissions! Judging will begin soon! If you didn't finish your story in time, please don't worry! You can submit it within the next 2 days, and we'll still judge it! I'm thinking about trying to make this a yearly forum quest. Hopefully, it can turn into a kind of yearbook-style thing where we catalog some of favorite moments.
I think 16 cartography might be a tad high as well. I only have 22 with 2 gold bottles myself. That's with LR, Laby, and NC in the bag as well. Perhaps making it around 12-13 might be more reasonable. My main concern is how will you know that they have completed each task? Such as heat? The items you can check through inventory, the resource, through profile of skills, but burst, is there some kind of marker for that? Yes, they could have take you on a tour, for the locations. All-in-all, this looks awesome. I guess if someone lies about reaching a certain part then that is a role-playing decision they make and will have to live with later.
I was thinking about a creature that did skill steal, where it stole a major skill (not resource skill). It steals a certain amount of a skill (percentages). However, for each upgrade it targets a different stat. So it gets harder to kill the more times upgraded, but perhaps the stats it steals are not as combat oriented. These stats would be recoverable after 2 regen timers or something like that. So like part 1, it steals briskness 1-8%, whereas part 9 steal luck 1-8%or something. So it has higher defense and vitality, (making it more likely to connect multiple times in one fight), but stealing a stat that impacts less combat-oriented play styles. If this were the case, I think that a player could only have 1 or 2 creatures of this species in a ritual at a time (otherwise I could abuse it by stealing all of a players power or something drastically powerful) This creature would have to be hard to obtain, and I think it would require some other kind of barrier to prevent abuse.
I would have to say bacon Mac and cheese. Especially when there is whiskey to the side.