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Everything posted by Steno

  1. Does anyone have an example of an old quest they wrote? For me to use as reference?

  2. It will be easy in wish shop for a player who already has to to avoid it. When I used 2 wishpoints I added 5 more slots to my wishpoint shop. That is a lot of options. I now have 31 options available to me to spend WP. ONE slot being taken up in wishpoint shop isn't really a problem unless the player has never gotten one before. If they have the feature, they certainly won't waste credits or WP on the same feature again. In the code in the shop, could you have a check for rights in the coding? if they already have it then it goes away? Or just add a blurb in description of the item that if you already have it and it's taking up a slot to contact someone- or a button to click that forcibly moves the map feature to the bottom of the extra features queue. if a player does that and still gets to see it as an option again, they are likely to use their shop reset anyway before they buy the same item again.
  3. Hello MD community! It has truly been along time! I had dwelled among you about a dozen years ago and played consistently for at least half a year. I even managed to try to do a promotional thingy for MD where I managed the game's ratings on other sites (and tried to get us hosted on others as well). I had a lot of fun, well I never beat BigC, but I did have a lot of fun. Then... my computer broke and I couldn't get a new one for 6 months, which led me to stop being a part of this community. I am so glad that I was summoned back through electronic communication. Apparently the spell that Mur cast, called MagicDuels was not through with me yet. Nor was I through with it. May both MD and myself keep growing!
  4. I found this one when I first started playing MD. Used to listen to it while playing. Still my favorite chill-out and just exist song. https://www.jamendo.com/album/9958/above-everything Human Feelings, by mindthings
  5. I seem to recall, in the beginning, that honor was a highly efficient manner of managing how people attacked. However, there is a large disparity in MP level, many, like myself, are trapped on gateway island, waiting for resources to respawn and have been doing so for a fair bit of time. Instead of making vast-sweeping changes to game structure, perhaps the prevalence of NPCs that can be attacked could be increased. Therefore, changes to the system could be minutely adapted=such as how strong or number of NPCs, instead of changing systems that may impact players directly.
  6. It's really long. Sorry. The Pain of Inspiration's Joy by me What is it about pain? That it seems necessary for the realization of true expression. Is it just the epitome of the saying: “All good things come with a price”? With pain, or suffering, the price and beautiful words and moving pieces the things? Is it that pain is the key to a door deep within our beings; a door, which behind, is that very essence of human nature which we all have, the essence, which, for a price we can glimpse? Or is it that pain is really just a mode of self-deception? We feel great feelings that are inexplicable through words. That pain unleashes unusually poignant thoughts, then words. Because especially deep pain is really just too great, so the mind, in an attempt to conceive of the enormity of it, pours out its expression in phrases more beautiful than what is otherwise impossible? Is it out of self-recognized necessity, that it unlocks a myriad plethora of ideas that, connected, merely drip with emotion and feeling. Pointing such a vivid portrait that we can feel almost the exact same feelings as the time when the feelings were transcribed. So its exquisiteness can be replicated. As, being human beings, we tend to forget the bounty we all have available to us. So, in vivid and deep records, in times of ungratefulness, we can look back, and read. Thus, remembering that which has come before that we have conquered. To remember that life is good. To help remind each of us, that, while remembering the pain, that we do not want others to feel what we have felt. As no one deserves any pain. That our objective, first and foremost, is to help others. That the human race and those whom we love and care for and those unknown multitude. That pain is really just an obstacle. One that can be overcome, conquered. In the recognition itself, its true fragility is revealed. That pain is inevitable. But that pain is also simple, easy to understand. Pain comes, yes, but only in one form. Like beauty, coming in the forms of love, nature, kindness, physical beauty, wonderful thought, simplicity and yet complexity, the exquisiteness of the senses, or in the marvel of a world that we live in, yet, do not understand. Like beauty, happiness comes in many different forms. The magic is when it is found and recognized. It is always present. It shares many of the forms that beauty does, it even is a type of beauty in and of itself. So what is pain, in comparison to its foes: happiness and love? Very little. The way we look at life, matters much. Yet is still malleable. We even have easily two eyes to view through. Not to mention the eyes of the collective society, these artists of pen, brush, or bow who really speak to us. Also through the eyes of those whose hearts are tied to our own. We have merely to change our perspective. To look with both eyes. Looking, looking, looking, but never quite grasping that little candle flame right in front of us. The happiness and love that illuminates and warms our world eludes all of us. The pain releases our expression and imagination. Yet we do not have to use that key to open that door to view our shared being. The staircase with an open archway at the top begs, beseeches, and yearns for us to climb it. Looking through at the greater chamber of not only who and what we are. But on to who and what we choose to be. This expression, when experience is not really replicated, as it is truly incomprehensible. Not understandable on any level.
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