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Everything posted by MoM

  1. MoM

    security letters

    as I said it's totally random, the number of times it takes to log in, and no, I can log in, and right before posting this, I had been trying for about 6 minutes straight (I can know since I got a call, and the time this was posted...), and at first, I was moving from the main site to the forum, and then I just stuck on the main site, sometimes refreshing 4 times before trying... I know it's weird, esp that I'm the only one with this problem, but it is seriously annoying, and I just can't wait around all that time =( sorry for any offense up there, I had just come from the gym, and wanted to move around a bit thu tribunal before taking a shower (so that I can regain more ap...)
  2. MoM

    The Alliance List

    [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1307216035' post='85727'] Handy Pockets is now Queen of Marinds Bell. [/quote] wasn't changed even though it's true =S Edit : sorry =(, I dunno, it's like I felt that that wasn't something just 'missed' or that can be left for a later time, she is a queen after all, and a great one at that, and... I dunno... sorry...
  3. okay, so this has been happening for two weeks now, but here it goes : on the log in page, the part where we have to input the characters, I input them right, but it doesn't log in. I even try refreshing before trying even once, and it doesn't log in. the message I get : [color="#FFFFFF"]*Security letters invalid, type the letters you see in the image in the field next to it.[/color] [font="Arial"][size="2"]I'm using google chrome, newest version, and I don't know how to stop this, and as far as I'm concerned, this [/size][size="7"]IS A BUG[/size][/font] [font="Arial"] [/font] [font="Arial"][size="2"]NOTE : I've seen [/size][/font][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8862-security-letters-not-recognized/page__p__76926__hl__%2Bsecurity+%2Bletters__fromsearch__1#entry76926"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8862-security-letters-not-recognized/page__p__76926__hl__%2Bsecurity+%2Bletters__fromsearch__1#entry76926[/url] and it's not the same, I'm pretty sure it's not something like 'i'm not looking right' or such...
  4. and that's all I really wanted =) for the future for there to be a better limit...
  5. but that doesn't mean we can't try to get to know what is/is not allowed ^^ I mean, I think I'll go ahead and right about some of those who I know and consider not too much of valuable additions here (Quas, Tom Letter, lol you X, and LW...) it'd be easy to do so if the length CAN be this much ONLY
  6. MoM

    MP3 group(s)

    guys, -------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________________________________________________________________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------- can any of you please MINIMUM REPLY to the group post so that I can know that you're there??? it's a msg, you should see it in your msg box...
  7. actually, I think (in my opinion) that it IS too short, and hardly enough to cover the topic, after all, let's suppose I were to talk about MP3s, I could talk about 10 by saying : [Name] came to MD at [date] and loved it. Since then, [Name] has been a valuable addition to this fine community, and he/she, and as they say [long quote]. [Name] would like to join [land] because [reasons] and I say we should encourage them. naturally that would be really dumb, but I would have covered all basic information about this person, and doing that with 10 shouldn't be a problem, apart from that, if you look at my submission about you Fyrd, you'll find that it IS NOT full of detail, talking about every single fact, but it contains a fair amount of detail and facts, also, size does not show how good a submission is, for a short submission may be better than a long one, but still I think this is WAY too short... writing things like this doesn't actually need any research or reading, you can write it in your sleep!
  8. MoM


    Most new players enter to this marvolus realm and stay there, going through story mode, batteling, Role playing, questing, and everything else this realm has to offer. After about a week, this player will start to wonder : "OK, I've seen the duel in Magic Duel (and it rocks!) but I haven't seen the magic!" a wiser player might answer : "this is because it is an advanced topic, and not meant for early stages." That is the simplest way to put it, for eventhough it is simple for someone to get it at this early stage, explaning the process and how it is needed and heat and how principles affect it... I will, disregarding how hard it may be, attempt to explain this. At first, we must all agree that Magic is of two types (the regular form, not of RPCs or LHOs) the first is that that regenerates every 2 weeks, the second is the one that gives off a 'limited' number of spells... Magic in general depends on : -Memories\ feelings -Principals -Heat "Heat is the stuff being manipulated here. Principles are the tools used to do that. The specific collection and sequencing of words/thoughts/memory-images used to do that can use word-metaphors from many walks of life besides "spells"" said Fyrd Argentus so theses three factors affect the spells in this way : -the memory/feelings is how you are going to remember the spell and thus say it (you can't say a spell you don't remember!) -Principals affect spells, so a person with a high knowledgy of the 'darkness principal' (which is for hiding) would do better at a Ghost spell than one who has no knowlede -and finally, heat is what you use to do the spell, you have to use up the power inside you and let out that heat, otherwise, you have no power, and how do you expect to manipulate things with no power? Now the main difference in 'limited' spells and 'regeneratable spells' is, and as explained by Mur : "Normal information can be copied indefinably without being lost (xerox style). Complex thoughts, such as those for "spells" you can't multiplicate simply because you don't have either the "reading" device nor the "ink" to write a copy. Imagine to make a xerox copy of a 100$ bill...some things look similar, some things will never be similar. What happens in this case is that each copy of that sort of thought is still connected to the one that created it initially. That, in terms of MD dynamics, would mean that players mastering a permanent spell should be able to give away limited casts of it and each cast should drain them of heat as long as it exists. This will scatter the spell across multiple players but not duplicate its original power/source. This is not to far from how things are now ..but not with spells in md..with items. Items that create items, such as pickles and candy, have a limited amount that can be created, based on how many are already "uneaten". This concept was applied to candy and pickles so i could create the system for potential later use, like for now." so when he said that copying the 100$ bill would NEVER make it the same, he meant that certain aspects would be the same, and thus it could be used, but ONLY FOR A SHORT WHILE since it is not the original, and thus the 'memory' needed to do the spell is not the 'temporary' caster's memory, but rather a memory that he has copied from someone else, and that is bound to be lost. But having the original 100$, aka the original memory, that means that sooner or later, the spell we become available again, since this memory is the magician's.
  9. have you ever wondered why you could go all the way from the paper cabin to Fenth's pass with 0 ap, but can't cross Mirand Bell's gate or even go from one location to the other in the Tribunal even with 30 ap? the answer is simple. It is viscosity. First introduced in the announcments on 2011-06-30 07:32:15, Mur said : "NOTICE: This is a presentation of concept. The feature is implemented already but won't be activated till some fixes regarding papercabin/noob area are ready. In the places that it will start to be applied you will see viscosity value different from zero. For now all places have viscosity zero. Viscosity of a location determines the increase or drop in action points cost for moving or using clickables in a location. It is determined by how often that place is visited by yourself or others. Visited more recently/often, the location memory becomes more fluid and fresh and thus the ap cost is less.This "Viscosity" builds up over time and makes long forgotten places even harder accessible. It is possible that the Viscosity will render certain deserted places fully off limits due to their Ap cost if nobody will visit them for a long period of time/ At the same time it could make other locations, that have a natively high Ap cost, easy accessible when when more people go through them. This value and influence is shared by everyone in the same location. This feature is intended to make the edges of the MD world harder to reach, while keeping more popular places with low Ap cost. It also encourages collaborative exploring of places like the Tribunal for example." basically, it says that places visted a lot, will remain at low cost due to their popularity, and places that are irregularly visted will cost a high amount of ap to pass... It contradicts what the market does (more popular, higher price, less popluar, lower price) but as Mur has explained quite well is that :"It also encourages collaborative exploring of places like the Tribunal for example." Not too long ago these 'trips' have begun, where Lone Wolf organized a trip into the heart of the Tribunal (when looking for stones) with quite a few others that are ready to help bring the viscosity down, for frankly, the Tribunal whihc costs 24 ap, without adding viscosity, is a nightmare in it's self, so those who were unlucky enough to go the wrong way *raises hand* have had a terrible time, moving at a pace slower than 1 location change per regeneration period. Of course, the opposite is also true, and as I said, it is now possible to travel from the paper cabin all the way to the armory and back if necessary, without ap. Hopefully, the MD community will soon increase the number of trips into the 'inaccessible' lands, so that viscosity will decrease, and we can have even more freedom in roaming the realm. Current visocsity settings - A player can lower visc in a location once every 1 hour - It is lowered by 4 for each player passing through - Visc increases by 4 every 55 minutes - Max visc a scene can accumulate if unaccessed is +40Ap - Maximum drop in ap cost if many pass through is -40Ap
  10. The Sparring Grounds, located at the Marble Dale Park, is the main training ground for MP3s learing the system. Established by Burns and Shadowseeker (mainly shadowseeker, as Burns says : "I did nothing, I just copied the rules to the signpost "), and maintained by no one, it follows the simple rule : ask before you attack by asking before attacking, that ensures that new MP3s will never suffer extensive damage, as, for example, being attacked with a too-strong ritual when they have one hundred percent of their vitality in their defenisve. The problem (mainly) is that not all people know the rules to follow, and some people know the rules, but simply do not follow them. Since no one is keeping an eye out for these things, if that happens, it just has to be ignored. Other rules there include the one where idle players can be attacked, and that non-idle players can not UNLESS they give their prior acceptance (as to being attacked), which is logical since idle players can't give acceptance, since they're not there. Also, in head's competition, people with a sufficent number of heads are not protected by the rules of the SG, and as the rule says "they can be attacked if they have enough heads that they can be attacked in a sanctuary anyway" Mainly filled with MP3s and some well knonw MP5s ( I usaully see Burns) the SG is the best place for MP3s to hang, given that they learn about the fighting system there, and that they have friendly conversations with people of the same MP level as themselves, and that they get free online help (not via pm, but directly via chat) that way from the on-looking MP5s
  11. not to sound offensive, but can this REALLY be considered a submission : [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10060-necromancer-mortis/"]http://magicduel.inv...omancer-mortis/[/url] just noticed ^^ ALL my posts (excluding one) have negative rep of -2 or -1 =P!!! and the one that doesn't, I'm sure that that's just bcz it got + rep and turned it neutral =\ oh well =P
  12. enchanted or not?
  13. Fyrd Argentus is a well known player in the MD realm, leader of the great Legend Speakers, and also a brilliant quest-maker. He always finds time to help anyone who asks for it, not to mention adding a little of fun to the thing (once when asked what a trigger was, he replied that it was what got released on the gun to make it shoot ^^). Whether you know him in-game as Fyrd, or as the 'old man with the flute' who was trying to beat the shadow army (and he has done so, but the future might change), or as the pickle master, you must have felt his great degree of care, care for the well being of those still new to the realm, and the caution with which he treats his adepts, and the helpful mannor with which he treats his friends. he has, on more than one occasion, given up all his adepts to some friends, just to help them maintain their status/rank. Eventhough Fighting is not one of Fyrd's main specailties, his Quest making is A+ material, making you run all around the realm, following strict time intervals, and if you are not such a move-about type of guy/girl, he also has a few 'neat' riddles that will keep you thinking for an hour... and everytime you do one right, you get... A PICKLE!!! yes, a pickle, for as the pickly master, this man has quite a few to offer. The are worth more than a silver coin, and, of course, you may trade his pickles for a spicy one, and is described : "This nasty little bundle of energy will make you hop on one foot, run in circles, flap your arms, and scream your head off, all at the same time. Very powerful, very dangerous - but very temporary" or you could chose his one of his pickly packages where you trade a certain number of pickles for some other benifits. In short, Fyrd is a man full of joy and help =) looking for a quest? try Fyrd's, I did, and it worked out great, killed all of my boredrom. Have a question? ask Fyrd, I did, and he gave me a good and complete answer relatively quickly. Need some sponsors? you know who to ask... Fyrd! yet again, I did, and he gave me 3 sc (for a n00b - MP3 tourney) and the winner was just overjoyed =) NOTE : might be changed, awaiting answers to a few interview questions I asked Fyrd
  14. Books store memories of the past, the brain stores memories, both true and imaginary, both sources are reliable, nearly never fading... however, a new 'memory-holder' has appeared, and it in the form of ... a stone??? Memory stones are now spread throught magic duel, and are being regarded as a recource. The can only be gathered in the precense of a Memory stone detector, that Mur has granted to two people (so far), they are : Aranna, and Lone Wolf. These memory stones do not hold regular memories, but rather, they hold memories of spells, accordint to Mur, the operation is described as such : "They work in the following way: If you have a memory stone, and a spell, you can use all the casts of that spell at once to "memorize" that spell into the stone, enchanting it. The memory stone will then transform into an enchanted stone, named after the stored spell. This is a usable, tradeable item. When someone uses it, it will grant that person a limited number of casts from the stored spell, till the casts get consumed or for a period of 6 month. When casts run out or 6 month pass, the spell will vanish from that persons spells. Memory stones are a resource type of item." so basically, memory stones hold spells, but since they are stones with no actual brains, they will forget this spell (in 6 months, so use it quickly) and since this stone is 'sharing' with you memories of another, there is no way you can 'keep' that memory with you, and thus, once you've used up all the memory there is on that stone (all the spells) the stone stops being enchanted, and you can not do that spell anymore, so you throw it out =) Also, the memory stone value you find depends on what memory the caster has chosen to put, and how much of the memory he/she will put, so depending on what spell they decide to 'enfuse' and how much casts they decide to enfuse it with, the stones would be of different value. Now, and as we speak, memory stones are being integrated into the MD market, the two lucky barrers of the detectors are making a fortune off selling these stones, and there might be a guild for them soon to follow (eventhough whether or not that is a good idea is being highly debated). This is one of the many new 'resources' that have appeared in MD, along with the fresh water resource, and mineral water resources, and also the 'memory stone guild' will be one of the many that will soon rise (Water Dowsers guild, and Fusioneers guild will be following shortly) this might be a lot to take in, but it shows that MD is advancing and improving, and thus, I wish it the best in these new ideas, and hope they succeed.
  15. so you have none now ^^ darn =P EDIT : at anyone who thinks this is off topic, I just posted here so that if LW decides to post more stones, I can know (by looking at my content and such)...
  16. well basically, I'm trapped, the door (leading to fictionist's house), the stairs (to tea market) and the back arrow (leading to Melody house) all don't click, and give me the same error : Pleas clear cachee and refresh your interface. If this problem persists try again in a few minutes of report it as a bug. tried that, didn't work, need help...
  17. The Golden Globe Gazebo, usually referred to as the GGG, was one of the many legendary fighting locations in all of Magic Duel. Basically it was usually referred to as a place where any person could get "infinite wins". It is one of the 4 Gazeboes of the MD Archives Gardens. The Golden Globe Gazebo had some rules for those who chose to fight in it, back in the day, they could be seen by clicking the support the Giant Golden Globe sat on, and they were, mainly : 1. All defensive rituals should be of ONE character that has a non-offensive ability 2. All Offensive rituals were those that could not harm the defensive rituals, so they could be, for example, an elemental on weaken defense, or three grassans, since their chaotic strikes can't harm a single creature. 3. If a ritual was 'accidentally' broken, that should be announced in the chat, so that others don't just lose vitality. 4. If these rules were broken, some of the older vets who had established that place would kick you out of the GGG and you would never be able to train in it again. so basically, the defense was put so that when a non-offensive ritual was used against it, the players could get heat-free wins, and grind stats The GGG was mainly a place for those low on vitality, but needing wins (or losses) to upgrade creatures (or for balance issues), so when a person gets a burst, it is usually announced, and players would attack that 'person-with-a-burst' with steal life rituals, and they would gain vitality for themselves... Many had opposed the GGG, saying that this 'place' even though protecting the 'weaklings' from the power of the vets, was not helping them actually learn about combat rituals, since they were not learning what to put with what to give extreme damage, since they were never doing any damage at all! Also, there were also complaints about people becoming TOO strong (stat-wise) by using a community-run-project for their own benefit, so even those who were NOT weaklings went there just to grind stats, which is not what the GGG was for. A lot of people objected and finally, the decision was to close it down... Apart from the actual Golden Globe, little but memories remain of the once overcrowded GGG, the rules, along with the offenders list (those who have broken GGG rules intentionally) are now also gone, however, at the base of the Golden Globe (below the stand it is on) by 'speaking the word' look, you will find a Ballad by Fyrd Argentus, about the rise and fall of the GGG...
  18. okay, I'm editing that story, and if I"m not mistaken, I can get 3 more in...
  19. MoM

    MP3 group(s)

    lol =P it's okay guys, anyway, check the quest in the group chat and try to solve it ...
  20. okay, this quest is for fun, it envolves no REAL hardwork, and is basically mostly luck, but here's what you gotta do : I am MoM, Master of Magic, and so, all my ... people and things are the masters of their type, for example, you have ordinary silver coins, whereas I have MoC, Master of Coins... basically, I was looking the other day for some stuff, and I came across quite some Masters... it's your job to try and figure out what each one stands for ^^ now, here's the catch, I found 9 objects in all, but I found them in a way that every three are related, and as kind as I am, I even gave you the grouping that groups them... but I'm not that kind, for the grouping will be (suppose it's money let's say?) MoMo as in Masters Of (Mo)ney, I will give you ONLY the first and second letters... oh and also, I won't tell you which grouping is for which group... prizes : 1 silver for each of the sets, and NOTE, if a set is solved, no prize will be given again NOTE 2: in your answer, you must attempt to answer ALL of them, and not just one (to confuse the rest =P) and if you answer ONLY one seriously and the others in a way to show that you don't think they're answers, you get nothing =) feel free to post answers here, and remember =P you don't really need to think, just have fun =D NOTE 3: I don't need the title... aka if you could've guessed MoC without MoMo, then it's okay =) NOTE 4: They don't have to be related to MD... The Titles are : MoFa MoHo MoAn The words are : (not put the same way as the groups) MoC MoM MoV MoA MoG MoP MoF MoU MoN oh, and you have NO guarantee that I'll keep them the same, but I will =) good luck =D
  21. I think you have to ask someone with more than 1 spell =P! btw, LWP, then what was up with the : do you ha-e enough -e?
  22. MoM

    MP3 group(s)

    you got it by the way, to all MP3s, a small ... [i]quest[/i] is going to be done, which teaches you how to utilize the export and battle log from a battle to learn about creatures... pm me here or in-game for how to start
  23. *crosses legs and sighs* it was me who opened the topic up again, and yet, there is no one for me to fight =(
  24. hasn't happened to me since approx. 14 : 00 server time, but it's been happening too frequently for me to think that it's gone...
  25. every now and then, the website stops responding, for example once I tried clicking on a name, it'd show me no info, the second time I tried going thru the gates, but the location wouldn't change, so I try refreshing the page, and then it says that the browser not connect to server... I then try switching browsers, but still nothing new... I still have internet (forum responds perfectly well), and I've seen lots of ppl with that problem ('I couldn't connect for a bit back then' and 'is the server down, because i can't connect' are two things I've seen people say... any ideas what might have caused this?
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