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Everything posted by MoM

  1. Synex, I know the UN is unfair (I participated in MUN (model united nations) and was in the security council, so my trainers told me everything about how unfair it is and use it for myself) but what they do have is some type of balance, take it this way, if, in the security council, a small country which had 0.002% of the world's population, but was contributing to 5% of it's pollution (+ other factors...), they would all agree that this is too much. it's almost the same here, you won't have that 'arguing' you want have all of the negatives in the UN... also, I never wanted MD to turn into UN, I wanted it to just DO SOMETHING, and I used the UN to show what I mean, and as for the 'treated accordingly', well that's the hard part, what can we actually do? I can attack lock and mirror ritual him/her, someone might movelock him, other will silence him, heck, if we're lucky (and they are MP5) we might get the chance to trap him/her with Eon... since it will be community effort, it can not and will not be something like 'go to Mur' or 'report him/her' it's whatever we can do to teach them a lesson... as for LWP, fight cause can not be used for a lower level, and there might not be enough ppl online at the same place and time to actually have an effect... and as for the flaw you mentioned, well you should remember that to harvest, you'll need items, which also depend on time zones, so if ppl act well, ppl from all time zones will get a chance to harvest, week-in, week-out maybe, but still. and if you're still not convinced, then tell me this : would you rather a person harvest 28 in 4 days, then go around selling, I dunno, 5 for 1 silver, than you get in these 4 days, only 1? resources can be sold, and if a lot of quantity is present, the price will drop, simple economics. Edit : by the way, I think that the council actually is a UN for mischief and wrong-doings...
  2. I don't really need any chew, and I know they're getting rarer, but the truth is, those who actually want the angiens are rarely vets, they're mainly 'new' (with stress, since they're not entirely new) and/or people who want to reward those who complete their quest I told Synax, if he actually wants to make a profit, he can, but it'll take him time, as for a quick mid-sized profit, he'd have to lower prices for a bit. I didn't explain that all via forum, but he did pm me and I did reply... again, no offense meant, and sorry if it felt like I was trying to 'swindle' you =)
  3. it has come to my attention that some resources are being depleted rather quickly due to the fact that resources are 'shared' if you go through LR, you'll find almost on every scene *Lone Wolf depletes herbs* the fact that the maximum that can be held sometimes goes up to 22, enabling ~ 7 herbs per day to be taken, why should we be able to take ONLY 1 per 4 days? and most of the times, it's not us who takes it... that's why I made this topic, for those who want to harvest resources the right way, but can't. the thing is, if you know that someone will take that 1 herb if you don't, you'd be forced to take it, because it's going to be depleted anyway, but if the whole group knows that it WON'T be depleted, they'd leave it until it was 7. this would be best for everyone, so (and this is of course independent of how MD actually runs, but rather players' efforts to stop it) what I'd suggest, first and foremost is to do what the United Nations does, esp in the Security Council, if a decree is released, and not followed, all other nations in the UN are to exercise a type of 'ban' that disconnects that country from the rest of the world. here, UN nations = harvesters, violating country = depleters, ban = ban, and world = MD so I'd like to make a list of all the common resources (Fenths and Memory stones excluded, since Fenths don't regenerate, and memory stone devices are not shared) and all the harvesters who are willing to follow this rule (don't harvest unless still be full the next day if you do harvest) and anyone who depletes will be dealt with accordingly, I'd also like to remind those who think this will never work about revolutions, if not for the fact that the concerned parties felt it was unfair, nothing would have happened, and yet, when it did happen, and thanks to their combined efforts, they could actually do something... I'll make lists (1 for each resource) , tell me to add your name via forum, and I will, and together, hopefully, we will reach an MD where we can actually get enough resources for it to count. also, if anyone wants to share any ideas with me, feel free to do so. LIST : Name (resource) : Agreed or Not Pipstickz (Herbs) : Agreed Lone Wolf (Herbs) : Shemhajaz (Herbs) : MoM (Herbs) : Agreed also, I don't really know who grab it, make sure to tell me names of people who have it, and I'll ask them.
  4. no offense Synax, but unless you're really lucky, you won't find people who really want angiens... any way, 2 angiens, 5 silver
  5. guys, this isn't running too well. in the early hours, there is rarely anyone who has dice! don't you think there should be someone who does?
  6. here's a good poker rule : "The odds are ALWAYS in the house's favor."
  7. not true CoTS, I took 7 silver from Seig... and I want to play more, but I can't seem to find him...
  8. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10331-creature-above-max-level-for-mp-level-still-attacking/page__fromsearch__1 I opened that topic before, seems it's meant to be that way, even if it is unfair...
  9. is it on purpose that the pimped grassan doesn't need an MP advance to upgrade, but the regular one does? I'm pretty sure shop creatures and regular creatures have the same MP requirement, no? as a side note, I asked an LHO, and he told me to post it here. also, I searched the forum, no mention of it anywhere.
  10. First Off Zratam, think about it this way : rare people raise creatures ONLY for the Fenths they get, but most ask me for coagulators since they're gonna sacrifice some, just to get the Fenths. so basically, had there been no Fenths (and there was, once) sacrifices wouldn't exactly have dropped so much... they still get stat boosts and more ve and vp, so it's not that they did it for nothing... second off Shem, you actually have a point, but have to remember something : Fenths supplant the actual resources. So, if the Fenths costs more than the resources themselves, it'd be easier to simply ignore them and buy the actual resources. Also, most people can get those resources for free (a little hard work ought to do it), but Fenths would then cost... A new idea that just struck me. Coagulators are not... stackable, so if I have 10 coagulators, and Tal has 1, I can harvest 10 times as fast as he can, if Tal sacced a creature, expecting to get 12 Fenths, I'd get 11, he'd get 1 (or 10 and 2, not much of a difference) as exploitable as that seems, if me and Tal just 'happen' to find the Fenths there, whoever has more coagulators can get more Fenths, even to a degree that one can deplete them without the other taking a single thing. if there is a quantity of coagulators available, I don't think that would be bad, would it? of course, then there'd have to be a form of... payment for getting the advantage.
  11. Okay, here's what I think : you mainly get Fenths when you sacrifice your own creatures, so giving them away for free isn't fair is it? basically, if you're going to sell your Fenths for anything, I'll charge you for the coagulator, if not (aka, private use, or you'll give it for free) I'll give you the coagulator for free... what do you guys think?
  12. same problem, different location : @ Wasp's altar, there were 0 Fenths, I sacrificed two Air Scouts, getting 2 Fenths, first time I harvested, the notification box said I harvested 0.5 Fenths only! even though I had harvested a full one (in my inventory) Next time it worked well. Edit : things just got a lot weirder... when I tried to use the coagulator for the third time, I got this message : [center][center][b]~ Reality Coagulator ~[/b] [b][color=#CC0000]#This resource (fenths) is regenerating (currently at 0.5).[/color][/b] [b] At least one resource is required be able to collect it.[/b] then, half a minute later, I get this at the bottom of the page [b]Available Resources:[/b] [i]Herbs depleted[/i] (0/18) [i]No Fenths present.[/i] [color=#999999][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][i](Resources regenerate periodically)[/i][/size][/font][/color] now does it seem like a bug? (I'll add snapshot if I have to)[/center][/center]
  13. the thing is, I was amazed by the elemental egg mainly =P okay, sorry then =) topic can be closed
  14. I'm extremely sorry if there was a similar post, but I couldn't find it by search, or in the bugs section, so here it goes : [attachment=3189:Untitled.png] So, umm why is there an elemental egg in Lore Root and no Lorerootian archer?
  15. MP3 Master Of Magic as a side note, it is really annoying how there are rare MP3s that actually fight in tournaments, it's not like they're gonna play vs higher MP levels *remembers CoTL*.
  16. [quote name='living_puppet' timestamp='1313316900' post='90105'] Angien [color=#999999]ID:659961 [/color] - age 373 - [color=#FF0000]2sc Iashtal [/color][color=#FF0000]([/color][color=#FF0000]sold[/color][color=#FF0000])[/color] [/quote] that is a rip off. It would sell for at least 5 - 10 silver!
  17. thought so, here's the catch : Esmaralda (the one who did the saccing) had two identical Elementals, same tokens, same heat, same lvl... for saccing it, you get 12 Fenths, and before saccing, there were 0. so that's why it doesn't add up.
  18. [attachment=3188:bug.png] back in Fenths cave, someone said this right after Mur made the 'Fenths for saccing critters' change : "you get 1 Fenths for lvl 3, 2 for lvl 4 3 for lvl 5, multiplied by tokens as always" so how is it that there is a fraction of Fenths? at 0 : 00 server time, all the Fenths goes to 0, at all altars, so there is no way to explain getting a fraction. Any ideas?
  19. Okay, a few questions that I'm currently considering, being the holder of the Reality Coagulator Re caller... Fenths is not like any other resource, and the reason is : the item with which they are collected is not 'shared' thus, Reality Coagulators and Fenths should remain free for all. Am I right or wrong? I would just like to know, no personal gain intended ( I was offered to be paid for them, but still gave them for free =P) last I remember, Mur said we can't sell them, but was that only for testing period? (he also said the coagulators would be gone, but they're still here) or does it apply to always? I guess only Mur can actually answer, but any other person is free to tell me what he thinks =) again, I only want to know for the sake of knowing, no gain intended.
  20. maybe it's like that on purpose? so that when the creature is the only one standing, with low vitality, it gets a huge def bonus to allow it to be more durable? just an idea.
  21. ummm... I tried, but whenever I select one of the first three options, and click move along, it just repeats the same page, I tried them all, still the same. Is that intended? Edit : a few people have confirmed this...
  22. MoM

    I cant access MD

    topic can now be closed. even though it is not a resolved bug, now that I'm in Lebanon, I can access MD as usual...
  23. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1314014933' post='90583'] 3. each fight between participants would give/take one head - even if defender had many or 0 (but heads number could not become negative) [/quote] 1 head?!?!? and what about those that have 300 heads and are just lying around? also, if it's all going to be phase II, the relocation spell would be a major annoyance... you log in with less points than you had before... (now following, I'm supposing the 'all as phase II would be void) think of it this way : I'm online at a remote location, and I have 300 heads, I put up a def rit that doesn't waste all my vitality... someone works all the way up to me, and beats me, taking one head... having been a bit inactive, I must have loads of ap on me, and the other guy must have ~ none (trying to get me) => I move directly, and he's stuck, with nothing...
  24. MoM

    I cant access MD

    @Awi, yes please, I'd like that browser and plus, I wasn't using mobile internet, rather, I was using the WiFi modem I was using on my pc that wouldn't connect... @Brulant it wasn't that I wanted to use the ipad, I just wanted to see if it would access the webpage
  25. MoM

    I cant access MD

    *gets completely confused* how do I figure out my ip? and like I said, my phone logged into MD usually, but an ipad I had didn't... (that makes two ips, one which let me in, one which didn't, right?) Side Note : Any government official who reads the 'conspiracy theories' will more than just mark this site as harmful =P
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