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Everything posted by MoM

  1. MoM

    labyrinth trip

    @Chewett, I've thought that over, and here's what I found : 1. if when we want to move we just say : okay, next, or move, then we won't be showing the way to those who don't know how to cross, and then, they'll be lost, so they'd go the wrong path for example, and that way, soon enough, we'll be rid of the n00bs who try to follow, the viscosity will still be low for them to continue exploring, but they won't know the direct path... so, should I sign you up? Edit : sorry, I wasn't entirely paying attention to what you had said, and just now noticed that what I said was basically said by you before... but the problem is : if we want to go ALL the ways, (to remove low visc from only the main paths) no one would come, and it would take us quite some time... but given the regen period and what not, I think that those trying to 'know' based solely on visc will soon find themselves in a really big mess as the viscosity re accumulates... they'll be stranded in the middle, not knowing how to go on, or how to go back... that should scare them away...
  2. MoM

    labyrinth trip

    basically this is for quite a few reasons : 1. (and most importantly) it'll help new players be able to try and solve the labyrinth to reach GG and enjoy it's beauty, after all, having to wait half an hour to go from place to place is not exactly appealing to them 2. to help GG citizens to get to GG, thus also decreasing the viscosity in the land... it might not cost 24 per movement like the tribunal, but with the labyrinth before you can reach, it's pretty much the same... so we need a time... current list : 1. MoM just post below to add you, and we'll try to decide on a time... I'd say 1st of August???
  3. *hugs G* no worries =D you're still worth a Mur ;) btw, where are you so I can change my PL???

  4. lol G :P stop influencing the poor girl, let her decide for herself :P

  5. somewhat close to what lone wolf said, I consider it the addition of the resources, then the addition of the cauldron to use these resources up to make new 'objects'. this is how I'm thinking : the resources have lead to people collecting (not sure if wood was there before stage 10...) and the collecting to a new market item and new trade, the stones in particular have lead to newer players being able to cast magic and enjoy it's joy, it also is almost the only thing that has lead to the appearance of the fusionairs , also the water resources has lead to a guild being formed... and as for the cauldron, even though I know that many people have the ability to make items in MD, what this cauldron makes is not items, it makes.... basically, it makes anything, can do anything, and all it requires is a few resources, this cauldron makes MD even more free as it introduces a 'make whatever you want yourself' system, and so, these changes to MD, it's market, it's game play, it's players, it's guilds, and it's objects are all vast enough to make it go to the next stage as for the viscosity, it is a big change, but changing the way of how people go from place to place is not exactly a HUGE change, sure, it has massive effects on exploring, but it doesn't affect ALL of MD directly, and so I don't think it could be the change Mur meant =)
  6. as long as it's not on me (but I konw that it is) then SURE!
  7. @X, my point exactly, take it you were ahead by 3 articles, and I prepared 8, but didn't post any, so you wouldn't try to post any either... then, on the final day, I'd post all 8, and you'd have NO chance of catching up... I'd suggest something like a limit of articles per day from now on (or final week before the end)...
  8. hmmm august 15, I might not be here... even if I won, there would be no problem right? as in, if I was not here on aug 15, and I won, it would be OK, and I could... dunno come back later and get the prize and also, I just want to mention one thing, what if people are planning to play a bit dirty, for example, they would add 'bout 6 articles on the last day, all prepared before hand, I don't think that'd be fair, is there something you can do about that?
  9. say yes -_- you know we're meant to be together

  10. don't worry dst, I have for you total respect, and so would never do that, as you deserve much better ^^ (and yes, I am being flattering... but better be on her good side and not her bad =D)
  11. fighting is one of the things I am pretty good at, and I'v made quite a few fighting tests for my MP3 group, but if u've already entered LR... Then I'm not sure how much help I can be, anyway, pm me here or im-game and I'll try 'nd help
  12. oh eva I've missed you! When will u be teleporting yourself back to this realm? i live knowing that you will return, and I will be waiting for u then... Don't tyt <3
  13. strange... she's been suggested so much times to me already ^^
  14. I want to buy a girlfriend, though I will not pay in silver or Gold (but that doesn't mean I won't give her gifts ) I'll buy with words and emotions and actions... so basically to start, we have to go out on an MD date, leave the 'where and what to do and when' to me =D just post down here, and the date is almost done ^^ requirments : a girl =D would like : young age preferably MP3 hates Guillak =D just post your name that's all I want =D, I should have waited till I had more popularity, but this way, you'll get to meet me AND have a boy friend ^^ lol hope you love me and I love ya XP
  15. shouldn't you put the price of the currently selling next to the ones you're actually selling ? just a bit of help, maybe it'll make things better ^^
  16. finished MB... Tribunal in progress... NOTE : I just noticed that Udgard had it =P anyway I finished it... btw, I think there were some places I had no access to... not sure though, it might have been nothing =P
  17. hmmm I wonder if Mur would let himself get killed =P... probably not... and my Lord, by dead, you mean that you can still chat, but not move, or chat and move but not attack, or none of them at all?
  18. actaully, I am IN the tribunal, I can map it all =P no need for anyone to come ... but I aid chewy, will it be public, or will it be sold, and if it is sold, what do we get for handing you the information?
  19. ummm MP3 here =) I'm ready to join the side with less MP3s just to 'even things out' I'm guessing that side would be X's, so I request to join =) (ps, pm sent)
  20. I can do MB Udgard =) no need
  21. just so that we're clear, the memory stones you were selling were enchanted? or you're sill selling them, and they're not?
  22. MoM

    MP3 group(s)

    ya... anyway, I'll be removing those who do not answer in 3 days from the list =) Quas you have immunity =P so does the Duke...
  23. MoM

    security letters

    well, at first I might have had a short delay, but later on I didn't, I just wrote the letters and pressed log in, then again, an again, and usually, given that I enter the letters directly after the page loads, and then press log in, I don't see any interval regularly... btw thank's for the concern so far =)
  24. well, quite a few things to say , 1 to Chew : I really didn't get the part where she actually said anything =S in any way, sorry... 2, the post WAS related, because 1, I mean my submissions for the competitions, and 2, it was that that I added in the edit, the original one was about whether the above mentioned submission could actually be counted as a submission... in any way, I would invite any mod or admin to delete my posts if they find them silly (and please do) so that I can learn what's silly and what's now =) that way I guess I'll actually be able to learn what to post and when... and to keep this in topic, I would like to ask Fyrd something : Xrieg's quote on Curiose was, as she herself said, not good and not actually factual, and so, to correct this, I'd be willing to write one (another one) but I don't know how writing 2 topics with the same title would go, not only for submissions, but also for the alliance itself (and the page) so should I post my submission below X's, or should I just do a new one?
  25. MoM

    security letters

    yes, pretty much that... basically, I always get through to the end, but at times I'm CERTAIN it's the right words like VT just hanging a mile apart, and then it just gives me the 'security codes invalid' sign, at first I though refreshing before even trying would do the trick, it worked once, but only once...
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