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Posts posted by Kiley

  1. I can't help but thinking of heat veins.  Do they lead to the jail?? They must actually..hehe.  Can we blow it from the bottom.  Yeah I am getting all Bonnie and Clyde here.  I personally think It should require 2000K or more.  I've seen the community raise much more.  BFK GUYS!!! Big Fu*&ing KABOOM!!  Or more heat actually as it should not be easy.   Once the "prisoner" has been freed, viscosity is reduced in the realm by a determined and set amount of time.

  2. I am a lover of animals.  I have a feral cat justly named Racket:)).  I rescused him about 5 years ago and he is still meaner than a cat locked in a room full of rocking chairs.  I also have a Corgi.  I thought him a gentleman when we first met and named him Briggs. Turns out I was wrong!!  He is nothing more than little monster:P.   Briggs tries to be the "big dog" in the house..only till Racket gets pissed, then I have to rescue him from the big "mean" kitty:P  Love em' both, and giggle like a fool when my crazy kitty gives his kitty kisses.  Just have to move fast if he decides he has had enough..lol!!!

    1. The Name of your character in game: Kiley
    2. Your ID: 209866
    3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months): 3 months
    4. Reason for you being a good slave: talk to the host *grins*
    5. Limitations or special wishes (optional)
    6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 10%): 10%
    7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid: 5 silver
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