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Posted (edited)


If I can get my hand on a Memory Stone detector during the upcoming Haloween party (assuming there is a party, if there is no, let's say "during the haloween period"), I will propose to give out glass to whoever is asking. The amount distributed will be limited only by the number of sand i'll manage to gather. I had that in mind for a while, and wanted to post later on when I am sure I can get a Stone detector, but your post made me smile and I thought it would be a nice way to aknowledge it.

Now I need to talk to someone about this :)

Edited by Passant the Weak

While I think legitimate grievances should be aired, I would like to see some more MD solidarity. Tarq and Keith will charge up memory stones for free (including for you, Grido -- you have a message from me that seems to have gotten buried in your mail, since you never read it. :) ). I could be persuaded to give away a creature or two if somebody asks nicely.


[quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1318265079' post='93784']
I could be persuaded to give away a creature or two if somebody asks nicely.
[/quote] A good sign for when the season rolls about! I'm Sure you will be aproached by someone, as a couple quests should pop up in december to celibrate the season.

Posted (edited)

I will be collecting resource items and giving them to young ones who desire to further themselves in the game. I will also look through my creature list and see if I have any to give. Also, I do not mind imprinting my protector spells and some of my other spells onto memory stones.

Feel free to request it of me!

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

[quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1318275210' post='93798']
Cake for everyone!
But the cake is a pie!

Honestly I'd like to thank all of you, have have smiled at, or commented on this topic. I was pretty annoyed at the state of things when I wrote it, and just knowing that a few of you noticed and supported the thought makes me quiet happy.


*searches for aforementioned pm from Tarq*

I'm quite happy for this to happen. The threads related to me will hopefully be fully discussed by that point, at least I hope some agreeable (to both sides) conclusion will occur before then.

Passant, I intend to pick up a stone detector, whilst it would be for myself, the sand I'd be happy to give you.


But but but the MDA basement is packed! With more than just a few people to socialise in there too! (Indeed I have spent much time in there)
I support your thought and although I may not be wealthy nor have the powers as Passant nor the players above, I will too be happy and willing to donate! December does hold a special place and yes it is definitely a time where everyone should just get along! All other dramas/issues can wait! :))


[color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I'd be happy to enchant stones for people. We'll have to have a good old-fashioned snowball fight when December gets here and the "snow" starts falling[/font][/color] :D


[quote name='Pothos' timestamp='1318258601' post='93771']
So, to put this very simply.. This is October.. Starting December 1st, every time I see a pair fighting, complaining, accusing, harassing, and otherwise drawing things out, I will track them down, in game, to slap them.
WAIT!!! How could I miss this.

I volunteer myself to slap people!! :D

Posted (edited)

[quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2052 - [2011-10-11 03:36:40 - Stage 11][/color]
[b]Day of absurdly blind justice[/b]
Justice should be blind, not to distinguish between friends and common people, without influence of power or relations. There is a certain hierarchy and authority structure in MD, some people can't punish other people, some people I will protect for reasons i can't disclose, other people get sanctioned for things they didn't do to punish things they did but cant be disclosed. Sometimes trials or complains get constantly delayed because i rarely have the time to handle them, or because i think its not me that should handle them. I will dedicate a day (or more) during which I will do some serious damage, not to make any balanced justice, but to punish all currently involved in a unsolved trial. Consider it a personal outburst, not an act of justice. Council, or anyone else entitled/able to is kindly requested to solve any trial/scandal/conflict matter they can, before this "cleansweep" will affect everyone involved, guilty or not guilty. I repeat, this will be a spree of punishments where a lot will get hurt, so nobody can complain someone didnt got punished for anything they did or might have done. E veryone regardles of rank, role, favors, secret or public crimes, active days, cuteness, smartness/stupidity, all that are involved in any scandal at the time i start, will be affected.I was hoping such matters can be solved at kingship/lho level, then council level, and spare me of it, seems it cant, so in 8 days from now *day 291*, I will calm everyone down so that you will think again before asking me to judge any matter.[/quote]

So move up the schedule to 8 days time anyone? :P

Edited by Grido

This is an awesome idea Pothos! Its like Slapfest all over again... I love it! I am still relatively new to magicduel as well (86 days active whoot!) so I will just run around spreading good cheer and the message everywhere I go to help out.
This Newbie would love to have some resources or a critter if anyone is in a giving mood... (Pretty Please?) XD

Joy to the World!



Upon the latest developments in the Phantom Orgid - Grido (and now also Jester) case I decided to donate all my 20 silver coins to projects to help the community come back together. At first I wanted to keep some for I quest I want to make some day, but I probably won't make it any time soon so I'll donate my coins to those trying to bring up the mood a bit.

Contact me if you want to use them for a quest, those not used will be given away to those who have nothing.

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