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Alt Checks for Important Polls


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  • Root Admin

The forum has a strict 1 account per person rule, This means that if you run a poll there should be no alts voting in it.

However since this assumes there are no alts on the forum and therefore checks are done regularly on users and polls to remove alts.

If you have multiple accouns you should contact me.

But, if you wish your poll to be checked for alts you should send me:

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Note, These altchecks are very labour intensive as i have to go through each user and check if they are an alt or not, It takes approximately 2 minutes per person to check, with an approximate base time of 10 minutes to get all the data required to start it. This means that 100 people voting in a poll makes it take a LONG time to check.

Some alt checks will be denied because of this reason.

You will be informed of the amount of alt accounts if any, a user has used, and therefore will allow you to correct poll choices as you wish. The Names of these accounts will not be given to you, and i shall deal with them as necessary.

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  • 10 months later...
  • Root Admin

When altchecks are performed in all but exceptional cases you will not be informed of the alts.

Furthermore, asking me to tell you whose alt is whose will not be answered. Wasting my time with requests because "its really important but im not going to tell you why" will be ignored and treated as if you are purposely wasting my time.

Provided there is a good reason, i will perform an altcheck to ensure the forum rules are being respected, but to preserve privacy of the indivual i will, in the majority of cases, never tell you whose alt is whose.

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