BFH Posted May 29, 2012 Report Posted May 29, 2012 The first meeting for MD Summer Fest took place today. Here is the Chat Log. Later on a proper summary of the discussion and sign up shall be opened. [log= MD SUMMER FEST] [29/05/12 18:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]hello [29/05/12 18:58] [b]JadenDew:[/b]hi~~~ [29/05/12 18:58] [b]Sunfire:[/b]'llo [29/05/12 18:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Today i want to do somekind of organization for md summer fest [29/05/12 18:58] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Hello again BFH. [29/05/12 18:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that will take place on July! [29/05/12 18:59] [b]JadenDew:[/b]Will it has lots of foood~? [29/05/12 18:59] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Wonderful. [29/05/12 19:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Ok so for those who were active last year [29/05/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I organized MD Xmas Fest which was a 3 days event full of quest. [29/05/12 19:01] [b]Manda:[/b]i hope be in my pc this is really slo [29/05/12 19:01] [b]Manda:[/b]w [29/05/12 19:01] [b]Manda:[/b]. [29/05/12 19:01] [b]Manda:[/b]. [29/05/12 19:01] [b]darkraptor:[/b]3 great days i must say :-P [29/05/12 19:01] [b]JadenDew:[/b]pwesents!! [29/05/12 19:01] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]From it I learn many things. Specially that I can't be online 24 hrs [29/05/12 19:01] [b]darkraptor:[/b]quests! :-D [29/05/12 19:01] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]JadenDew laughs[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:02] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Back for a bit... hello MDP! [29/05/12 19:02] [b]JadenDew:[/b]nomnoms in shop! [29/05/12 19:02] [b]joshdragon:[/b]That's a good sign. [29/05/12 19:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]So I plan to fix the empty spaces of "nothing to do" for this year [29/05/12 19:02] [b]JadenDew:[/b]BFH hardworking~ [29/05/12 19:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]So what can we do? Divide in teams that make quests and reward somehow the winning team? [29/05/12 19:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so opinions or ideas? [29/05/12 19:03] [b]Fenrar:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]reads the note and nods[/i]*[/color] Thanks Josh, I will do so. [29/05/12 19:03] [b]JadenDew:[/b]hrm.. i dunno.. im no good with quests..... [color=#305681]*[i]cringes[/i]*[/color] [29/05/12 19:03] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Do you mean any sorts of quests? Or some specific type? [29/05/12 19:03] [b]JadenDew:[/b]im sure most people would like mroe quests [29/05/12 19:04] [b]darkraptor:[/b]or make a nice schedule using timezones and player availability [29/05/12 19:04] [b]JadenDew:[/b]i second what darkraptor said... [29/05/12 19:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ANY [29/05/12 19:04] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Good idea. Then we could have each group of quest-makers hopefully have at least one person on at a time. [29/05/12 19:04] [b]::::::::[/b][i] [color=#CC0000] Manda asks everyone to mass attack Him until death [/color] [/i]:::::::: [29/05/12 19:05] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:05] [b]apophys:[/b]Hello. [29/05/12 19:06] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Hi apophys. [29/05/12 19:06] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Hello apophys. [29/05/12 19:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Ok so two teams with different quests each. X team competes in Y team quests and such? [29/05/12 19:06] [b]apophys:[/b]Hi josh, Fen. [29/05/12 19:06] [b]apophys:[/b]I recommend splitting in 3 [29/05/12 19:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok three? why ? [29/05/12 19:07] [b]::::::::[/b][i] [color=#CC0000] Quizok asks everyone to mass attack Quizok until death [/color] [/i]:::::::: [29/05/12 19:07] [b]darkraptor:[/b]there is a low number of active players.. [29/05/12 19:08] [b]apophys:[/b]Variety. Last time something like this was done, there were two. [29/05/12 19:08] [b]Quizok:[/b]non dmg def set [29/05/12 19:08] [b]darkraptor:[/b]but apophys have a good point.. [29/05/12 19:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok variety is a point to consider [29/05/12 19:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]btw event will last 3 days as well [29/05/12 19:09] [b]apophys:[/b]Cool. [29/05/12 19:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Btw: Newbs can give their opinions [29/05/12 19:10] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Since there was cake for the anniversary, we should have pie for the summer fest. [29/05/12 19:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]The cake was a LIE! [29/05/12 19:10] [b]darkraptor:[/b]the cake was not a lie?? [29/05/12 19:10] [b]apophys:[/b]The cake isn't fully implemented yet; you can't eat it.... [29/05/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes!! A LIE! [29/05/12 19:11] [b]JadenDew:[/b]so it's a lie [29/05/12 19:11] [b]joshdragon:[/b]So? It's not a lie, it's just not completely true yet. [29/05/12 19:11] [b]apophys:[/b]Having the current cake be edible by summer would be nice. [29/05/12 19:11] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok 3 teams, 3 leaders, how many quests per team? [29/05/12 19:12] [b]JadenDew:[/b]dependant on quest duration i guess? [29/05/12 19:12] [b]apophys:[/b]^ [29/05/12 19:12] [b]joshdragon:[/b]One for every two people on the team. [29/05/12 19:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i want a specific number of quests to balance the points that will determine the winning team [29/05/12 19:13] [b]darkraptor:[/b]i would say 4 quests per team: 1 with a 3 days duration and 1 other per day [29/05/12 19:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]so that it be fair[/i][/color]) [29/05/12 19:13] [b]darkraptor:[/b]is it low? i never competed on such event.. [29/05/12 19:14] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Oh, yeah. I just assumed each team would have the same number of people. [29/05/12 19:14] [b]apophys:[/b]How about one day for all of one team's quests? [29/05/12 19:14] [b]darkraptor:[/b]that may limit the chances since some players may not be available all days [29/05/12 19:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]To josh we will try to balance the number, yes [29/05/12 19:15] [b]apophys:[/b]Point. [29/05/12 19:15] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy wonders what there talking about[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]to apo- no as you told we need variety [29/05/12 19:15] [b]AmberRune:[/b]3 teams, 3 days, so 6 maybe? That'd be 2 per team per day [29/05/12 19:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]2 per team daily sounds fair [29/05/12 19:15] [b]apophys:[/b]^ [29/05/12 19:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i did many more than two per day alone [29/05/12 19:16] [b]darkraptor:[/b]you are a addict... :-P [29/05/12 19:16] [b]apophys:[/b]^ [29/05/12 19:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]SHHSSHH!! That's sa secret =)) [29/05/12 19:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok so far we have: [29/05/12 19:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]3 Days Festival, 3 Teams, 3 Leaders, Same amount of members, 6 quests per team, 1 team will win. [29/05/12 19:18] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy gets up to her feet and walks over to fenrar[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Everybody can win in my quests which will randomly appear to fill up schedule [29/05/12 19:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and secret... Sombody told me about a RACE [29/05/12 19:19] [b]joshdragon:[/b]And how are the teams decided? [29/05/12 19:20] [b]darkraptor:[/b]How about a all event quest.. with a 3 day duration? [29/05/12 19:20] [b]taffy:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]looks up at the old man[/i]*[/color] excuse me [29/05/12 19:20] [b]apophys:[/b]@josh - IMO, firstly, people with coding ability should be evenly divided. [29/05/12 19:20] [b]darkraptor:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]3 winners ofc.. :-P [/i][/color]) [29/05/12 19:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]to josh- there will be a sign up in forums. [29/05/12 19:21] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Okay, thanks for clarification. [29/05/12 19:21] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]since the contest needs planning I'll open it probably today or tomorrow [29/05/12 19:22] [b]Menhir:[/b]trees as defence set [29/05/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and shall be open for one week [29/05/12 19:22] [b]taffy:[/b]how much honor do i give? [29/05/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]after everybody sign in I'll use my random program to fairly divide the players into teams [29/05/12 19:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and each team pick up a leader [29/05/12 19:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I'll talk with Chewett to open secret/hidden forums for the 3 teams so that you guys can plan the quests [29/05/12 19:23] [b]apophys:[/b]You should try to make sure that no team ends up without any coders, or with one coder doind everything. [29/05/12 19:24] [b]taffy:[/b] [29/05/12 19:24] [b]darkraptor:[/b]i hope your random program have Time zone in account :-P [29/05/12 19:24] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy sits down[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes that's important as well [29/05/12 19:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]aww timezones is a problem [29/05/12 19:24] [b]darkraptor:[/b]indeed.. [29/05/12 19:24] [b]joshdragon:[/b]So then when we sign up on forum should we say what times we can reliably be online? [29/05/12 19:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes time zones and coding abbility [29/05/12 19:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the dark ideas of 3 days duration quest can be good but do you guys think the teams will do another q? [29/05/12 19:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]or perhaps 5 quests and 1 that last 3 days?[/i][/color]) [29/05/12 19:27] [b]darkraptor:[/b]7 quests! !7! [29/05/12 19:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]lol everybody agrees? [29/05/12 19:28] [b]apophys:[/b]or 5 quests, one per day plus 2 3-day ones. [29/05/12 19:28] [b]joshdragon:[/b]YES. [29/05/12 19:28] [b]joshdragon:[/b]!7! [29/05/12 19:28] [b]apophys:[/b]When is the festival? How many weeks? [29/05/12 19:28] [b]darkraptor:[/b]2 per day + 1 for 3 days :-P [29/05/12 19:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]to apo remember that then it would sum to 6 q for 3 days [29/05/12 19:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]too much [29/05/12 19:29] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Apophys, it's in July. [29/05/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]2 per day is better [29/05/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]July for 3 days [29/05/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i'll give a month for quest planning [29/05/12 19:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]to be fair [29/05/12 19:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Ok Scoring system [29/05/12 19:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]before my ideas for it I want yours [29/05/12 19:32] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Each quest won gets a team points, the score of the quest is determined by the team that makes it. [29/05/12 19:32] [b]joshdragon:[/b]When the event is over, the team with the most points wins? [29/05/12 19:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]sounds good. My ideas was 5 points range [29/05/12 19:33] [b]apophys:[/b]Hm... that would encourage making unsolvable quests. [29/05/12 19:33] [b]darkraptor:[/b]indeed [29/05/12 19:34] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Good point. [29/05/12 19:34] [b]darkraptor:[/b]how to control the quests so that the dificulty level is aproximate? [29/05/12 19:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so lets say a team doesn't complete it but gets very close, they must receive something [29/05/12 19:34] [b]apophys:[/b]How about having the winner ([color=#888888][i]s[/i][/color]) of a quest give it a score 1-5 [29/05/12 19:34] [b]apophys:[/b]most total score wins? [29/05/12 19:36] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]but that also leads to the problem of what is they doesn't win a quest [29/05/12 19:37] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Theme quests, score it based on how well it matches the theme. :ie difficult quests, fun quests etc? >> [29/05/12 19:37] [b]apophys:[/b]It would be in the quest creator's interest to make it solvable, if the quests were rated by winners. [29/05/12 19:37] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]If they don't complete it, they can still say how fun it was. [29/05/12 19:37] [b]AmberRune:[/b]Checkpoints on how much of the quest was completed? Ie, 25%, 50%, 80%. By either quarters of 5ths [29/05/12 19:37] [b]AmberRune:[/b]*or [29/05/12 19:38] [b]darkraptor:[/b]i'm still stuck at : how to control the making of nearly impossible quests? have it been done? [29/05/12 19:38] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Perhaps somebody not competing could judge them? [29/05/12 19:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]hmm... [29/05/12 19:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]they surely must be solveable. The purpose of this is having fun. [29/05/12 19:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Checkpoints are somehow included in ranging the score [29/05/12 19:41] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]SHOUTS: Reward people without do quests!!!! free gifts for all!!!! :-)! [29/05/12 19:41] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* kicks Alyon[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:41] [b]apophys:[/b]Lolz. [29/05/12 19:41] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]NEVER! [29/05/12 19:41] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]I think Alyon has a good idea. [29/05/12 19:41] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]only me then... hihihi [29/05/12 19:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]lol!! Only confused santa do that! [29/05/12 19:42] [b]darkraptor:[/b]i see all teams making very hard quests in hope to have a better chance to win [29/05/12 19:42] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]then I will ask to change your name also [29/05/12 19:42] [b]darkraptor:[/b]that will probably spoil the fun [29/05/12 19:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]what if we penalize imposible quests? [29/05/12 19:42] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]Confused BFH [29/05/12 19:42] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]joshdragon nods[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]lol [29/05/12 19:43] [b]darkraptor:[/b]there comes the judge system again :-( [29/05/12 19:43] [b]darkraptor:[/b]it would be better to avoid it.. if possible.. [29/05/12 19:43] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]So it comes to making really easy quests? >> [29/05/12 19:43] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]aha! [29/05/12 19:43] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok as amber said [29/05/12 19:44] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]I think should be added the judge system as HC control etc [29/05/12 19:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the team that makes the quests should make some check points ([color=#888888][i]3 for example[/i][/color]) [29/05/12 19:44] [b]darkraptor:[/b]agree [29/05/12 19:44] [b]darkraptor:[/b]or 4 [29/05/12 19:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]they will assign the score to the other team according to how many check points they pass [29/05/12 19:44] [b]darkraptor:[/b]:-) [29/05/12 19:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if they finish the quest then full points [29/05/12 19:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the competing team will judge the other team quest [29/05/12 19:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if the score of the other team quest gets lower of x range they lose points ([color=#888888][i]the one who created it[/i][/color]) . if not they stay ok? [29/05/12 19:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the scores shoulwd be submitted to me and I'll be constantly checking that it won't be biased. [29/05/12 19:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]sounds ok? [29/05/12 19:48] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Lone Wolf licks BFH[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ewwwwwwww!! [29/05/12 19:48] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]How dare you Eww my tongue [29/05/12 19:48] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Do you have no respect for a dog's affection. [29/05/12 19:49] [b]Psionivy:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]for those of that missed the start of the conversation, will you make a forum post with the logs or the details ? [/i][/color]) [29/05/12 19:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]yes[/i][/color]) [29/05/12 19:49] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Psionivy smiles at BFH[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:50] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* smiles[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so everyone agrees with that scoring system idea? [29/05/12 19:51] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]joshdragon nods[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:51] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]No [29/05/12 19:51] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]I disagree for the sake of not agreeing with everyone else. [29/05/12 19:51] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [29/05/12 19:51] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]joshdragon eats Lone Wolf[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:52] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Lone Wolf eats joshdragon[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:52] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]>> [29/05/12 19:52] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]So [29/05/12 19:53] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]As long as I disagree, we have to find a new method? [29/05/12 19:53] [b]Mallos:[/b]Max points for completing a quest would make teams want to make easy quests. Need to find a way to balance the quests being too easy and too hard. [29/05/12 19:53] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]or is this a 'we don't care about this certain player's opinion.' [29/05/12 19:53] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]I thought it was the other team get scores on completing quest. [29/05/12 19:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes Mallos, and that needs to be implemented in a score system [29/05/12 19:54] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Would be nice if there were rewards for best quester.. at a hint of motivation. [29/05/12 19:54] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]<.< [29/05/12 19:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes LW but they can make impossible quests [29/05/12 19:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and anything can happen [29/05/12 19:54] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]and good quest should be added 4ever to the game!!! [29/05/12 19:54] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]I thought there was penalty for people not being able to pass x check point. [29/05/12 19:55] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy sits up and takes out an orange pouch[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:55] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]hmm.. that can be interesting [29/05/12 19:55] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]as puzzle in MDA [29/05/12 19:55] [b]Psionivy:[/b]everyone will be able to particepate or in order to do so you will need to be in a team ? [29/05/12 19:55] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]What.. am I just reading what people said wrong.. [29/05/12 19:55] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]champions challenge! [29/05/12 19:55] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]There's 2 teams or multiple? [29/05/12 19:56] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]3 teams [29/05/12 19:56] [b]joshdragon:[/b]Three teams [29/05/12 19:56] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]I want to be on Team Lone Wolf. [29/05/12 19:56] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]No debate about it. [29/05/12 19:56] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]not all have got acces to it [29/05/12 19:56] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]I also want Amber and duxie on my team. [29/05/12 19:56] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]everyone can participate as soon as they sign in in a team. otherwise every one can compete in my quests! [29/05/12 19:56] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]<.< [29/05/12 19:56] [b]*MRAlyon*:[/b]and don't like to give acces to all because I gained it in story mode instead of necro... [29/05/12 19:56] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]and Fyrd.. he's a good quest maker. [29/05/12 19:57] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]oh! And apophys, Lightsage. [29/05/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy opens the pouch and lets nine dice each with different unknown symbols on them slide out of the pouch[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:57] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Let me just forge their signature on the sign up page. [29/05/12 19:57] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* kicks LW with his spear of seven[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:58] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b] [color=#305681]*[i]hits BFH with his lumber Saw[/i]*[/color] That's right, how do you like them apples. [29/05/12 19:58] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy giggles[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok I'll try to develop the scoring system and post it in forums to continue the discussion [29/05/12 19:59] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]thanks for the ideas [29/05/12 19:59] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Can there be a Team Lone Wolf [29/05/12 19:59] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]time to pick up log [29/05/12 19:59] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Team Lazy!! [29/05/12 19:59] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]after teams get dicided they pick leader and name [29/05/12 19:59] [b]Lone Wolf:[/b]Darn. [29/05/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]taffy puts her dice back in the orange pouch and stands up[/i][/color] [29/05/12 19:59] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM![/i][/color] [/log]
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 29, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted May 29, 2012 was this pre announced? If i had seen it i would have liked to attend, so either i missed it, or it was "off the cuff", And if it was, i would like to register my displeasure. I would have made time to be online and participate if i had noted it sooner, im sure i didnt see any forum posts about it. Specificially i would have raised some issues regarding the whole idea of 3 days for 18 quests... Oh well, from the look of it its all decided... Tarquinus 1
BFH Posted May 29, 2012 Author Report Posted May 29, 2012 I announced it on triggers !! (would have summoned all md but HC locked me) you can discuss here. actually feel free to discuss J-D and Tarquinus 1 1
Seigheart Posted May 29, 2012 Report Posted May 29, 2012 I didn't see it on the Triggers what so ever. O.o I would have liked to attend as well. Hopefully to coincide my new quest with the Summerfest
Maebius Posted May 30, 2012 Report Posted May 30, 2012 I missed it in triggers too, sadly. I tend to watch moodpanel much more closely, and only check triggers to see when Drunk wears off. Sounds like a fun even though, and now that it's on the forum, there might be more awareness.
BFH Posted May 30, 2012 Author Report Posted May 30, 2012 (edited) Okay Okay! Another meeting will take place. Check Triggers! Today at 0:00 server time. (actually 0:00 theorically means tomorrow Day 151) Edited May 30, 2012 by BFH
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 30, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted May 30, 2012 one days notice wonderful. Can i suggest, in future, announcing events a week in advance, so that people can have time to prepare. I have shedualled something during that timeslot, meaning i cant come, but if i had known earlier i could have done it yesterday, have fun Yala Sviseusen 1
BFH Posted May 30, 2012 Author Report Posted May 30, 2012 [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1338394770' post='113171'] one days notice wonderful. Can i suggest, in future, announcing events a week in advance, so that people can have time to prepare. I have shedualled something during that timeslot, meaning i cant come, but if i had known earlier i could have done it yesterday, have fun [/quote] I can't do things like that, unfortunately. I'm extremely busy in rl. And I'm trying to organize an event a month before to allow everybody to participate and to not do all myself. Everybody can comment and discuss here in forum as I told. Any issues will be taken care off. I can't be in multiple places at once so times are variant for meetings. Sephirah Caelum 1
Kyphis the Bard Posted May 30, 2012 Report Posted May 30, 2012 (edited) Kinda hard to do my role of chronicler when nothing is posted in advance and I have almost no internet, BFH. Please do try to put things like this on the forum so that people who need to schedual internet time actualy have the possibility of attending. As it is, I only just found out (AFTER the SECOND event has begun) that this is happening. Just glad that you have the spell as well so that a log is still taken. I don't have my own internet but I am still making sure to get on each day to look for events that would appreciate having a log taken. If it is one I think I will be able to schedual myself to be at, then I will turn up and log it, but if I don't think I will make it I have a large amount of accoustic stones I can lend to organizers to make sure it gets logged. Still, even though I would LIKE to attend, in a few minutes I will not have access to the net again until tomorrow, so its a good thing you have your own spell for taking the log... [b]SUMMARY:[/b] That's 4 people saying you need to try better to post things in advance, even just 2 days notice helps a lot. Edited May 30, 2012 by Kyphis the Bard Tarquinus and Pipstickz 2
BFH Posted May 30, 2012 Author Report Posted May 30, 2012 Well due to a miracle for Chew and Seigh and the people who couldn't reach... Just 3 mins before the meeting, I lost electrical power supply and well meeting got ruined. So... Moved to June 1 around 17 server time.Sorry to those who waited for me today. It's AEE PR Fault!! >>
Curiose Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 If you need people to help with events, why not ask? Or are you too busy to do that, too? emerald arcanix, Soothing Sands, Tarquinus and 2 others 2 3
BFH Posted May 31, 2012 Author Report Posted May 31, 2012 [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1338423106' post='113199'] If you need people to help with events, why not ask? Or are you too busy to do that, too? [/quote] That's the idea with the meetings Read chat log and you will realize that I'm dividing the quest making and the event to allow everybody participate, create, share something and enjoy it on the way That's the point dear, no need to be rude, I think.
J-D Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 I did not remember at the time of the meeting that I'm actually going to be gone most of July . I can help with the quest planning but unless it's in the first week I won't be able to attend the actual event.
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 31, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted May 31, 2012 [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1338427034' post='113201'] That's the idea with the meetings Read chat log and you will realize that I'm dividing the quest making and the event to allow everybody participate, create, share something and enjoy it on the way That's the point dear, no need to be rude, I think. [/quote] Yet if the meetings are arranged so quickly, then there will be a distinct lack of help being available...
Curiose Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 Not rude, just showing flaw where there is one. Watcher, emerald arcanix, Tarquinus and 1 other 2 2
Seigheart Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 You can all thank me for cutting his powersupply. I can attend that meeting.
Seigheart Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 Where is the summary that was supposed to be posted? Watcher and Chewett 1 1
BFH Posted May 31, 2012 Author Report Posted May 31, 2012 I have it ready, but I was planning to post just before the meeting so that things can be discussed, or I can post if you guys wish? Let me know.BTW: Chew, can you assist to the meeting? I would like to hear about the issues you found. It's quite important If not can you send me a message or post somewhere so that we can discuss regarding them? Thanks pal
BFH Posted June 1, 2012 Author Report Posted June 1, 2012 MagicDuel Summer Fest When: MD Summer Fest will take place on July for three days. Summary: Apart of my quests, which will be open to everybody (those who sign up or not), there will be teams quests and participants will have one week to sign up during June. According to First Meeting, it was agreed to divide the participants in three groups. Team XY competes in team Z quest. Team XZ competes in Y's and so on. Each group should have (as much as possible): same amount of members players with coding ability (as much balanced as possible) max viability in times zones as possible [last two points will be taken in consideration during sign up and dividing process] After it: Each group will pickup a Leader. Each group will hopefully have a hidden forum section (I'll talk with Chew when the moment comes) to develop ideas or plan quests. {TO DISCUSS} Each group will develop two quests per day (limited time maybe an hour [pending to DISCUSS] and one that will last the three days of the competition. Each team will assign checkpoints to their quests (4) that will allow the teams to score even if they doesn't finish the full Quest. [This will be discussed as part of scoring system] Scoring system: As I told druing the meeting I would try to develop a scoring system and well here it is. We will discuss the flaws during the meeting. The Team that creates the quest will assign a score based on how many checkpoints every team passed. Every quest will have 4 checkpoints and reaching one is worth one point. Completing the full quest is worth another point. That means that if I complete a quest i get 5 points. If I reach the third checkpoint i get 3 and so on. So what makes us to be sure a team doesn't make an impossible quest? The competing teams will review the quests and based on their reviews I will have the power to penalize the team who created the quest. That means that if the quest was viased instead of hurting the enemy you hurt yourself. There are two other teams so their opinions should be similar to make me take any decission.
Seigheart Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 I am totally down with this. Sounds awesome to me.
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 1, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted June 1, 2012 (edited) I can post up or send you some issues i saw with it if you really wish. Edited June 1, 2012 by BFH
BFH Posted June 1, 2012 Author Report Posted June 1, 2012 That's the whole idea of a second meeting Pls do so PS My post merged initially with urs chew Oo Odd
BFH Posted June 1, 2012 Author Report Posted June 1, 2012 (edited) Results of Our Second Meeting: If everybody agrees this will be the final rules for the MD Summer Fest. Please post if you guys see any flaws or issues. MagicDuel Summer Fest When: MD Summer Fest will take place on July for three days. Summary: Apart of my quests, which will be open to everybody, there will be teams quests and participants will have one week to sign up during June, and independent participations. According to First Meeting, it was agreed to divide the participants in three groups. Team XY competes in team Z quest. Team XZ competes in Y's and so on. Each group should have (as much as possible):[list] [*]same amount of members [*]players with coding ability (as much balanced as possible) [*]max viability in times zones as possible [/list] [last two points will be taken in consideration during sign up and dividing process] After it: [list] [*]Each group will pick up a Leader. [*]Each group will hopefully have a hidden forum section (I'll talk with Chew when the moment comes) to develop ideas or plan quests. [*]Each group will develop at least but not limited to 1 quest per day. [*]Each team will assign as much checkpoints as possible (if possible) to their quests (4) that will allow the teams and at the end an average will be taken for the score. [/list] Scoring system: The Team that creates the quest will assign a score based on how many checkpoints every team passed or by completion. Every quest will have x number of checkpoints (or none) and reaching one is worth one point. Completing the full quest is worth another point or just one if there isn't a check point. That means that if I complete a quest with 2 checkpoints and I only reach to the first, I completed an average of 33% of the quest. If I compete on a quest with five checkpoints and i get 3 points I have 50% and so on. At the end the averages will be summed and divided into the amount of quests. The team with the higher average wins. Checkpoints number must be established at the beginning of each quest. [The checkpoints can vary in terms on how much they are worth of, but then make sure to establish the values before the quest begin.] So what makes us to be sure a team doesn't make an impossible quest? The competing team will receive five points if any of the other teams manages to solve the entire quest. That means that the team will make not an easy quest, but only compete-able so that they get the possibility of getting five points and the possibility to the enemy to participate. NOTE: Teams won't get points for any independent participation that completes their quests. Independent participations. If you did not signed up for the teams but you still want to participate, you will be able to do so, but won't compete against them, but instead against all other independent players. Same rules apply but you don't have to create a quest. You will participate in a team quest and they will assign you points that at the end will get divided into the total amount of quests to get an average. The player with highest average gets something. FINALLY Here is the Log [log= Second Meeting] [01/06/12 17:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]hi [01/06/12 17:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [[url=""]Forum link[/url]] [01/06/12 17:02] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's the summary of the previous discussion [01/06/12 17:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]So we willl start off with doubts. Any doubts/concerns regarding the first meeting? [01/06/12 17:03] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]anything that you guys would like to discuss? [01/06/12 17:05] [b]Fenrar:[/b]How many of us have good coding knowledge? [01/06/12 17:05] [b]apophys:[/b]Good question. [01/06/12 17:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that shall be posted on sign up [01/06/12 17:05] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I mean [01/06/12 17:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]every player who sign up should post available time zones and coding abilities if any [01/06/12 17:07] [b]apophys:[/b]I was thinking that 6 quests per team might be a bit much to code in a month's time. [01/06/12 17:07] [b]apophys:[/b]But it of course depends on their complexity and the number of coders... [01/06/12 17:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok first issue: quest should have a time limit [01/06/12 17:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]I was thinking on a max of one hour? [01/06/12 17:08] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Do we have an approximate number? 2 coders per grp? or only one? [01/06/12 17:08] [b]Fenrar:[/b]or ten? [01/06/12 17:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]That's something I can't tell [01/06/12 17:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Depends on how many sign up [01/06/12 17:09] [b]apophys:[/b]Time limit for what?... Solving? [01/06/12 17:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes solving [01/06/12 17:09] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]more or less it should take a max X amount of time [01/06/12 17:10] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]one hour should be good i guess. ([color=#888888][i]that's necessary to fill up schedule and to avoid extremely complex quests[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 17:10] [b]apophys:[/b]Well, it depends on the type of quest, firstly... [01/06/12 17:10] [b]Psionivy:[/b]this will prob create issues with ppl not available on a specific time that the quest will be available though [01/06/12 17:11] [b]apophys:[/b]Something lke Fyrd's dentistry cannot have a set time limit. [01/06/12 17:11] [b]Psionivy:[/b]yeah , but since teams will be competing , something like fryds dentistry would be easy i guess [01/06/12 17:11] [b]apophys:[/b]@Psion - it can be done that solving is limited to one hour for each participant, regardless of start time. [01/06/12 17:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]well then i must clarify creators to not make something that will take too long on solving? [01/06/12 17:12] [b]Psionivy:[/b]@apophys - i have no idea on coding so if this is possible i guess it solves the issue [01/06/12 17:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]to apo- that's posible with the checkpoints, but then it might cause the quest maker to make difficult quests [01/06/12 17:14] [b]Fenrar:[/b]@Psionivy I think we can try small riddles with an answer [01/06/12 17:14] [b]apophys:[/b]Meh, I always disliked time limits. [01/06/12 17:14] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i can unlimit them if we reduce the number of quests [01/06/12 17:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]3 per team and one that last the 3 days? [01/06/12 17:15] [b]Fenrar:[/b]I think we need 1 day... we get new quests everdy day anyway [01/06/12 17:16] [b]apophys:[/b]^ [01/06/12 17:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]1 per day? [01/06/12 17:16] [b]apophys:[/b]More accurately, we can limit the quest to go from 00:00 one day to 00:00 the next day. [01/06/12 17:16] [b]Fenrar:[/b]every day is a new round imho, nah it can be 5, but the limit is 00:00 server time [01/06/12 17:16] [b]apophys:[/b]Or something like that. [01/06/12 17:16] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Fenrar nods[/i][/color] [01/06/12 17:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]hmmm... [01/06/12 17:18] [b]Fenrar:[/b]..sooo.. lets say 5/day, 00:00 deadline [01/06/12 17:18] [b]Fenrar:[/b]is there anything wrong with it BFH? [01/06/12 17:18] [b]apophys:[/b]5/day of what? [01/06/12 17:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes of what? [01/06/12 17:19] [b]Chewett:[/b]limtiting quest times limit quests [01/06/12 17:19] [b]Fenrar:[/b]quests of course [01/06/12 17:19] [b]Psionivy:[/b]that would be 16 quests for each team, it may be a bit too much [01/06/12 17:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]5 per day is too much [01/06/12 17:19] [b]apophys:[/b]^ [01/06/12 17:19] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Maebius smiles[/i][/color] [01/06/12 17:20] [b]Chewett:[/b]may i speak? [01/06/12 17:20] [b]Fenrar:[/b]all right, it depends on the participants, i am speakin about the main rule [01/06/12 17:20] [b]apophys:[/b]Please do, Chewy. [01/06/12 17:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes chew i guess it's better reducing the number of quests created [01/06/12 17:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]y [01/06/12 17:20] [b]Chewett:[/b]firstly, if you are limiting quests to a day, it will limit the quests [01/06/12 17:21] [b]Chewett:[/b]some of the more fun quests are not done in half an hr or something [01/06/12 17:21] [b]Chewett:[/b]some of them are patience, needing time [01/06/12 17:21] [b]Chewett:[/b]specifying that quests can only run over a day, is stupid [01/06/12 17:21] [b]Chewett:[/b]secondarily, if you are only runnig X quest on day Y, people who cant make Y will miss it entirely [01/06/12 17:22] [b]Chewett:[/b]if you have 3 teams all making one quest a day, its going to be major competition for people [01/06/12 17:22] [b]Chewett:[/b]if you, instead, gave each team a period of 3 days or so, saying "run whatever quests you want through the 3 days" they can then decide how they want to do it [01/06/12 17:22] [b]Chewett:[/b]iving them a lot more freedom than, "one per day" [01/06/12 17:22] [b]Chewett:[/b]which, might overall be more fun, as they can plan things much more easily, and have some "starting" and "ending" ideas [01/06/12 17:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]but that can affect score system? [01/06/12 17:23] [b]Chewett:[/b]having some quests that take short periods, and ones that stretch over the entire time [01/06/12 17:23] [b]Chewett:[/b]if you presume that iv had time to read about a score system, yuo are incorrect [01/06/12 17:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i mean without x amount i can't define x number to tell who wins? [01/06/12 17:23] [b]Chewett:[/b]you just yimmed me, im blatting out random stuff [01/06/12 17:24] [b]Chewett:[/b]if you are going for a rigid scoreing system, then you are going to make the quests rigid, and with that boring [01/06/12 17:25] [b]Chewett:[/b]if you want rigid quests, similarly with the scoring system, fine, buts its going to be terribly automated [01/06/12 17:25] [b]Chewett:[/b]when you make a quest, you rarely have an idea of how long its going to take someone [01/06/12 17:25] [b]Chewett:[/b]many quests are lengthened/shortened because they were too hard or easy [01/06/12 17:26] [b]Chewett:[/b]unless someone does extensive testing, quests will be too long and not finished, or too short and just be rubbish [01/06/12 17:26] [b]Chewett:[/b]wheras normally you have time where yuou can change it around [01/06/12 17:26] [b]Chewett:[/b]if you are limiting someone to one day, then "oh well your chance is up, bad luck" [01/06/12 17:26] [b]Fenrar:[/b]It is a competiton. [01/06/12 17:27] [b]Chewett:[/b]doesnt mean it should be fun for everyone [01/06/12 17:27] [b]Chewett:[/b]or, am i getting this wrong, is this meant to be statically boring and automated? [01/06/12 17:27] [b]Chewett:[/b] [01/06/12 17:28] [b]Chewett:[/b]im just throwing ideas out, from what iv seen before, organising time periods and such for quests is a bad idea [01/06/12 17:28] [b]Chewett:[/b]i dont really have time to be here to be frank, nor have i had time to read your records [01/06/12 17:28] [b]Chewett:[/b]i wasnt avalible last time since it was announced, and am only here since someone bothered me [01/06/12 17:28] [b]Chewett:[/b]im just here to give my view [01/06/12 17:28] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Fenrar smiles[/i][/color] [01/06/12 17:29] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Well, my view is different, that is for sure. [01/06/12 17:29] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]thanks for giving your view chew [01/06/12 17:30] [b]Chewett:[/b]you mean a very small fraction of my view. [01/06/12 17:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]we will keep up discussing it if you need to leave [01/06/12 17:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Fen your view? [01/06/12 17:30] [b]Chewett:[/b]i dont have time for it all, yes, im going to run now, yim me [01/06/12 17:30] [b]Chewett:[/b]i might get time to reply on forum, otherwise yim BFH [01/06/12 17:30] [b]Chewett:[/b]laters peoples [01/06/12 17:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]k thnx [01/06/12 17:30] [b]apophys:[/b]cya Chewy. [01/06/12 17:30] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Let's see Fyrd's riddles for example... they are boring? I don't think so. You can solve one in 10 minutes or maybe weeks... depends on you. [01/06/12 17:31] [b]Fenrar:[/b]bye Chewwtt [01/06/12 17:32] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok agreed, but I don't get the point? [01/06/12 17:32] [b]Fenrar:[/b]There are riddles I will never solve, cuz they are too difficult... [01/06/12 17:33] [b]Fenrar:[/b]... is this competition planned for 3 days right? [01/06/12 17:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes [01/06/12 17:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that won't change [01/06/12 17:33] [b]Psionivy:[/b]the only prob i see with non defining at least some of the variables ([color=#888888][i]time, number of quests etc[/i][/color]) is that it won't be easy to make a fair scoring system for the quest makers [01/06/12 17:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes score if the issue as I pointed out. [01/06/12 17:35] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]but chew also have the point of "fun can be missed if limited" [01/06/12 17:35] [b]apophys:[/b]I think Chewy's idea is best, so the teams can decide themselves whether to do all quests over 3 days or split them to one a day plus extras over 3 days, or 2 a day. [01/06/12 17:35] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]then how to score? [01/06/12 17:36] [b]apophys:[/b]How is the scoring affected? Score gets only dealt with at the end, and all quests will be complete after 3 days, guaranteed. [01/06/12 17:36] [b]Psionivy:[/b]if we just set the number of quests for each team and the number of checkpoints it could still be done [01/06/12 17:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]with the part of unlimited quests [01/06/12 17:37] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i mean x team can make 5 but y could make7 [01/06/12 17:38] [b]Psionivy:[/b]let's say that all teams should make 5 quests ([color=#888888][i]random number[/i][/color]) and all have 4 checkpoints [01/06/12 17:38] [b]Psionivy:[/b]and all teams should have at least 1 quest running on each day [01/06/12 17:38] [b]apophys:[/b]Hmm... maybe scores could be divided by number of total quests... [01/06/12 17:38] [b]Seigheart:[/b]I'm here [01/06/12 17:38] [b]apophys:[/b]Hi Seig. [01/06/12 17:39] [b]Seigheart:[/b]Hey Apophys [01/06/12 17:39] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Hello [01/06/12 17:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that can work as average yes [01/06/12 17:39] [b]Psionivy:[/b]it leaves the freedom on the teams to decide time, difficulty and other things i can't think right now [01/06/12 17:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok sec let me change things to unlimited part to see if everybody agrees [01/06/12 17:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]brb [01/06/12 17:41] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]so we will score in base of checkpoints still? [01/06/12 17:41] [b]Seigheart:[/b]So what are we deciding? [01/06/12 17:41] [b]apophys:[/b]Problem with checkpoints is that not every quest can have checkpoints. [01/06/12 17:42] [b]apophys:[/b]Specifically, there's a quest idea that Fyrd came up with, containing voting. [01/06/12 17:42] [b]Psionivy:[/b]we could try something different [01/06/12 17:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok [01/06/12 17:42] [b]Psionivy:[/b]instead of standar checkpoints [01/06/12 17:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]by completion? [01/06/12 17:43] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes pls continue psi [01/06/12 17:43] [b]Psionivy:[/b]say that one quest could have 4 checkpoints so 5 points if won [01/06/12 17:43] [b]Psionivy:[/b]and another one could have only 3 [01/06/12 17:43] [b]Psionivy:[/b]so assign 4 points on second quest [01/06/12 17:43] [b]Psionivy:[/b]if one can't have any, make it worth 1 point [01/06/12 17:43] [b]apophys:[/b]We could allot something like 20 points per team to split up as they see fit. [01/06/12 17:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]also works as avaerage [01/06/12 17:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]average [01/06/12 17:44] [b]Psionivy:[/b]and still keep the avarage ([color=#888888][i]taking in consideration quest point worth as well[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 17:44] [b]Psionivy:[/b]even if the teams don't have the same max points [01/06/12 17:44] [b]Psionivy:[/b]a score system could be made [01/06/12 17:44] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the idea of assigning checkpoints to the quests that can have one is less limiting to the 20 apo [01/06/12 17:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes [01/06/12 17:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]agree with psi on that one. [01/06/12 17:46] [b]Fenrar:[/b]think there are two things: difficulty and time ([color=#888888][i]checkpoints[/i][/color]) Difficulty is a multiplier for a certain quest, checkpoint is a checkpoint. A quest can be ony checkpoint only. [01/06/12 17:47] [b]Psionivy:[/b]i guess it's up to the creators to judje fair about the points they wil award each quest [01/06/12 17:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i doubt an enemy will multiply the points to the countrary? [01/06/12 17:47] [b]Fenrar:[/b]agreed [01/06/12 17:47] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's what will the reviews will help me grant fairness [01/06/12 17:48] [b]Psionivy:[/b]and the review of the other 2 teams would be taken in consideration on how "fair" the point assigning was [01/06/12 17:48] [b]Seigheart:[/b]lol [01/06/12 17:48] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Oo that are chekpoints for no? [01/06/12 17:48] [b]apophys:[/b]I still think there should be an interface on each quest for the participants to give it a score. [01/06/12 17:49] [b]apophys:[/b]When it's done. [01/06/12 17:49] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok i'll make forms for that apo [01/06/12 17:50] [b]Fenrar:[/b]That is good. [01/06/12 17:50] [b]Psionivy:[/b]i would prefer a review for each quest than just a score ([color=#888888][i]after you finish it[/i][/color]) so you can explain what you liked and what you didn't [01/06/12 17:51] [b]apophys:[/b]That would be what the forum is for. [01/06/12 17:51] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Did I take it right? The participants vote for quest difficulty at the end, the average is a multiplier for each chekpoints ([color=#888888][i]1pt[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 17:52] [b]apophys:[/b]I don't think they should vote for difficulty, but for enjoyment. [01/06/12 17:52] [b]Maebius:[/b]Hey, Sieg, did that script work for you? [01/06/12 17:52] [b]Psionivy:[/b]my point is that a score without a verification of why you put that score could be abused from one team on other teams quest in order to try and win [01/06/12 17:52] [b]Fenrar:[/b]apo, nice. [01/06/12 17:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok [01/06/12 17:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]let's summarize so far [01/06/12 17:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]MD Summer Fest will take place on July for three days. [01/06/12 17:53] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Apart of my quests, which will be open to everybody ([color=#888888][i]those who sign up or not[/i][/color]) , there will be teams quests and participants will have one week to sign up during June. [01/06/12 17:53] [b]apophys:[/b]You'd have to be a very sad person inside to vote a 0 on a quest you really enjoyed, but you have a point, psion. [01/06/12 17:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]According to First Meeting, it was agreed to divide the participants in three groups. Team XY competes in team Z quest. Team XZ competes in Y's and so on. [01/06/12 17:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Each group should have ([color=#888888][i]as much as possible[/i][/color]) : same amount of members players with coding ability ([color=#888888][i]as much balanced as possible[/i][/color]) ,max viability in times zones as possible [01/06/12 17:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b][last two points will be taken in consideration during sign up and dividing process] [01/06/12 17:54] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok new stuff appears now [01/06/12 17:54] [b]apophys:[/b]All quests should be open to everyone not on the creator team. [01/06/12 17:55] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]oO [01/06/12 17:55] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok explain [01/06/12 17:55] [b]Psionivy:[/b]agree on that, some ppl may lack the time to participate in creation, but still wanna try a few quests [01/06/12 17:56] [b]Fenrar:[/b]egreed [01/06/12 17:56] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]they can try but should be inside a team to won? [01/06/12 17:56] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Agreed, it is true. [01/06/12 17:56] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]win* [01/06/12 17:56] [b]Fenrar:[/b]They are not in the competition I guess, they are only "questing" [01/06/12 17:57] [b]Fenrar:[/b]... am I mistaken? [01/06/12 17:57] [b]Psionivy:[/b]@BFH - Well, sure about the wining part, but some ppl enjoy to solve quests just for the enjoyment [01/06/12 17:57] [b]apophys:[/b]Well, if you're unaffiliated, you don't get score for a team, duh. [01/06/12 17:57] [b]Fenrar:[/b]..but it is fun! [01/06/12 17:57] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]the can participate but how we shall reward them? [01/06/12 17:57] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]make them compete alone for a score? [01/06/12 17:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i mean putting them to compete vs the 3 teams> [01/06/12 17:58] [b]apophys:[/b]Hm... best quester overall? [01/06/12 17:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]? [01/06/12 17:58] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes i can reward that [01/06/12 17:58] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Well, mabye I am new to to this realm, but there are not many things around... I would do it for fun. [01/06/12 17:59] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]let me change that sec [01/06/12 17:59] [b]apophys:[/b]You could reward the top quester from each group, plus the unaffiliated group. So 4 total rewarded. [01/06/12 18:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]not fair for a team effort [01/06/12 18:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]a whole team will get rewarded [01/06/12 18:00] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's for sure [01/06/12 18:01] [b]apophys:[/b]Point. [01/06/12 18:01] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Sure thing. [01/06/12 18:02] [b]apophys:[/b]Maybe then reward the top quester from each of the unrewarded groups, plus unaffiliated. [01/06/12 18:02] [b]Psionivy:[/b]then you could make a team reward and 1 or 2 solo rewards for ppl not in teams ([color=#888888][i]for the event[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:02] [b]apophys:[/b]so 3. [01/06/12 18:03] [b]darkraptor:[/b]I remember to play alone ([color=#888888][i]because i got too late at MD[/i][/color]) a BFH quest.. and i counted as a team.. of 1 [01/06/12 18:03] [b]Psionivy:[/b]they could get the scores for each teams quest ([color=#888888][i]same as with the teams[/i][/color]) and the top wins the quester event [01/06/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes for seven differences? [01/06/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]you got secodn? [01/06/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]second? [01/06/12 18:04] [b]apophys:[/b]I want it split up like this because unaffiliated would have a serious advantage at top quester; thay can do all quests. [01/06/12 18:04] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i don't remember [01/06/12 18:04] [b]darkraptor:[/b]yes [01/06/12 18:05] [b]Psionivy:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]i wasn't talking about rewarding "a top contester" for members of the 3 teams, just for ppl that are unaffiliated[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:05] [b]darkraptor:[/b]you have saved 2 prizes :-P [01/06/12 18:06] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Psio, it can be done, the "fun meter" works there.. but the unaffiliated should be rewarded separately ([color=#888888][i]because of all quest as mwntioned[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:06] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Independent participations. If you did not signed up for the teams but you still want to participate, you will be able to do so, but won't compete against them, but instead against all other independe [01/06/12 18:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]independent players. [01/06/12 18:07] [b]Fenrar:[/b]perfect [01/06/12 18:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]Same rules apply but you don't have to create a quest. You will participate in a team quets and they will assign you points that at the end will get divided into the total amount of quests to get an a [01/06/12 18:07] [b]Psionivy:[/b]yeah [01/06/12 18:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]an average. The player with highest average gets something. [01/06/12 18:07] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]agreed? [01/06/12 18:07] [b]apophys:[/b]+1 from me. [01/06/12 18:08] [b]darkraptor:[/b]if you are on a team you can't compete alone right? [01/06/12 18:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok any issues still missing? [01/06/12 18:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]nop [01/06/12 18:08] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that would be traition!! [01/06/12 18:09] [b]darkraptor:[/b]..if you got unlucky the team.. you are doomed.. you will be 1 against many [01/06/12 18:09] [b]darkraptor:[/b]but i agree [01/06/12 18:10] [b]Psionivy:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]don't forget that teams compete for quest making as well, not just solving[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:10] [b]apophys:[/b]So, how exactly will teams be scored, as it currently stands? [01/06/12 18:11] [b]Fenrar:[/b]...and I agree with Chewett, this way time limit is not needed, the quests could remain after the contest. [01/06/12 18:11] [b]Fenrar:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]or the top 10 maybe[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]sec [01/06/12 18:12] [b]apophys:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]Of course, depending on the quest; not every quest can be run indefinitely.[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [[url=""]*[i]BFH_Lightning[/i]* ' target='_blank'> [color=#305681]*[i]BFH_Lightning[/i]*[/color] \'s profile[/url]] [01/06/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]bahh enter my profile [01/06/12 18:12] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and check the details [01/06/12 18:13] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]click mp link [01/06/12 18:13] [b]Grido:[/b]might want to wipe that from chat, goes screwy if clicked [01/06/12 18:13] [b]Grido:[/b]or it did last time i did similar [01/06/12 18:14] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that's greedos fault! [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]*BFH Lightning* [/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:14] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]everybody agrees with the deatils if not yell [01/06/12 18:14] [b]apophys:[/b]it gives invalid player id. Not so bad. [01/06/12 18:15] [b]Grido:[/b]Actually technically is my fault, made you lho an all [01/06/12 18:15] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [01/06/12 18:15] [b]Grido:[/b]youtube is worse [01/06/12 18:15] [b]apophys:[/b]^ [01/06/12 18:16] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ohh i'm no longer knight of seven.. too bad the quest could never be finished! that's Mur's fault! [01/06/12 18:16] [b]Psionivy:[/b]what quest ? [01/06/12 18:17] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]one that couldn't be done for anniv [01/06/12 18:18] [b]apophys:[/b]I have an issue with "the team with the highest average wins" [01/06/12 18:18] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok develop your point pls? [01/06/12 18:18] [b]apophys:[/b]Some quests have to be completed, guaranteed. Specifically something that requires voting. [01/06/12 18:19] [b]apophys:[/b]That would be free points. [01/06/12 18:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]why? [01/06/12 18:19] [b]apophys:[/b]Doing this system would discourage making that type of quest. [01/06/12 18:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]if a quest is completing will give 100% points [01/06/12 18:19] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]100%* [01/06/12 18:20] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]why it would discourage? [01/06/12 18:20] [b]apophys:[/b]Oh, never mind, it depends on what is being voted for. [01/06/12 18:21] [b]*Lightsage*:[/b]It would discourage from making quests that might not be completed. [01/06/12 18:21] [b]*Lightsage*:[/b]It would encourage easy quests. [01/06/12 18:21] [b]apophys:[/b]I was thinking that points would be spread to everyone voting. [01/06/12 18:21] [b]apophys:[/b]Points could be only given to the winner of voting. [01/06/12 18:21] [b]Fenrar:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]erm... is it only me, who does not understand quest "requiring voting? sry[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]to lighty- not necessary easy, but fair [01/06/12 18:22] [b]darkraptor:[/b]What if a completed quest gives 5 points to the organizing team? [01/06/12 18:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i mean a quest like my puzzles would be totally unfair and i would get minus points for it [01/06/12 18:22] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b] [01/06/12 18:22] [b]apophys:[/b]The specific thing I had in mind was that people sumbit ideas into a quest for half the quest's run, then vote for the best in stage 2. [01/06/12 18:22] [b]darkraptor:[/b]and 5 points to each completer [01/06/12 18:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]but a decent quest rated goodly by the entemies will award all points? [01/06/12 18:23] [b]*Lightsage*:[/b]Ah well can't stay. [01/06/12 18:23] [b]*Lightsage*:[/b]I'd argue the point through. [01/06/12 18:23] [b]apophys:[/b]The person who submitted the winning idea wins. [01/06/12 18:23] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]aww argue argue!! [01/06/12 18:24] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that would encourage easy quests as well no dark? [01/06/12 18:24] [b]Psionivy:[/b]@Apophys - That would encourage team effort in submitting ideas in order for their team to win sounds good to my ears [01/06/12 18:25] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]apo develop cause i don't get it [01/06/12 18:25] [b]darkraptor:[/b]no. since all competitors would gain 5 points and the organizer team only 5 [01/06/12 18:26] [b]darkraptor:[/b]so it would be in interest of the organizer that the quest is completable [01/06/12 18:26] [b]darkraptor:[/b]but not east [01/06/12 18:26] [b]darkraptor:[/b]easy [01/06/12 18:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]sound sgood [01/06/12 18:26] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]apo your idea? [01/06/12 18:26] [b]darkraptor:[/b]a perfect quest would be have only 1 winner [01/06/12 18:27] [b]apophys:[/b]Fyrd's idea, not mine.... [01/06/12 18:27] [b]darkraptor:[/b]in the organizer point of view [01/06/12 18:27] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]fyrds then? [01/06/12 18:27] [b]apophys:[/b]Don't worry about it. I see how it can be worked into the system. [01/06/12 18:28] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok adding dark idea [01/06/12 18:29] [b]apophys:[/b]By the way, one point per checkpoint is a bit restricting; I recommend allowing varied points per checkpoint. Like 1 for the first, 2 for the 2nd, 5 for the 3rd. [01/06/12 18:29] [b]apophys:[/b]If the creators choose to. [01/06/12 18:30] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]checkpoints points won't affect average [01/06/12 18:30] [b]apophys:[/b]And attempting to balance the points awarded per quest that way. [01/06/12 18:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]things is that then they will have to make sure to post before the quest begins the amounts of checkpoints and the worth of each [01/06/12 18:31] [b]apophys:[/b]Point. [01/06/12 18:31] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]more work for me >> EVIL! [01/06/12 18:32] [b]apophys:[/b]But still, that's only if they choose to take the option. [01/06/12 18:33] [b]Fenrar:[/b]why not voting for every checkpoint then? the average of the votes is the quest rate [01/06/12 18:33] [b]apophys:[/b]Having the option in the first place, even if discouraged, is good, I think. [01/06/12 18:33] [b]apophys:[/b]Too much voting, Fen. [01/06/12 18:33] [b]Fenrar:[/b]kk [01/06/12 18:33] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i'll make forms. actully i'll use a free internet service not planning to code it [01/06/12 18:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]that should be enought for me to have a view of the quest [01/06/12 18:34] [b]darkraptor:[/b]i think with my idea the voting should count nothing to score [01/06/12 18:34] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]and with darks idea, each team will like to get five points for those who complete it so i guess it will be even more fair [01/06/12 18:35] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]everyone agrees with dark? [01/06/12 18:36] [b]darkraptor:[/b] ([color=#888888][i]this will force team to make solvable quests but not impossible.. i think[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:36] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Sure. [01/06/12 18:37] [b]apophys:[/b]I agree with it. [01/06/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok [01/06/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]So what makes us to be sure a team doesn't make an impossible quest? The competing team will receive five points if any of the other teams manages to solve the entire quest. [01/06/12 18:38] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]. That means that the team will make not an easy quest, but only competeable so that they get the possibility of getting five points and the possibility to the enemy to participate. [01/06/12 18:39] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]apophys gives a thumbs up[/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:39] [b]:[/b][color=#305681][i]Fenrar nods twice[/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:39] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]NOTE [01/06/12 18:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]teams won't get points for any independent participant who solves a quest. [01/06/12 18:40] [b]Psionivy:[/b]agreed, could be highily abused otherwise [01/06/12 18:40] [b]darkraptor:[/b]agree [01/06/12 18:40] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]yes [01/06/12 18:41] [b]darkraptor:[/b]since its mainly a team competitton [01/06/12 18:41] [b]Fenrar:[/b]aye [01/06/12 18:42] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]ok any other issues? [01/06/12 18:45] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]i guess we are done then.. I shall post now in forums the almost final version or the fest rules [01/06/12 18:45] [b]Fenrar:[/b]Thank you. [01/06/12 18:45] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Thank you BFH [01/06/12 18:45] [b]apophys:[/b] [01/06/12 18:46] [b]Fenrar:[/b]See you around all... ([color=#888888][i]gtg[/i][/color]) [01/06/12 18:46] [b]*BFH Lightning*:[/b]thanks you guys [01/06/12 18:47] [b]ZenTao:[/b]Hello [01/06/12 18:47] [b]darkraptor:[/b]Hello Zen [01/06/12 18:48] [b]ZenTao:[/b]anyone here enjoy rap music? [01/06/12 18:48] [b]:[/b][color=#999999][i]*BFH Lightning* failed to cast a spell[/i][/color] [01/06/12 18:48] [b]ZenTao:[/b]I mean I love all types but from where I grew up rap was all around [01/06/12 18:48] [b]:[/b][color=#FF9900][b][Spell][/b] [i]KBOOM![/i][/color] [/log] Also I must add, thanks to everybody who discussed the issues This is a whole merge of everyone's ideas. Edited June 1, 2012 by BFH
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