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Some thoughts and an apology for derailing the thread even more..

Color and personality--certainly, though I'd say differences in people's interpretations of color/personality relations might matter more than the colors themselves. Finding that someone associates mustard yellow with dominance and blue with fear, say, says more than "I'm a royal navy" or "she's sandstone".
As for the actual color choices: I don't remember mine, nor do many older players, likely. Newbs and/or alts might be able to shed some insight here..

I'd forgotten that the Diplomas thread had ended on a positive note. Apparently someone's ticked off by that revival..the idea held promise, and it may not be as much a thing of the past as dates would suggest.

Vampir, likely each of those accounts reflects something separate about you. I'm not a huge fan of alts, but this would seem to be one of their best places..Rainbow man..maybe you're a flexible person; that could be interpreted in many ways..
Diagnosis, however you may have meant it, sounds interesting. "I'm insane" seems a fairly common phrase around these parts, make of that what you will..

Tom, you're right to be skeptical. Then again..
If we entirely understood the DNA process, there wouldn't be much point to it. We may believe and say we picked randomly—maybe we did, it's possible—but there's no real way to know that. This really isn't gaugeable empirically, it's almost closer in a sense to faith.
Faith, not really religion so much as trust in something 'more'..I think that applies to some other things about the realm, to secrets, to the general hubub..but that's another topic.

As for this topic itself, it’s really interesting to see who’s willing to share their own DNA and what a large portion of the community has held its peace.
Perhaps that’s more what Pip set out to find here: which of us reserve this information for whatever reasons
and who’s willing to take the leap.

  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Very few vets have contributed here.

Perhaps they feel that posting their DNA in public violates its intended purpose, that this information should be more private.
Perhaps they fear future repercussions.
Perhaps they're not quite sure why they don't want to post their playerdna, but their guts tell them that to do so would be wrong.
Maybe it's too much effort for no reward.
Maybe they just don't care.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1361510541' post='133071']
I.e. the latter option, "just don't care."

MD is among other things a data mining project. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to get in on the data mining action.

Oh well.

I'm interested in this thread for the same reason why I'm not posting my characters' DNA.

Edited by Change

@Zyrxae instead of assuming why not ask them? I personally think that if they don't want to post it then they don't have to. I don't see the point in complaining about people not performing a task that isn't mandatory or outright beneficial to the community.

Here is mine: [b]0011000110010001001010101

  • Root Admin

[quote name='Zyrxae' timestamp='1361493236' post='133068']
Very few vets have contributed here.

Perhaps they feel that posting their DNA in public violates its intended purpose, that this information should be more private.
Perhaps they fear future repercussions.
Perhaps they're not quite sure why they don't want to post their playerdna, but their guts tell them that to do so would be wrong.
Maybe it's too much effort for no reward.
Maybe they just don't care.

As a vet i personally feel that it is exceptionally arbitrary due to the questions that it is based on. I personally feel that assigning colours to random numbers cannot tell people anything, if the questions were more concise and specific i might care to post my DNA for some interesting results, but since i feel the questions it is based on it so random, i dont see a point for it.


If you looked at various psychological studies it shows that (for instance) favouring one colour, combined with other factors, over another is a sign of an individual of a certain "set".

A bit like how people who are good at math and logic stuff don't tend to be good at art and creativity (there's exceptions, of course).

The reason I don't post is because if it's revealed as to breakdown of dna at some point in the future, I'd prefer mine not be public, however much like change, I'm highly interested in the project.

The dna itself (unless info relating to it is revealed) is fairly useless, unless you also have data on what answers were provided to cause the dna. If you had the causal data, then you may be able to breakdown what causes each section of dna.


People’s posts on this topic show their own “DNA” of a different but related sort—that of value judgments.
I would be quite surprised if nobody here has yet made alts and observed how their DNA structures changed throughout the selection process.

Someone must have had the necessary combination of
- interest in the process
- not viewing that process as deserving to be kept quiet, and

I don’t place much trust in personality tests, but yesterday a friend mentioned having taken one in the past that (she said) described her then-future to a T. She then was very reluctant to share what she had gotten on the test for fear that it could be used against her later.
The point about veterans in particular was me wondering whether the reasons that this group has been more hesitant about publicizing this information could also apply to their actions in other parts of MD.
So far these reasons have boiled down to: “I’m interested but don’t want others to see my results” and “I don’t see the point”.
These are soundly reasoned excuses.

  • 3 months later...

I think that DNA idea was one of these ideas which assumptions and purposes gave great possibilities but were not fully utilized. This small part of game has more potential - maybe not as great as other features of MD - but still interesting addition to immerse player in his/her own virtual persona creation process.

I don't have any clarified concept how to "use" DNA but I think it could have  more influence on player, create some background or add some extra content depends on choices or even change some of the game aspects. Now it looks like meaningless string of digits. 

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