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  • Root Admin

Four people needed for a special mission
The realm is about to change..not much..but quite a bit. I will need four people passioned enough to help me with the changes (no skills required). I need to trust them fully, so active days count will matter...but i also want to work with people i didn't had the change to work with before. They need to be quite active in the next few days too, because i want this done fast. There are no special rewards apart from the participation in this special mission and the whatever roles/tags and treasures you might remain with after this sort of adventure. Because this involves access to secret locations belonging to each land, I will pick one from each main land. The land leaders may deny them after i pick them, but do so public and stating whatever reason. Please post here, be short and convincing, specify active days and land affiliation if any.
[spoiler]This is, indirectly, part of "codename AUTUMN2050" but participants won't be allowed to know more about the influence of their work on this secret project.[/spoiler]

Posted (edited)

Ackshan Bemunah -- active days: 222 (65%) -- No current affiliation -- East: Land Loyalty 48


I have very little else to do in the next few days (besides putting up that poll) and would be happy to help.


AD% added

no current roles

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
Posted (edited)

*Shemhazaj* (ID:143975; Days:1483 (96%)), Lorerootian - 954 land loyalty


I think I can be of use to you in between gathering fenths and LHOing :P



Wandering Knight (Loreroot Consul)

A ronin knight, a druid lost in the woods, walking his path to learn about himself and the world from the encounters the journey brings.

Elected general ambassador and mediator between Loreroot and the rest of the realm.

Edited by Shemhazaj
Posted (edited)

I would like to help too. Mainly because I am selfish enough to use this as a chance to learn more.


*Nimrodel* - Golemus Golemicarum


AD - 1150 days


Land loyalty GG : 371


Activity days: 71% (A total of 1150 out of 1613 days)



Edited by Nimrodel
Posted (edited)

i would like to apply for the mission.


Dan Planewalker (ID:245973; Days:150) 

100% active day.

Golemite: 61 land loyalty.


i am active, passionate and can be trusted. I also didn't have a chance to work with Mur.

I can be online anytime of the day if required.

Edited by Dan
Posted (edited)

I also would like top apply


Playername = Rikstar

AD = 152

Marind Bell land loyality = 54

Tag = Bringers of Light


I'm active everyday for a lot of hours in MD. I'm also very interested in the changes that are going on in MD.

Edited by rikstar
Posted (edited)

*MRAlyon* - Activity days: 100% 1592 days - GG loyalty 948


I will be your favorite slave:-)


TAG: Boss Head Contest Master (MR's Commander)

Official organizer of BHC, ensures the contest will run smooth and will provide lots of fun. He leads his MR's Army with great loyalty and courage. He has sworn to protect Golemus Golemicarum and its inhabitants against any threat. Trust Points: 2/2.

Edited by MRAlyon
Posted (edited)

May as well add even though I'm not in a main land but was


AmberRune (ID:202358; Days:1012)

Lands of the East: 429

(have 291 for Necrovion too)


Activity days: 100% (A total of 1012 out of 1017 days)

No tag

Edited by AmberRune
Posted (edited)

Mercurial Spectre -activity days 97 %(513/531)

No Man Land 470

MagicDuel Arhives 17 

Necrovion 26 (my current Land ) 

i d like to work with u if there s no special skill req 

No Tag

Edited by Mercurial Spectre

Mallos (ID:228421; Days:308) - (my alt account has 745 days)


No homeland - 225

East - 82

Land affiliation: East



I am very active and can be around at any time of the day, always willing to help.

Posted (edited)

I'd like to give it a try.


Aelis (ID:169860; Days:986) [Activity days: 71% (A total of 986 out of 1392 days)]



Lands of the East:  208 (Current land)

Marind Bell:            421


Tag: Bringers of Light





Edited by Aelis
Posted (edited)

Player Name - Syrian - 245645 , AD 170 (100%)


Necrovion - 73


this game has given me much since i came here, and beyond all the friends i made i have Mur to thank above all else, i would like to have the chance to repay him back for that, i am active for many hours a day and any hours are flexible if needed.




EDIT: added % AD

Edited by Syrian
  • Root Admin

woaa..this will be a hard decision for me :)

Please, none of you should feel neglected or judge my decision on who i pick... there are limited "seats" available and many suitable candidates. I will start preparing the needed tools for this tonight, once i am done i will announce it here and start selecting those four of you. Its awesome you posted also the active days percentage.



The Warrior (ID: 111191; Days: 1476)

Activity days: 88% (A total of 1476 out of 1679 days)

Land Affiliation: Loreroot (Land Loyalty: 944)

No Tag. No Description.


No major existing roles. Will be particularly available over next few days.


I would like to apply because I will be very active the next few days and i can give all my attentin towards the special mission.

Active days: 1303

Land: Necro

Land loyalty:702


If there are still submissions to be given...


Name: *Peace*

Land Affiliation and Loyalty: Necrovion - 811

Activity Days: 87% (A total of 1481 out of 1703 days)

Tag & Description: The Tainted Queen of Necrovion (Death Guard) - Moving with the grace of a queen and the pride of of a cat, the daughter of Khalazdad walks a line somewhere between shade and mortal. She hears secrets in the darkness, and sometimes whispers them to the worthy.


Reason to apply: As of late and due to the many changes both in MD and in RL, I feel somewhat... lost. I feel a part of me that I used to have when I first woke up in this realm, is gone. Hopefully with whatever change You may have in mind, the old spark will return and bring back my old self, in addition to any help I can provide to stir things up again.

Posted (edited)

dst - 1949 AD



Shattered Illusions Leader  - Underground - so yeah, no main land but why should they get all the fun? I want some!


I need a project. I need something to do in MD except the current role. A break from the monotony would be most welcomed.


Tag and desc:


Watching you I know what you did last summer. Trust Points 6/6 Edited by dst

Xcercses (ID: 53632, Days: 1088 of 1842, 59%)


Lands of the East: 456

Alliance: Caretakers


Haven't been active for a long time now, trying to get back on my feet. cheers!

  • Root Admin

This will be decided now, no more posts after this one.

I keep this topic open for now but mods can close in tomorow.


..now let me think, i shall announce it soon.

  • Root Admin

Here is my decision... I asked for four people but honestly more is better. It was hard to decide between some of you so i had to filter one by one out.


How i decided..its not perfect but its also not random:


- Because in this mission you will have unlimited access to all places in that particular area you are appointed too, i had to exclude those with too few active days. Its plenty of time for you to "grow up".

- I selected both people that i never talked to before and ancient characters. Some of the ancient characters need indeed something new to do, and participation in this is something they deserve

- Sometimes having a really cool tag helps a lot sometimes not

- LHO _need_ to be offered such chances, their support to md needs to be rewarded, i will focus more on that in the future.

- You talk for your character, if you have "an older alt", means nothing to me

- This mission needs to be done fast so your comments regarding the availability also mattered



If this goes well, i intend to delegate more things in this way. One single abuse by any of you will be enough to change my mind however. Disregarding any of my instructions in this mission (including walking around outside the designated area) will be considered abuse. I must be very strict if i want to delegate more such things in the future. I also need to be able to trust all of the participants, not just the older (ad) ones.



For this mission, selected participants will receive needed tools and a secondary tag that they may use as primary tag for a role or keep for later as they wish. The tools will be returned. I will count on your common sense for what is acceptable to do and what not during this mission. You can however gather any resources you find on the way and grab any items or equipement if it happens there is anything new in your path. Sharing screenshots or bringing anyone with you is strictly forbidden, regardless how those people will follow you in the restricted locations. Some areas have no restricted locations so there is nothing to worry about (less fun too sadly).



For Marinds Bell : Aelis

For Loreroot: The Warrior

For Golemus Golemicarum: *Nimrodel*

For Necrovion: *Peace*

For Underground: dst

For Tribunal: AmberRune

For No Man's Land: Mercurial Spectre

For MD Archives: *Shemhazaj*




you will be ported to the Throne Hall for briefing.


Thank you all for offering to help.


Now that I see what it's about, I wish that I had volunteered. :) I hope that there will be Sky Scouting opportunities when I'm not busy in real life reading a couple of novels and writing several essays. Good luck, everyone!

Posted (edited)

Nuts, I would have applied for this, but it was announced and chosen during the time I was asleep :(




EDIT: I have compiled and sent the data for MDA anyway. Since you didn't leave long enough in volunteering for me to do so I obviously wasn't at your planning meeting to learn exactly what data you want, but eh. I included whether it was internal/external, natural light, ambient light, and artificial light.


I have the data for the vast, vast majority of MD as well. As an archivist I have lots of data like that. Resource maps, clickie maps, black letter maps, weather maps, water maps, parchment maps, etc. We have compiled a very large library of data.

Edited by Kyphis the Bard

Nuts, I would have applied for this, but it was announced and chosen during the time I was asleep :(
EDIT: I have compiled and sent the data for MDA anyway. Since you didn't leave long enough in volunteering for me to do so I obviously wasn't at your planning meeting to learn exactly what data you want, but eh. I included whether it was internal/external, natural light, ambient light, and artificial light.
I have the data for the vast, vast majority of MD as well. As an archivist I have lots of data like that. Resource maps, clickie maps, black letter maps, weather maps, water maps, parchment maps, etc. We have compiled a very large library of data.

Now im wishing to get my hands on those amounts of data!!
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