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Hello all


As it currently is, many of our  previous players are forgotten, the newer generations will never know who they are and therefore I wish to create this topic


Inhere you can add names of people you don’t want to be forgotten and if you want, write a text why they are so special.


will start with these names:







(I will add names over time and add the texts)


Each of us listing names is semi-pointless as we all would be subjective about it, and the lists would be based on our interactions with those players and how we feel about those interactions, rather than necessarily feelings of those from the wider community.


Would need to somehow overcome this...



(In case I come across otherwise, I'm all for this!)

  • Root Admin

Instead of calling them legends, why not list what these people have done, put them in chronological order, and tada you have a nice list.


Those that did legendary things will have more written about them, as more people will put things in.



Muratus del Mur





Funny story: I once misused a preposition in front of Pample, resulting in the first time I've ever been scolded for poor grammar in an online game.  Whenever I think of leaving MD this memory brings me back. 


she scolded me for saying pompoms instead of pom pons >>

  • Root Admin

Question: Whats the plan for this?


We have the wikia which has some details of people (easy to edit by all)

We have the archives which may/could have details of people (easy to edit by owner of article)

We have the book of legends ingame (harder to edit by owner of clicky)


Where do you suggest we put this information? Do you want us to write things about people? If we dont will someone else?


Ady technically played for a very short while, I dunno bout Valy though. They're still a kind of legend on the game, though if we want to limit this to just legendary players, then perhaps they should not be counted, yes.


Question: Whats the plan for this?


We have the wikia which has some details of people (easy to edit by all)

We have the archives which may/could have details of people (easy to edit by owner of article)

We have the book of legends ingame (harder to edit by owner of clicky)


Where do you suggest we put this information? Do you want us to write things about people? If we dont will someone else?


my original intent was to get a list with names of people who are forgotten but were important to this realm

the realmknown players were placed in the book or archives,

but some, who are lesser known but arent lesss important to us should be stored somewhere too

and that was what brought me to the idea to create this topic (with the help of Phantasm)

(if some thinks they have a better place to store them, by all means speak up)


of course just a list seems pointless, as to why i suggested you add texts to the names you add

for example i know most of these names on this topic, but for half of them i have no idea what they did

and many more will not even know these names anymore


if you see someone posted a name but doesnt know what to write you can always step in and write a text of your own

so in the end some names might end up with pages of text :)

  • 2 months later...




Dark Priestess (Aka Peace)


shoeps and simply are one and the same. Yes, I know you know but I don't understand why you act so innocently.

Peace is still around.


shoeps and simply are one and the same. Yes, I know you know but I don't understand why you act so innocently.

Peace is still around.

They are, yes, but they were independent characters with independent successes. At least, that's my opinion.

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