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What was the best/most important/funnerist thing in 2013?


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  • Root Admin

We are interested to know what you thought was the best thing to happen to MD in 2013. Was it Eon coming back to slaughter you or the new RE~2: PM format that saved your inbox? Tell us and be entered into a prize to win... something.

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Ann. 2469 - [2013-01-12 02:15:34 - Stage 11] Posted By Muratus del Mur
Code Master
*Chewett* was promoted to Code Master, he will keep an eye on bugs and fix but also create things to keep MD live. Please do not bug him with requests or bug reports, contact bugs@magicduel.com for any bug reports and such


Ann. 2788 - [2013-09-19 22:31:23 - Stage 12] Posted By Council
The Adventure... Begins
After a long pause the adventure log continues focusing on the activities of players. This is a big change to start it again and this story will hopefully be the first of many. Stay tuned.

I can't decide!

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coming back of AL and Kerberos story was something that left the brightest  trace in my memory, and I consider it the most important thing.


Seigs day of fear was an event that caused the most feelings (will omit each feeling exactly, most of us can still remember :D)


Playing TOMATO with Molly was probably the funniest.


As for technical things I think scene enhancement contest and adding new elements to the scenes was the coolest thing. Still waiting impatiently for all new clickies and pickables to be implemented. So something to be looking forward to in 2014 and one more reason to log in in MD :)

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It's a selfish topic, but I think getting the Dept Repaid was one of the neatest things I'd seen in my two years of MD.  All the little events that spiralled out of that really brought "The realm" into focus for me...

..and ironically, why I stepped back out for a bit.... but it was important!  So gets my vote.

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To me, the best things happened in 2013 were:


- the return of Adventure Log (it's good to know what is going on from a broader point of view. And it's good also to detach from the "good old days" myth - my 2% here, but stuff happens right now!),


- the Heretic tournament (to me fighting is nice, grinding for stats is boring. Here you had to use your brain more than your muscles and it was great. I hope contexts like this will be held more in the future. Someone said "restriction is the mother of inventions" and I kinda agree, statless is the way to go!  :P),


- the group tactics experimented with TW (simple as it sounds, being active in an active land/network makes MD a greater experience).

Edited by lashtal
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