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Golden Chains 2014

Eara Meraia

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Highly honored masters and slaves-to-be,


With much joy and pleasure, we wish to announce The Golden Chains Auction 2014. Yes, we are back and as before we promise you the best in quality leashes and guarantee a fair trade. Have you felt the need of a strong hand to guide you? Or perhaps you miss a faithful servant. Infuse some adventure into the everyday routine; use this unique chance to try yourself in the role of slave or master.


This year’s conditions are the following:

  1. Only those who register themselves in this thread before the deadline, can become slaves.
  2. All slaves will be “sold” to the highest bidder on the day of the auction.
  3. A minimum of 25% (rounded down) of the final price goes as a tax payment to TK, the rest goes to the slave.
  4. The minimum duration of your slavery is 1 week. The maximum is 3 months. (Of course you may remain in your master’s service longer if you wish)
  5. Important: Leashes will expire/disappear after x4 the duration of your slavery. (with 3 months of being a slave, your leash will expire after 1 year. This is also the maximum leash duration)
  6. All masters need to pay the slave and TK before they will get the leash.
  7. You cannot bid on your own leash.
  8. No creatures, items, resources will be accepted as a payment – only gold and silver coins.
  9. Alts are allowed as participants but it is not allowed to bid on your own alts.


All those who volunteer to become slaves, please register in THIS thread, clearly stating the following:

  1. The Name of your character in game.
  2. Your ID.
  3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months)
  4. Reason for you being a good slave
  5. Limitations or special wishes (optional)
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%)
  7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid.
  8. If you cannot attend the main event, please note that you want to be sold on the second phase of the auction.


Registration period starts NOW and lasts UNTIL June 22, 23:59 ST.


The auction itself will be Sunday June 29, and starts at 18.00 st.


Second phase (for those who cannot attend the main event) takes place on July 3, 20:00 ST.


The host and auctioneer of this year’s auction is King Azull. The Event will take place in Necrovion, at the Howling Gates. Travelling possibilities will be kindly provided.


If you have any remarks on slavery as a social phenomenon in general, please, make your own thread and don’t write your comments here.


If you have any further questions – feel free to write me a forum PM.


Let the show begin!




Short explanation for those who is unaware of the leash auction basics: if you volunteer to become a slave, a personal item (a leash) will be made. With this item another player (your Master) can summon you from any place (except of those with No Jump tag). This way your Master can control your freedom but he can also lead you into places, you may never see otherwise. Your master will pay a certain price to be able to use your leash and you are suppossed to run on errands and fulfil his wishes as a good and humble slave. After the expiration of your enslavement period you can claim your leash from your master and use it as you like (give to whoever you want) until the leash disappears. 

Edited by Eara Meraia
modified slightly since it was slightly wrong
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  1. The Name of your character in game: Kiley
  2. Your ID: 209866
  3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months): 3 months
  4. Reason for you being a good slave: talk to the host *grins*
  5. Limitations or special wishes (optional)
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 10%): 10%
  7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid: 5 silver
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Name: concussion

ID: 106826

Duration: From the time of purchase to November 3rd, 2014.

Reasons: Who doesn't want a concussion?!.

Limitations: The person should actually use the leash, doesn't matter when, where, as long it gets used. (If the leash gets used too much and sent to me I will continue to give it back to the slavemaster until the 3rd of November) I won't obey an order that goes against MB or it's citizens. Also won't be giving my creatures, either. >.>

Percentage for TKs: 11% 33%

Minimum Bid: Standard, doesn't matter to me.


Edit: Is there a maximum duration for enslavement? Didn't read the part about the forum PMing of questions.

Edited by everyone
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  1. The Name of your character in game: Rikstar
  2. Your ID:  132384
  3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months): 3 months
  4. Reason: I've served my previous master, Syrian, pretty good, so you could ask her what you think of me. Also Sunfire bought me last year as a slave and I think that I didn't screw up.
  5. Limitations or special wishes (optional): I don't have any special wishes. The only limitation is that I won't give you my ingame items or creatures.
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 10%): 25%
  7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid: 5 silver as a minimum.


Edit: Changed the 10% to 25%.

Edited by rikstar
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@dst, do you even need to be present to be sold? you can always log out at the well of tears before hand and the gold can be passed to you on the day




EDIT: never mind i see the problem :)

Edited by Syrian
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@ dst> yes, its possible and we think it is a good idea to make auction in 2 rounds so that it wont last so long and more people will be able to attend. 

The date of the second phase would be 3 July 20:00 ST. People who cannot attend the main event should specify in their registration post that they want to be "sold" on the additional auction date.


@ Sunfire> yes, its possible. With the restriction you cannot bid on yourself


Important note: Chewett suggested we raise the TK tax to min. 25% since a leash is a very uselful item and all in all a very good deal for the slave
We agree with this.


also edited initial post.

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1.The Name of your character in game: *Nimrodel*
2.Your ID: 131999
3.Duration of enslavement: 3 months
4.Reason for you being a good slave: loyalty, spells, quest help, be the shield for aggression etc etc :3
5.Limitations or special wishes: wont do things against my close friends.
6.Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 10%): 50%
7.Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid: 5s is good enough.
8.will attend the main event.

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  1. The Name of your character in game. *Sunfire*
  2. Your ID. 197614
  3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months) 3 months
  4. Reason for you being a good slave. im awake, at some times, at some days
  5. Limitations or special wishes (optional) no tasks that go against Loreroot or my morals
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%) 25%
  7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid. 5 is good
  8. If you cannot attend the main event, please note that you want to be sold on the second phase of the auction. should be able to make the first



  1. The Name of your character in game. Draconas
  2. Your ID. 205365
  3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months) 3 months
  4. Reason for you being a good slave. i will eat you if you say im not
  5. Limitations or special wishes (optional) i only work if im fed twice daily
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%) 25%
  7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid. 5 it is
  8. If you cannot attend the main event, please note that you want to be sold on the second phase of the auction.
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1.The Name of your character in game: dst
2.Your ID: 17096
3.Duration of enslavement: 3 months
4.Reason for you being a good slave: who says I will be a good slave?
5.Limitations or special wishes:too many to name here.
6.Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 10%): 25%  (sorry I am greedy and cheap)
7.Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid: 5s.
8.Second phase auction.




@Eara: thank you very much for the second phase.

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  1. Name: Marvolo 
  2. ID: 17192
  3. Duration: 3 Months
  4. Reason for you being a good slave: None.
  5. Limitations or special wishes: None.
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK: 25%
  7. Minimum bid: 5s
  8. I cannot know in advance if I can attend any of the mentioned events, yet I imagine I can get a report on who bought me.
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  1. Intrigue
  2. 104866
  3. 3 mo
  4. i can make up pretty good stories on the run, good at climbing trees, collecting pebbles, skipping stones across water, tying daisy chains, doodling on people, and just general goofy behaviors.
  5. Will not do anything to cause or allow harm to come to Tree, will not give away rare items or creatures.
  6. 25%
  7. no min
  8. should be able to make the main event, unless rl chaos (won't know until last minute if chaos)
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3 months
As if I would be good :P
May not be as active due to time restraints of playing my other characters. But I will try setting aside certain time frames for my master or mistress.
I will donate 50%
Min Bid is 10 coins (edit: Changed it from 20 to 10 )
I will be able to attend the main event (edited 6/21/14)

If you want to meet Hiria let me know.

(Edit: What is the market value of gold coins in this auction?)

Edited by Hiria
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The Name of your character in game. *Syrian*
Your ID.245645
Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months): 3 months
Reason for you being a good slave: i can be nice, depending on who buys me, rebellion may be default if and when i choose :P
Limitations or special wishes (optional): Creatures are off limits, items can only be asked for, but not demanded, and i maintain the right to refuse to give them, i also maintain the right to misbehave :D
Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%) : 25%
Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid.: 5 silver
Edited by Syrian
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Name: JadenDew
ID: 186134
Duration of enslavement: 3 months
Reason for you being a good slave: 
Being "good" would depend on my future master.
1) My future master will not be able to dictate how I distribute my items and creature, with the exception of those given to me by my future master during my period of enslavement.
2) Requests against my morals would most likely be denied
Special Wish:
I would prefer a master worthy of my servitude
Percentage you want to donate to TK.: 25%
Minimum Bid: 5 Silver
Edit: Will attend the main event.
Edited by JadenDew
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Character: Azkhael.

ID: 45899.

Duration: 3 months.

Reason for purchase: that is for my prospective master/mistress to figure out.

Restrictions: standard, assets and extraordinary availability may be available upon request, but are by no means guaranteed.

Share donated to the Treasure Keepers: 100%.

Minimum bid: 5 silver coins.

Main Event.

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  1. The Name of your character in game.-------   Mallos
  2. Your ID. --------  228421
  3. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months) -------   3 months
  4. Reason for you being a good slave -----    That would be opinion based but I tend to do many things for people who have some meaning to me whether that be they are my master or perhaps friend.
  5. Limitations or special wishes (optional)   ------   none
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%)  ----- 25%
  7. Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid.  ------    5 silver
  8. If you cannot attend the main event, please note that you want to be sold on the second phase of the auction.  ---- can attend the main event
Edited by Mallos
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  1. Name: Eara Meraia.
  2. ID 241935.
  3. Duration of enslavement - 3 months
  4. Reason: I am an awesome slave humble but creative, smart and with quite enough knowledge to make you satisfied if not fascinated with all I can do for you.  (ask my previous master for reference).
  5. Limitations or special wishes  don't make me go swimming and don't poke.
  6. Percentage you want to donate to TK. 25%
  7.  -
  8. main.
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