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Tis the season. Why are you happy?


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Warning: This may get long. Apologies in Advance.


I'm happy because... I'm happy.


It was a long time coming, actually. For a long time I was miserable, and unfortunately, the proof is deep in the pudding. I know that I often toot about how thankful I am for the MD community, but it is because I am. I have made some truly cherishable friendships and acquaintances that without them, I likely would not be who I am today.


I have untreated depression. Likely a slew of other problems regarding my mental health (but that's a different story, however, this year I have pulled through. And part of that is because I had some friends help me on my way. Who were there for me to talk to, to be my sound board, who were in general.... just friends.


I'm incredibly thankful for this happiness. For the ability that I have right now to let things go. To have the mental health that well, may not be perfect, is better than it was.


My only regret is that I am no longer as involved with MD as I would like to be. Part of that is many reasons...  but I am always happy to be here when I am able. Even if that is on the outskirts.


You guys are my home away from home. My Muse. My feedback.  I will always be thankful for MD. And for Happiness. Because without it, who knows where I'd be.


(And maybe I'm detracting from the original post, and for that I do apologize.)

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I am definitelly happy


First because I can be with the man I love most and feel his love to me, which is as such a wonder of life.


Second I am happy because I live and I notice changes in my life...I move forwards and it makes me happy. I enjoy that I can see changes in my life and not think "oh boy, I am getting older" but breathe in instead and feel how I am getting stronger.


Third I am happy because at the moment I feel control over myself. Control gives such a nice fuzzy feeling of power and freedom. So even my little activity in MD recently is a kind of control experiment and I enjoy passing this exam.


There are maaaaaaaany things I am not happy about, many fears and problems, uncertainties. But shifting the focus is an important step in dealing with those.


Thank you Kiley for this nice topic.


be inspired :P

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I love it you guys.  This makes my night...puts a smile on my face after an unsually tough day at the work.  Thank you!!! 
@ Curi and Eara: You make a fine point.  It is not really about being happy, but about being content with where one is regarding this moment in time.  I have to agree with you Eara.  It is all about shifting that focus lady:)
@ Z: I just miss you man!!!  When I run across you in game, please expect pink bows and a wreath placed over your neck:P

@Burns: CONGRATS YOU!!! You're all gradumated!!! That is really awesome:) 

Edited by Kiley
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