Popular Post Aethon Posted April 29, 2015 Popular Post Report Posted April 29, 2015 (edited) Hello there! What follows is my first quest created, so try not to judge me too harshly! :D We all know what emotions feel like and we all know what they look like, at least...on a person. But emotions can be triggered through seeing or smelling something that stimulates an old memory, this can be consciously or subconsciously. This is thanks to the amazing part of our brain called the limbic system, also known as "the emotional brain", and human conditioning to associate through sight and smell! We can also flip this on it's head! We often associate certain objects to our emotions. For example: when upset people can crave chocolate - due to the body recognizing that chocolate can make us happy - because of the tryptophan levels in it being used by the brain to create serotonin! Anyway, enough of the science lesson though and down to the task at hand! For this quest your task is to recall 4 different emotions and draw an object that you associate to each one. You should also provide a sentence or two about what it is that makes you associate the two for each emotion. You could draw a bar of chocolate, a horse, a carrot or even a toilet? Who knows what you feel when sat on a toilet! (Though we probably don't want to know...) This could be an association you yourself feel or it could just be a generally associated object and emotion, e.g Tombstone >> Sadness. Where to post Please post all entries here on this thread. Judging All entries shall be judged by myself and two others. We will be looking at if you've made a good connection between the emotion and object, how well it's drawn and more subjective reasons such as is it funny, is it cleverly done, etc. Winners will receive 1st: Wish point + Tear Filled Cranium + 3sc 2nd: 10th Anniversary Aramor + 8sc 3rd: Imperial Aramor + Teleport to PC Stone + Random item + 8sc 4th/5th/6th: 5sc Closing date All entries should be in from one week of this post (MD Day 125) no later than 23:59 ST Good luck and have fun! ^_^ Sponsors for extra prizes (4th, 5th, 6th, etc) are welcome! Current sponsors *Syrian* - WP (1st), Teleport to PC Stone (3rd) gonzalocsdf - 5sc (2nd & 3rd), 2sc (4th, 5th & 6th) *Sasha Lilias* - Imperial Aramor (3rd) Muratus del Mur - 3sc (All participants), Random item (3rd) Edited May 2, 2015 by Aethon Sasha Lilias, lashtal, gonzalocsdf95 and 9 others 12
gonzalocsdf95 Posted April 29, 2015 Report Posted April 29, 2015 It allowed to make this quest cooperatively?for example someone who thinks the objects and emotions, and another person draw the objects . I will sponsor with 5SC for 2nd and 3rd place (5 each) ^_^
Aethon Posted April 29, 2015 Author Report Posted April 29, 2015 (edited) It allowed to make this quest cooperatively? for example someone who thinks the objects and emotions, and another person draw the objects . I will sponsor with 5SC for 2nd and 3rd place (5 each) ^_^ I think it would be good for everyone to draw there own picture. ^_^ Simply because this isn't just an art contest so no one should be worried about doing a terrible drawing, so long as a lot of thought and effort has gone into their connections. :) Edit: And thank you for your sponsoring! Edited April 29, 2015 by Aethon
Popular Post vladan Posted May 1, 2015 Popular Post Report Posted May 1, 2015 First of all pardon me for my lack of drawing skills. I'm not a very active member because of the lack of time tough I decided to participate in this challenge. And I hope I got all the rules right. If I did something wrong I'll try to correct :) So let's begin.My first choice is : Melancholy Simple right? Just a solid round shape. Yet it’s just spinning in my mind day and night, especially when I’m working on the computer. Laser and cable mouses have lost the solidity they had before. (Feel like a poet :P ) Anyway I regret the good old days when your mouse got bugged and you know you could fix it just by cleaning it inside and this special sphere just brings me back to those times.Number 2 : Awe I have a strange relationship with glasses. Sunglasses : because I tend to loose them. Eyeglasses : because they project me in another world…much more harsh than the one I see with my natural eyes. There are a lot of assays about glasses and their conveying feelings…I feel like they really have something mystique, from the first time you wear them to the times when you already get used to them. Because you never get used to them. They change as long as you/your sight/face shape/anything else changes.Number 3:Apprehension Well this is my towel. I live in a student apartment with 2 boys who really like to invite to our house a bunch of friends at night. The fact is that sometimes they use my towel. So next morning I just visit the bathroom in apprehension of discovering that my towel has been used because I find it in a position I don’t remember have placed it. Let’s move on…Number 4: Relief Chips are my primary temptation. They call me at the supermarket….they whisper to me through street adverts…they chase me in my dreams. It’s relieving when I finally convince myself to buy another pack JPs: that creepy red thing on its head is ketchup... Jubaris, lashtal, Eagle Eye and 7 others 10
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted May 2, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted May 2, 2015 (edited) Please state in the first post what each sponsor sponsored. I will also sponsor 3Sc for all participants (only those that will submit a valid entry ofc) the first place apears to be already having a heavy reward assigned to it ...so i will also sponsor a random item for the third place its a small sponsorship, but also a first quest, remains to see how you hadle managing it, GOOD LUCK..and enjoy :) Edited May 2, 2015 by Muratus del Mur
Assira the Black Posted May 2, 2015 Report Posted May 2, 2015 (edited) 1) Mysticism or intrigue. A lite lantern can show what is hidden in the darkness, but a lantern that has been blown out leaves one wondering what is there. 2)Restlessness. Time always is going by but in the silence and calm, restless emerges. The need to do something 3) Thrill. Chaos or movement in a direction brings a sense of thrill for me. A single loose or missing screw and a whole thing could come falling apart 4) Longing. Connections made and expanded upon, means that there is something to lose. [log=Image] [/log] -Assira Edited May 2, 2015 by Assira the Black Aeoshattr and Lania 2
dst Posted May 7, 2015 Report Posted May 7, 2015 Just my 2 cents: drawing/essay quests in MD should be longer than 1 week. In MD time runs slower than anywhere. It is better if you would allow at least 2 week-ends for people to have time to submit something seeing that all of us have jobs/school, we need to eat, sleep, breath. Also maybe a little advertisement in Mood Panel will remind people of the quest cause personally I have forgotten about it and I really wanted to submit something. Aethon, Lania, DARK DEMON and 4 others 7
Aethon Posted May 7, 2015 Author Report Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) After talking to a few people I have decided that... Quest is open for another week! Edited May 7, 2015 by Aethon dst, Assira the Black and (Zl-eye-f)-nea 3
Aethon Posted May 11, 2015 Author Report Posted May 11, 2015 (edited) Three days left to submit entries! Hope there are more on their way! Edited May 11, 2015 by Aethon
DarkRaptor Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 LOVE (Pacifier) Unconditional Love forever bounded to my heart. "SAUDADE" (Candle) The slow burn of a candle is the perfect companion for saudade, (there is no english translation). Saudade is also closely tied to a portuguese unique musical style : Fado Fado is usually listened at candle light in small events where people sit in small tables of 4 or 6 persons and the singer uses only his own voice followed by the portguese guitar (without any amplification). There is also some more "comercial versions" of fado with great success, ex: Mariza PLEASURE (Expresso Coffee) A escape, pure pleasure in the form of a cup filled with small aromatic sip's. AMBITION (Pocket Clock) My life's ambition.. to tame time, make the working a hour last one microsecond and the a second with family and friends last a lifetime. Eagle Eye, Ungod, Aeoshattr and 4 others 7
Aeoshattr Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 Longing [attachment=4622:IMG_1182.JPG] Just how long have you been waiting for that one last sip?... Loneliness [attachment=4623:IMG_1183.JPG] Each of us is alone in their own pot of earth... but with no other pots around, who will catch our leaves when they fall? Insecurity [attachment=4624:IMG_1184.JPG] When your own face haunts you and grasps at you from each reflection... Peace [attachment=4625:IMG_1185.JPG] Take a sip. Lie to yourself that it will all pass. Bask in the warm aroma and wish you never have to take that one last sip. Dragual, DarkRaptor, lashtal and 5 others 8
Aethon Posted May 13, 2015 Author Report Posted May 13, 2015 (edited) Entries to be in by 23:59 ST tonight please! Thank you! :) Edited May 13, 2015 by Aethon
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted May 13, 2015 Report Posted May 13, 2015 HOPE // This is where I put my world design for something I am creating. When I look at it, I am reminded that I could still do something useful and worthwhile yet. It's the only thing holding me together most of the time. THANKFULNESS // At one point, I had to give up having a car, as I couldn't afford it. When I got my new job, public transport was not an option as it doesn't go there. My Mum and step dad went out to find a super cheap car that wouldn't die on me, and here I am with this. FEAR // When I was a kid, I built a snowman. I imbued it with character. Before the thaw came, I asked my Dad if I should knock it down, or let it melt. He said I should do as I pleased. I knocked it down. Then cried for an hour. If only I had learned my lesson with a snowman. I worry that I won't be able to stop destroying things I love before the thaw comes. PRIDE // Quite a while ago now, I took a 50% pay cut to go into a job, ANY job. I couldn't afford my bills even then, and I hated the job. I didn't give up though. It gave me anxiety and panic attacks, I spent my nights wondering what the point in life was, I got yelled at all day and pressured to death... but I didn't give up. Now, I am nearly back to where I was, not quite, but almost, and I'm in a nice job and can afford my bills. Hedge Munos, Myth, Aeoshattr and 4 others 7
Eagle Eye Posted May 16, 2015 Report Posted May 16, 2015 [attachment=4635:IMG_20150516_151205.jpg] REMEBERING - Because its a symbolized that she/he is not forgotten. Wherever he may be because you always writing her. You always made me feel that my value to you and your own. [attachment=4636:IMG_20150516_151240.jpg] WELCOME - Whatever happens inside and outside. Always free to enter the new path to take. Anything of what you are always free to come in. [attachment=4637:IMG_20150516_151254.jpg] FRIENDSHIP- You have to play to get his confidence and recognize him thoroughly. You need to learn how to communicate with others friends and you need to be honest. Myth, Witty and Lintara 3
DARK DEMON Posted May 24, 2015 Report Posted May 24, 2015 (edited) Its been more than a week, any updates? Aethon hasn't logged in for a week now. Even though I'm not a participant, I'm getting a bad feeling. Even more so, because it is a WP quest. Edited May 24, 2015 by DARK DEMON
Aethon Posted May 28, 2015 Author Report Posted May 28, 2015 Sorry! I've been bogged under with finishing Uni deadlines and then preparing to come home! (Takes a lot more prep than you'd think! :() Which is part of the reason I tried to finish early! :P All judges have posted their scores and I am doing mine now! This should be ready either today or tomorrow the latest! Again, apologies to those that have been waiting! :)
Aethon Posted May 28, 2015 Author Report Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) All judges were asked to judge on the criterias below. Creativity - 5 Points max Uniqueness - 5 Points max Connection - 10 Points max Drawing Skill - 10 Points max Below are the results. (Judges scorings will remain anonymous unless they wish to diverge the information themselves.) Vladan. Creativity- 15/15 Uniqueness- 15/15 Connection- 29/30 Drawing skill- 21/30 Total = 80/90 + 9 popularity = 89 points Assira the black Creativity- 8/15 Uniqueness- 10/15 Connection- 25/30 Drawing skill- 15/30 Total = 58/90 + 2 popularity = 60 points DarkRaptor Creativity- 15/15 Uniqueness- 14/15 Connection- 29/30 Drawing skill- 17/30 Total = 75/90 + 7 popularity = 82 points Aeoshattr Creativity- 14/15 Uniqueness- 12/15 Connection- 27/30 Drawing skill- 22/30 Total = 75/90 + 8 popularity = 83 points (Zl-eye-f)-nea Creativity- 15/15 Uniqueness- 15/15 Connection- 30/30 Drawing skill- 15/30 Total = 75/90 + 6 popularity = 81 points Positions are: 1st - Vladan 2nd- Aeoshattr 3rd- DarkRaptor 4th- Zleiphneir 5th- Assira the Black To clarify about Eagle Eye: EE failed to meet the quest requirements in a few areas (number of emotions & some not being an actual emotion.) Congratulations to all the winners! Please give the sponsors of your prizes a nudge so that they may reward you! Thanks for taking part and sorry for the delays! :D Edited May 28, 2015 by Aethon Eagle Eye 1
DARK DEMON Posted May 28, 2015 Report Posted May 28, 2015 Congratulations to all the winners :) Ungod and Jubaris 2
Aeoshattr Posted May 28, 2015 Report Posted May 28, 2015 Who's awarding the 10th Anni aramor? And are we supposed to nudge Mur for the 3SC we each receive?
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 28, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted May 28, 2015 Congratulations to all the winners! Please give the sponsors of your prizes a nudge so that they may reward you! Thanks for taking part and sorry for the delays! :D >>*Sasha Lilias* - Imperial Aramor (3rd) I would assume since sasha has given many of her creatures to you, you would be sponsoring that one? ----- Also, it is customary for the quest creator to organise distribution of prizes and not telling their quest winners to go find who they need to... Witty and Ungod 2
Aethon Posted May 28, 2015 Author Report Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) >>*Sasha Lilias* - Imperial Aramor (3rd) I would assume since sasha has given many of her creatures to you, you would be sponsoring that one? ----- Also, it is customary for the quest creator to organise distribution of prizes and not telling their quest winners to go find who they need to... Yes that would be correct! :) As for distribution, of course I will also be letting the sponsors know - but should the winner see the sponsor before I do/send them a message, then they can of course give them a nudge towards this topic if needed. :) I said this as I can't guarantee 100% activity for the next few days, so rather than people waiting on me again they can just carry on! Edited May 28, 2015 by Aethon
vladan Posted May 28, 2015 Report Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) Oh!!! I was worried that this contest has expired....and I'm in the period of university exams too..... I'm glad I still managed to win it! Thank you all! Congrats to the other winners too! That was fun :) Edited May 28, 2015 by vladan
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