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Public Response to Blackshade Rider


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It was brought to my attention that certain inaccurate comments were made partly about the history of the realm, but also specific references to myself in it's history. You can find the chat I'm referring to here. It was partly obfuscated, however some of it can be determined, as can the other bits which are still fully legible. This post is aimed to clarify a few of the inaccuracies raised, and covering a few other points as I find appropriate.



As you may or may not know, my account was created in October 2007, I played for a short time, stopped, and then a few months later resumed, continuing from then onwards with very little complete absence since.


On 24 November 2008 the game had a new start point, with MP2's in Golemus. At this point I was already an LHO, but had no specific role or focus in the game being unaffiliated with any land. Now I recall there being an account named Blackrider, however not in 2008 like is claimed, on the other hand I could be wrong there and am happy to be proved otherwise. There was a comment made in the chat referring to that time saying:

[14/01/16 16:39] blackshade rider:In my journey i ran into alot of people and in those times things were harder and people were more ...... well unkind and unwilling to help

Now if memory serves, there was a good stock of LHO, and plenty of help going on - a number of players (myself included) volunteered to be posted to Golemus with quests and help for the new MP2s. They did this out of their own desire to help, not out of a chance for reward (though some did get one afterwards). Granted there were some who did their own thing, as you might expect, so there were those unwilling to help, but the sweeping statement provides a bad generalisation.


To clarify a few statements made - the Fusioneers guild was founded July 2011 (which is much more likely that he was around for), and Firsanthalas became King of Loreroot in October 2009, resigning from the position in November 2011.


[14/01/16 16:45] blackshade rider:also in those time Grido was somewhat new

[14/01/16 16:47] blackshade rider:However in those days Grido was at his greediest

Depending on when in the confused time period that's being referred to, I would probably still not refer to myself as new. Greedy perhaps, depending on your definition of my actions - I'm a collector, by virtue of that I desire possession of things to complete my collections. Certainly I am not oblivious to my being referred to as such.


[14/01/16 16:48] blackshade rider:the fusioneers would help new players 
[14/01/16 16:49] blackshade rider:grido had other plans in those days

The guild was set up to create a market for Heat collection using Jars, creating Heat stones, and whilst they may have helped new players (Kiley was the initial leader, I'm sure people can check with her), they did not have the exclusivity on being helpful. In May 2009 I was promoted to LHO leader with both the previous leader and Mur agreeing to the appointment, helped set up a lot of content in the MD Wikia in November 2011, with a number of things in the middle also of a helpful nature. I'm offended by the comment that I "had other plans" besides helping people, and consider it slander to say so.


[14/01/16 17:05] blackshade rider: He wouldnt do much of anything for his people unless it benifited him

[14/01/16 17:06] blackshade rider: Depletion of golemus’s memory stones (as the fusioneers wouldnt had allowed that)

Also slanderous, I accept comments about lack of activity, but my land is more important than I, and this comment is a straight up lie regarding only doing things to benefit me. I believe you hold a false memory of what abilities the fusioneers were, and what powers they possessed to physically prevent people from taking memory stones.


[14/01/16 17:11] blackshade rider:Golwmws is tcw onle land to cavw two kings rwlw at cw samw timw

I believe this says "Golemus is the only land to have two kings rule at the same time", I mean if you're being specific about the title of King, then possibly, however Loreroot has on several occasions had joint leadership in place, and the Archives do so currently.


[14/01/16 17:16] blackshade rider:and grido jwst sits on cis tcronw saeing all is wwll

Again, believe this is "and grido just sits on his throne saying all is well" pretty sure I've spoken to you directly about the issues in Golemus and that something needs to be done, that along with various other people trying to determine how to improve matters.


[14/01/16 17:18] blackshade rider:golwmws wswd to flwrisc jwst as lorwroot did. bwt wcwn grido bwcamw king, golwmws startwd to loosw its glore 
[14/01/16 17:18] blackshade rider:Alot of pwoplw lwft golwmws wcwn cw first bwcamw king 
[14/01/16 17:18] Wideberth:pwoplw lwft tcw land and MD? 
[14/01/16 17:18] blackshade rider:Yws and no. tcwe also lwft golwmws and wwnt to anotcwr land

Something about Golemus flourishing just as Loreroot did, but when I became king, Golemus started to lose it's glory, and that a lot of people apparently left when I became King. Both leaving MD, but also to other lands.

I would love to see anywhere that states this was a result of my becoming king. Or even vaguely implies.


[14/01/16 17:19] blackshade rider:Kilwe wswd to bw a golwman 
[14/01/16 17:19] blackshade rider:bwt scw swwmwd to cavw wnowgc of tcw land tcat grido rwlwd ovwr and scw joinwd nwcro

Kiley was a Golemian, but joined Necro after I became King, is the gist of this bit.

She is welcome to interject as my memory may be hazy and I may not remember accurately, but I seem to recall talking to her and her saying that Fusioneers was the reason she was a member of Golemus, and so when it was gone, so was she. We actually get on quite well (she really is a lovely person, as Rider goes on to say), so I would find it hard to believe she left because I was king. Unfortunately I can't easily find an announcement referencing Fusioneers being disbanded to add to the timeline.


[14/01/16 17:25] blackshade rider:grido crwatwd ALOT of wnimiws 
[14/01/16 17:25] blackshade rider:swcc as 
[14/01/16 17:26] blackshade rider:No onw, dst, Eon, Nimrodwl, Swnfirw, Siwgccwart, and a fww otcwrs

Actually not sure what "wnimiws" is, but apparently I created a lot of them - enemies maybe. I wouldn't categorise them all as any same thing that I may have created though, they've certainly not all been my enemies, some maybe just not all.


[14/01/16 17:37] blackshade rider:< i will loan you 4 gold coins to buy you some weapons to help protect the land, but you will have to pay me back with interest>

Umm.... Loaning and interest, yes, but what weapons to protect the land? I don't recall you ever mentioning the use of the coins to be protecting the land. I certainly haven't seen these weapons in action. Also did I do anything particular to you when you failed to pay me back by the date that ~you~ chose? No. I extended the time period, in this same time I even bought your leash back on your behalf as you were complaining you kept being pulled away annoyingly - the same leash you have since put up for auction and sold again, given I asked you to pay this back as well, but I was doing it to save you irritation.




There is more there that I could respond to, however didn't want this to be a longer post than necessary. If I have made any incorrect statements, then I apologise and invite others to highlight them along with if you determine anything that I did not raise. I do not like people spreading false information and so I will act accordingly against it - if anyone really wants to state negative things about me there a few good examples in MD history of things I've actually done, however I'll leave you to your own investigations on that.


More than one person brought this to my attention, I will not name them, however I appreciate you letting me know so that lies are not propagated.

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Lol@ blackshade rider. Dude, you never knew firs the way I did. :p And I am NOT grido's enemy for whatever reason you might think I am. I left golemus because I wanted east loyalty. Fortunately/unfortunately, I like how sos works so I am going their way for the time being.
I believe kiley's reasons for leaving gg were different.
Grido is damn right lazy alright. But he still has his ego rider. Play the right cards and he roars :p

Just because things don't go your way, doesn't mean you put the blame on somebody. Golemus is still glorious. So is loreroot. People come and go and MD has been deficient for a while. Don't blame one person for everything.

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I have little to comment beyond shaking my head, but will confirm Kiley's awesomeness, and that the Fusioneers were never "against Grido" as the above seemed to imply.   Gort Hedera, my dearest Alt, was a member.   I miss them, but also claim part of their disbandment to idleness, NOT to the "king of GG" being a particular person. 


Otherwise, I will hold my tongue.   'tis not nice to speak ill of others.    ;)

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Lol@ blackshade rider. Dude, you never knew firs the way I did. :P And I am NOT grido's enemy for whatever reason you might think I am. I left golemus because I wanted to be ruled by and cared for by Eon.

Apologies emperor... I joined east to serve the great lord eon and to be cared and protected by him. All hail Emperor Eon
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i have my proof i started back in 2008. i dont care what any of you say. if you people would had stayed out my conversation then it wouldnt be a problem. Wideberth Asked for MY STORY. NOT whats recorded or what your story is. i had also stated that i may not be completely right when me and wide were talking. So i have nothing to say. 


@grido you are fully aware i wanted the coin to buy weapons/ spells to try and protect YOUR land. many had seen me do it. Why dont you ask No one as he is the one i used most the weapons i had bought on.So in that statment you are a lier. 

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@ Grido this is when blackrider was made and i started playing


This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): 10.04.2008 19:23 
Game Start version: The Original Story Mode [?] 


so before you say im lieing about when i started playing maybe you should ask  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad: 

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Blackshade, currently you're only defending one point out of the many raised by Grido. 


Nobody is saying you can't have "your own story", however the way you conduct it implies that "your story" is also the truth, which is clearly not the case. Furthermore, it also involved slander. That is the issue here. Not whether you joined in 2008 or not.

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i have my proof i started back in 2008. i dont care what any of you say. if you people would had stayed out my conversation then it wouldnt be a problem. Wideberth Asked for MY STORY. NOT whats recorded or what your story is. i had also stated that i may not be completely right when me and wide were talking. So i have nothing to say. 


@grido you are fully aware i wanted the coin to buy weapons/ spells to try and protect YOUR land. many had seen me do it. Why dont you ask No one as he is the one i used most the weapons i had bought on.So in that statment you are a lier. 


From what I read (which was everything in chat) he did not ask specifically for your story, he asked what happened and the reasoning. Your opinion can influence your reasoning, but slandering and lying is another thing; this extends to talking about Firsanthalas as if you were best friends or detailing historical happenings falsely.


If you are to give your opinions on a happening, make sure that is known before hand. If you don't know the real history, research first. Slander is slander and should not be acceptable in any case, however. (Especially when you've only just said to the person you're slandering that you wish to make amends...)

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@ Grido this is when blackrider was made and i started playing
[font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): [/font]10.04.2008 19:23[font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif] [/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]Game Start version: [/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]The Original Story Mode [?][/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif] [/font]
[font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]so before you say im lieing about when i started playing maybe you should ask  :mad:[/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]  :mad:[/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]  :mad:[/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]  :mad:[/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif]  :mad:[/font][font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif] [/font]

I want to see the screenshot.
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i have my proof i started back in 2008. i dont care what any of you say. if you people would had stayed out my conversation then it wouldnt be a problem. Wideberth Asked for MY STORY. NOT whats recorded or what your story is. i had also stated that i may not be completely right when me and wide were talking. So i have nothing to say. 


@grido you are fully aware i wanted the coin to buy weapons/ spells to try and protect YOUR land. many had seen me do it. Why dont you ask No one as he is the one i used most the weapons i had bought on.So in that statment you are a lier. 



@ Grido this is when blackrider was made and i started playing


This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): 10.04.2008 19:23 
Game Start version: The Original Story Mode [?] 


so before you say im lieing about when i started playing maybe you should ask  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad: 



Please note that I very deliberately said "on the other hand I could be wrong there and am happy to be proved otherwise." regarding your start date.


If you could also elaborate on what "weapons/spells" you were getting? Weapons implies a very different thing than spells, and I'd be curious what spells you were casting on No one that resulted in the land being protected.


You stated things as fact in what you said to Wideberth. There was no "I think" / "I'm pretty sure" / "I believe" / "Maybe" or indeed anything else that might imply that what you said might be anything other than factual historical account. I take offence when lies are propagated as fact, hence this thread to clarify - it is not a case of staying out of your conversation, it's a case of stopping lies spreading about me / the realm, and educating those correctly that might not know better.

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Grido, you must've lost a lot of honour from this attack
Grido: 550 rep
Blackshade: 63 rep
But I'm sure you have your reasons

No, because he has brought the "un-truths" to light before they could be spread. Whilst it may have only been to one for now, that one person could have easily continued to spread false accusations, creating a chain reaction.

It doesn't matter who starts a game of Chinese whispers, it only matters where it finishes and the outcome.
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