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RP gathering events becoming a true MD drama play - suggestion for discussing


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I think ever since Ungod's idea that of a deranged parade that Witty executed, roleplaying events are becoming popular. Nimrodel's birthday quest is fourth of that kind or something in the span of a year. :)

I would like to add a twist.

How about we don't use some totally abstract characters, but something MD related. First thing that comes to my mind is take something from MD's long history, a series of events and turn it into a play.

People usually are only familiar with chronology, player X initiated a war on land Y, killed that one and that one, etc, but we are not familiar with their state of mind, true motives and behavior.

So we take a part of MD's history, put some guidelines and let the players (actors) interpret their characters, it should be much more fun and easier to judge.

For example, when Junior made Maebius kill some Tainted Warriors, and they retaliated, you would have around 4 main characters and the rest would be supporting units.

You would have stage 1, only Maeb and Jun in the scene, then stage 2, Maeb killing the TWs in cooperation with Eon, etc. A lot of room for someone to put some color and try to make us experience the events like we were there in their heads.

Anybody has an opinion about this, would you do something different, would you participate in this, etc?

Edited by Jubaris
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Unpredictable - I totally agree, but the question is what is the unpredictable part :D

The way I'm thinking it - you would have some checkpoints of the event. Junior did tell Maebius to kill them, Maeb did kill them, TWs did retaliate, those are facts that shouldn't be changed. But anything between is okay. Plot twist, it was Azull that told Junior to tell Maebius to kill so that he would create circumstances to demonstrate power to do X over Y?

Maybe this specific scenario doesn't bring much inspiration, but I hope you hear me :)

When it's decided who will do which role, people (actors) could communicate with each other privately before hand and say to each other "hey man, I want to try this out, will you play along in the scene?", etc.

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54 minutes ago, Nimrodel said:

I would. But repeating history is very predictable.... It'd be great if the ending could be made unpredictable somehow.

when I read that, I remembered that scene from Gladiator in which the emperor (I think?) asks something like 'wasn't the OTHER team supposed to win?' :))

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@Maebius yes, you could even boost the hype of a particular play with an over-emotional denouncing of the interpretation of your character, give out interviews for 'my' newspaper that I would charge in gold and get rich for, etc. :D 

On a more serious note, I would also be very curios and enthusiastic if someone would be able to make an impressive performance, and see how much it differs from the truth. Good opportunity to experiment and understand people better!

@Ungod I love that scene. That guy with a wig that made the introduction, I would like to have him on my play any day :))

@Aeoshattr I hear what you're saying, but (in regards to avoiding historical scenarios) if we're slaves of complete political correctness even for characters that stopped playing years ago, while only a few dozen of us remain, we will never be able to produce some impressive work of art. There needs to be some daring, however I do see the danger of tasteless production creating a fuss that you speak about.

The point would be to have some fun, and to manage for a viewer to identify with the story in some form if possible, but in a playful artistic way, not political and personal-feud motivated.

Would take some effort in organization to make it proper rather than just announce and gather, but would be worthwhile.

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It would be cool if someone (The Archivists maybe?) hosted regular events like this where we do performances of the various AL chapters. It would make the daunting wall of text feel a lot more approachable. I'd greatly appreciate it myself because I've personally only read two chapters of the AL and one of which I would not have read if it weren't for the fact that it was happening while I read it.

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11 hours ago, Rophs said:

It would be cool if someone (The Archivists maybe?) hosted regular events like this where we do performances of the various AL chapters. It would make the daunting wall of text feel a lot more approachable. I'd greatly appreciate it myself because I've personally only read two chapters of the AL and one of which I would not have read if it weren't for the fact that it was happening while I read it.

If there is interest, then I'm sure something could be arranged.

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