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Molima bug


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  • Root Admin

It does create resources same way grasans or elus do, over time..not each time they consume, they need to eat some first before producing anything. With the molima you noticed more than with the other because bones are more rare and it hurts more to see them eaten :)


Keep track of when it started eating and how much it ate, consider its level also. In case this is a bug indeed i will need such info. It should start producing something after 3-4 meals.

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is there a "fasting" time period before molima becomes productive?

it seems my molima is not in the mood to eat and/or produce anything and it's been over 2 weeks since I have enough bones for it to munch on.

Other (un?)important details:
lvl: 1
Name: Molima
Crit ID: 851848
It has been transfered.
it's upgrade-ready


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  • 1 month later...
  • Root Admin
11 minutes ago, Shemhazaj said:

Chewett, if you have time to check the molomas again, please check mine as well.
It's condition is unchained since I posted the first time, just now it's inactive for 6 weeks now.

thank you in advance :D


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  • Root Admin
6 hours ago, Azull said:

My molima produced Grassan's  Toxic Fart Gas. That doesn't seem right.



So I havent looked much into the molli creature, So to save me a bit of time can you explain:

How you named it, and why

What you are expecting to get out from it?

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I used the default name when it leveled up. Meaning I didn't change anything. I didn't even look at it, so I can't say if it was different from what it is now.

I expect it to "eat" bones, which it appears to do. And produce death spores. Which it has been doing until it leveled up.

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  • Root Admin
2 hours ago, Azull said:

I used the default name when it leveled up. Meaning I didn't change anything. I didn't even look at it, so I can't say if it was different from what it is now.

I expect it to "eat" bones, which it appears to do. And produce death spores. Which it has been doing until it leveled up.

Thanks I will be able to look into this now.

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  • Root Admin
2 hours ago, Azull said:

I used the default name when it leveled up. Meaning I didn't change anything. I didn't even look at it, so I can't say if it was different from what it is now.

I expect it to "eat" bones, which it appears to do. And produce death spores. Which it has been doing until it leveled up.

Looking into the code it level 3 it is expected to produce toxic gas.

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Looking into the announcement of Molimas, unless this was intended as a surprise by Mur, I believe it's a typo or wrong pointer in the code. Based on what this says, level 3 should eat 30 bones and give death spores:


The new build-able creature will eat 10 bones per level to produce Death Spores (for example at level 6 it will eat 60 Bones each time)


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2 hours ago, Chewett said:

Looking into the code it level 3 it is expected to produce toxic gas.

If this is the case then the fart gas text should be changed, because it talks about grassan. As you can see in the screenshot.

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  • Root Admin
17 hours ago, Pipstickz said:

Looking into the announcement of Molimas, unless this was intended as a surprise by Mur, I believe it's a typo or wrong pointer in the code. Based on what this says, level 3 should eat 30 bones and give death spores:


Looks to be pretty purposeful to me:

$roles['Putrefied Molima'] = '17_3#toxicgas|Biological Nuke|2.0';

16 hours ago, Azull said:

If this is the case then the fart gas text should be changed, because it talks about grassan. As you can see in the screenshot.

I will note down I need to change that then. Thanks

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On 10.05.2018 at 10:21 PM, Chewett said:



On 6.04.2018 at 5:03 PM, Shemhazaj said:


is there a "fasting" time period before molima becomes productive?

it seems my molima is not in the mood to eat and/or produce anything and it's been over 2 weeks since I have enough bones for it to munch on.

Other (un?)important details:
lvl: 1
Name: Molima
Crit ID: 851848
It has been transfered.
it's upgrade-ready



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