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Token Essence Bug


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I used some token vials I purchased from Ledah earlier today, and they all went to creatures who had not previously been tokened. I'm assuming this is caused by the first token on a creature being from a vial rather than from the MDShop itself.

Sorry if there's a thread on this already, I did have a quick search.

As a sidenote, the Loading image is beautiful :D so I don't quite mind it yet.

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All three creatures that got vial tokens show the same effects (all three were previously untokened), all three remain "unloaded" after every other creature image has loaded.

The loading image is not present if I return to the flash creature page, dunno if that helps at all

I opened my creature page and waited two minutes, nothing changed. Then I refreshed, nothing changed.

I bought a token from the MDShop just before or during the anniversary and it landed on a previously untokened grasan, he did not show the same effects

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I have noticed the same thing happening after un-tokening, but it usually only takes a week or so to disappear. Tokens are kinda weird on the HTML5 version too - they seem to have layering issues?


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  • Root Admin

The first issue, I know what it is, I will have a look today.

The second "layering" issue.

On 14/05/2018 at 10:38 AM, Ledah said:

I have noticed the same thing happening after un-tokening, but it usually only takes a week or so to disappear. Tokens are kinda weird on the HTML5 version too - they seem to have layering issues?


Can you show me a comparison where the second (flash) image isnt warped like the one above.

I cant quite see what you mean due to the stretching.

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