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Typo and Grammar Fixes


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Decided to just throw this up. It's not vital to anything but there is some other stuff I plan on sending to Chewett privately. I didn't write this intending to be snobby or to criticise, and it's the curse of those correcting grammar to screw things up. Please note that I was educated in British English and learnt from British English style models, yet am trying to conform to an American English style. Pinch of salt, etc.


[More Info] Tab Above Chat:


Online Users
Players that were online in the last 60 minutes, or if they've just passed the location can be seen in grey, or will show in orange if they are at the location at that exact moment.  (Correction)

Players that were online in the last 60 minutes, or if they've just passed that location can be seen in grey, or will show in orange if they are in that location at that exact moment. 

I suppose you could use either, but this is arguably a more accurate determiner in this particular circumstance. The same goes for the preposition. You could say that you are "in" a location but it is more accurate to say that you are "at" a location. 



RP Reality Requirement
This is an indicator to/which remind/s you that some things are more real than others, even in a fantasy world, depending on how many observe the same "reality." How firmly you are anchored in MagicDuel's reality, or how careless you are about your role-play (RP), will probably determine your future in the realm, but for now it's just an indicator. 

This is an indicator that reminds you that some things are more real than others, even in a fantasy world, depending on how many observe the same "reality". How well you are anchored in MagicDuel's reality, or how careless you are about your role-play(RP), will probably determine your future in the realm, but for now it's just an indicator. 

Again, awkward determiner use, and then there's a full stop outside the parenthesised "reality," which American English style models would most likely disagree with. The adverb firmly is more accurate than well. Having Roleplay(RP) is acceptable but it's easier to read if split up.



Below is a description of each Reality Requirement: 
- Intimate: 2 or less people. RP is unrestricted, reality is irrelevant between two people if both accept the fantasy. 
- Loose: 3 to 5 people. RP can go wild, but common sense is required. As long as the other few accept it, most things are fine. 
- Moderate: 6 to 10 people. RP is considered real only if it is based on proof or good logic. Your avatar may give you elements to support that logic as well as your inventory items, a very well established role in a clear and distinct activity, things in the current location/scene, or abilities you posses.
- Strict: 11 to 30 people. Only real things, irrefutable to anyone present. These are the things you can do based on your actual abilities such as spells or special interfaces, actions supported by your inventory items, fights, and other interface supported actions. Simple logic without a real base to support it is not enough to form reality under this level. 
- Real Only: 31 or more people. In large groups, only what you can do in such way that is undeniable to anyone observing it, can pass as reality. What you do under this level should be stricter than the strict level and as real as it can get, so that nobody can say or think "no you couldn't possibly do that" or "you are making things up."

Below is a list of what each Reality Requirement means. 
- Intimate: 2 or less people. RP is unrestricted, reality is irrelevant between two people if both accept the fantasy. 
- Loose: 3 to 5 people. RP can go wild, but common sense is required. As long as the other few accept it, most things are fine. 
- Moderate: 6 to 10 people. RP is considered real only if it is based on proof or good logic. Your avatar may give you elements to support that logic, your inventory items, a very well established role in a clear and distinct activity, things in the current location/scene, or abilities you posses. 
- Strict: 11 to 30 people. Only real things, irrefutable to anyone present. These are the things you can do based on your actual abilities such as spells or special interfaces, actions supported by your inventory items, fights, and other interface supported actions. Simple logic without a real base to support it is not enough to form reality under this level. 
- Real Only: 31 or more. In large groups, only what you can do in such way that is undeniable to anyone observing it, can pass as reality. What you do under this level should be stricter than the strict level and as real as it can get, so that nobody can say or think "no you couldn't possibly do that" or "you are making things up".  

You could write: Below is a list of Reality Requirements and what they entail. This is less pretentious? Also, there should be a colon before a list ideally. Instead of overusing colons, I decided to use As Well As to begin a list. There's also a stutter in consistency when the last listed Reality Requirement doesn't have people on it. It's obvious, and people know, but it just helps. Again, I've moved full stops to inside the quotation marks.



Fantasy is not chaos, sometimes it's more real than you think. Understanding what "real" means, or should mean, is a big step forward in understanding what "fantasy" really is.

Fantasy is not chaos, sometimes it's more real than you think. Understanding what "real" means, or should mean, is a big step ahead to understand what "fantasy" really is.

Ahead is a bit out of place here. Not an incredibly major issue really. Looks wonky is all.


Typing * [asterisks] around your text will turn the text contained blue *like this.*
Typing ( ) [brackets/parenthesis] round your text will turn the text contained greyish. (Like this.)
Typing links to people's public profiles, forum topics, youtube or wikia pages into chat will generate a link to them, looking like this: [Grido's profile], [Forum link], [Video link] or [MD Wiki: Chat

Typing * [asterisks] around your text will turn the text contained blue *like this*.
Typing ( ) [brackets/parenthesis] round your text will turn the text contained greyish. (like this).
Typing links to people's public profiles, forum topics, youtube or wikia pages into chat will generate a link to them, looking like this; [Grido's profile], [Forum link], [Video link] or [MD Wiki: Chat].

Just moving full stops to the inside of things. Also, the semicolon is being used here instead of a normal, full colon. 



Location Viscosity
Viscosity of a location determines the increase or drop in action point(AP) cost for moving or using clickables in that location. It is determined by how often the place is visited by yourself or others. Visited more recently, the location memory becomes more fluid and fresh, thus the AP cost is less. Viscosity builds up over time and makes long forgotten places even harder to access. It is possible that the viscosity will render certain deserted places fully off limits if nobody visits them for a long period of time, or make other locations that have a naturally high AP cost easily accessible when when more people go through them. The value and its influence is shared by everyone in the same location.

Location Viscosity
Viscosity of a location determines the increase or drop in action points(Ap) cost for moving, or using clickables in that location. It is determined by how often this place is visited by yourself or others. Visited more recently, the location memory becomes more fluid and fresh, thus the Ap cost is less. Viscosity builds up over time and makes long forgotten places even harder to access. It is possible that the viscosity will render certain deserted places fully off limits if nobody visits them for a long period of time, or make other locations that have a natively high Ap cost easily accessible when when more people go through them. This value and influence is shared by everyone in the same location.

Action Point cost rings better than Action Points Cost. The comma used simply breaks up the sentence and makes it less flowing. This place as opposed to that place feels strange. AP only capitalises the A in a few places for some reason. The use of "This Room" feels very specific?


Gosh, this is a draining and arduous way to do things!  I'll consider different ways of doing things, but I'm taking a short rest for now. I hope I'm excused for posting in this thread multiple times?


Chewett, expect a few PMs your way on some spoilery corrections.

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This is the current status of the game development. This status usually changes daily or every few days. This status is not related to your own game progress or profile but is the same for all players in the game.

Not working or playing. Currently away. I'll be back with fresh forces :)

Observing the game, no important changes in progress. During this stage please do not contact me for anything. This is usually happening when advertising is running very intensively.

Performing small fixes, and maintenance, talking to players to see what needs to be done, searching for new ideas. Feel free to pm me about anything. This stage usually triggers a heavy development session afterwards.

Working on something, be it game feature or just bug fixes/ing. Constantly adding new things. This is the most common stage and a sign that the game development is progressing and that the game is growing not only in players but also in features.

Doing experiments on players, challenges, data mining. During this status updates are not made public. This is one of the most interesting parts for me and those participating in such experiments.

Making major gameplay changes, adding new features, sections and mdshop items. Expanding game borders. During such a stage, major game updates are to be announced.

Cruise mode
Similar to madness but not public. Working at high speed but without any communication with players or other team members. During this stage you might see me online and I might sound very distant, sometimes rude, nothing personal, I will just be very focused on the work. Unlike the madness stage, after this working stage there is no rule that there will be announcements about what work was done.

Maintenance work in progress, game might become unstable or temporarily stopped due to server work or important engine changes. This happens when there is an incoming server attack, we are moving hosting, there are major errors in the game engine we discovered and are fixing, or other critical situations that require the game to be temporarily stopped.

Development Focus
When the note says 'development focus' it means that most work that is currently being done is targeted at specific areas of the game. This stage can last a long time.

Bugfix Madness
During this stage I won't answer pms unless related to the bug I am working on. Usually this is an emergency stage or part of a larger session of overall improvements.


Correction above. Pasting the original feels redundant, I'll just mark what I've changed. This was mostly capital letters with the odd grammatical slip up or strange expression. Nothing major, but it just makes the game look more polished if we are all prim and proper about how we write in guides.

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I get where you're coming from, but for a new player to see stuff like that isn't encouraging, especially when this is the most easily obtained and reliable information you'll probably ever get when it comes to MD. It's also some of the earliest. 

The game intro has stuff like: Out in the world, Finaly!

Obviously, we stuck around and probably never took a second look back or ever remarked on this stuff (It's been there since I started here, and I don't ever recall ever hearing about any mistakes at all) but I don't think that's an excuse to not fix it.

Some of the worst offenders are research and connections papers, which are painful enough to read without having to disregard the odd error. I'm obviously not posting those here for obvious reasons.

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6 hours ago, Ailith said:

I personally don't think these should be corrected, but then I have an odd view of MD I suppose :)

(so weird considering I used to be an English Teacher!)

I believe this were " Mur-speak" and that it doth possess of much character; this were part of the realm's character, and so I do agree with this ideal.

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