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MagicDuel-Histories and Legends


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So... I was thinking, since there are a lot of older accounts being reactivated (so much so that Mur had to make an announcement about ancient powers, lol) that a LOT has happened in the realm of MagicDuel. As some of the ads for the game even proclaim: "We never reset"!

I don't know very much about what has happened in the twelve years that I've been gone.The Adventure Log is pretty awesome, but it is a lot.

I think this would be really handy for old-new players as well as brand new players! The accessibility of lore helps immerse new players.

So I wanted to propose a contest, as MD seems to have quite a few authors.

Pick one of your favorite events in the history of MD that you witnessed. Try to write a short story-a cliff notes version of what happened if you will-of that event.


I am unsure what the reward of this contest will be. I will likely give the winner a silver coin as well whatever else I can cobble together.

The contest will end 3/13/20. The winner will be decided by me and a mystery judge.

Try to keep the versions of the stories clean, obviously. Also try to keep secrets out of stories, unless they are imperative for the tale being told.


The winner will receive a creature of the 14th anniversary as awarded by Aia!


Edited by Steno
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I shall offer a wishpoint in sponsorship for this quest, if it please thee, Steno - mayhap with a minimum number of entries; three, perhaps? This I shall leave to thy judgment.

I shall also pledge a creature of the Fourteenth Anniversary as a reward.

Edited by Aia del Mana
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Here's my attempt:


The Dominion Journey


To celebrate MD’s highly symbolic 7th birthday, Mur presented us with a challenging quest/journey that would take place in his Dominion [Ann. 2277]. To put things into perspective: he had forcefully taken rulership over the East [Ann. 1689] around Year 5 and, only on the occasion of a Boss Heads Contest edition [Ann. 1849], had opened his lands [Ann. 1862] to a select group of contestants. From time to time, he would also summon players to his Throne Hall so he could deal with their requests without being bothered by others [Ann. 2104]. Therefore, this was the very first time his personal lands would be “open to the general public”.

On the occasion of the previous birthday, we had already seen a significant expansion of the Lands of the East [Ann. 1789] as a new path after the Temple of the Void (back then simply referred to as the temple, if I remember correctly) up to The Gate of the Bored [Ann. 1817] was uncovered. This was already very exciting, but now there would be big challenges with even bigger rewards!

The rules were simple: 8 gate keepers would guard 8 locations. If we failed any of their challenges, we needed to return to the beginning and face all guards again, and sometimes they would give us brand new challenges. Beat all guards and you win! Simple, right? But in practice beating all of them in a row was extremely difficult!

The first guard was I am Bored, stationed at the Gate of Bored (who would’ve guessed?). After completing his task, we would enter the Dominion and face the infamous Deathwhisper Tunnel, where one would find a guard at each step taken. I cannot remember the exact order, but my guess would be Isabella Finch at the tunnel entrance, then Falronn, Kyphis, Windy, Mya Celestia and then Brulant inside the tunnel. Finally, one could take a breath and a few steps after exiting the tunnel before facing Liberty, the final guard. The challenges ranged from doable to very difficult, but always fun and sometimes thought-provoking as well. A lot of players would get sent back to the beginning over and over again, but most persisted because the journey was one of those rare events that managed to attract and unite the realm as a whole: everyone was having loads of fun.

As people passed the last gate keeper, they got to enter the infamous Throne Hall and wait for the others there, all while enjoying the company of the Demon of the East. It took around 6 days for the first 10 winners to be declared [Ann. 2286]. After that, the gates were closed and the winners got a puzzle medal and either a custom reward or one of the newly created drach melodic charms [Ann. 2283], which could be used to put Drachorns in the Drachorn Lair to sleep long enough so one of their riches could be taken from their treasure. The first generation of charm holders had access to extremely valuable tools, such as kill and revive items. In addition, another group of players also received rewards for reaching the last gate [Ann. 2298]. Finally, rewards were sent to the gate keepers for their hard work.

The Dominion Journey was finally over and, with it, MD’s 7th Birthday festivities. This was one of the greatest birthdays I ever witnessed in my years around this realm.


Note: I tried my best to use announcements as references in an attempt to provide “historical accuracy”. I invite others who were around back then to contribute with more information if they like. I believe this is a great opportunity for us to create an Archive of old and also upcoming events.

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If we're talking about events that have impressed us and left a mark, I guess I've witnessed a few...but I like the little events that make up my MD experience. 

Like when I first saw the Field of Fear scene. There was a jumplink provided and the mood panel invited us for some tea somewhere, so I said 'What the heck, ok'. As soon as I used the jumplink, I was in the middle of those pulsating spheres and I was taken aback. Of course, it was all in my mind - they're not animated, so they're not actually pulsating. But I imagined it, and I tried to understand what the heck it was I was seeing. They all looked like elemental eggs; bubbles of fear and anger that emerged from the ground and slowly took to the air. Above the scorched field, countless spheres of...fear? A truly dreadful place.

And then, I came back to my senses to see Necrovians in the middle of their tea ceremony, and it was so nice and pleasant that you could almost see some old ladies enjoying their 5 o'clock tea. I thought 'Damn, these Necros...'

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For me the event that i rmb most is the 10th anniversary of MD in april of 2015.

It was a wonderful time spanning 10days.

The first day, was a day of supreme hyperactivity, where we were throwing items at each other, lots of 10th anniversary cakes and teas (they keep real well, i still have a bunch i saved in my inventory :) ) There was a heat war, which i participated in. we were split into teams and the goal was to store as much heat into our team's clickable item. my team's one was located in necrovion, and it was my first time exploring the land. There was also a rhyme off, were wits and words won one wishpoint.

Day 2 was a Day of Royalty, about queens and combat. it was hosted by nimrodel, who had a "queen of sheba wants" quest and a combat tournament

Day 3 was the Day of megaseedwalk by rophs, where we had stories by the oak, it was by rophs if i remember correctly, someone was being a storyteller, we had poetry at the willow, where we shared poems about who we love in MD

Day 4 was the Day of finding yourselves. Where the first 2 labyrinth quests were introduced, venturing into the labyrinth, i often had to find myself in many ways!

Day 5 was the Day of the past, where we remembered people and events that made an impact on us (quite like what this post is about!)

Day 6 was the Day of the Future where we looked to the future (this period in 2015 also coincided with quite a few new things that were being done. The storymode was removed slightly before the anniversary, role play items were also introduced slightly before that, and with it item combining. Also, the givemask spell was released, oh it was fun confusion for awhile!)

Days 7-10 did not have titles as far as i could search, but that does not make them any less exciting!

Day 7 had treasure hunt in loreroot, design a cake, and "carve a path" as well "sing it" events held at bob

Day 8 had a procession for molquert, who had passed due to his role becoming relatively less relevant 

Day 9 had a derranged play, which i remember fondly, I believe i stayed up till 5am to partake in the play, which might have helped with me being able to play a graveyard well in a derranged play. 

Day 10 had somemore treasure hunts and concluded the anniversary celebrations. 


It was 5years ago, and due to timezone differences, i often had to stay up to the wee hours to participate, but it was all worth it and i had unique experiences that I never found ever again anywhere else :)

Edited by mirus
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Thank you all for your submissions! Judging will begin soon!


If you didn't finish your story in time, please don't worry! You can submit it within the next 2 days, and we'll still judge it! 

 I'm thinking about trying to make this a yearly forum quest. Hopefully, it can turn into a kind of yearbook-style thing where we catalog some of favorite moments. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Judging has been completed!

The rankings are in! Please give a moment to appreciate the hard work all of the participants put in!

1st: @Aelis

2nd: @mirus

3rd @Ungod


Please select a reward from the reward options below. 1st place gets 1st choice, and so on. They are:

1 WP--Aelis claimed

1 14th anniversary creature--mirus claimed

1 creature from Yokin (will update once get informed, in lieu of update, it will be angien with 3.3k age)

1 gc

-->Ungod generously agreed to keep prizes in the running for future quests, these will stay in the running for future quality submissions!

I want to give a shout-out to all participants, judges, and sponsors. Thank you for believing in my first-ever quest. I learned a lot from the whole process, but mainly from the entries.

For all of those still interested in this quest. You can still write for this quest and submit it here(tag me or pm if you do so I see it), however the above rewards will have already been given so your reward will be less because of lateness (though it could be equal to any of the above if quality is superb).

Edited by Steno
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Oh, awesome! :) I'll gladly accept a wishpoint. Thanks!


I had a lot of fun writing this and I encourage everyone to take part in it.

On 3/15/2020 at 12:15 PM, Steno said:

 I'm thinking about trying to make this a yearly forum quest. Hopefully, it can turn into a kind of yearbook-style thing where we catalog some of favorite moments. 

In my opinion, it should definitely be made a permanent quest! That way we can create a nice repository of past events in some sort of Archivist fashion.


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Grats Aelis :) 

I'll take the anni creature! :D

Thank you!!

repeating this would be awesome, with so much to catch up on, and different ppl being present for different period, its nice to get to read what memorable things has happened :)

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