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Incorrect battle log report

Fyrd Argentus

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Continued experimentation.  Sometimes on defense it gives a won fight point, sometimes not.  Sometimes it denies it because I'm capped.  Sometimes it denies it because I supposedly have no surviving creatures, but I actually do.  Not happy making.  Yes, all this while I'm capped, but it wasn't making sense to me before that either....

I achieved a won count on offense, using life steal elementals.  It says I got negative xp reward, and gave me the win count.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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Creatures do not gain wins if the player is capped at the limit of her heat-scar tolerance, whether or not the battle were deemed Sword or Sword Balance. This is not new behaviour, and so I believe it were intended.

Edited by Aia del Mana
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  • 3 weeks later...


The results of battle log claim that none of my creatures survived the battle. I am fairly sure they did, because there is no way they could be killed in that specific ritual. Attacking ritual consists of a single life stealer. My defense consists of 3 trees on regen and a single creature that has a vampire skill and does small amounts of damage to enemies. 

A side note - I am currently capped on heat scars

Battle log export which I talk about ( I noticed the unconfirmed "false" reports of creatures not surviving battle in my other rituals as well, this is not the only case):

Loading Ailith creatures
Loading jakubhi creatures
Applying 55% of Ailith's energetic influence
Applying 100% of jakubhi's energetic influence
Influences for Ailith ######
Jack (869529): vampiricaura
vampiricaura  drains 1634 vitality from jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Ailith's Cherry Blossom (869856)1634 vitality from jakubhi's Autumn (867068) and gives it to Ailith's The Grand Oak (869848)1634 vitality from jakubhi's Spring (867604) and gives it to Ailith's Derwen Deg (869849)70 vitality from jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Ailith's Ted (869530)
Ted (869530): vampiricaura
vampiricaura  drains 490 vitality from jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Ailith's Cherry Blossom (869856)490 vitality from jakubhi's Autumn (867068) and gives it to Ailith's The Grand Oak (869848)490 vitality from jakubhi's Spring (867604) and gives it to Ailith's Derwen Deg (869849)21 vitality from jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Ailith's Ted (869530)
Dougal (869531): vampiricaura
vampiricaura  drains 147 vitality from jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Ailith's Cherry Blossom (869856)147 vitality from jakubhi's Autumn (867068) and gives it to Ailith's The Grand Oak (869848)147 vitality from jakubhi's Spring (867604) and gives it to Ailith's Derwen Deg (869849)6 vitality from jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Ailith's Ted (869530)
The Grand Oak (869848): regenaura
Derwen Deg (869849): regenaura
Cherry Blossom (869856): regenaura
Influences for jakubhi ######
Healing Arbor (861721): regenaura
Autumn (867068): regenaura
Spring (867604): regenaura
Moonarch (867664): skillvampire
skillvampire  boosts allied creatures by -36.75 power;-23.5 regeneration;-143.5 defence;-13 initiative;5 luck;-18 energeticimmun;-4 tradesense;-4 briskness;-38 attack;-122 volition;-3 mining;-4 woodcutting;-4 herbalism;-3 waterhandling;-4 finesse;-7 cartography;1 taming;-3 gardening;skillvampire  drains enemy creatures by -44.1 power;-28.2 regeneration;-172.2 defence;-15.6 initiative;6 luck;-21.6 energeticimmun;-4.8 tradesense;-4.8 briskness;-45.6 attack;-146.4 volition;-3.6 mining;-4.8 woodcutting;-4.8 herbalism;-3.6 waterhandling;-4.8 finesse;-8.4 cartography;1.2 taming;-3.6 gardening;
Applying Ailith's Creature Tokens at 45%
Jack (869529)'s creature tokens []
Ted (869530)'s creature tokens []
Dougal (869531)'s creature tokens []
The Grand Oak (869848)'s creature tokens []
Derwen Deg (869849)'s creature tokens []
Cherry Blossom (869856)'s creature tokens []
Applying jakubhi's Creature Tokens at 0%
Healing Arbor (861721)'s creature tokens []
Autumn (867068)'s creature tokens []
Spring (867604)'s creature tokens []
Moonarch (867664)'s creature tokens []
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 93, regen. vitality: 2271
    - Maintaining regeneration, Healing Arbor (861721) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 93, regen. vitality: 2271
    - Maintaining regeneration, Autumn (867068) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 93, regen. vitality: 2271
    - Maintaining regeneration, Spring (867604) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 93, regen. vitality: 406
    - Maintaining regeneration, Moonarch (867664) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 406) and remains with 2000 vitality
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Jack (869529) receives 37 damage 
 and remains with 1455 vitality
    - Ted (869530) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1588 vitality
    - Dougal (869531) receives 37 damage 
 and remains with 1455 vitality
    - The Grand Oak (869848) receives 21 damage 
 and remains with 7582 vitality
    - Derwen Deg (869849) receives 21 damage 
 and remains with 7582 vitality
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) receives 21 damage 
 and remains with 7582 vitality
Ailith's Cherry Blossom (869856) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Jack (869529) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 89 to 214; ) 
 and remains with 1455 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Ted (869530) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 210 to 335; ) 
 and remains with 1588 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Dougal (869531) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 89 to 214; ) 
 and remains with 1455 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Derwen Deg (869849) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
 and remains with 9098 vitality
Ailith's Derwen Deg (869849) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Jack (869529) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 214 to 339; ) 
 and remains with 1455 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Ted (869530) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 335 to 460; ) 
 and remains with 1588 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Dougal (869531) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 214 to 339; ) 
 and remains with 1455 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
 and remains with 10317 vitality
Ailith's The Grand Oak (869848) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - The Grand Oak (869848) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
 and remains with 10792 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Derwen Deg (869849) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
 and remains with 10417 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
 and remains with 10317 vitality
Ailith's Ted (869530) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ailith's Dougal (869531) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ailith's Jack (869529) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 1 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 89 to 214; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 214 to 339; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 2 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 210 to 335; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 335 to 460; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 3 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 89 to 214; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 214 to 339; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 4 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 5 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 6 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 14400 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 14400 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 14400 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 2 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 406) and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Jack (869529) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1454 vitality
    - Ted (869530) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1587 vitality
    - Dougal (869531) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1454 vitality
    - The Grand Oak (869848) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 10541 vitality
    - Derwen Deg (869849) receives 1 damage (luck: cancel effect)
 and remains with 10416 vitality
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 10316 vitality
Ailith's Cherry Blossom (869856) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Jack (869529) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 339 to 464; ) 
 and remains with 1454 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Ted (869530) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 460 to 585; ) 
 and remains with 1587 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Dougal (869531) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 339 to 464; ) 
 and remains with 1454 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - The Grand Oak (869848) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
 and remains with 10541 vitality
Ailith's Derwen Deg (869849) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - The Grand Oak (869848) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
 and remains with 10541 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
 and remains with 9816 vitality
Ailith's The Grand Oak (869848) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Jack (869529) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 464 to 589; ) 
 and remains with 1454 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Ted (869530) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 585 to 710; ) 
 and remains with 1587 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Dougal (869531) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 464 to 589; ) 
 and remains with 1454 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Derwen Deg (869849) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
 and remains with 10166 vitality
Ailith's Ted (869530) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ailith's Dougal (869531) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ailith's Jack (869529) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 1 : 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 214 to 339; ) 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 339 to 464; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 464 to 589; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 2 : 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 335 to 460; ) 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 460 to 585; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 585 to 710; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 3 : 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 214 to 339; ) 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 339 to 464; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 464 to 589; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 4 : 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 5 : 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 6 : 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
regenerate (round:1 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 14400 vitality
regenerate (round:0 regenerate: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:1 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 14400 vitality
regenerate (round:0 regenerate: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:1 regenerate: 2271) and remains with 14400 vitality
regenerate (round:0 regenerate: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 2 : 
regenerate (round:1 regenerate: 406) and remains with 2000 vitality
regenerate (round:0 regenerate: effect ended)
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 14400 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Jack (869529) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1453 vitality
    - Ted (869530) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1586 vitality
    - Dougal (869531) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 1453 vitality
    - The Grand Oak (869848) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 10040 vitality
    - Derwen Deg (869849) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 10165 vitality
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 9815 vitality
Ailith's Cherry Blossom (869856) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Dougal (869531) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 589 to 714; ) 
 and remains with 1453 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Derwen Deg (869849) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 480 to 605; ) 
 and remains with 12198 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) is protected by Cherry Blossom (869856) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 480 to 605; ) 
 and remains with 11403 vitality
Ailith's Derwen Deg (869849) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Jack (869529) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 589 to 714; ) 
 and remains with 1453 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Ted (869530) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 710 to 835; ) 
 and remains with 1586 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Dougal (869531) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 714 to 839; ) 
 and remains with 1453 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Derwen Deg (869849) is protected by Derwen Deg (869849) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 605 to 730; ) 
 and remains with 14137 vitality
Ailith's The Grand Oak (869848) does  protect to multirandom creature(s) of Ailith and:
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Ted (869530) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 835 to 960; ) 
 and remains with 1586 vitality
    - Protection effect: 125
    - Cherry Blossom (869856) is protected by The Grand Oak (869848) with  defence, maintaining protection
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 605 to 730; ) 
 and remains with 13683 vitality
Ailith's Ted (869530) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ailith's Dougal (869531) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ailith's Jack (869529) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "3" ######
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 1 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 339 to 464; ) 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 464 to 589; ) 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 589 to 714; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 2 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 585 to 710; ) 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 710 to 835; ) 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 835 to 960; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 3 : 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 464 to 589; ) 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 589 to 714; ) 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 714 to 839; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 4 : 
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 105 to 230; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
protect (round:1 protect: defence=125|from 230 to 355; ) 
protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 5 : 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 480 to 605; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 605 to 730; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ailith, slot 6 : 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 355 to 480; ) 
protect (round:3 protect: defence=125|from 480 to 605; ) 
protect (round:2 protect: defence=125|from 605 to 730; ) 
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 2 : 
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 93, regen. vitality: 406
    - Maintaining regeneration, Moonarch (867664) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 406) and remains with 2000 vitality
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 18465 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
 ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
 ... Ailith WINS!  -127.23231731145% vs -58.328863084156%
Creature Experience reward for Ailith -  Winning player
Jack (869529) recovers 812 Vitality
Jack (869529) gains -7354 HS and a won battle
Ted (869530) recovers 812 Vitality
Ted (869530) gains -7354 HS and a won battle
Dougal (869531) recovers 812 Vitality
Dougal (869531) gains -7354 HS and a won battle
The Grand Oak (869848) recovers 3950 Vitality
The Grand Oak (869848) gains -7354 HS and a won battle
Derwen Deg (869849) recovers 3950 Vitality
Derwen Deg (869849) gains -7354 HS and a won battle
Cherry Blossom (869856) recovers 3950 Vitality
Cherry Blossom (869856) gains -7354 HS and a won battle
Creature Experience reward for jakubhi -  Losing player
Healing Arbor (861721) recovers 9300 Vitality
Autumn (867068) recovers 9300 Vitality
Spring (867604) recovers 9300 Vitality
Moonarch (867664) recovers 1400 Vitality
No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Loser does not get a lost fight point

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Sorry for the confusion, the one with the single attacking lifestealer is here. The other one is attacking with other creatures but they should not be able to kill my creatures too. 


The export of the single life stealer attack (hopefully correct this time)


Loading Nepgear creatures
Loading jakubhi creatures
COMBO: Adding 6627 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
Applying 2% of Nepgear's energetic influence
Applying 100% of jakubhi's energetic influence
Influences for Nepgear ######
Infernal Elemental (878779): doubleantifreeze, tripleantifreeze
Anti-freeze has no effect
Anti-freeze has no effect
Infernal Elemental (878779) gets unfrozen
Anti-freeze has no effect
Anti-freeze has no effect
Influences for jakubhi ######
Healing Arbor (861721): regenaura
Autumn (867068): regenaura
Spring (867604): regenaura
Moonarch (867664): skillvampire
Applying Nepgear's Creature Tokens at 98%
Infernal Elemental (878779)'s creature tokens []
Applying jakubhi's Creature Tokens at 0%
Healing Arbor (861721)'s creature tokens []
Autumn (867068)'s creature tokens []
Spring (867604)'s creature tokens []
Moonarch (867664)'s creature tokens []
Nepgear's Infernal Elemental (878779) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2632 vitality from Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2632 vitality from Autumn (867068) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2632 vitality from Spring (867604) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 1032 vitality from Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 4128 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 4128 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 4128 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Nepgear and:
    - Infernal Elemental (878779) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 30407 vitality
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Nepgear's Infernal Elemental (878779) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2106 vitality from Autumn (867068) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8422 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2106 vitality from Spring (867604) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8422 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 826 vitality from Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 3302 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 1578
    - Maintaining regeneration, Autumn (867068) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 1578
    - Maintaining regeneration, Spring (867604) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10528 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 3302 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Nepgear and:
    - Infernal Elemental (878779) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 35444 vitality
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Nepgear's Infernal Elemental (878779) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2106 vitality from Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8422 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Autumn (867068) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Spring (867604) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 660 vitality from Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 2642 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Autumn (867068) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Spring (867604) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2642 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 1578
    - Maintaining regeneration, Healing Arbor (861721) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2642 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2642 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Nepgear and:
    - Infernal Elemental (878779) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 42209 vitality
###### START ROUND "3" ######
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Nepgear's Infernal Elemental (878779) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Spring (867604) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 528 vitality from Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 2114 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Spring (867604) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2114 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2114 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2114 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Nepgear and:
    - Infernal Elemental (878779) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 44736 vitality
###### START ROUND "4" ######
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
regenerate (round:1 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
regenerate (round:0 regenerate: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Nepgear's Infernal Elemental (878779) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Autumn (867068) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Spring (867604) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 423 vitality from Moonarch (867664) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 1691 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Healing Arbor (861721) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Autumn (867068) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Spring (867604) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 309
    - Maintaining regeneration, Moonarch (867664) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 309) and remains with 2000 vitality
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Nepgear and:
    - Infernal Elemental (878779) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 51158 vitality
###### START ROUND "5" ######
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 2 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 309) and remains with 2000 vitality
Nepgear's Infernal Elemental (878779) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Healing Arbor (861721) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Spring (867604) and gives it to Infernal Elemental (878779)
 and remains with 8000 vitality
jakubhi's Spring (867604) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Healing Arbor (861721) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Autumn (867068) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 101, regen. vitality: 2000
    - Maintaining regeneration, Spring (867604) will regenerate next 2 rounds  vitality 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 2000) and remains with 10000 vitality
 and remains with 10000 vitality
jakubhi's Healing Arbor (861721) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Spring (867604) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Autumn (867068) does  regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of jakubhi and:
    - Healing Arbor (861721) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 10000 vitality
    - Moonarch (867664) doesn't need any regeneration for now
 and remains with 2000 vitality
jakubhi's Moonarch (867664) does  damage to all creature(s) of Nepgear and:
    - Infernal Elemental (878779) receives 1 damage 
 and remains with 55157 vitality
###### START ROUND "6" ######
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 6 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 4 : 
regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 5 : 
regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 1578) and remains with 10000 vitality
Applying temporary effects for jakubhi, slot 2 : 
regenerate (round:1 regenerate: 309) and remains with 2000 vitality
regenerate (round:0 regenerate: effect ended)
 ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
 ... Nepgear WINS!  -156.78305400372% vs 39.612455197133%
Creature Experience reward for Nepgear -  Winning player
Infernal Elemental (878779) recovers 1360 Vitality
Infernal Elemental (878779) gains -20140 HS and a won battle
Creature Experience reward for jakubhi -  Losing player
Healing Arbor (861721) recovers 10100 Vitality
Autumn (867068) recovers 10100 Vitality
Spring (867604) recovers 10100 Vitality
Moonarch (867664) recovers 1420 Vitality
No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!

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