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The Way of the Dojo:

Calyx of Isis

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Its better to leave the Dojo where it is in Marble Dale Park and The Gates Of Marind Bell. New players start off in Marble Dale Park so it would protect them from sudden and immediate attack when they come out of the story and they would also find themselves in a place where they could learn right away. Also players watching the place can easily go between the traditional fighting center Willow's Shop and them so they can alternate between fighting at Willow's and helping new players at the Dojo. The dojo also needs to be in a neutral place so the nearby gates are the obvious location for that.

I also don't see the point of copying battle logs since your opponents log will be the same as your own.

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Remember that it's easier for the attacker to get the logs. The defender has to let the entire battle go and after that he can see the log. It can be quite frustrating some times. That's why the logs should be shared.

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It would be nice to be able to message people that attacked you. Lots of people are starting hit and runs, that is by the time you realized you were attacked, they are long gone. And since we cannot create PMs ourselves, it just makes sense.

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It would be nice to be able to message people that attacked you. Lots of people are starting hit and runs, that is by the time you realized you were attacked, they are long gone. And since we cannot create PMs ourselves, it just makes sense.

What I and other staff members do in this instance is carefully examine the list of people in black and grey. Almost always the attacker can be found, his/her name clicked on, and a pm sent. There is a bug that names sometimes disappear and sometimes we just don't get the information before it's gone. As the dojo's creator and Mistress I am very persistent about tracking down violators.

I can't see any change happening to the PM system, but there is a program I am writing for Mur that might eventually be able to help. Provided, of course, I can take enough time away from the dojo to actually focus on it. I confess, I've given the dojo the highest priority this past nine days.

By the way, here is the message I usually send to offenders (unless I know otherwise I assume they are without knowledge of the doj0).

We ask that you honor the rules of the Dojo. Marble Dale Park is now a safe zone for the study and practice of rituals. You may fight here, but only by mutual consent as in a real world dojo.

Please see forum topic 2001, The Way of the Dojo. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2001

The Dojo has Mur's backing.

Thank you,


You are free to use this or a similar message.

I am working hard to get some sort of formal recognition of the dojo. I am pressing for an adventure log entry and a sign at each dojo location stating that the location is a dojo and listing our rules. I need to catch Mur or Shoeps at the right moment. Mur is so overworked, but has been and continues to be tremendously supportive of the dojo.

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Please check the initial posts from time to time. I do update them from time to time. There are edits to post #1 and a significant announcement in post #2.

Dojo staffing is being formalized. I am looking for players willing to staff the dojo. This is hardly a full time commitment, but it does require you to visit on a regular basis and PM violators. I don't expect anyone to give up their game to be on staff.

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Figures.. more places for the rare and elusive mp4 race to hide.

Just ask for combat. Seems to me you got a few wins by asking this past night.

Not to tick you off any further, but at the invitation of Lady Neyla Setesh, the Defensive Quarters (outside the shop) in Loreroot is now a dojo. This happened in the past few hours.

Vlad, I appreciate your cooperation as do all who use the dojo. It is my hope that in the end you will find the dojo more of an aid than a hindrance.

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While I actually support the idea of the Dojo (some will disagree due to my actions) it has a major flaw in its enforcement.

The Dojo is effectively an honour system, thus it only works provided that everyone behaves honourably.

In order to prove this point, I entered the Dojo today and began attacking random players. The only reaction to this was whining and complaining. Occaisionaly I was muted but since no one said "You are being muted for doing such and such", I can't actually accept that as punishment. Also it didn't stop me from attacking people.

All I'm saying is that for this Dojo to work, someone must always be there as it's "Master" and the only way to stop random attackers is to beat them down. A person can't attack if they have no alive creatures to attack with.

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Very practical aren't you :D ? Lol how many people did you attack? Well I partially agree with you, some players don't really care about the dojo. I noticed a few people repeatdly attacking player there when no one "powerful" or a "master" is there.

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I attacked about four or five people before the complaints started, after that I didn't actually attack anyone unless they attacked me first.

Also, I've just spoken to Morgana and found out what the consequences will be once the Dojo is fully established (with a sign). I'm quite happy that the enforcement will be severe enough to discourage the breaking of the rules.

On another note, I think there should be seperate places for combat and healing. It just seems silly to mix the two together, and accidents happen because of it.

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Yes it is a full time job keeping the peace, ive personnaly been attacked at least 50 times. ive sent out about 100 Info and warnings.

Most ppeople are very open to the idea once it is Explained to them.

I would like to add a rule to remove any Adept spam (Yes even by SmartAlek), In my opinion the dojo should be a place of honnor and learning, not a place for publicity. I personnaly dont like the idea of the obligation of being an adept to share knowledge.

I would like to send a shout at Elias, Eigger, Ivorytower for all the hours they spend in the Dojo. Also a big thanks to Morrel and SmartAlek for some great Healing and Avenging.


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Before this comes up here...from another post

To quote, and agree with DST...in the way of the dojo post

"During head contest we will consider that place a sanctuary and attack only when the opponent has more then 7 heads. The end."

Players with less than 7 heads should not be considered attackable. Players with more than 7 heads should not consider themselves safe there.

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I need help As some of you already know I have had a reoccurrence of a very nasty leg infection. For at least a week or so I will be be online only a few 30 to 45 minute periods a day as I cannot sit at my computer for any longer than that. I would appreciate dojo staff and others filling the gap created by my absence. Thank you!

Does it have to be called a dojo, everytime i read the name it makes me cringe, as it does not seem to me (my opinion only) to fit in a fantasy game.

No, it does not have to be "dojo," so make a suggestion. I deliberately chose this name because what I am creating is modeled after real world dojo's and it is something that a majority of players already understand.

At a well run dojo, the ultimate object is self mastery. Part of that is self respect, self restraint, self respect, respect of others and cooperation with them. Of course to maintain all of that one must be able to defend one's self as well as "innocents" and ideals.

As a practical thing, what urged me to create the dojo was the impracticality of healing rituals and setting rituals in a jungle. It can and has been done, but this game cries out for far greater player cooperation than was evident at the time I was dreaming of an MD dojo.

Before this comes up here...from another post

To quote, and agree with DST...in the way of the dojo post

"During head contest we will consider that place a sanctuary and attack only when the opponent has more then 7 heads. The end."

Players with less than 7 heads should not be considered attackable. Players with more than 7 heads should not consider themselves safe there.

Basically this is saying that the same rules should apply in dojo as in the sanctuaries. I recall DST's post and thank you for bringing it forward.

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The poll has been closed. It provided guidance I needed. I thank all those who participated, you are deeply appreciated.

Once again I have been editing this topic's lead posts. Please see post #1<{POST_SNAPBACK}> for current staffing, post #2<{POST_SNAPBACK}> for announcements, and post #3<{POST_SNAPBACK}> for dojo rules.

I have updated the rules to account for heads contest. This is the same as in sanctuary. Six (6) heads or less and you should be safe and have a right to complain. Seven (7) or more and there is no safety. The is no way we could defend any other option.

I've also included a bit about idel players. Don't attack unless staff knows it's ok.

We are very close to an adventure log entry. Mur is just waiting for me to write and send it to him. I will dig out my prior version of the announcement and send it to him.

6:47 AM 30 August California: I have emailed the first of two adventure log entries to Mur. Assuming his spam filter does not reject it, we will have an adventure log entry! The second entry will tel of dojo's invitation to Loreroot.

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Just Letting you Know Calyx ill be stuck in story mode for a few days i just got to mp4 so I cant patrol dojo for a while and any definite word on when the staff will be awarded titles:)

No. I submitted the list again yesterday when I emailed the adventure log entry. Now I am wondering if Mur received it.

Thanks for the notice, crowns

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Just to know, how should we report violations to the staff? Via PM or via forum post? I have a long list :-)

My goal is to have some staff member present at dojo at all times, but then I am a dreamer.

Please post names of offenders immediately in the chat in game. If there are persistent offenders, these should be PM'ed here or in game. The sooner we get names the faster we can respond. After 12 hours gets very hard to track players down as there is no longer a trace on the game page.

The names of dojo staff can be found in the first post of this thread<{POST_SNAPBACK}>.

Please note, there will always be a certain number of MP3 offenders as they are born into the dojo. There may be office changes to the rules of the game. To account for the dojo. Don't count on this, but it is something Ren suggested I look into.

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@TreeHill The size 7 type was totally inappropriate. We are not blind. I may have to have a moderator remove your message. I will try to find and talk to Night Queen.

For anyone but the staff leadership (myself and my apprentices) is not appropriate. We need to hear both sides of the story and evaluate them before names are posted. So far almost all problems have been successfully dealt with using diplomacy alone. It seems I am going to have to create and pin a list of forum rules.

I don't doubt that something happened. However, I cannot play either of your attachments. If you want to present copies of PMs and the chat, we will take appropriate steps. These will include determining if Night Queen knew the rules about idle pays.

The rule is: Idle players may be attacked only if they have left word they may be attacked. If in doubt, do not attack.

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@TreeHill The size 7 type was totally inappropriate. We are not blind. I may have to have a moderator remove your message. I will try to find and talk to Night Queen.

For anyone but the staff leadership (myself and my apprentices) is not appropriate. We need to hear both sides of the story and evaluate them before names are posted. So far almost all problems have been successfully dealt with using diplomacy alone. It seems I am going to have to create and pin a list of forum rules.

I don't doubt that something happened. However, I cannot play either of your attachments. If you want to present copies of PMs and the chat, we will take appropriate steps. These will include determining if Night Queen knew the rules about idle pays.

The rule is: Idle players may be attacked only if they have left word they may be attacked. If in doubt, do not attack.

Oh nono nononono,sory for cofunsing you the iddle thingy was me,elias just enlight me with this no problems over the iddles anymore,and the size yes i overreacted and i knew it would be probably wrong putting her name here but i was soo pissed of she attacked me 4 times in a row,if i only knew how to copy the message and the battle log.....well but you can at least ask elias i will try to cop the archives i made...

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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry i cant find the special list of repeat offenders!!
so i'll put them here for the time :D

the following attacked me without concent and were warned:
Ice Wolf
[edit]: rautagd

the following attacked me without concent and were warned and have attacked again:

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to prevent further confusion about attacking idle players:

as elias posted in the dojo multiple times today, attacking idle players is allowed only if the players have left a note in their papers/personal log stating that they may be attacked.

if you want to farm loses/ assist others by allowing them to attack you, please write it in your log by clicking the "L" button in your papers.

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