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Halloween decoration explorer

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Find all of the new Halloween decorations around the realm, and then write (as a reply to this post) the number you have found.

After the event ends, the top three people will be required to send me screenshots of all the decorations they found:P

The decorations in hidden scenes which are not open to public do NOT count.

Example of a halloween decoration would be the web at GoE.

Please, if you are not sure if something counts as the decoration, send me a screenshot of it, and I will judge if it counts as one or not.

If two or more people send the same number of discovered decorations, the one who sent the number first has a higher ranking.

The event ends 6.11

Rewards for top 3 (each person may choose one, winner chooses first):

- 15th Anniversary Barren Soul (colored) (current age: 928)

- Mirrorritual stone

- 10 silver

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This post is for clarification and current ranking, I will be updating it from time to time:)



(added 31.10):

- The decorations inside Necro WON'T count. If the decoration has something to do with Necro but it is not INSIDE the Necro, the decoration counts (*cough* before the gate *cough*)

- Each individual pumpkin (no matter if it has a smile or not) counts as a decoration. Say no to pumpkin discrimination! 


Current ranking (2.11):

1) Invie - 97

2) Ivorak - 95

3) death ray - 53


PLEASE, if you edit your count, dont delete the old count but just cross it like ---this---

For example, if you previously posted 45, and now want to write 50, the post would be:





Thank you

Edited by jakubhi
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Just a reminder, some decorations may disappear on 6.11. The last day of Halloween decorations explorer quest is mostly for you to sort out your findings and ask any last minute questions !:)

After the 6.11, I will take a few days to go through your screenshots (and weed out any non-halloween decorations:P ) and announce the final results and winners.

PLEASE, do not forget to somehow point out the decorations you found inside the screenshots, this can be done with some red circles/arrows or just a simple text notes under the screenshot. 

PS: I will give everyone feedback on their screenshots

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24 minutes ago, jakubhi said:

PLEASE, do not forget to somehow point out the decorations you found inside the screenshots, this can be done with some red circles/arrows or just a simple text notes under the screenshot. 

Oops.. I was taking screenshots of the decorations per the initial instructions, but this makes me think I should have been taking screenshots of the entire scene and annotating them?

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4 minutes ago, Ivorak said:

Oops.. I was taking screenshots of the decorations per the initial instructions, but this makes me think I should have been taking screenshots of the entire scene and annotating them?

You do not have to take screenshots of the entire scene if you don't want to, a screenshot of a decoration itself is good too:) Just don't zoom in too much so I can tell the difference between the decorations.

Sorry for the confusion, both ways are good !

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7 hours ago, jakubhi said:

@. deathray

You can still edit the photos on the phone to draw the circles OR if the picture is too small, just add a text note with the photo saying which decorations are in the scene. 

Or, is the problem something else? 

I have a chromebook that has very minamal storage, i was just informing you that i used my cell phone to take a picture. all is well that you wil aceept that format.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The results:

1th place - Invie - 99 points, Congratulations !

2th place - Else - 98 points, a very close second place, the difference was with a very well hidden web near LR backdoor !

3th place - Ivorak - 96 points, very close too !

4th place - death ray - 87 points, a respectable score! 


Yet again, thank you for participating. 

Please, choose your rewards (as a reply to this post) in the order : Invie, Else, Ivorak.

And if I understood Fyrd correctly, it seems like death ray is getting probably the most prized reward. I honestly feel that I should add something to the top three rewards:D


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