Liberty4life Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 Everyone here it is, the place to post your list of repeated aggressors in dojo that you found out. Calyx asked me to post it in the forum. I had a bigger list but one part I misplaced, second part is pm-ed to meru chi, and third part is here. I hope that other part of list will be added here as well so that dojo guards (like myself) can hunt them down. Also please dont spam in this topic, just post names, ty. What it means "repeated aggressor"? Repeated aggressor is a player who breaks dojo rule about attacking without getting permission for attack from that player/s first and he keeps doing that even after he gets pm-ed with warning. NOTE: if someone keeps attacking you while you are idle in dojo, then you are not allowed to report him since attacking idle ppl in dojo is allowed To who you should report this players? You could report them to any dojo staff or post it here in this topic. What all info are need to be submitted? You only submit players name and mp level, you are allowed to do that only if that player keeps disrespecting rules of dojo after given warning. When you post your list in this topic i will edit this first post from time to time and add this names into this first post. ~The List: ~MP3: Vinzenzo IkkoMachina Ice Wolf BoneShaman Pansel rautagd HeartlessArchangel Nathan Rahl KebRyu Babylon Daiablo Deepdark dadacooldada Tempesthawk Daegan lordknuckles ~MP4: SubZeroo smile2me Spyke iwlampid arabuthewarrior funkym0nkee darlec77 Zikbir jethro78 petrica Smileysal kelster foufouli86 strategic mortier night queen Syerthrix Genspy Hansvon Sir Exict darklordassasin Avionics wsxdr moepheus Dream Knight Legendary Apprentice Geiri666 AbysmalOdin jun10121 Dark Knight Jun Nolte johnstar toink1243 Belmatt81 Angelgrave Supercas eigger darrydabby kakashi00 lulwave ~MP5: Jesus Faction STF ~Thanks to everyone who helps getting us informed about aggressors, especially Ilias. Kyphis the Bard, Observer, Clock Master and 1 other 2 2
XinHun Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 ~MP4 -Syerthrix -Genspy -Hansvon -Sir Exict
Liberty4life Posted September 15, 2008 Author Report Posted September 15, 2008 [quote name='XinHun' post='16678' date='Sep 14 2008, 08:32 PM']~MP4 -Syerthrix -Genspy -Hansvon -Sir Exict[/quote] ty, updated keep up with posting Observer, Kyphis the Bard, Clock Master and 1 other 2 2
Blaze777 Posted September 24, 2008 Report Posted September 24, 2008 MP4: wsxdr moepheus Dream Knight Legendary Apprentice all of these people have attacked me and others multiple times after warning
Liberty4life Posted September 24, 2008 Author Report Posted September 24, 2008 [quote name='Blaze777' post='17271' date='Sep 24 2008, 11:49 PM']MP4: wsxdr moepheus Dream Knight Legendary Apprentice[/quote] ty, updated again Kyphis the Bard, Handy Pockets, Observer and 1 other 2 2
Granos Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 Once on the list is there any way for them to get off for outstanding behavior.. (not that I plan on breaking the dojo rules)
dst Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 Hmmm...It's like this:when you put a nail in a wooden board and you remove it you still have the hole. If you understand what I mean.
Granos Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 Got it, so no matter what if you mess with the [s]mafia[/s] Dojo, your pretty much screwed...
dst Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 No. You're not screwed forever but you'll have a...let's call it "black mark" on your record.
Burns Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 what exactly is the point of that list anyway? "the dojo guards will hunt you"...meaning what? that you have to set more def rits? it's not like there are people with extraordinary powers hopping around the world, checking the list and bewitching ppl who are on it with spells that make them unable to attack or stealing all their ve whenever they see them... If you mess with certain people from the dojo, you can either talk it out or take their wrath, that's your choice, but no matter whether you are on that list or not, you can find people who will exchange wins or grant you easy xp in dojo and outside dojo. and as long as you don't loose anything for being on that list, like the ability to chat within the dojo or the ability to see the playerlist in the dojo, there's no point in "getting off the list", is there? lateron, there might be more severe punishments (the two i just wrote might be nice^^) and ways to get off the list again once you are on it, but for the time being, it's just a collection of users who obviously don't use the dojo and who might get attacked inside and who will most likely get loads of pm they will delete before reading them :lol: don't get me wrong, i think that punishing violators in some way is important to keep the dojo running, but i don't see the ways for it atm...
dst Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 Let me put it this way:there are some punishment methods that really hurt. I know a few but since I cannot attack mp4s or mp3s I cannot use them. But...I have the list and in the moment they come to mp5...they will get what they deserve (according of course to the gravity of their actions). And believe me that I can hurt anyone really bad. I can make you unable to buy anything or to upgrade any creatures. I don't know if someone likes that. Clearer now?
Liberty4life Posted September 25, 2008 Author Report Posted September 25, 2008 wow dst, thats really powerful and btw burns all what you mentioned like being unable to attack will soon became reality, and the list will have much bigger meaning, and on other hand when that happens, there would not be required anymore to hunt down this aggressors, also if you wish to get out of list you need to prove yourself to dojo staff Handy Pockets, Clock Master, Kyphis the Bard and 1 other 2 2
Nadroj 1234 Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 MP 4-Geiri666 4th atack already,he keeps ignoring sent messages also atacked other players in the dojo multiple times
Liberty4life Posted September 25, 2008 Author Report Posted September 25, 2008 *update* ~new aggressor added to list ~added new NOTE: if someone keeps attacking you while you are idle in dojo, then you are not allowed to report him since attacking idle ppl in dojo is allowed Observer, Kyphis the Bard, Clock Master and 1 other 2 2
Burns Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 ok, now that's a way of punishment i can figure out, i don't want to go into the details of it (spoiler) but i know what ppl like dst can do to users, even without using spells :lol: i hope that message goes out to all those mp4s that continously violate the dojos rules... and i'm really looking forward to those punishments liberty is talking about, it makes life at dojo much more fun when the complaints "xxx attacked me again, do something" stop
Suuljin Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 good, so there is an official list now... i have some names that weren't mentioned yet: [note: since it is older than this thread it might be inaccurate regarding the mp level. i also think that most of them have learned to accept the dojo rules now, but in case they dont - here it is] mp3: Vinzenzo mp4: AbysmalOdin jun10121 / Dark Knight Jun Nolte johnstar
Liberty4life Posted September 25, 2008 Author Report Posted September 25, 2008 ~updated yep suuljin, first 2 mp4s you metioned they never did accepted dojo rules, they were in first part of list that i lost or sent it to dojo staff and tarq i cant believe that there are mp5 players not respecting dojo Clock Master, Kyphis the Bard, Handy Pockets and 1 other 2 2
Tarquinus Posted September 25, 2008 Report Posted September 25, 2008 There is more than one. That's the only one I can think of at the moment, and he is flagrant.
Tarquinus Posted October 1, 2008 Report Posted October 1, 2008 MP3: IkkoMachina Ice Wolf BoneShaman Pansel MP5: *ugauga* [color="#0000FF"]Edit: it occurs to me that *ugauga* may have attacked me as part of the heads contest, in which case s/he broke no dojo rules.[/color]
660ccDOHC Posted October 1, 2008 Report Posted October 1, 2008 the following attacked me without concent and were warned: MP3 IkkoMachina MP3 Ice Wolf MP3 BoneShaman the following attacked me without concent and were warned and have attacked again: MP3 pansel (also continually attacked others)
Root Admin Chewett Posted October 1, 2008 Root Admin Report Posted October 1, 2008 (edited) [Redacted] Edited December 18, 2012 by Chewett Redacted
660ccDOHC Posted October 1, 2008 Report Posted October 1, 2008 more offenders, all of which advised about the dojo ~MP3 rautagd HeartlessArchangel Nathan Rahl KebRyu Babylon Daiablo [edit] added KebRyu [edit2] added Babylon & Daiablo
Liberty4life Posted October 2, 2008 Author Report Posted October 2, 2008 ~update Clock Master, Kyphis the Bard, Observer and 1 other 2 2
660ccDOHC Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 ~MP3 Warned: dadacooldada Conscript Insanerdude darkmuzik69 ocsarrus darkmage gwydion WoodyBen [edit] added: Conscript, Insanerdude [edit2] added: darkmuzik69, ocsarrus, darkmage gwydion, WoodyBen
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