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Investigating possible clues of shades holding the second cube

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

The first cube was an experiment done by 3 wizards trying to create a golem. They forged a cube out of 4 elements but it become unstable and the result is now visible in what is known as Golemus Golemicarum Island. Rumors about a second cube emerged when Junior started a secret mission given by Knator Commander and more people started to hear about this second cube and search for it. We do not know yet much about the cube or what it can do, but closest info that we have is that Knaty was supposed to escort the Book of Principles to Golemus but what he escorted was this big stone cube, probably a shield for the book, or more. Share ideeas about possible clues that could indicate if the shades hold the second cube. Research the archives and the adventure log to see if at some point there is any evidence that could indicate any abnormality or other influnences of such power. The shades could be unaware of the cube location or they could simply don't know how to use it, there is little info comming from the shades and the Shade Sentinel is nowere to be found.

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Page 145 [2008-07-30 03:19:04 - The Shade Ballance - Sh.]
Somewhere deep inside Necrovion a dark cloud swarms around a [u][b]glowing stone[/b][/u]. The Shade Santinel steps forward ... "I need 6 more...". She crumbles a piece of paper and throws it towards the stone. The paper instantly burns out and a drop of darkness falls to the ground. The shade departs.

Page 149 [2008-08-01 02:52:31 - The Shade Ballance - Sh.]
Deep inside necrovion, the shade continues its secret mission. The shade sentinel holds a golden cup filled with a orange glowing liquid. "light to darkness darkness into light, make my thoughts all come unite". The glowing liquid turns into a dark shiny substance. The shade continues its misterious ritual.

[spoiler]If you ask me that sounds like the spell Black Water, the papers burning could indicate it is that SpellDoc...And the glowing cube is helping in creating it.[/spoiler]

Perhaps the cube is the one we think of?

Page 182 [2008-08-24 15:54:14 - The Shade Ballance - Sh.]
"The thoughts are complete, the process can begin". The Shade turns away from the floating stone, the last piece of paper was consumed. "Khal, is it true that Lorerootians allready aquired the secret documents? HOW COULD YOU ALLOW THAT! ... ah, nevermind ..gather the humans."

Another mention of the cube. [spoiler]And perhaps the papers needed for the Spell have been gathered. Happens to fit in the time with the Docs given out.[/spoiler]

That's one theory of mine. The other is not proven yet, and it may be something entirely different.

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oh shadowseeker you was faster than me i was just going to post something similar

[spoiler]glowing stone is in inner necro, east of deathmarrow and south of tunnel of war and north of caves of torment, [/spoiler]junior should go there

also i found this al page interesting as well

Page 172 [2008-08-19 04:10:47 - The Shade Ballance - Alc. Sh.]
A figure gathers from darkness and its mind connects to the other shades in the realm. "Master, a human used the Kelle'tha pyramid..". "I know, but i dont think he is a human anymore. We might need him, if not on our side then at least to keep him away from helping our enemies...at least the Book is still there, locked by the very beeings that forgot how their own lock works... i think humans call that ..humor".

also if you think that paper is black water spell, then you are not right, since black water has 9 docs, and actually in al at top of mount kelehtas there are 7 pyramids on ground, and 6 papers were found by akasha and alche, and shade sentinel got this 7th, i am not sure what are this papers about, at least not yet.....

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Interesting that you know where it is, Lib.

[spoiler]What interests me is what happened with the spell, and whether Marind Bell may contain another cube. The one KC transported or another part? Hmm.[/spoiler]

I saw that storyline as well, but it seems the Shades itself do not know how to open it, especially as they cannot cross over to GG.

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I have not reread the AL. so i post this from memory...I know there is more than one cube... when Khalazdad the Black Merged with Khalazdad the White at the House of liquid Dust there was a cube there held by SageWoman in this Cube the merge had to take place for Khalazdad to become the Grey. I believe this cube to be made of diamond. I have heard Khalazdad speak of a Gold Cube. this Gold Cube may hold a soul and Khalazdad spoke about this Gold Cube to be lost in Loreroot, but was unsure. I know where this diamond cube is and it is safe.. The Gold may hold the soul of Marind Bell since we all have a cube given to us in the story a little wooden box.... a wooden cube! i believe the shades have the cube but do not know how to use it...

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perhaps i ate it? i have eaten a lot of shiny things..... i think i ate a cube at one point.... not sure if it was my'n or this fabled one..... maybe it was at teh gizzebo of caos.... in which case i am sure i ate it....... now to figure out how to get things out of my void....... as you can tell i have recently started to talk to myself...... mur to the letters that are in many places have anything to do with it?

i can message the shade sentinal....... would that help if he acutally responded?

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  • Root Admin

(random letter that appeared recently have nothing to do wth this, they are part of an upcomming quest related to pillars of harmony and night story. guessing things based on urls to the scenes or things not visible in the game yet wont help you either, you dont think i didnt imagine you would do that do you..)

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well since anything I could think of has already been say I can't really add much, though where the cube is it is mostly hidden in a deep place only few or none can find it, ether that or it is under everyone's noses which is why it can not be found, no body ever looks under their own nose it a nature blindspot, but this is only my reasoning and my reasoning is sometimes flawed, and on the Meeting the Shades, Khalazdad's Mission topic there is a small part about when khalazdad and a few others were being pulled into necrovion of being change into glowing shade like creatures and the same is in the Story of the Knator Commander in Yami no Sakura's Legend Collection,when the shades near the cube, I of couse have no idea what this means but you all are smarter then me, so you should be able to reason it out better and no body has bought it up again yet so any thoughts

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mur you haven't completed the letters for all of golumus and all of the road of battles and the paper cabin? or are all those places supposed to have the same letters..... i already have all the other locations (that aren't in MDA or where i can't get to them EX. inner necro, Champions Challenge, and the islands, and currently anywhere farter up the mountain in golumus than cannon's crossing (mp2 movement limit)) wonder why only a few locations acutally have visable letters but every location ,except those mentioned in the very first sentance of this message, have code letters in the coding? (these are what i have mapped, but i won't share that map just yet:)

wait if loreroot is the opposite of necrovian, wouldn't golumus be the opposite of Marind Bell? in other words the second cube is Marind Bell, just as the first one was Golumus.

i already know that the code letters are Vars....... that is how i made my map.... i haven't mapped MDA as i have no map to map with....

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I agree with the theory papers, although instead of the papers being documents, I think each paper is a page of the Book of Principles.

Shade Sentinel mentions (it has already been posted above) that he needs 6 more papers... the 6 papers that Akasha took from the pyramids? Perhaps the second cube protected the Book of Principles, and is not in one piece, but in many pyramids and pages, and the Shades have part of the cube and are trying to put the rest together. A cube can be cut into many different pieces...

Anyways, I believe that the cube needs the pages of the Book of Principles and ALL pieces of the cube (one of which Knator Commander had) to be used effectively.


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Liberty, I don't see where Alce found the 6 papers, and I've read from the time he talked to Akasha to where he entered the Pyramid and became a flame and beyond at least three times.

Also, what is your evidence for Shade Sentinel finding the 7th document?

I myself believe that there are only 6 pages and 6 pieces, and that perhaps each page is a principle and each page is a principle. Also, perhaps the Shades were creating one of the pieces when they were throwing pieces into the piece? Perhaps they created one of the 6 principle pieces by using a spell that relies heavily or solely on one principle?

The last bit is speculation.


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yea 6 papers and 10 principals, lol, whats with 4 more principals? and al page 145 says there are 7 also there are 7 pyramids on ground of mount kelethas, wot ya never been there? too bad

and you readed it very badly look here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1794"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1794[/url]

i will copy it here for you, its in top of first post

Ok, so, im at the top of the mountain, its been a looong journey.
Now i see the same Akasha saw, 7 pyramids and one floating high above a fire.
Each pyramid has a shrine inside.
The pieces of paper Akasha took are there, blank...very strange.

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Actually, I have been there (Illusions Test), and I have seen all 7 pyramids.

And in page 145... it's open to interpretation. Either he tells "her" he needs 6 more and she throws in ONE of the 6, meaning he needs 5 more, or he needs 6 more BESIDES the one she just threw in. But he asks for 6 more before she throws the one in, so I lean more towards the first interpretation.

I was reading the AL, not forums. Also, it's strange that he never took the pieces of paper. It's very likely they were the same 6 pages, and if Alce had taken them... well, speculation, but Akasha might have lost hers.


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thats all weak unsupported assumptions, dont you think so?

well akasha didnt lost her papers, she would freak out if she did :P and thats the weak interpretation as well, since he holds one paper and he says he needs 6 more, he already has one, and he needs six more, i dont understand whats in here so hard to understand

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Shade Sentinel is a she, I was reading the AL wrong. I assumed that Shade Sentinel was telling someone (a her), while really the only person in that scene was Shade Sentinel. Based on that, I'd like to say that what she threw into the fire was a piece of paper, but she does not specify what 6 things she needs more. Most likely she needs papers and pieces.


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This is just speculation mind you but has anyone considered that Akasha turned into the Shade Sentinel after she left Golemus Golemicarium since no one has ever heard from her since. After all they are both female, Akasha became more 'dark' after making her own version of the Book from the 6 pages and the Shade Sentinel somehow got the page to throw into the fire.

As for the pyramids I believe there are 9 in total, 7 on land and the 2 floating ones. If each pyramid corresponds to a principle then the 10th is probably invisible or hidden somewhere.

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