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Orange Map Loca Blobs


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This isn't particularly urgent, but when Mur is putting the map location blobs in for Archives maybe he can sort these as well.

No orange map location blobs appear at;

Champions Challenge, = 1_-1x4_1
Marinds Marble Stairs, = 1_-1x2_1
Marinds Roundabout, = 1_-1x3_1
Wasps Totem, = 1_-2x4_1
Fenths Wielder = 1_3x2_1

As a secondary note, the location blob for Grassy Roads (1_-5x3_1) appears where Wasps Totem (1_-2x4_1) is, so that should get moved as well :D

There also seems to be an orange blob very top left corner of the map, like where the scroll on the edge of the map is, no idea where it relates to.

dst looked around Necro and says it's fine.

EDIT: Probably should've mentioned, i'm referring to the ones on the map when you open it up in game
EDIT 2: Updated

Edited by Grido
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cool, thanks, will scout around anyway for the map thing i wanted them for

i'll edit this into the first post, but there also seems to be an orange blob very top left corner of the map, like where the scroll on the edge of the map is, no idea where it relates to

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when i am in Marind's Marble Stairs (1_-1x2_1 ) and i open my map, the glowing orange indicator, which represents me, is outside the map and not exactly where it is suppose to be. it is placed at the upper-left edge of my map. please check if the same happens to yours.

thank you.

[i](actually i reported to an an LHO before, and told me to check it again if it still happens, but i forgot to check it again because me busy in other things. i checked it now and it (the orange player indicator) is still not in place)[/i]

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And I actually reported this about 2 years ago.

I'll link if i find it, pretty sure it's under orange blob thing or something

EDIT: Found; [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4743-orange-map-loca-blobs/"]http://magicduel.inv...map-loca-blobs/[/url]
Add-on: Damn I'm good, almost exactly 2 years ago, off by 3 days :P

LE: btw, this is almost certainly forgotten about by Mur, was just saying I said about it before

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