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Abuse Of Silence Spell


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Grido still has administrative spells,this is also the reason why he kept his dots

he's still got ban-spells and such at hand, better not tempt him ;)

LOL, interesting coincidence^^
I really thought your dots were meant to be still there XD

Edited by Burns
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[quote name='teufelhunden' date='17 October 2009 - 09:12 AM' timestamp='1255763531' post='44902']
Now that there are no RPC's, who is enforcing this??

It is Not because there are no RPC anymore, that you can go running Wild.
This is not something that should be 'enforced'

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Douche named "Death Ray" used the spell on me 3 times, he tried to hide it but failed.

I also used the spell on him because of excessive "Mur" typing, filling the chat box with Mur's name...

Edited by Grido
removing image, refer to bottom of next post
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Providing a screen shot which shows the silence but not the reason....

Besides, since i've pulled chat now; you got silenced for insulting them, and also calling them "pathetic". They only cast it once.

Trying to get your own back for initially silencing back, and then trying to get some punishment on them does no good for you.

The punishments are for those that misuse it, there is no misuse there. Except posibly by you actually, but i'll leave that.

In future, say things as they are, not a perspective you want, the excessive Mur typing conists of a single line in chat;
[14/11/09 05:29] [b]Death Ray:[/b]Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color] Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color] Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color] Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color] Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color] Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color] Mur [color="#990000"]Mur[/color]
The words being seperated, do not break chat, so there is little issue with it, certainly not warranting a silence.

The screenshot has been removed from your post because it displays how to cast it, but i have the full chat log if anyone wants to see it.

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eh, you're forcing me to open the doc with the log in it...and if you're smiling, you've completly misjudged the attitude i have with this.

and no, you werent just talking about the rules of SG.

[14/11/09 05:01] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]nah im one of his friends in MD i might be close to him through MD but ive never meet him
[14/11/09 05:01] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Yeah you haven\'t paid him for that account
[14/11/09 05:01] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]i paid him for it
[14/11/09 05:01] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Fraud
[14/11/09 05:01] [b]nadrolski:[/b]oh?
[14/11/09 05:04] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]nahg
[14/11/09 05:04] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]and plsu what our deal was is none of your buisness
[14/11/09 05:05] [b]Death Ray:[/b]haha! you just got old!
[14/11/09 05:05] [b]Death Ray:[/b]IN UR FACE
[14/11/09 05:05] [b]nadrolski:[/b]pacman or cotto?
[14/11/09 05:05] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]See, eigger is a good person, and I admire him for that, but to make a deal with a douche like you... Well I can\'t say...
[14/11/09 05:05] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]me and eigger/leixer are friends
[14/11/09 05:06] [b]Death Ray:[/b]nasty
[14/11/09 05:06] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]and a douche wtf you using that for?
[14/11/09 05:06] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]And he\'s my brother
[14/11/09 05:07] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]haha he isnt your brother
[14/11/09 05:08] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Not biologically though, but in other sense.
[14/11/09 05:08] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]mmhhmm
[14/11/09 05:08] [b]Death Ray:[/b]trying to lie!
[14/11/09 05:16] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Dojo is dead... There are no rules anymore
[14/11/09 05:17] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]im not gonna attack anyone that hasnt attacked me inless i gave permission
[14/11/09 05:17] [b]Death Ray:[/b]YAY! the Queen is here! [color="#305681"]*[/color][color="#305681"][i]bows so low he hits his head on a rock[/i][/color][color="#305681"]*[/color]
[14/11/09 05:17] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]and um dumbass riddle why do tou think that shadow is the leader and owner of the new SG
[14/11/09 05:17] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]?
[14/11/09 05:18] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Don\'t talk to me fraud...
[14/11/09 05:18] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]fraud wth is the fraud?
[14/11/09 05:18] [b]redphoenix:[/b]dojo is never dead....besides it just got a makeover and this is still the sparring grounds
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]redphoenix:[/b]and the sparring grounds have rules
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]For me it is, good as dead.
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]yup aka SG
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]Death Ray:[/b]SHOUTS: I love the queen!!!!!!!!
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]yes the sparring grounds have rtules
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Rules?
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Adam Riddle laughs[/i][/color]
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]you probly love the queen cuz shes naked
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]redphoenix:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[/color][color="#305681"][i]points to signboard[/i][/color][color="#305681"]*[/color] read it ...
[14/11/09 05:19] [b]Death Ray:[/b]yup!
[14/11/09 05:20] [b]Death Ray:[/b]WAIT!
[14/11/09 05:20] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Where is it? Do you obey? Does it have some punishment?
[14/11/09 05:20] [b]Death Ray:[/b]no!
[14/11/09 05:20] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]ahh haa i knew it
[14/11/09 05:20] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]yeah it does you get banned riddle
[14/11/09 05:20] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]I\'ve read it, doesn\'t make any sense...
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]redphoenix:[/b]it doesn\'t make sense when you don\'t try to understand it....
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]your face doesnt
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]I understand it
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]The point is
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Death Ray:[/b]i understand the rules
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Where the hell are those mighty staff?
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]redphoenix:[/b]then if you understand it...then follow it... and don\'t violate it
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]And the ridiculous punishments?
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]Jeezz
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]Death Ray:[/b]im a staff member just not over this place
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Adam Riddle laughs[/i][/color]
[14/11/09 05:21] [b]eiggerreggie:[/b]yay DR understands
[14/11/09 05:22] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]I understand it, but I don\'t want to follow it
[14/11/09 05:22] [b]Death Ray:[/b]shut up
[14/11/09 05:22] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]If you understand something doesn\'t mean you\'ll always have to follow it
[14/11/09 05:23] [b]Adam Riddle:[/b]You people are pathetic
[14/11/09 05:23] [b]Death Ray:[/b]youresupose to
[14/11/09 05:23] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Adam Riddle LAUGHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[/i][/color]
[color="purple"]at which point Adam was silenced[/color]

In future, do not waste my time.

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Oh how'd you know I was smiling? Wow you've got some skills... :))
Sure thing I'm talking about eigger and the SG, can't you read? And I'm not spamming, I should not to be silenced, yeah I'm ranting about the SG and others, cussing maybe, but it's not as always to deserve to be silenced.

Don't say that I wasted your time because wasting time is obviously a part of your job, don't blame me for it.

Edited by Chad
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Chad' date='14 November 2009 - 06:50 AM' timestamp='1258181441' post='47402']
Oh how'd you know I was smiling? Wow you've got some skills... :)) Sure thing I'm talking about eigger and the SG, can't you read? And I'm not spamming, I should not to be silenced, yeah I'm ranting about the SG and others, cussing maybe, but it's not as always to deserve to be silenced.Don't say that I wasted your time because wasting time is obviously a part of your job, don't blame me for it.

Mur said the silence spell could be used when it was nesscary, this may have been a little extreme to have used it on you but it is also mainly your fault.

There is no abuse and it will not be punished, This is the end of the matter.

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Okay, I got silenced again at the SG this morning by Teufelhunden, I didn't do anything wrong, you can bring back the log. People loves the silence spell, can't blame 'em, I know they won't be punished, I'm just saying. :))

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[quote]Don't say that I wasted your time because wasting time is obviously a part of your job, don't blame me for it.[/quote]

Wasting time is NOT part of my job, i dont appreciate other people wasting my time. So like i said, DONT DO IT.

Issue is closed.

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  • 1 month later...

want to point out, my ruling is that i'm ignoring, and deleting any screenshots of silencing on the forum

that's not the way to do this

if you want to report abuse, then message me, do not put a fing picture in the gallery!

I'm also less inclined to do anything if you piss me off (like now)

--tired and grouchy Grido

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when? not saying he didnt, just wondering when, cos i wouldve thought i'd remember him saying that

He also said that players can use the tools at their disposal for punishing how they like so long as they can back it up, regardless publicly tearing down someone is a nono

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[quote name='death ray' date='20 December 2009 - 03:55 AM' timestamp='1261277710' post='50658']
didn't mur say there wasn't a punishment for that spell?

Ooooh! DR spotted someone who did something wroong!!
Ooooh! Punish her now!!!
Ooooh! DR found a way to get Attention!!

Stop complaining! And take a look at yourself first!
Or go whining somewhere else

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Actually they should have Curse protection. Ho yeah we can use that Witch Hut North of winds sanctuary. Just get Witch there and Here it goes like this

Spell protection lvl 1= 1 silver = 50 % chance u get protected from magic spell
Spell Protection lvl 2= 2 Silver = 75 % chance u get protected from magic spell
Spell protection lvl 3= 3 silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell
spell protection lvl 4= 4 Silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell + 50 % chance the enemy gets the curse reflected to them.( This means its like a curse hits a mirror and they get affected by the same curse)
hehehe It would be really funny to see some one say " Shut up " and they get their mouth Zipped hehehe.

A) The duration of the spell protection will be valid for full one month.
[img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] The enemy will have no idea weather u have a spell protection or not.
C) Once A fails to curse B due to spell protection they have to wait for another 24 hr to curse B again.

Now Warning !!! Now once u get spell protection the same rules apply to all spells. Now some one want to increase ur attack stats and he does a spell and if u have spell protection then the same rules apply. so if u get lvl 3 spell protection u would have no chance to get benefited by those spell for 1 full month so be careful before u use spell protection.

Finally i want to bring bronze in this game as Silver is very hard to get. I have some idea, if i don't get eggs, tomato's throw at me after this post i might suggest that idea too. Frankly silver is too much for spell protection we need bronze hehehe. Sorry for wasting all ur time hehehe :))

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[quote name='Tipu' date='20 December 2009 - 11:20 PM' timestamp='1261315209' post='50670']
Actually they should have Curse protection. Ho yeah we can use that Witch Hut North of winds sanctuary. Just get Witch there and Here it goes like this

Spell protection lvl 1= 1 silver = 50 % chance u get protected from magic spell
Spell Protection lvl 2= 2 Silver = 75 % chance u get protected from magic spell
Spell protection lvl 3= 3 silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell
spell protection lvl 4= 4 Silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell + 50 % chance the enemy gets the curse reflected to them.( This means its like a curse hits a mirror and they get affected by the same curse)
hehehe It would be really funny to see some one say " Shut up " and they get their mouth Zipped hehehe.

A) The duration of the spell protection will be valid for full one month.
[img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] The enemy will have no idea weather u have a spell protection or not.
C) Once A fails to curse B due to spell protection they have to wait for another 24 hr to curse B again.

Now Warning !!! Now once u get spell protection the same rules apply to all spells. Now some one want to increase ur attack stats and he does a spell and if u have spell protection then the same rules apply. so if u get lvl 3 spell protection u would have no chance to get benefited by those spell for 1 full month so be careful before u use spell protection.

Finally i want to bring bronze in this game as Silver is very hard to get. I have some idea, if i don't get eggs, tomato's throw at me after this post i might suggest that idea too. Frankly silver is too much for spell protection we need bronze hehehe. Sorry for wasting all ur time hehehe :P

Heaps of issues with this idea, most obvious being that people can get spell protection then abuse the spells, because they won't be able to have ban or silence or curse spells cast on them.

This would lead to massive abuse.

The idea is amusing though, and has merit, just not in this application. Consider it again when you have spells, charge people for their casts :P

And Silver is east to get >.>

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