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Md Awards 2009

I am Bored

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[quote name='Observer' date='03 December 2009 - 07:00 AM' timestamp='1259841608' post='49020']
As you can see, they're striped out in grido's post :P aka: They're no longer there.

And "best drunkard" imo still WAY to specific, if it's going trough I want categories like "best jester" "best rit" "most creative rit" "strongest fighter"(yes, very different from best fighter) "best Knight of the Bell" "best clown" "Best seeker of enlightenment" "best CoE" "best observer" (:P)"best archivist" "most helpful GGG trainer" "best king/queen" "worst fighter" "best hider" I'd say, all of those have roughly the same amount of "coverage" slightly less or a lot more.

Uh... wouldn't best Knight of the Bell/CoE/seeker of enlightenment be highly similar to that of best Guardian of Bob? And best Clown would be tailored to one person I think...

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[quote]As to the vote collectors being restricted from voting, I do not believe that would be necessary. If [i]all[/i] the votes cast are sent to each vote collector, then the chance of there being voting irregularities is reduced or eliminated. Even in other types of elections, poll workers are allowed to vote and I see no reason for it to be different here. With the low census that Magic Duel has at this time, each vote matters that much more.

As far as the nominations go, as happened last year, one cannot nominate any of their own characters; all nominations must come from another with a complete disqualification penalty for those who choose to try to circumvent this rule.

A similar rule should be observed for those who wish to vote multiple times from various accounts, eliminating their own chance for an award, any future award, and maybe even the potential publication of the names of all the associated accounts.[/quote]I'll take the first bit and apply that, the other two bits are said more eloquently than i did, and also apply.

List of proposed awards for this year;

Best Back Story
Best Debater
[s]Best Dojo Staff[/s]
[s]Best Drunkard[/s]
Best Fighter
Best LHO
Best Personal Papers
Best [s]Quote[/s] PL Entry
Best Protector
[s]Best PWR[/s]
Best Quest
Best Quester
Best Role Player
[s]Best RPC[/s]
Best Spell Caster
Best Techie
[s]Best Trader[/s]
Best Villain
[s]The Bob Award (for the person doing most in protecting or trying to attack Bob, Zleip excluded)
Least Convincing Alt[/s]
Most Addicted
[s]Most Annoying[/s]
Most Influential
Outstanding Service to MagicDuel
Rookie of the Year (between 20 and [s]80[/s] 100 AD)
Veteran of the Year (must be on active vets list, only winnable once, inserted incase people like the idea)

That's 18 awards there currently, which is 2 more than last year.

*Removed ''Best Drunkard'', inserted ''Best Quester'' and ''Veteran of the Year'', extended AD on ''Rookie of the Year'' to 100 AD.

Edited by Grido
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How about best progressor, i.e. the person who has made the mos progress over the last year, it can be quite an open category as it's open to interpretation. Some people may see progression as combat progression others as RP, it doesn't matter. Either way I think it'd be a good category.


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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Observer' date='03 December 2009 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1259841608' post='49020']
As you can see, they're striped out in grido's post :P aka: They're no longer there.

Damn, so you actually have to read posts? Iv been getting it wrong all this time!

[quote name='Yoshi' date='03 December 2009 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1259842592' post='49021']
Uh... wouldn't best Knight of the Bell/CoE/seeker of enlightenment be highly similar to that of best Guardian of Bob? And best Clown would be tailored to one person I think...

I think we need a "Best Chewett" award :P

[quote name='Gargant' date='03 December 2009 - 12:37 PM' timestamp='1259843839' post='49027']
How about best progressor, i.e. the person who has made the mos progress over the last year, it can be quite an open category as it's open to interpretation. Some people may see progression as combat progression others as RP, it doesn't matter. Either way I think it'd be a good category.


It seems a little too open for my liking, i dont think there will be enought definition to get a clear winner, and then people will just need to ask for people to vote for them, and they will win

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I also find it hilarious how people are advocating awards they want to win.

How about Least Known, Best Lurker, Lowest-Stat Veteran, or Most Humble?

I can't nominate myself for Most Humble, can I?... xD

I agree with Watcher's idea, but I would edit it to "no player may win the same award twice in a row." Still lets Bored defend his title next year. :D

Edited by apophys
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='I am Bored' date='04 December 2009 - 10:01 PM' timestamp='1259964089' post='49153']
wait we need a lowest stats award! because currently i have negative stats from having way to many losses, but spells, and equiptment shouldn't count.


when will the voting start? and who do we "vote" to? Generally who is organising this?

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Let's see:

We have the categories (finally!...I hope).
Now we need 2 more things:
-a topic for nominations
-volunteers to collect the votes

I can take care of the topic (make it, update the nominations etc).

And we need another thing:deadlines. One for the nominations (3 days should be enough) and maybe 1 or 2 weeks for voting.

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Figure i should get the final post in this thread before closing it :D

List of awards for this year;

Best Back Story
Best Debater
Best Fighter
Best LHO
Best Personal Papers
Best PL Entry
Best Protector
Best Quest
Best Quester
Best Role Player
Best Spell Caster
Best Techie
Best Villain
Most Addicted
Most Influential
Outstanding Service to MagicDuel
Rookie of the Year (between 20 and 100 AD)
Veteran of the Year (must be on active vets list, only winnable once)

New topic for nominations and deadlines will be open in a couple minutes.

LE: no polls, i'll explain why in other thread

LE2: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5852-md-award-nominations/"]Nomination thread here[/url]

Edited by Grido
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