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It would be refreshing to see a new batch of winners this year as opposed to seeing the same names as last year.

I propose a small twist to this year's, and every subsequent, ceremony: Any individual who has won an award the previous year is ineligible for nomination, in any category, for the year following.

The thinking behind this is to see more people honored and awarded for their excellence or contributions in certain areas than to see the same people win yet another accolade, whether it be deserved or not. In my experience here, it is the same people lauded repeatedly when there are others who are just as deserving, if not more so, of such praise, but who go unrecognized. This is a chance to encourage those who do great things to continue doing so.

However, with Magic Duel's low census, coupled with the popularity of certain people and their characters, I realize this might not be an option for all or any of the categories, or that it might meet with strong opposition by, or from specific entities within, the general population.

It is still something to be considered.


[quote name='I am Bored' date='29 November 2009 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1259526889' post='48727']
if you did that then a person couldn't attempt to defend their title!
They have already achieved recognition and have been rewarded, what "defense" need take place?


If the proposed idea does not merit inclusion in this or future tributes, then simply do not institute such a mechanism.

It would be more interesting to see a wider range of people recognized for contributions than to see the same individuals celebrated repeatedly.

  • Root Admin

Here is my opinion on each of the previous rewards

Firstly i think these rewards should stay, as they seem
Best Back Story
Best Role Play
Best Personal Papers
Best Villain
Best Techie
Best LHO - seems an ok reward
Outstanding Service to MD
Rookie of the Year
Best Protector
Best Protector

Best PWR - I think should be removed so we dont just have a best Pwr and we have more larger catagories that would fit into this, like Roleplay, Papers and Back story

Best RPC - obviously should be removed

Most Addicted, Best Quote- there have been few quotes added, so i feel this should also be removed

Best Dojo Staff - There has been no real "SG" movement like the dojo was, it seems to have failed a bit more than the dojo did, due to Shadows lack of time, This is why i think the reward will only bring out people who want to try and win it

And finally, Guess who will complain about these rewards

Most Annoying, Least Convincing Alts - I do not see these are real rewards, it merely encourages something that i personally dont want to see, alts and annoying people. And also, these rewards are not likely to change over time, which means there will be continual rewards for these people. It was funny seeing people get them, but it seems pointless to have them again. They just seem to mock the other worthwhile rewards

So please, Iab and Lib come to defend those "rewards" i can see from your posts you only want to keep them, and i dont think they are real rewards in comparision and therefore should be removed.

Why create an award wherin you win all the time? It makes the entire rewards a laugh


That award i want kept because i want to see if i got it again, as i'm not that sure that i have been as annoying this year, and i was nominated and had no idea i was going to win that last year, and i wasn't even the one that suggested it, but i think that all catagories should stay, unless it is impossible for them to be judged, as with the rpc's, and to just add new catagories, as if there are more catagories, more people can win, and more can feel good about winning, and it allows the announcing of the winners of them to be grander, which is always a good thing, and there is always the chance another may have overtaken me, and that is my main interest in keeping the most annoying award.


Going through the Pls entries I found some quite funny. I was wondering if we should change the funniest quote award to funniest Pl entry award. And use the entries we have so far.


It's nearly christmas again and that means it's end of year awards time.

So here's the plan.

Today (december 2nd) - December 9th: Suggest categories
December 10th - Decmeber 13th: nominate (Yes only three days, I know)
December 14th - December 18th: vote
December 20th: Ceremony

I know it's very short notice but this is the best I can do.

good luck!


[quote name='Gargant' date='02 December 2009 - 09:13 AM' timestamp='1259766820' post='48899']
It's nearly christmas again and that means it's end of year awards time.

So here's the plan.

Today (december 2nd) - December 9th: Suggest categories
December 10th - Decmeber 13th: nominate (Yes only three days, I know)
December 14th - December 18th: vote
December 20th: Ceremony

I know it's very short notice but this is the best I can do.

good luck!

Best Frog Spell Caster - Zleiphneir
Best Female Role Player - Windy
Best Male Role Player - Thomas the Titan


Garg...the subject was debated (and still is) in another topic:


Take a look and share your thoughts.


[quote name='Gargant' date='02 December 2009 - 05:33 PM' timestamp='1259767987' post='48906']
I'd like to keep the 'outstanding service to MD' award from last year and dedicate it to last year's winner Calyx of Isis.

Excuse me... Calyx was not in MD this year ..so this i found out of date. Not that the paper is on date..considering last release and the months between them...


Merged the topics together, i see no reason for two threads about the same thing, gets too confusing

Posted (edited)

Best protector : Pamplemousse, who else would have their own TEAM CITRUS dedicated to her, definitly rewarding of this, a LOT of people will agree

Nicest Person: MEEE! lol ...no..joking.. :P

Most Confusing/(um something to do with looking further in the game, not just on its surface)
: Peace ... simply coz of those ANNOYING yet brilliant storys you like to tell.

Best Quest: now i got to say cutlers parallely thingy, how awesome is that??

MD Entertainer : kyphis the bard

Most miserable/troublesome : lol can think of one name for this ;) seriously not gonna say though, sure your all thinking the same :)

Most helpful MP3 - Fawe

Edited by Asterdai

[quote name='dst' date='02 December 2009 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1259766644' post='48898']
Going through the Pls entries I found some quite funny. I was wondering if we should change the funniest quote award to funniest Pl entry award. And use the entries we have so far.
I second this, amongst others because a whole page of posts is ignoring it and people have short memories in my observations.

Also, doesn't it make more sense to decide on the awards before nominating people? Even if you blame the merge with the other topic, that topic clearly has distinct times for category debate and nominations!


And once again, another case of akasha not getting all the facts before she publicly attacks my suggestions.


DEDICATED to calyx.

She doesn't WIN the award.

For example, every year someone wins the 'Ivan novello' award, he died years ago but somebody else wins it. It is still dedicated to Ivan novello.



Not that i commented anywhere, but i was planning on starting the vote this weekend, as people have pretty much decided that there aren't really any additional awards from last year and have been discussing it for about a week now

Posted (edited)

Can someone make a list of the Awards please? Also, several new awards have been proposed this year. Will they be included or we'll stick to the ones from the last year?

Edited by dst
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