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Md Awards 2009

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Yes, again, why DEDICATE an award to someone that did something that did not lasted at least 1 year ? something that vanished with the player identity ? And vanished at the beginning of this year, not the ending ..at least so you can say 'this year'

Outstanding work is osmething that lasts for more then 1 year, and in it's original form...but i might be wrong at this..as my standards are very exigent :P

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I agree with Akasha on this. There are people who try or do outstanding work within MD, that still carries on. Let's face it, dojo is dead (replaced by the Sparring Grounds with new rules, members, advisors etc) and the Univercity has been quite for many many months. This is not a personal attack to Calyx, I enjoyed the character in and out of MD, but that does not confuse my judgement on these matters. Calyx did something in MD while she was here and got rewarded for it. Dedicate it to her is just too much for me. Of all people, I think it is Mur who has done something worth dedicated to him otherwise we wouldn't even be here discussing about MD Awards, for without him there would not be any MD thus no awards. Just my two cents here.

Give the award to any the people deem worthy of having but at least do dedicate it to someone who has done some really hard work on this subject. Not just one year, but four so far and perhaps a little more.

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List of proposed awards for this year;

Best Back Story
Best Debater
[s]Best Dojo Staff[/s]
Best Drunkard
Best Fighter
Best LHO
Best Personal Papers
Best [s]Quote[/s] PL Entry
Best Protector
[s]Best PWR[/s]
Best Quest
Best Role Player
[s]Best RPC[/s]
Best Spell Caster
Best Techie
[s]Best Trader[/s]
Best Villain
[s]The Bob Award (for the person doing most in protecting or trying to attack Bob, Zleip excluded)[/s]
[s]Least Convincing Alt[/s]
Most Addicted
[s]Most Annoying[/s]
Most Influential
Outstanding Service to MagicDuel
Rookie of the Year (between 20 and 80 AD)

belated @ dst, if they help a lot but arent LHO's, send me their names :D

That's 18 awards there currently, which is 2 more than the 16 last year.

Edited by Grido
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Should I not log in till this is over? I'm 80 AD atm xD

Awards I'd not agree with:
The Bob Award and Best Drunkard. Because both of them are to specified and already covered by best Role Player. I think all the others are general enough through.

EDIT: When's the AD's measured? And why 80? I'd say 100 :D

Edited by Observer
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Question: Best quest or best quest-er? Cause i remember Kafuuka saying something about it but my memory might fail me...

LE:Kafuuka proposed it not Lifeline.
Sorry, I have memory issues.

Edited by dst
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It's intentionally Best Quest. Quester can be added as well, but apart from quest creators, nobody would be able to vote on it really, as they wouldnt know.

The AD is that cos i havent changed it from last awards, if people want the age to change then i dont mind too much.

As a note, i havent really evaluated if those are good or bad ideas, just listed the suggested ones which hadnt been rejected by other people.

LE: At this point, could a couple people message me if they want to help collect votes, that doesnt mean replying in this thread, it actually means pming me. Vote collecters cannot vote themselves. Having more than one vote collector means that there's not going to be any tampering of the votes. Votes should be sent to all, except if one is one of the judges, they would then not be messaged.

Unless there are any altarations/objections to that?

Edited by Grido
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Yeah, I agree with Obs: The Bob Award is too exclusive and RP related (and we already have that). Not to mention it discriminates :D. Why not a Best Anti-Bob Award?
Most Influential (as in the one who had influenza most of this year? :P) is not that good also since it can be interpreted in sooo many ways.
The rest...I think they are ok.

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lol, Bob award is stated as being both for and against bob :D

Since it's people voting, then it'd be up to them what counts as influential, so i was thinking that broad interpretation would be a good thing, if you disagree, suggest ones to cover each area within it?

If people still dont want these, i'll remove

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It says "protecting or trying to attack bob", still, it's only that exclusive group of RP which is already covered by best RP award... We could have a dozens of fight rewards and RP awards if these awards come through that would be of the same "importance". And I'd greatly appreciate it if the age thing is stretched to 100... Not only because it'd save me from not logging onto observer on next couple of days (and in the process creating an uber MP3/4 :D) but because there is so few new players around, currently the entire tutorial etc. is being reworked because too few stay and the gates have been closed for a while. 20-80 might become 10-120 or even more... Unless someone has a severe grounded objection to that.

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I agree with Observer on the Rookie of the Year.

I have 79 active days right now.. (not saying I will get nominated or something like that) and I know some people that have active days (I guess) ranging from 80-100 that would make great nominees! :D

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[quote name='Grido' date='02 December 2009 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1259786886' post='48963']
It's intentionally Best Quest. Quester can be added as well, but apart from quest creators, nobody would be able to vote on it really, as they wouldnt know.[/quote]
Is that really a problem? The same applies for other categories. The problem is you only know about your own quests and that's only if they passed the first stage, not if they got stuck while reading the Q page. I admit, sometimes I read a Q page and have no idea what it is about and what to do next. I kept scores for people who did my quests, so if any were nominated I know who to vote for.

Does this work with nominations, and does everybody get to nominate everybody except their alts?

@dst: please don't confuse me with Lifeline.

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Like i said, Quester can be added as well, i have no objection to it.
As a side note, just because you kept scores doesnt mean others did...

Each person would be able to vote for one person per category, no alts are allowed to vote.

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[quote name='Liberty4life' date='02 December 2009 - 11:34 PM' timestamp='1259789670' post='48973']
best drunkard? eh? since when alcoholics are to be praised? doesnt it gives.. a bad image of society?

Best drunkard, as in tar 'n feather him and show him to the world, with a big ''WRONG'' sign tied on his back.
Now, seriously, I proposed the drunkard section without knowing anyone would take it seriously.
Since it was taken, I'll stick with it. Much of the community action happens in pubs, and such character would shouw a society as it is, not a cosmeticized face of a world that cannot or would not accept consequences for what those living in it do.

It is wrong to praise alcoholism, yet it would be wronger to close eyes and pretend that doesn`t happen.

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Well, I believe everyone should have the same chances in winning anything, even if they did win the same thing before.
If it`s all about votes, then it should be a chance for anyone.
If there`s gonna be a jury, then those who won before should be left out, like the Nobel Prize.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Observer' date='02 December 2009 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1259790883' post='48978']
If you want chewy, we can add a category "Best veteran (age 700+)"But I'm afraid mur would wipe the floor with you... :P


i just feel that most annoying player and worst alt whatever are awards specifically designed for them, which seems a little counter productive to the whole award process, but it seems no one else thinks that so ignore me

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That is why I proposed the idea of eliminating any previous winners from attaining yet another trophy for having accomplished or contributed little. Categories such as "Least Convincing Alt" and "Most Annoying" were made specifically for two players and they are the ones who will win each time.

You are completely correct in that "achievements" such as these should not be honored and should be removed from the pool of possible nominations and awards.

As to the vote collectors being restricted from voting, I do not believe that would be necessary. If [i]all[/i] the votes cast are sent to each vote collector, then the chance of there being voting irregularities is reduced or eliminated. Even in other types of elections, poll workers are allowed to vote and I see no reason for it to be different here. With the low census that Magic Duel has at this time, each vote matters that much more.

As far as the nominations go, as happened last year, one cannot nominate any of their own characters; all nominations must come from another with a complete disqualification penalty for those who choose to try to circumvent this rule.

A similar rule should be observed for those who wish to vote multiple times from various accounts, eliminating their own chance for an award, any future award, and maybe even the potential publication of the names of all the associated accounts.

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[quote name='Chewett' date='03 December 2009 - 07:32 AM' timestamp='1259821942' post='49007']

i just feel that most annoying player and worst alt whatever are awards specifically designed for them, which seems a little counter productive to the whole award process, but it seems no one else thinks that so ignore me

As you can see, they're striped out in grido's post ;) aka: They're no longer there.

And "best drunkard" imo still WAY to specific, if it's going trough I want categories like "best jester" "best rit" "most creative rit" "strongest fighter"(yes, very different from best fighter) "best Knight of the Bell" "best clown" "Best seeker of enlightenment" "best CoE" "best observer" (:P)"best archivist" "most helpful GGG trainer" "best king/queen" "worst fighter" "best hider" I'd say, all of those have roughly the same amount of "coverage" slightly less or a lot more.

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