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Random Giving Spree!


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So way back in December I got into a conversation with Aelis.

We spoke about how December was so pleasant, because everyone was giving and receiving with joy. The question was then posed, "How could we make this happen at a random time in a random month?"

So we decided on a date (today) that we would start a random game. The rules are as follows:

1. If you receive a present, then it is your turn to give something to someone else.
2. Post what and to whom you give your present right here.
3. Try and be generous!

Aelis and I will both be started threads. You can start any threads you like as well.

The first thread is: Reindrach to Sparrhawk.

(if you wonder why, it was random. I was at the Berzerker's Way and so was he.)

Let the random giving begin!


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Hello everyone! This is my part of the giving spree! I am glad we are finally doing this. -_-

I gave one gold coin to Shemhazaj, and I also offered a Bloodpact archer, but he could not accept, so I will give the Archer to the next person that receives a gift (if they want, of course)!

Keep the random giving alive!


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That is the purpose of the forum posts. We know who gets what, and so we also know where the thread breaks down.

A social experiment, no? Are you willing to risk being looked down by us by not giving anything? I know I would feel wary of someone if they kept their gift without doing anything. Something to keep in mind.


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Oh may, thank you ladytwin, thy words are worth far more than silver. -_-

Let me think...in crature-departement I dont have anything of worth to pass forth, but instead I am offering to provide a random newby who would contact me with a creature from Loreroot (useful for those who dont have acces to Loreroot yet)and a service to whomever would so choose, as I offer to draw something that the person would wish to be drawn for her/him/it. Msg me, to receive...

Thats the best that I could come with at this point...

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Totenkopf recieved a heavily tokened chaos archer, Great idea by the way -_- I checked in as I do regularaly unfortunately RL issues have me with very limited access at the moment hopefully this shall change soon but I am glad to have checked in today Thankyou Awiiya :) and enjoy Totenkopf whome i just picked at random when i ventured to the GoE.

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[quote name='Sparrhawk' date='21 February 2010 - 05:10 AM' timestamp='1266721835' post='54866']
Totenkopf recieved a heavily tokened chaos archer, Great idea by the way :) I checked in as I do regularaly unfortunately RL issues have me with very limited access at the moment hopefully this shall change soon but I am glad to have checked in today Thankyou Awiiya :) and enjoy Totenkopf whome i just picked at random when i ventured to the GoE.

Thank you Sparrhawk :)
dst, by virtue of being the first in the list at GoE when I came back home from a Circo Loco party (probably the most random selection I can do in my current state -_-), received the gift of a Pimped Grasan with Dark Sky - share and enjoy! :)

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[quote name='eigger' date='21 February 2010 - 01:34 PM' timestamp='1266755678' post='54887']
i want to join please count me in

Wow, that is like .. very selfish...
Maybe you need to give something yourself first, you got plenty of stuff, dont you?

If you really want something, I would be more than happy to give you a kick in ---[i]Fill in desired place[/i]---

Edited by Prince Marvolo
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I want to be known that Crazy Mike gifted me with Deer Hide boots just cause I am LHO ^_^ (it is unrelated to this 'events' but I figure that is it proper to post it here, due to nature of this topic :P)

felt bad that I don't have nothing interesting and symbolic enough to give in return, I gave him 15 silver coins, altough he never asked for any

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Perhaps the lesson of the day (and the one I was hoping to prove) is this:

Everybody has good in them. With a small gift of random kindness most anybody will return that favor to someone else. So now perhaps we should take away the idea that no good deed goes unnoticed, and one day perhaps the chain of that good deed will come right back, when you most need it.

Give a little, get a lot. You never know who you will inspire.


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