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Md Creature Card Game


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[b]MD Creature Card Game[/b]

The MD Creature Card Game is a 2-player card game based on the Top Trumps play system. Each player has a hand of cards drawn from the complete deck which are based on the creatures within MD. The game has been developed (and coded) to be played within MD from clickables and hopefully will be both enjoyable and instructive as a new form of play/combat to complement the ones already available within MD.

[b]Creature Cards[/b]

Each MP level 3/4/5 have a default set of 16/32/48 cards which are automatically available. These are the default cards for each MP level. None of the max levels for the creatures are included in the default MP decks.

All of the premium, rare creatures, and max level basic deck creatures can be added by using the partial CTC for the appropriate creature. Until a CTC has been added for a creature type only the creature type name is displayed on the deck builder page. Once a CTC has been activated the enabled levels are shown in orange and the CTC used to activate that creature is shown to the right. This CTC can then be used to reactivate any cards which were dropped.

[b]Play Deck[/b]

The system will deal out 20 to 40 cards depending on your MP level.

MP2/3 receive 20 cards
MP4 receive 30 Cards
MP5/6 receive 40 Cards

1/2 of the cards are taken from the creatures activated in your deck.
1/2 of the cards are from the default deck for your MP level.

If you don't cancel one of the default cards it can be picked twice once from your active cards and once from the default deck. For CTC activated only cards you will never have a duplicate.

These cards are then shuffled and distributed between the computer and player. The player gets to choose first in every new game.

Clicking an activated (orange) creature on the deck builder page will drop that creature from your deck.


The player to go first chooses the ‘best’ statistic (usually the highest) from their top/current card, e.g. “Vital Energy: 2400”. The computer player then compares the SAME statistic for its top card to yours. Whoever has the best or highest value wins and places those two cards on the bottom of their card pile. They can then choose a new statistic for the next round.

During a round, if 2 cards ‘tie’ for a particular statistic then a tie is declared and no cards are exchanged. The other player then chooses a statistic from the next card in their deck.

[b]The first player to win all cards is the winner of the game!

Other notes:[/b]

In the MD CCG we also worked to avoid giving spoilers and there for you will only see the base stats for each creature as you play them. Note that MP2/3 and MP4 players will only see some of the Base stats and not all. Only MP5 players can see all base mp stats when playing.

MP 2/3 can see the following stats [b]Vital Energy, Attack, Defence and Initiative[/b]
MP4 can see all of the above plus the [b]Power [/b]stat
MP5/6 can see all of the above plus [b]Regeneration[/b]

At each MP level the computer player plays differently based on the available statistics. As you get more proficient with the game the computer gets harder to beat. The more wins you gain the more challenging it will be to win. The game is designed to be as much fun as possible and each new round is made up of a different set of cards to play. There are over 145 cards in total with more to be added as they become available. As you play, your wins/losses are recorded. The more wins you accumulate, the more complex strategies the computer will use.

The MD Creature Card Game can be found at the combat arena which is located in the Marin Bell Astral Plane to the left of the Marin Marble Stairs. Once you enter the arena (and the game has been officially released) there will be a link to start the game there. There are entrances to the astral plane at many locations around MD, including, the GoE, Marins Roundabout, Sages Keep, Paper Cabin, and many other clickables (try Cutlers puzzle arcade links since there are enter astral plane links in some of them as well).

This game was developed in collaboration between Yrthilian (the King of Golemus) and Cutler (the MD Puzzle Strategist). Keep a look out for new additions and possibly even a competition with this game in the future.



Edited by cutler121
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[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='26 February 2010 - 03:43 AM' timestamp='1267155815' post='55259']
Let me know if there are any creatures you need the data on, I have the data for More than 75 creatures and that is growing weekly.

Go check out what is there already, I put up the link to play earlier so it is accessible. This week the game is there for people to test out and if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to leave them here.

In a week or so, there will be a competition starting with rewards for people playing the MD CCG. Take the opportunity now to practice so you are ready next week when the competition is announced.



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who says that the card have to resemble actual crits?
Imo, full of spoilers, and not even that much fun... i like your logic-games a lot more, that one is just too easily beaten -.-

Edited by Burns
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This games is just or fun for now.
Yes we do hope to create a competition out of this
there are lost more features we can put in place for
the MD CCG. The reason for the release now is to find out
how the public react to it.

In regards to the easiness of the game
keep playing the system will adapt to you :P

In regards to any one thinking it is spoiler-ish
i will point out the MP3/4 don't get to see all of the cards
It is only at MP5 that you get to see them all.

We used only the base stats of the creature and nothing of their
abilities and what they target. just the 5 base stats. I believe
this is not spoiling what the creatures are or what they do.

Hope you all enjoy the game
also any feed back is always welcome.


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I played a bit with it, and i honestly think that some of the creatures mp3 can play with shouldn't be available, e.g i stumbled upon chaos archer, wind egg, max imp aramor, and lvl 5 ele, including their attack, init and defence stats... When i was younger, i was told off for telling people that eles had decent defence and archers were fast, without even going into actual numbers... even when archer is outdated info by now, i still think that there's simply too much spoiler on that game, and not only for mp3, but also for mp5, like windy, dream mutation and angien stats :/

It's a cool database, though LOL

And about the AI... i won like 19 games in testing, and even won when i didn't choose a good stat, but simply randomly clicked...
And i noticed that the AI still, after getting beaten 15 times in a row, picks stats that its creature has a plain 0 on when it wins too many rounds in a row, it doesn't even try to win -.-

You know, it's really impressive that you _can_ do such things, most people couldn't even read the code for that, but it's nowhere near as interesting as a big anti-maze, or the puzzles from good old what number am i =(

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[quote name='Burns' date='26 February 2010 - 10:38 AM' timestamp='1267180702' post='55278']
I played a bit with it, and i honestly think that some of the creatures mp3 can play with shouldn't be available, e.g i stumbled upon chaos archer, wind egg, max imp aramor, and lvl 5 ele, including their attack, init and defence stats... When i was younger, i was told off for telling people that eles had decent defence and archers were fast, without even going into actual numbers... even when archer is outdated info by now, i still think that there's simply too much spoiler on that game, and not only for mp3, but also for mp5, like windy, dream mutation and angien stats :/

It's a cool database, though LOL

And about the AI... i won like 19 games in testing, and even won when i didn't choose a good stat, but simply randomly clicked...
And i noticed that the AI still, after getting beaten 15 times in a row, picks stats that its creature has a plain 0 on when it wins too many rounds in a row, it doesn't even try to win -.-

You know, it's really impressive that you _can_ do such things, most people couldn't even read the code for that, but it's nowhere near as interesting as a big anti-maze, or the puzzles from good old what number am i =(

Actually you just played 1 game. After every game you play (not round) the computers player improves in play. The first few games were designed to be relatively easy so new players wouldn't be beaten right off the bat by the computer. After you have played five or six games you should find a noticeable improvement in the computer player as I mentioned in the first post. You only win a game when you have captured all of the computer players cards.

I have also moved six max creatures from the MP3 level (Majestic Winderwild, Lore Archer, Knator Master, Elem V, Chaos Archer, and Imp Aramour III) to the MP4 deck since that makes sense and gives the higher MP4 level players some more benefits over MP3.

All of the eggs are currently at the MP3 level which seems appropriate since getting those eggs is not a matter of mind level.

Only the hatchling levels for those same creatures are available at the MP4 level. To see more advanced "hatched" creatures you have to be MP5.

Any additional comments / suggested improvements are welcome.



PS. Burns, this is a card-style game not a logic game. I appreciate that you enjoy my logic games, but this is geared to a somewhat different audience. Your comments are helpful though and anything further you can suggest to make the game better / (less spoiler-ish) will be given full consideration.

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I agree with Cutler in the statement above.

If i sounded a bit standoffish i apologize for the
as this is something i help in building and well
i get a little defensive when it gets slated a bit :unsure:

Of course as Cutler said all advice and suggestions are
welcome as these do help us improve the system more and

Thank you Burns for your feed back.

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='26 February 2010 - 11:55 AM' timestamp='1267185303' post='55284']
Hm..tried 3 games and won each, what's the limit for computer AI in difficulty, 30 wins?

At present the AI improves from completely random stat choice at 0 games played to a close to optimal strategy (based on a random deck) at around 20 games played. When the MD CCG competition starts you can expect the computer play style to change somewhat to make it a challenge (but hopefully still fun).

The play style and strategies are also different for the 3 MP levels due to the different deck compositions and stats available.



PS I developed several play strategies for the computer, but it wasn't as much fun when the computer always beats you. I hate it when my creations make me feel dumb. :unsure:

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Dannngggg, I was doing good, won 5 games in a row then BAM! He copied my strategy I think, and won every card straight through O_O No time to react lol... awesome card game though. Perhaps a bit spoilerish, but I don't understand when you say you only show the base value to avoid spoilers...

Currently: 5 wins, 1 loss, 4 wins, 1 loss, 4 wins, 1 loss, 10 wins, 1 loss, 4 wins.

Edited by Yoshi
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It's getting considerably harder after a while, once you are ~20 wins ahead, it stops making newbily mistakes, and 25+ are really hard games =)

Now it's real fun, and pretty strategic... Now it's a really great game :unsure:

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The cards to show any of the real abilities of the
creatures or what there target abilities are.
Also the upgrade costs or requirement are not there
the base stats are the

Vital Energy, Power, Regen, Attack, Defense and initiative
those are a basic stat across all creatures some don't have
all of the skills so are marked at 0.

In most creatures cases you can find there stats almost anywhere
within the realm. but we don't show all the skills or abilities

Hope this clears it up a bit


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12:0 so far.
EDIT: Make that 18:0... No, 23:0 ... No, wait, 31:0 ...

Longest winning streak ever? O_o

Even at 30:0 it still makes some noob mistakes.

I found another error - base aramor vit is 330.

Edited by apophys
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I thought up an idea which whilst taking a while the first time you play, would then result in no spoilers.

My idea is to enter CTC-MDC's of creatures you have, to unlock the card and previous levels of the creature, the MD code allows for you to determine the ID of the owner, which you can match against the person entering the game, to ensure that the player actually has those creatures, and isnt just using someone else's CTC's. You then wouldnt have an issue with anyone seeing stats of creatures they dont have, and so removes the issue of spoilers. Just takes a while when you go to start playing the first time.

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[quote name='Grido' date='26 February 2010 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1267226448' post='55365']
I thought up an idea which whilst taking a while the first time you play, would then result in no spoilers.

My idea is to enter CTC-MDC's of creatures you have, to unlock the card and previous levels of the creature, the MD code allows for you to determine the ID of the owner, which you can match against the person entering the game, to ensure that the player actually has those creatures, and isnt just using someone else's CTC's. You then wouldnt have an issue with anyone seeing stats of creatures they dont have, and so removes the issue of spoilers. Just takes a while when you go to start playing the first time.

And what if you don't have any crits because you sacced them?

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[quote name='Yoshi' date='26 February 2010 - 11:41 PM' timestamp='1267227660' post='55367']
And what if you don't have any crits because you sacced them?

Make a "basic" deck with all the normal crits in and add the CTC thing in for the Rare crits like drachorn. I know people would love to know all their details but this is MAJOR spoilers, i wonder what mur would say about it...

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[quote name='Grido' date='27 February 2010 - 09:20 AM' timestamp='1267226448' post='55365']
I thought up an idea which whilst taking a while the first time you play, would then result in no spoilers.

My idea is to enter CTC-MDC's of creatures you have, to unlock the card and previous levels of the creature, the MD code allows for you to determine the ID of the owner, which you can match against the person entering the game, to ensure that the player actually has those creatures, and isnt just using someone else's CTC's. You then wouldnt have an issue with anyone seeing stats of creatures they dont have, and so removes the issue of spoilers. Just takes a while when you go to start playing the first time.
I was actually wondering for a little while, amidst all the other things going on, how this was going to be kept spoiler free, and I think Grido has hit the nail right on the head with this idea. As was said, keep the basic creatures (Barren Soul, Hollow Warrior, Grasan, Grasan II, Aramor, Aramour Warrior, Elemental Egg, Elemental, and Heretic Archer) available, sort of like a "Starter Pack", but use CTC checks to "Expand the Deck".

Also, to avoid people avoiding putting their CTC's in so they can get easy wins, add a counter for the number of different cards in the deck, and make it so that the counter resets back to 0:0 every 5 new cards until the deck has 30 cards, but if possible make it so that a players score is recorded and reviewable by them, perhaps in the format "O:O (## cards)", each time their score gets reset (if they played any games at that interval size). That way people who are new won't feel cheated by loosing their score, or compelled to avoid putting their CTC's in to wrack up massive Win:Loss ratio (although I suspect the computer is actually easier to beat the more diverse the cards are >.>)

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Just an update for this.

We are looking at all suggestions being made and what effects that will
have on the game and the MD system. The CTC's may cause heavy load on
the MD system. but well we are looking into the idea.

I have also email Mur asking for his opinion on the CCG
that request went out on the day of the release of the game.
So far i have not heard anything back from him.

With regards to what people see as spoilers.
Some i know feel any info on stats for creatures is spoiler
some agree there is not to much in spoiler info within the game.
We are changing some of the creature cards to a different level
as in the more rare creatures.

At this moment we are just waiting on feedback from Mur when he
gets a chance.

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